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Pawn Stars: SUPER RARE Garage Sale Finds Worth a Fortune

May 15, 2024
It's kind of weird because OJ and his friend, what was his name? They both had identical bronos, but this is the one everyone knows. It's a car chase and OJ was actually destroyed. Correct. I own the white Ford Bronco. The murders took place on June 12. 12. OJ was supposed to turn himself in on the morning of the 17th. He didn't do it. They offered me $500,000 for the Bronco. I turned it down, so here it is. How did you get this at that time?from Bronco Chase I was OJ's agent OJ's agent shares some details we probably didn't know three or four things in the past like 30 years everyone remembers where they were when the Challenger crashed everyone remembers where they were on 9/11 and everyone remembers what they were doing when they saw the OJ Chase, so this is like an early 90's Bronco, yeah, 92, low mileage, how many miles on it, about 36,000, so it's the same plate that was on it when, oh yeah, it stopped.
pawn stars super rare garage sale finds worth a fortune
In the photos you will see the air conditioning here and then this license plate, in fact the same frame bracket and you are looking to sell this. Yeah, I'd like to, obviously, you drove it here, it runs fine and why don't you take it? To go for a ride, I take the back seat. Rick and Chum hit the highway for a phone call with the police. He likes to negotiate. I want to go see my mom. Where were you during CH? Oddly enough, she was behind the Bronco approximately. maybe 400 and right behind all the police, the helicopters, incredible, it was very easy, no, I'm definitely intrigued, the problem is putting a value on this thing, it's almost impossible, there hasn't been another one that has sold, it comes A tough time for Rick, come on. see how the deal goes how much do you want for this million three is one of a kind, yes, all over the world, more people have seen this vehicle than any other vehicle on Earth.
pawn stars super rare garage sale finds worth a fortune

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pawn stars super rare garage sale finds worth a fortune...

I mean this, like I said, a hugely iconic car, you know, I mean, you


ly do. I see a 92 Bronco in this shape, but it also has bad things associated with it. Its a lot of money. Alright. It could go down to 1,250 million. You could get that or even more at auction. I'm going to pass it. Something like this is a big bet because there is nothing that compares it with a price. I will never sell the Bronco for less than a million dollars. I know it's


it. Rick goes to see an iconic car, 2014 Herz Pensky GT.
pawn stars super rare garage sale finds worth a fortune
This is nice. I'm asking 85,000 for car L. I'll take the 60,000. I have someone here at the track. Do you mind if I go look for him? He is a friend of mine. I just want you to look at it. Alright. Rick's sure to ask his Nascar buddy Joey Logano helped him test drive. Gu selling it was actually helping someone to test it for me. I just want to make sure there are no problems at high speed. I think he's had this so fast before. I doubt it. Rick is a brave man. He was sitting on the right side of this car and we were going into his corners at 150.
pawn stars super rare garage sale finds worth a fortune
This thing is a lot faster than he thought. The tires are a little hot, but I hear the car is fine. Joey recommends a price, so Joey. How much do you think it's


? There aren't many of these cars for


, but I think the fact that this is like this, with everything I would say, it's worth around $75,000, that's my price. So what is your best price? I'll do 75 I. I'd give you 60 grand for it, it's cooler than the others, but you know, I don't know and those are all valid points. I still think it's a little low.
Would you do 67? I'll go 60 grand 62 Rick I'll write your check for 60 grand. I'll do it right, man, it's a deal. Rick and Cory go out to check out a pristine jet black 1932 Ford Roadster. You have a 1932 Ford Roadster here. The thing has to be fast. Yes, it's over there. 500 horsepower one thing I'm worried about is if we could fit that thing like a sardine in I'd like to get around 105 at least I'll take a 70 let's hear the expert's assessment so what do you think? I think I love it, there's nothing cooler than a 1930 Ford hot rod, this is a $135,000 build, that's a number I would say it would cost to build this car in my shop.
Realistically, I'd see a car like this at uh, 70 to 75, okay, thanks Danny, you're the best. Rick asks for the best minimum price. What is your best minimum price? The best price is 70 65. It will take me a while to sell it. That hurts a lot. I understand, but remember. they don't sell overnight, the right customer needs $65,000 in cash 69 that's less than half of what I have we do it 67,684 68,250 okay 68250 okay, we have a deal Rick tells Cory and Chum to continue a mission so that you guys look very comfortable, you know what? And I'm not even going to get mad about it because you guys are going on a mission.
I love missions. What's happening? They're driving to Carson City and there's a guy up there with a 1970 Tiger Triumph 650, oh sweet one time, 10 grand for it. I'm sure you can get it for around 8 grand as long as it works well. I want it to not work well, how do you know? It's not going to work out well because it's a ride, the only reason he likes Triumphs is because I like Harley's, no, I liked Triumphs before they were born. I'm giving you a break when I shouldn't be, so go to Carson City if that's the case. works fine, just buy it from me, they are fine, arrive at the warehouse and inspect the bike closely.
This is a 1970 Triumph and I've never liked Triumphs, but this tickles me a little. I would like to receive $10,000 for that. I think it was in the '70s. Weren't they out of stock? I think you're right, which is basically what made a lot of customers switch to Honda. The owner has another one to sell. It's as fast as it looks. What we call our Paco dragster is 5 speed with chain drive because it has 125 and about 140 horsepower. What do you want for TR? I think it's worth every penny of 40,000, so what are you looking for in the Triumph?
I'd like to get $10,000 for it, well I guess we have to ride them. I'm a little scared of this honestly Cory and Chum are going for a ride to test the bikes and they really like them, yeah both bikes work great and I know my dad really wants Triumph so it all depends if Steve wants to stop to accelerate and reduce the difference in this price. I think we're going to end up passing the tricycle. It seems like you guys have too much money in it. What can we really do with the Triumph? Cory tries to negotiate the price.
We would like to get $10,000. He takes six. No, I'll do eight. I can reach seven. You have to remember that I also buy these to make money from them. 75 7. That's it. the best I could do I'll have to pass I'll have to pass well 75 your dad's going to be mad if you don't come back with that 72 I think I'll hold out for a 75 maybe next time man I'll be around him sir I'll tell you I appreciate Cory, more than $300, you guys are going to be angry, go back to the store and let's see Rick's reaction, what's going on?, you guys take my motorcycle, no, what happened.
Cory wouldn't buy it for more than $300, the guy was at 7500 and Cory. he was stuck at 7200, what did I tell them to do? Rick. I told him next to the bicycle that his father will be angry with you. Because it was worth it or not. I told you to buy it for me. I wanted the bike for myself. I argued to bring the bike home. Rick. I really did it. Your son Cory decided not to buy the bike for more than $300. I should never have sent them. Thanks for watching and as always please like and subscribe for more content

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