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Explore Michael Jackson's "Thriller" with me! Vocal ANALYSIS of this creepy classic!

Apr 26, 2024
Welcome back to the charismatic voice, it's time we had some Michael Jackson on


channel. There are so many reasons why he is considered a great singer and a great dancer and to facilitate a conversation about that and celebrate Halloween we are going to analyze. Thriller, let's get to it, excuse me, what a nice crunch, oh one thing, I don't know. I was looking for a lot of data on


before. I actually don't know if that Hal was created by a human or a sound effect related to a dog or wolf, if you know, let me know in the live premiere chat or in the comments below this video.
explore michael jackson s thriller with me vocal analysis of this creepy classic
I am so curious. Also, Vincent Price is the narrator of this, which is great overseas. He wasn't that afraid. I want to point out a couple of things that are very interesting to notice about Michael Jackson, even before he sings one of them, is the way that he often has a kind of smile that is useful, that is scary. Look, yes, he is smiling at the girl. night by the way, if you don't remember watching the whole video, it's worth your time. I think this video is like 13 minutes long. It's too long. It was considered innovative to have such a long music video at the time.
explore michael jackson s thriller with me vocal analysis of this creepy classic

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explore michael jackson s thriller with me vocal analysis of this creepy classic...

Michael Jackson had it too. all these plots that become like uh are essentially fulfilled when he has a song in the middle, so his music videos are much more than just a music video, they're a short film that has a music video in the middle, we're just I'm looking at the musical part here because you should really go back and see the whole thing on your own, but notice the smile he has that establishes a


position that he maintains the entire time. We'll talk a lot more about that later. Scared in the dark, so at the beginning of his


line he does this


Michael Jackson like vocal hiccup or this little improvisation, so you hear two sounds that have nothing to do with the words right there, um and Michael.
explore michael jackson s thriller with me vocal analysis of this creepy classic
Jackson was just a pioneer in this area of ​​creating so many sounds that were more than words, that were just vocal expression and I particularly love the vocal hiccups there because it tends to be very exciting, it sounds like he's bubbling on The Voice. I really like it, I wonder what would happen if I did that in an opera performance, maybe I'll try it abroad. I love the way his moves here are essentially an informal dance he's doing. It's like this isn't completely choreographed, but it's with the Walking, they have the tempo, so I think he thought of this and loosely choreographed it before making the music video.
explore michael jackson s thriller with me vocal analysis of this creepy classic
His vocal expression in every word is phenomenal. He moves his singing face a lot to create this wide variety of expressions. even in a single sentence and it will give us tons of tasty little bits. I'm going to go back and talk about all the little sounds. Just dark, it's dark and his voice is low, but it adds a kind of silence in the air. quality, add some airy sheen flowing through the top and now you bring it back with something evil lurking in the dark, the beat, something evil lurking when I do it, it sounds so forced and over the top it makes it . so casual but precise and like it's like a dart in every part of the beat and then it gets this wicked, it focuses a lot more on the sound, less air escapes and that's in direct contrast to that fluffy air coming out of the darkness just After You.
Listen to the way it goes from a really concentrated sound to a very airy sound in a very short time. That's just a different type of scale of a particular aspect of vocal expression. It's just a scale that goes from this point to the end. to the final point and in no time there you have it, there's another cool one underneath and add that uh like a little growl and it sounded like an arytenoid um a function, I think that's definitely where the upper vocal tract is that girl was happening and then on the moon it's totally clean, he also puts a little nasality on the ooh and then takes it off and he even used a breath in there as part of that vocal expression.
Look, it has this combination of beautiful focus on the sound but with a certain feeling of Smooth, it's really cool, but it's so stupid, precise and planned that it gives off the Vibe pill, but in reality it's like a monster of a big plans important organization, so there are so many, like I said, aspects of expression and he's going from the most complete version of that to the most empty version of that, all in a small amount of time before you do it, so I'll come back one more time. Right there, think about that smile I pointed out earlier, the smile it creates. a certain vocal position uh and when I say position there are so many different things that can go into the vocal position that you have right here, that's where your phonation happens, that your phonation is directly affected by how your breathing moves.
He studied the voice at a very, very level. At an early age he got his basics of vocal functionality from singing and since then he continued to add layers of additional expression and perfection on top. It's really crazy how he was able to continue to level up his voice even though he is known for singing. The high notes of most of his melodies are actually located in a not very large range, in fact they are located in such an expressive area that he makes you want to sing. Can you hear how there is a smile behind it that causes a push back?
It has to do with that also some people say uh with a very low drop in the jaw and it's more rounded a little bit darker the way you say it has this shine it also sounds like there's a tilt in the larynx which gives it It's a little less pressure, he gives you a smile at the sound before doing so, as always, he looks you right between the eyes. He now hears the way he added a little more weight to the voice at the beginning of the sentence, so he added something. there's even like a little cry in there, just a little cry and then at the end of the phrase he lightened it up, although he went back to the same pitch and aligned it and essentially brought it more into a kind of lead vocal space.
Run, she loves to sing with consonants, it's like I think man loves to play with sounds, like he enjoys experimenting with all the different shapes a mouth could make and singing through that and seeing what would happen, she tells me. does when I hear it. She makes me want to


singing even more and I'm already a nerd at it. I want to do that. I would like to


voice and singing all the time and he makes me want to do it. That's amazing, you know what? additional improvisations down there that I think he was an inhaling Phoenician, let's go back yeah, he does it on the way in and you hear the breathing continue afterwards right before he starts singing.
I never noticed that you close your eyes. Well, keep an eye out as it passes. that you hear that obvious smile all the time this is just a part of his signature sound he always has an inner smile even if he doesn't show it here he has an inner smile all the time and that's one of the number one things that singers of opera will look to improve their tone, they also look for an inner smile. His whole sound is more like this in the back approach. Opera singers will have more of a dome, but that idea of ​​the inner smile creates a certain extra shine and lift. in the sound that many people consider very attractive, it sounds.
You close your eyes, listen to the way he plays with that rhythm. There she takes a little out of her pocket to give it a little more emphasis. Just imagination. She hurries. I kinda also love the little cry that's there throughout their entire vocal section so far. He's been very adept at navigating between different vocal registers and when I talk about vocal registers I'm really focusing on how a position or how the person is going between ta and CT scan ta being thyroretinoid CT scan being cricothyroid these two are the main muscles that will determine the thickness or length of the vocal cords, which determines the pitch, but just because you're singing higher doesn't necessarily mean you're in a high vocal register.
Sometimes you can sing a high note with a low vocal register and it sounds really powerful and thick and you can sing a low note with a high vocal register and then it sounds very spongy, kind of thin, uh, very effervescent, so there are different ways you can cross your vocal registers for different pitches and Michael Jackson does it all the time . He is so skilled that he has such a wide range of vocal registers. Cruzando only uses registers as a way to color a sound and give it expression. It is not like this. limited by how low or high a vocal register can go, it's really amazing to hear a total master, it's just imagination, listen to the way he holds his voice, this is another part of Michael Jackson's voice that I adore and that's his control over vibrato that can keep something super straight or add vibrato as a way to bring emotion or vulnerability to the voice on all sides, like you hear that nice little vibrato inside and his final consonants, holy cow, are like rubber bands hitting you, they're so precise and Flicky doesn't change, so I think we have a theremin there.
This is the first time I've gone really deep into the


of this song and on the right side it sounded like we had our thumb there for Just A Moment. Like a Halloween


. ring through them I'll save you from the terror on the screen I'll make you see I love the way he added just a little bit of determination there his words are so clear they're almost too clear, we have tons of The shadows' vows mean we have like a schwa vowel that will happen after a consonant scene and he actually uses those shadow vowels sometimes and gives an extra sound because he loves to make extra sounds.
He always pioneered a complete vocal style if people do little. extra sounds in the middle, little hiccups like that, people think they're trying to imitate Michael Jackson these days. I still want to figure out how to turn one into an operatic sound at some point, that would be super fun and I'd really like that too. I love hearing how that sounds in Death Core. Could we have a Death Core vocalist who occasionally gives Michael Jackson hiccups? It would be amazing. Let's make it happen abroad. Hello Vincent. His voice is charming. I want to talk a little about this.
The Rift that is happening below will also last a while and we have been hearing it throughout the song. I think at this point it works and has a funky sound that's easy to take out or bring back. another tune, but there are also plenty of little intricacies so it doesn't get boring. I don't feel like it's too empty, it has just the right amount of simplicity so you can add things to it and complexity so it doesn't get boring. It doesn't get to be a boring neighborhood, so part of what makes a haunted house voice really fantastic is speaking in a very wide range so that people get high and then drop to the lowest lows and have a lot of air in them. sound as well as blood to terrorize your neighborhood and anyone who finds themselves without the soul to get depressed and having a naturally deep voice is very useful for this because you want to have access to a roar, but sometimes it is also great for making it more evil by putting only a full charge. of nasality at the right moments sounds very formal brings together this incredible foreigner.
If you're in the live chat with me, it's not coming out today. I want you to guess how much this music video would cost if they made it today. I'll tell you how. how much it cost then it was $500,000 that's a lot of money how much do you think it would be today I'll let you know next break dentures in the air forty thousand years of funk 40,000 years of funk sorry I'm going to keep it up, you still have more time to answer that question, sorry, Funk of 40. That's it, it's in the air, it's a lot of fun, it's 40,000 years old and grizzly thugs are closing in to seal your doom and even though that Frozen face is almost like Elvis um, I'm going to tell you now that this video today, if they did it, it would be I think there's 1.62 million, yeah, that's a lot for a music video, wow, and the makeup and the costumes. at that moment we were revolutionary again and to that you add the total scope of 13 minutes, it's a short film, it's a full short film that has a music video in the middle, that's it, I'm very impressed by what Michael Jackson did. for the arts in general, it's huge, there's no doubt that he has been one of the most influential people for both music, dance and music videos, and it's also cool how they have composed music throughout the music video .
Even when it's not like the song here we go the spooky strings a lot of half steps here delicious a lot of foreign half steps and that's the end the part I really love of course the Thriller dance guys I love this dance I really love this so much dance that Every year during Halloween time at Lindy Groove in Los Angeles, this is like a swing dance place. On Thursday nights they have the most amazing Halloween party. One of my favorite things at that Halloween party was when a group of swing dancers would come out and do Thriller Dancing like Eve-style swing dancing, it had some nice little turns every now and then on sparklers because people were doing the right thing.
Lindy Hop and it was so much fun. I want to do something like a recreation of this, it won't be nearly as elaborate but I invite you all to send me a video onInstagram, you can find me there, okay, just look for the charismatic voice, send me a video, it could be very short. I just want you guys to do the Thriller move if you know what I do. I'll point it out when we get there, okay? Send me a video of you doing the Thriller movement we are going to make a compilation that we will release a short at the end of October of just a group of people doing Thriller movements charismatic community Thriller the breathing with their movement the movements of the jaw as I think I think their dance has inspired World War Z and well, really all the zombies.
Every time I see this dance I am blown away by the creativity, it's crazy, the way he does so many moves breaks it, of course now that I see it, this is how a zombie would dance. but he had to perform a bunch of different dance moves and basically say how a zombie's broken body would do a dance move like this. I'm coming back. This is so awesome. The mouth movements, though that's the icing on the cake and the relaxation along with Precision imagine a group of swing dancers during this, oh that's cool, there we go, come on, that's a suspense move guys, recreate that and send it to me on Instagram.
Send me a video. Okay, let's do this. I am going to put together a brief compilation of the charismatic voice. Community doing the Thriller move, oh my god again, if Elvis was a zombie, his eyes, his eyes are even iconic and of course a jacket. Wow, I heard that jacket was raffled off or sold for a ridiculous amount of money. I don't remember how much I probably could have paid for the whole music video. Oh, a side note about that video. You're going to send me to Instagram. Yes, you are going to do that. You can do it.
Whether you're in costume or not, you don't actually have to show your face, so just send me the Thriller move, okay, do it. I love the way he dives back in with the voice, it's so good, his voice is so healthy and so precise. and accurate and iconic, all things that I can't say enough about his voice, honestly, I don't think I can say anything bad about his voice. There's that classic Michael Jackson super high note and I swear it sounds so operatic. The way he goes up there is, you know, it tends to be very easy, especially for an operatic transition there and if you take it out of context, you could put it in an opera, but he says no, I'm going to take this. put it in rock and pop and it's very successful, but if you do it within any other genre, right now people say: yeah, that's Michael Jackson.
You're copying Michael Jackson, his sound is just a signature sound, he broke the rules and now if you break the rules too you sound like him, let's go back. I'm actually very curious. I had never paid attention to those layers before. I wonder if you layered them all yourself? Do not leave Me. I love that movement. I love that movement. By the way, it's also really fun to do if you're a guy and you've been having trouble skipping that register change, try it with an ooh vowel, which is one of the most common easy solutions I've found. actually seen working with many male singers get up haunted house run away that makeup is not just the makeup it's his look and the mouth movement is scary so amazing uh zombie noises okay if you want to finish this you will have to see the rest of the movie in History, don't forget to send me your Thriller move on Instagram.
Let's do that build. I want to get tons of those, so send them over. I'm very excited to see what. everyone came up with it and thank you so much for joining me to appreciate Michael Jackson's wit, his vocal prowess, his incredible dance moves and I wish you all a very happy Halloween season. If you want more amazing vocal skills, I'll make a Playlist above, it'll be here. I hope to see you all doing the Thriller Moon dance very soon.

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