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I Know You're Angry, So Am I...

Jul 03, 2024
Hello everyone, I'm Rick Biato. Well, I want to address some of the comments and emails I received in response to my last video. The real reason music is getting worse. I'll only read two that just arrived. They are right. a row an old man talking about how they don't make music like before or how music changes the reason you don't like it is because you're getting older when I have people on my channel like Mato manuso or Matas assado or basic moini day or even to and Abasi playing these crazy licks they don't play music like nobody used to there are contemporary musicians who have reinvented the instrument or if I listen to a snare drum piece like brandenberg's concheros that were written between 1708 and 1721 not during my lifetime not during the life of my parents not even during the life of my great-grandparents well, maybe the life of my great-grandparents I'm not sure if you


that my mother loved the opera Madam Butterfly by Pini It was written in 1904 now that my mother was born 1925, When do you think he found out about that piece?
i know you re angry so am i
There were no recordings back then, maybe she heard it on the radio in the '40s. She didn't have a record player until the '50s or so, when she married my father, she probably saw it. on television in the 60s has nothing to do with your generation, it's just when you discovered the piece, just like we discover things every day, whether they're written today or in the past, most of you who are writing this . comments Rick stuck in the past you don't


what's on the charts right now I'm the one doing the Spotify top 10 countdowns do you know those songs if it's new to you it's new if it was written in 1824 like Mass salness of Beethoven? that you should check out or if it's Mozart's Symphony in G minor that was written in 1788 or if it was Charley Parker's Coco that was recorded in 1945 if it's new to you, it's new, it doesn't matter what generation, so I don't . buy all that crap and then there's Rick, you're just anti-technology, that's ridiculous.
i know you re angry so am i

More Interesting Facts About,

i know you re angry so am i...

I am anti-technology. I have a YouTube channel with over 4 million subscribers. I have more than a million followers on Instagram. I make videos using all the latest software I use AI all the time all the time all the time I use the latest DAW software and plugins I guarantee I'm more tech savvy than the Jokers writing the comments I don't care how old they are The point From the first part of the video, music is too easy to make, it's that people rely on using technology to fix things or compensate for the fact that they don't want to waste time getting better at something, whether it's playing. an instrument recording or they just don't want to spend the years necessary to become good enough to record things without the help of all the different things they need to fix their bad performances, whether it's timing, tuning or whatever, none of this matters There's a much bigger problem with music right now.
i know you re angry so am i
People don't care about music as much as they used to and that's a big statement, if you don't believe it, here are the receipts. Let's take a look at Google Trends. This really measures. Real search traffic on Google for specific topics if I write music in 2004, music was 100% and where is it now? It's down to 25%, so search traffic on the topic of music has dropped 75% in the last 20 years, well maybe that's just certain types of music, how about pop music? , that's probably most of it, let's look at that, yeah that's bad too, what about other genres like hip-hop?
i know you re angry so am i
Oh that's really bad, maybe country music is doing better. I'll look in the United States because that's where people listen to country music. Well, country music is down 50%, but after that it stays pretty constant. What happens with the art? It's different than music, which is down 60%, so I guess people don't care about art or music if they don't. They don't care about that, so what they care about must be video games. No video games are actually very low too, but they hit 100% search volume in 2012. Why? Because Minecraft came out on November 18, 201. That's why, and it's more or less.
It declined from there, well what's actually on social media is at an all-time high right now social media is what people are on they're on Tik Tok they're on Instagram they're on YouTube shorts but they practice music or they listen to music or look up things about art or playing video games that they aren't doing. I called one of my friends who is a music teacher to ask him how many of your students only play during their lessons, meaning they never practice during the week, they only play in their lessons and he says oh that's 100% easy. and that applies to any of my children, friends, parents, when I ask them that question, they tell me that their children don't practice, they go to their lessons every week without having played their instrument and I know it right now.
There are thousands of music teachers watching this who are saying: Yeah, that's almost all my students too, why aren't they learning instruments and why is video game use declining because it takes work and they don't want to put in the effort? because it's so much easier to just open your phone and put on Tik Tock or shorts from YouTube or Instagram and swipe up swipe up Swipe up every time you see a phone held up where's my phone? I have my phone, I see I don't even have my phone it's because every time you see a phone in this position they are on social media, if their fingers move like that they are not taking pictures, kids don't even take pictures, well they do for Snapchat, but another thing is that they waste time. in I Know I Sound Like an Old Man Yelling at Clouds Now, So in the other part of the video about music consumption people say Rick, you're just not listening to the right kind of music.
Oh, really people are less interested in music because it's boring. For them, that's what I think, unless there's a video attached that's 15 seconds long. I'm not saying that all current music is bad and that people don't like it. I am very aware that there are great bands and artists today. but my point is that they are not what's popular now these artists live relatively in the dark, it's that popular music is getting worse and that was my whole thesis and the data doesn't lie now you can interpret it however you want but my experience is interested on Music is declining just because some of you are young and watching this, that doesn't mean I'm out of touch at 62, we have young people that work here every day like Tom Tom, you're 27, yeah I do HE.
There are a lot of music nerds out there that are saying what are you talking about Rick, we listen to music a lot more than ever you're just out of touch it's like you just look at the data now I don't know what the answer is to this. I just made these videos. I would love to know your opinion. Leave a comment. Subscribe. Thanks for watching.

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