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I took TommyInnit swimming in real life…

May 25, 2024
So who would it be? No, how is Phil treating you? He


ly loves each other no no by the way if you enjoyed this video make sure you hit subscribe it helps me a lot and sometimes YouTube cancels them and they don't even do it. Realize, so make sure you subscribe and you weren't already subscribed. Subscribing supports me a lot and helps me create more content like this, so if you liked this video make sure to hit subscribe, it's totally free, I appreciate all your support and enjoy the video. Let me explain a little what my reason is, my location, what are you doing?
i took tommyinnit swimming in real life
He comes to California and pays me a little visit. I told him, Tommy, what would you like to do while you're in the great state of the United States? Tommy says, he wants to calm down. I don't have this one. I love America. Yes, the thing is that I want to lower my balls. I want to take it out and a Hopkins frame is going to go in there. Oh, hey, calm down. my big belly oh yeah, how are you enjoying America? I love weapons. I work too much, which is the most important thing. What you should do is stop smoking.
i took tommyinnit swimming in real life

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i took tommyinnit swimming in real life...

I want to ask you some questions about the United States. Have you liked the United States so far? No no. you think my hairline is bad no I'm laughing because it's good it's good it's a good hairline man I'll drown again thank god I'm not wearing pants under this so there's a chance you'll see my wait wait, wait, are you wearing something? No, oh my god, oh my god, dude, that's it. I'm dropping my balls, no, don't call your boss, what are you doing? Stay away from the electrical outlets, buddy, let's drown one of them like Romeo, no, me.
i took tommyinnit swimming in real life
I can't stop, they're splashing water all over my computer I'm a shark, okay, I'm going to catch them. I don't want to show my balls in the street unless we have five gifted subscribing to the gifted six, oh. Well, there you go, look at all the cables you have in my computer, dog, holy shit, what's wrong, dog, every time, every time you misbehave. I would like to start with the program session we have today, since we are outside cooling off with a lot of water and having a great time. I thought it would be cool to spice it up so check this out check this out chat we got hot wigs baby yeah so listen we got hot wings in the water and we.
i took tommyinnit swimming in real life
You have our good friend, you know who we have here with us today, no, it's actually our good friend, the bad boy, Halo, he's willing to ask us some questions, so someone just asked me how I planted, take out the water. I'll stop. No, I think we should get started, so listen, this is going to be a truth or dare thing, you're not telling the truth, the challenge is that you have to be a very spicy hot wing, okay, I'm ready, bad boy. Halo has some very spicy questions for us, so how about we get him on the call?
Okay, that's tall, yeah, mom, say hello to him, yeah, bad boy, Halo, so he doesn't want to talk to you because you're an avid Coca-Cola user no I'm not an avid Coca-Cola user and we don't you like I can't leave it we are ready for the questions are you ready Tommy? Okay, remember if you don't answer truthfully you have to win, okay, question number one. Let's start it spicy, okay, it's your least favorite person in the dream SMP, okay, okay, he's literally sneaking into his brain trying to decide who he hates the most and you get us a list.
Can you get us something? Stop now, the people you hate the most. Yes, I'm reducing it. Honestly, I'm narrowing it down. Here's the thing, even if I didn't like someone that much, I probably wouldn't say no, yeah, me neither. I think I'll go with a wing. I didn't say a single person. you said several yes you said several it's not justified for you people I said or oh my god whatever I'll tell them that Tommy mentioned who wants to join and just set him up for it you're welcome just hit me. With a DM, which of your friends would you least like to be stuck on an island?
See all the bees on the island with the little Stingers. I'm going to answer this very honestly. I wouldn't be stuck on an island with George. I wish I could no, no, you don't trust me, you don't, I would say George was trapped, we have to get out of here, you would say I just want to stay today, that's all he would say, okay. That, I'm going to mention another person too. I wouldn't get stuck with sapnap. We're ready for question three. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in public? I'll eat two if you say no, no, what.
This happened when I was a child. He was at the beach. Not saying much, there was a big hurricane warning and a bunch of winds started coming and


all my clothes away while I was changing and I had to cross. I had to cross the street only in my underwear. I swear to you that what that was was actually in Mexico. I don't experience it because my mother reminds me every two months that that happened. Yeah, shut up, let's move on to the next question in the battle. Let's move on to the next question in which dream SMP member would you most like to get lost in a forest with what I brought you in an unsafe environment here the first thing you did was touch the electrical outlets with wet hands so who would it be?
No, how is Phil treating you? He loves himself a lot, no, yes, Rambo probably has a lot of meat too, so I would like to leave him on the ground for days and turn him into food. Cannibalism is wrong. Wow, in some countries. Correct answer, honestly, are you skilled enough to assemble Ikea furniture without help? What the hell are these questions? Bad Bad Next Next I think you're a little embarrassed You have to show your hairline or eat a wing Wait Can I see the side? Can I see that side? No, hey, hey, good job, look what you did, look what you did, bro, stop touching my ass, it's not like they're bad, come on, come on, give me a break, Tommy, we're not.
I'm going to have an embarrassed hairline on this broadcast, okay, we're not going to have any of that. Sorry, your hair is


ly good, oh yeah, I guess I have to eat a wig to be clear, my hairline is fine. This question is for Quackery only, are you wearing a wig? That's a stupid quick stop. I listen, this is what no one else wants to have trouble with, but Tommy is so ballsy in every way. We were driving here and we're in. traffic Tommy rolls down the window starts recording a random woman and what did you say to that one?
Hello, listen, Tommy won't give it, she will if she feels like it, if she feels like it, she will rip my hat off. I love him. I've already been taken, well I guess it's wing time because no, I won't show you my hairline, let's ask a spicy question, okay, everyone at the S P has prepared a meal whose food you're not going to eat. Under no circumstances am I sure that my man has not cooked the food. Even George has more talent for cooking. Yeah, he ain't bad, he ain't bad, who would? Yes Yes. I feel like he threw the food at me just to inspire me. sorry, let's move on to the next question, okay, this is a first of two parts, who in your opinion is the nicest person in SMP.
He really likes dreamers. Well, who is the nicest person in your opinion? Well, the second part is spicy. one, so everyone has to choose the nicest person in his opinion. I imagine Phil yelling at him like he's yelling at me like I can imagine and he scares me the thought scares me okay so you asked the PT part of the question what is it? spicy part is okay, the spicy part is that you have to choose to shave your eyebrows or shave the whole head of this person the person the person you chose the nicest person in the S P oh, you want no, I'm saying, would you choose Google? like dirty, what is it?
Truth or dare questions, oh yeah, yeah, look for spicy Truth or Dare questions, put it in the chat before you start again just to make sure it's okay, who would you rather? Hugs, listen, tell a story about the time you lied to get out of something you didn't want to do. Why should Kitty have a bunch of these? Should I say it? I think you should go first. I think you should go first. No, actually, I'm just thinking of ones like the last one. year no, I'm not going to say it to be fair. Like, I didn't lie about it, like half of it was true, but also a lot of it was just because I didn't want to go and I ended up going anyway, okay, so that last bit.
This last time we went to North Carolina, Carl really wanted me to go and I told him I was a little, I was a little overwhelmed with my schedule and I'm not going to lie. That's the reality and I just hate getting on planes and traveling for a long time and I just didn't have the heart to tell Carl that I just wasn't feeling it but I ended up saying what are you eating? Why do they call me little? gremlin give us another spicy question follow up question last name a first name every time you lied to your stream well that time I was going to do a hair reveal and I actually ended up being in the UK with sapnap and George that was it. it was a lie about the hair reveal.
I've lied in the past, so my last lore broadcast. So my last lore stream, not this one, not the last one, but I think it was the second one. I said Lordstream is coming soon and I didn't even start working on it until about a month later, you know, I haven't lied about my height, I'm five foot eight, I'm six foot three, no, no, yeah. Do you wash your own clothes, so the question says: have you ever stolen anything? Ask physically or like who it is that time and you simply put Tapel's IP in the video.
What the hell do you have to literally write the IP or copy the PC it was and then put? I save it to a PSD file, then export it, and then manually set it as a thumbnail. So, have I stolen something? I really don't think I've ever stolen anything. I am a very noble person. I feel like I would be a horrible thief. I think it's the closest thing. The thing is, I stole some of my mom's money when he was a kid, do you know how? Although sometimes there are children who like to steal their parents' credit cards.
I did it once when I stole my mom's credit card to pay for a Toontown membership and I thought. If I'm going to go into this, I'm going to do it with all my might. I'm going to do it fully. I'm a year old and she found out. I still think a lot about that moment. No, no, no, he just gave me this talk. where I just liked it, I said, yes, you're adopted, I'd like to move on, she didn't say that, lots of girl hearts, Jesus Christ, what do you like least about the person next to you?
Let's be honest, say something you know. about me something you don't like about me what you like about me is like about you I have a good one it's not something I don't like about you it's just a situation that happened so this time I was going to the beach to see a stream so I drove about three hours up a stream to the beach. I was actually doing a merchandising delivery. It was very hot outside. She was wearing a hoodie for the merch promotion and then Tommy announced like I think I announced it the night before and then Tommy said.
Guys, I'm going to stream and I said, Hey Tommy, are you going to stream? And he says yes and I say, oh, okay, so I'm doing a merch delivery. I was going to do a quick little merch delivery. I was wondering if I could just go first and say "oh mate, you shouldn't worry about the views". mod videos we're always like buddy my schedule is so busy to be fair that was a one time thing that was a one time thing that was really good those recordings were long bad boy Halo you already finished the language you did you wanted spicy Tommy Sorry yeah , sorry, oh no, no, it's not like that, yes, I'm not bad, sorry, I'm gone, ask us more dramas, yes, this is actually, yes, okay, in your opinion, the worst SP personality . worst personality you're probably pretty bad I'm not even kidding bad he's not bad he's funny but he goes on with this thing where he just doesn't curse but I'll pass it on he's like he just makes non SPG jokes and that and that's funny Hey, listen, okay, next question, man, next question, what habit trait, etc., do you have that thing that bothers other people who are successful?
I'm very secretive in my dreams and George hates that it's a secret about his car. Tommy has I've been recording almost everything and I'm like, Hey, Tommy, you know? Can you send that to me so I can like the review? like where are you going and I'm literally going to like Target or something but I won't tell them? I don't know why I won't just tell them and they say, what can you tell us? What are they going to like, do drugs or something like that? I just don't want to share some things. Thank you all for everything.
Last words, Tommy.

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