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HEZBOLLAH INC. A Global Drug Trafficking Empire? // Documentary (Part I)

Jun 30, 2024
And what the hell, everyone believed that the bomb exploded right next to him, so we thought the same thing, that is, we went out to look for where there is a bomb and then there was no bomb and after a few minutes we saw the smoke coming out of the port. You have to see it, otherwise you won't believe it. A massive explosion that shook Lebanon's Capital Bay route. More than 100 people have died. More than 4,000 have been injured. 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate. Hezbollah is a political


y. It is a social movement. also a massive militia, larger, better armed and better trained than the Lebanese Armed Forces, is an international terrorist organization.
hezbollah inc a global drug trafficking empire documentary part i
Hezbollah made Al Qaeda look like the minor leagues that we determined during Project Cassandra that Hezbollah was operating as a



cartel. We viewed them as one of the largest transnational criminal organizations SL Mafia cartel we have ever encountered hisb is dangerous hisb is big hisb is not 10 feet tall the shadow of Hezbollah lies over the Barut port explosion and any investigation It seems impossible, it is as if this Islamist organization had divine impunity for For 40 years, its members have infiltrated Lebanese politics and have defied justice. These Shiite Muslims dream of establishing Sharia religious law like in Iran.
hezbollah inc a global drug trafficking empire documentary part i

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hezbollah inc a global drug trafficking empire documentary part i...

However, in the mid-2000s, several agents of the DEA, the US Drug Enforcement Agency, secretly attempted to take down Hezbollah. They investigated on four continents, revealing the hidden side of the so-called


y of God before also encountering its untouchable nature. The code name of their operation was Cassandra as the Greek goddess who foresaw misfortune but to whom no one paid attention. Her investigation began in the US in the still smoking ruins of the World Trade Center I am a former agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration known as DEA in the United States. I worked at the DEA for 20 8 years.
hezbollah inc a global drug trafficking empire documentary part i
The Drug Enforcement Administration was formed to be the lead agency in the United States to pursue



organizations. I'm from New York, I obviously saw the devastation of 9/11. My brother was in the United States Air Force. He went to Afghanistan to fight for the country and came back in a body bag because his helicopter crashed during Operation Freedom. I am very passionate about Homeland Security and Public Safety, so I was given a golden opportunity to lead the DEA Special Operations Division after 911. Jack Kelly is a DEA agent. We recruited him to work in the Special Operations Division when he got there.
hezbollah inc a global drug trafficking empire documentary part i
He was working in the Latin American section that focused on Colombia, so he became the team leader. There was a sense of jealousy on the part of others. Yes, because you were in the Special Operations Division, I couldn't say it was elite, but this was it. the backbone of how we were taking down the cartels in Colombia I applied to the DEA uh right when I graduated so all of a sudden you're carrying a gun you've got a badge you're a federal agent you're stationed in New York and you're only 24 so it was a Incredible PR feeling.
This is the battlefield, the RO and this is the enemy. It's a crack epidemic. Most of the kids he was working with were older than me. It almost seemed like I was a pit bull and they would turn me loose and tell me to go find that guy you know and I got into these foot chases in Manhattan, some that lasted 3/4 of a mile. I don't think I've ever failed to catch my prey, so Now I'm a supervisor in the Special Operations Division, the idea is to follow the money, so we are covertly posing as criminals who know how steal money and we would do it for the cartel and that would allow us to infiltrate the cartels until the end. at the highest level because we are doing what your bosses consider the most important: recovering the money from drugs that were sold in places like the Bronx, New York, during the wiretapping investigations in Colombia we were intercepting many conversations in Arabic which was something new for me as head of the Special Operations Division, I didn't really understand it and I had to learn over the years, what was going on, hello, hello, the information that we are receiving is that Hezel, as an organization, has done a presence in Latin America specifically to be involved in the


of cocaine and cocaine money.
One of the top lieutenants is a guy who speaks Arabic and calls himself Taliban. They call it Taliban because they call all the Arabs there after 9/11 Taliban. We do some searching, some quick searches in different databases and we find out that his name is cheze har and that cheze harb was known to people in the United States government. Trey har was directly linked to Iran, hollah and possible terrorist attacks, so what happens is we introduce someone undercover. The agents, one of the undercovers, is that way because he is of Lanean descent. He speaks fluent Arabic and is actually going to meet Czechy in Colombia, so Cze Harb tells the undercover that I move multi-ton loads of cocaine to Port Akaba in Jordan and then it moves through Syria to Lebanon says well, I imagine you must be pretty close in the head then if you're going to move cocaine through Syria and Lebanon cheze harb just smiles broadly and nods yes, yes I am. working with Hezbollah so cheze har tell the undercovers we have a project for you we have $20 million that needs to be more can you do that for us? the undercover says we can certainly do it for you.
Our undercover agent did such a good job of convincing them that he was a really bad guy, they offered him the contract to collect $20 million, which he did. 20 million is a lot of money. I don't know many undercover agents who take 20 million dollars from bad guys now that the Undercover agents seemed to be criminal superstars in Medine's mind, maybe they could run operations in the Middle East, so basically this undercover agent from the DEA was to become Medine's lieutenant in charge of cocaine trafficking and money laundering in the Middle East. We have found this incredible new definitive link between Colombian cocaine trafficking specifically from Medina Dos, an Islamic extremist terrorist organization that killed more Americans than anyone before 9/11, so this was extraordinary, it was a novel idea, but I think which other people in the US government thought was fanciful because they had never heard of it. something like that and basically the party line was that Hezbollah was too religious to get involved in drug trafficking, along with the call to follow in the footsteps of Hezbollah drug traffickers, DEA agents immersed themselves in the bloody and chaotic history of Lebanon, birthplace of the party of God from 1975 bero was torn by a civil and religious war between the different communities Christians, Sunni Muslims, Shiite Muslims, Drews and Palestinians, fought an endless war in June 1982, a new party joined the war, the Israeli army that invaded Lebanon to fight the Palestinians fighting threatened stability in the Middle East French and American soldiers came to keep the peace became the target of a unknown organization that had sworn to rid Lebanon of any foreign presence.
The Dirty War began for the BR round, we imagine it had to have at least 2000 pounds of TNT observed, coming at high speed from the south of the building, crashing into the door and guard post and then detonating inside the lobby. There is a crater down there about 30 feet deep and about 40 ft across the United States it is a suicide bombing it is a message it is we will stop at nothing we are smarter than you you are a big bureaucracy and we can defeat you so that France and the United States were in the same boat at At this point, you know, we were trying to figure out what's happening in Lebanon.
We want to know the names of our enemy. I want a picture. I want to know where they are and how we get to them. Once we find them, we have Delta Force. with whom I work very closely we can go kill them those were my orders War for an intelligence officer really gets your adrenaline going this is in 1982 1983 I was on the border with Lebanon and that was a real fascination because we were at war. You're watching the Israeli planes coming down the Bea, you're driving down the highway and New Jersey is bombing above you these Navy bombs, they were as big as Volkswagen, so that was my entry into the Middle East, their name Bala not era exist in 82, they brought together all the scattered groups, Shiite groups and created a unified resistance.
Remember that 1982 is not exactly 3 years after the Iranian Revolution and for the Iranian Revolution one of the things was the export of the Revolution, the Iranians came to Lebanon and said look, we will help you if you help yourselves and form a group of fight you know how to shoot guns, you know how to blow things up, we will give you the money, we will not interfere, you know how to do it, go and do it. Good morning everyone, this is the third hijacking this week involving Beirut and this time the plane and most of the passengers are from the United States. pwa flight 847 was en route from athens to rome this morning when it was hijacked by suspected shia muslims and forced to fly. to Beirut they are beating the passengers they are beating the passengers they are threatening to kill them now they are threatening to kill them now we want the F now we are standing in front of tww flight 847 just a few meters from the cockpit I I can see Captain John trying frak next to one Of the gunmen in the cabin, how do you feel?
We'll ask you more questions when the engines are off. Distri Captain, can you tell me what happened to you and what is happening to you? Not much is happening to us now, can you talk to them? They speak English? Can you communicate with them sometimes better than others? depends on who is on board quickly quickly Captain many people in America are calling for some kind of rescue operation or I think we would all be dead if they did because we are continually surrounded by many guards. Do you have any information on whether or not the US dwa was the big point man for Hezbollah's early terrorist activities?
Religious person initially served as a bodyguard but later became the head of Hezbollah's terrorist operations in part by being involved in almost everything from the beginning. Here's a guy who was on the CIA's Mossad kill list for many years. mugia was on the plane we found his fingerprint but that was not mugia on the window he would never do that he would never show his face in public never never never never never showed himself to the hostages because he knew that one day he would be released and he did not want to be identified it was a ghost and he knew how to remain a ghost.
I plan to kill him hisbah the Iranians oversaw the most powerful asymmetrical military force in modern history or never forget the French and Americans. They were eliminated by a guy who had about 20 people in history there is nothing that compares to Imad Muger and Hezbollah had won the Americans and the French left Lebanon humiliated and marked by constant suicide attacks and hostage taking, but this war The dirty era of the 1980s left its mark as Washington labeled Hezbollah a terrorist organization and Imad Mug became a Marked Man 20 years later when DEA agents launched Operation Cassandra they thought they could avenge those who had died in Barut. and eliminate his old enemy Imad Mugni infiltrating Hezbollah.
Trafficking networks were organized in Jordan, but CIA agents and American secret services were not happy to see these cowboys on their territory. The Jordanian anti-narcotics police intervened in the interceptions of numbers identified in Jordan linked to the Czech port and what happened was that there was going to be a big meeting in Aman Jordan and at that meeting they told Cheer Harb to introduce the undercover DEA agent to an extremely important member or members of Hez that we were listening to and believed, for various reasons, that Harb was under the guidance and protection. de Maga we are now in a time crunch because the Coverts obviously can't move cocaine with Hezbollah and couldn't launder money for Hezb, so we realize that any evidence we get at this Aman Jordan meeting could be the last chance. and a day or two before the meeting was canceled by members of the US Embassy in Jordan, the undercover agent was not allowed to meet with agents on the ground in Jordan and no real explanation was given that, to be honest, it was Very, very upsetting and very disturbing, there were people in the intelligence community who had 30 years of knowledge about Hezbollah, they were practically looking at the DEA like, how does the DEA know about Hezbollah?
The DEA became like a fly in his soup, the agentundercover approached Czech reh harb Czech reh harb did not speak to him The lives of the undercover DEA agents were now in great danger as head of the Special Operations division that pissed me off the CIA the American secret services had overturned the organized operation Cassandra by the DEA the anti-drug agency this interdepartmental war showed Washington's weakness in the face of this enemy that had grown and mutated in the mid-2000s, Hez was no longer a terrorist faction, it posed as a respectable political party with representatives in The Lebanese Parliament defending the interests of the long-ostracized Shia community elected its new political leader Hassan Nashrah a. cleric trained in Iran in the shadows always underground military leader Imad mug continued to lead the war against Israel which became known as resistance because unlike the Westerners who had abandoned the country the Israeli army still occupied southern Lebanon ISL Islam VI for that you have to look at his Ball, I mean, whichever side you are on, he is Robin Hood, look if you are Lebanese and you are tired of being humiliated, who do you have? he got his balla and that's all Allah allaham mm muhamad fore foree foree foreign speech Allah spe forah fight against politics social welfare provision it's all about creating a culture of resistance of Muk and s they say Islam thinks of nsta robis Pierre incorruptible trying to create a revolution and He has done his best, before he me had for Fore, because why didn't the Israelis kill him with a drone because they can't find him?
He knows about phones, he knows about drones, he knows all these things, he knows how to stay. alive, he is a survivor like Mia, the same mold as Li in the early 2000s, no one in the West noticed Hezbollah expanding its control over Lebanon at the time when the international community was focused on Iraq. The United States had just invaded the country and was facing fierce resistance from many local militias. Of them were Shiites armed and financed by Iran, what the United States did not know at the time was that Lebanese Hezbollah fighters had come to help their Iraqi brothers in the name of Shiite solidarity and the fight against their common enemy.
Satan's Great War began. uh with the war in Iraq and uh my involvement as an advisor to a US Special Operations Command on the ground in Iraq uh against the improvised explosive devices that were called explosive projectiles efps this weapon, the way it was designed had extraordinary ferocity and explosive impact, come here, man look at this, I think I found something, yeah, they're like bombs, look at that thing, a very small tube with a copper plate would produce a huge explosion, enough to cut a M1 A1 tank almost half full, which we have never seen anyone build to do. with any type of normal explosive it was a distinctive weapon, so the fact that it was being used against American forces told me that Hezbollah had to be on the ground.
Hisbah instructors train approximately 20 to 60 Iraqis at a time and send them back to Iraq organized. in these special groups they are taught how to use EFPS mortars, rockets and the intelligence sniper Ander, come out, come out, okay, okay, the explosively formed projectile that was being used in Iraq against US forces was designed by Hezbollah and the man behind creation. The man with this gun was Imad Mcnea, so I started hearing about the president's man. They called him the president's man because he had worked directly for President Bush and the Bush White House. I was concentrating on finances and was aware that a large amount of money involved efp networks in Iraq was derived from cash houses in Lebanon.
Something extraordinary happened. We began to see phone pickers that were linked to funding IED attacks in Iraq and then apparently were in contact with numbers in South America. Do they really mean? Did they mean? Did you want to call Colombia? I said what does this mean? I mean, I like it. This is very strange, but this pattern kept happening. Why are these people in contact? What are you talking about? What are they doing? I suddenly realized that these guys were turning to Colombian drug financing sources to finance their operations on the ground in Iraq. I mean, I felt like a light went on in my head because I was familiar with narcotics trafficking,


money laundering for organized crime.
Drug money at one level or another was making its way, the prophets were making their way into the war in Iraq. Wow, if we could track this money and we could tie it to drugs and then we would go after the drug trade and start taking down the drug business. We could begin to deal a real financial blow to their ability to operate in Iraq. If my orders were to attack this confusing situation and then try to link this to the leadership and the leadership being Imad Mia, so I wanted to go after Hezbollah was developing.
This global capacity and the generation of billions of dollars and we had to take measures to turn to drug trafficking was the greatest gift they could give us, suddenly we had a way to use war, not war, to attack finances of a terrorist organization and when I reported it to chain us to the central communications man to General Allen and through him to General Petraeus they are like shit, it's a great idea, what could we? We couldn't dream of anything better than this because we can't fight. those guys Washington considered Hezbollah's involvement in the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq a declaration of war and relaunched Operation Cassandra.
The DEA had free rein to attack the party of God in the name of National Security and I wanted to go after their money. to go after their networks he wanted to destroy their finances he wanted to go after their banks they had criminalized themselves we needed to reveal that to the world and to their own people

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