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This game is too much fun...

Jun 03, 2024
It's time to track and chill the gum, we also have Rising over here, we'll show him around, we'll do the street race, we'll do a rolling start, okay, I've seen these YouTube videos, rolling starts, uh. I have no idea, but it's self-explanatory. I'm just rolling and then we start, you're a quick load, yeah, that's pretty accurate, alignment next to me, what are you doing, what are you doing, up, yeah, I know how. do


, we're good, once, oh that was a good start, oh you're digressing, I'm not trying to, that's the problem with


thing, where did you get your license? for about two minutes, you can't crash.
this game is too much fun
The minute is up oh no, oh you crashed, your challenge was so one minute okay, I think I did those two minutes and I think you crashed and they should be overtaking, yeah, there we go, I'll see you there, oh we haven't finished, shoot, sorry. Like I was playing like me, where are you, I'm hitting everything, what do you mean, where are you, you still literate me, I hate you, yeah, you didn't feel so good, kind of like I hit a bunch of cars? I don't know you were one of them but stop crashing into a bunch of cars okay then one point goes good one point these are for points here news one ryzen zero okay let's do it honest, okay, two, one cookie, okay, oh, oh, it fell. stop that, two, one, yeah, oh well that was so fast, I can't catch it, catch you, you'll stay in your lane, bro, I didn't mean to do that, am I counting down or is it you?
this game is too much fun

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this game is too much fun...

Your countdowns are horrible three two what Why are you leaving now? Sorry Jesus, stop cheating. I'm in your lane. Okay, yeah, okay. Don't take me out. Well, I see you're pretty close. I always think I'm going to cut it. you go, oh my god, okay, okay, oh my god, friend, two, one cookie, come on, oh, you're fast, I don't understand cheese, I'm going to pass you, oh no, I can't, I'm blocking myself. shut up again you're blocking me oh wait you can't cheat left right away oh that counts as cheating even efficient oh that's an Enders family right I see you, I see it oh there we go and two, yeah, two, one. oh that was good Oopsy Daisy oh my god you're slipping your slime what was that?
this game is too much fun
You can call it two or two right now, just nice, no, no, it's a dnf, we'll do it again, okay, go, well, I'm waiting. I have to get to about 200 kilometers an hour before I can shoot because they will stay away from me, oh my Lord, it's okay, I saw that crash, oh, I just hit the curb, careful, careful, don't hit me, break it. brother, it's very difficult there are so many people there was a there three to one three two one come on no no no come back you were sending it before come on come on there we go that was better I'll go very fast I should Really slower I see you, yes, you should definitely slow down the speed, okay, I can see if your shock columns are there, no, that's forgotten what the score was, what the score was, come one earlier, yeah, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, whoa I thought you were going to scam me. again no, no, no, yes, but it's not always better, you know, I'm catching up with you, I'm catching up with you.
this game is too much fun
God, that was nothing, there's a lot of slower people here, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah, there we go, oh, how about there's a gap that leads to the gap behind you? I feel like you've really won because we're over two minutes in and you're still leading, wait you crashed, yeah the two minutes are up. lost no, I can't just change the time you crashed too true, relax, relax, hold your horses, you get the point, do you want to change the cars to something slower? I absolutely do, essentially what happened is we're doing street racing.
I'm awake. with like four wins or something, no, we traded cars for four, two in my favor, okay, maybe it's hard to tell, but yeah, someone has four for two, pretty easy to say, hey, new car, this thing it handles differently so I already crashed. God, what are you doing resin? Okay, come on, come on, yeah, come on, come on, two, one, you didn't understand me, it's a lot harder to tell when I'm in a slower car, okay, come on, one, okay, they're a little bit the same, very. same but my shifts are faster oh okay, I'm going to push, yeah, here we go, I'll let you, you didn't let me, I just pushed, you know, no, I didn't like it when I broke a little. a little bit taking a cut where are you going? there was no gap no, well, I made one, okay, I'm getting close, right?
The only reason I might need mirrors is to see you from behind oh no I'll do it just about to pass okay send it as fast as you can send it as fast as I can oh wait it actually worked that didn't It wasn't even close, how am I supposed to say it? I wasn't close, buddy, you fell for the famous Goose debate, check. yes, do it at once, yes, pretty


the same. I'm going to go on the right side. I'm coming, jeez, I'm right there, oh, I guess. Lane, okay, we'll call it dnf, okay, get ready for the next one. okay let's go here let's go okay we are very even from the beginning you are a little faster okay give me your room giving your room thank you I appreciate that I'm going to the left I'm going to the left too oh oh I'm still there I'm going here, take it easy, you don't have to step the brakes, okay, we're doing great, oh, same thing, oh, you crashed first and we both crashed. click, oh yeah that works, the clutch kick works, but I don't know how to do the clutch kick.
I've never been behind you, this is so weird, I usually crash, okay, okay, oh, that perfect diamond, perfect diamond, what did you just say? go Shock Cake what's the score on this I think it's like five two wait yeah so it's six two right you're behind uh of course I'm behind isn't it by a lot? Although oh my god, are you okay, no, no Not even whoa, what was that? What was that? I don't know, but it seems like you crashed for me, get out of here, brother. I think it should have three points right now, although you have q and yes, yes.
Kill you, Conkey, let's cut one down, no, yeah, why don't we cut one of yours down? No, I like my points, it's okay right now, it's okay Q, stay there, three, two, one, stay in your lane, well, I won't have a choice soon. Good guy, wow that was crazy until he won, oh that's a decapitation boom. Oh, 30 seconds, boy, okay, I crashed, you cried, oh beautiful, I crashed, oh, oh, did you crash? I was lying, I didn't crash, let's change cars, okay, come on, it's pretty


the same. car actually oh oh yeah stay in your lane okay get up, take it, take it, yeah, there's a there's a gap, you found your boy, there's a guy running around all over the road up there, you see him, yeah, yeah, eight, two, easy, I thought this.
It was going to be a lot easier when we started playing this. I'm going, okay, whether you like it or not. Yes, I give you space. Thank you. I apreciate it. It was a good pitch on your part this time. Boy, can you stop cheating. It was an accident oh god, I'm drifting, I'm really throwing the 360. wow, oh, that was a good lunch, I'm coming, oh god, yeah, they're probably blocking us, oh, no, sneak away from it, yeah, oh, it gets tight here oh. Oh my god, you weren't kidding, oh, it's stuck there, okay, looks like you did a barrel roll, yeah, yeah, yeah, you got your point, okay, let's go 84. right now we double the nothing, the next double or nothing.
You'll take that double nothing, you have a chance to win it all, but again, if I win this one, you're done, I'll take it because you know what the best odds are that I've had all day. count down, are you ready, yeah, one, okay, it was pretty fast, yeah, I left the gas a little bit, okay, don't worry, I forget there's a little delay, yeah, I'm going, okay, there's no place, there's no place, here we go. Don't crash, don't crash, don't hesitate, okay, you're actually doing pretty well. Wow, that was good, no, no, no, no, no, I just touched my tire on the sidewalk, that's allowed, yeah, okay, okay, that's right. um, that's not right, that's a write-off.
All I'm going to say is this settles it guys number one pro Mega just God like a street racer coming into the house okay Daddy Goose but anyway guys if you enjoyed this video, be sure to do so. Like, be sure to subscribe, and as always, Ryzen stays on the sidelines.

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