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Fish That Kill Crocodiles, Breathe Air, Eat Wood and Even Can Talk

May 29, 2024
Each animal tries to avoid being


ed. Self-preservation was programmed into us by evolution so that we don't accidentally go extinct, but you probably realize that some species are luckier than others, like cat


, the loricaria super family. or rather, several species of them were blessed with so many special abilities and characteristics that deserve attention, first of all, these cat


es have built-in armor, for example, bristlenose catfishes are covered with tough armor with spines around the head and these are not only The spines enlarge if the fish is in danger. Other catfish species are


more interesting when a catfish feels threatened by a larger fish.
fish that kill crocodiles breathe air eat wood and even can talk
It can extend the retractable spines that are usually near its Sid. This makes its body wider, meaning it will be more. It is difficult to swallow such prey well if the predator tries to do it anyway, the sharp spines will cut its mouth. Predators are lucky if they are common spines because some species of catfish are actually poisonous. Additionally, the venom of some catfish is so potent that it can


. To a human, about half of all known catfish species (there are about 3,000 of them) are probably poisonous, but the fish only use this ability as a defense.
fish that kill crocodiles breathe air eat wood and even can talk

More Interesting Facts About,

fish that kill crocodiles breathe air eat wood and even can talk...

When the catfish sets its spines in motion, the pressure tears the skin over the gland. poison and the poison spills out and gets into the Predator's wounds as you will remember at that moment the Predator is already wounded by sharp thorns but let's go back to the armor that nature gave to the catfish the entire super family Lori Cario the day has it and I still want to focus on certain species. The three-striped Corey is a very small fish whose length does not exceed 2.5 cm. They are kept in aquariums and no one


expects them to survive a panite.
fish that kill crocodiles breathe air eat wood and even can talk
To discover this, scientists had to pit two fish against each other. another in an aquarium and see what happens, imagine how surprised they were when a Cory was cornered, bitten 10 times and then broke free and swam away looking irritated. Cory was not injured or scared, just write it down, any other fish should lose part of its organs in just one bite, the secret of the surprising durability of the three-striped Cory lies precisely in the armor whose scales are made of collagen and minerals capable to withstand enormous pressure. Cory's scales grow from osteoblasts, the cells responsible for forming bones, a hard, top mineral layer. of scales prevents the piranha's teeth from piercing the armor and the soft layer underneath absorbs the force of the bites the scales do not split the piranha is left without lunch and the three-striped Cory can continue doing whatever piranhas do They need to make eight bytes just to put a dent in Cory's tail armor and break his abdominal scales.
fish that kill crocodiles breathe air eat wood and even can talk
It works only 20% of the time, even these amazing fish have the area around the gills in their armor with a gap if the piranha Sink your teeth in there, you can decapitate the Corey, to prevent this from happening, they put out sharp spines on their pectoral F on their back and scare away predators and how do you like the catfish's ability to


air? I mean swim to the surface and


to get this ability that the catfish had. to develop various modifications of the digestive tract that function as accessory respiratory organs, well, this is not a type of skill that you can display in front of your fish.
Friends at a party, breathing air is required to survive in some bodies of water, there is very little dissolved oxygen. in the water in order not to suffocate, the catfish had to invent something, but they use this breathing method only as a last resort and only under stress, in addition, to breathe with the stomach it must have a little food inside, so it does not eat or breathe either , but these are not the only abilities given to Catfish by Evolution because some catfish can survive without water. Common pleos from the Lori carade family are known to survive out of water for up to 30 hours, so people sell them. in live markets by simply placing them on the counter, the catfish should think about the scales for this ability to live without water, the thing is that the catfish is quite easy to spot in the water, so they become pray for the birds, but the birds quickly realize that they have grabbed something prickly and very hard after a couple of attempts to eat the fish, abandoned it, threw it away and tried to find a less feisty lunch.
As a result, the catfish ends up on land and has to survive without water for some time until it makes it. to reach their native reservoir Yes, you heard right, these guys can also move on land, they reach the water at a speed of 3.3 feet per second, which of course is slow from a human point of view, but hey, here We are


ing about fish. Fish are not supposed to walk on land at all, much less climb walls like the cheda microp species, which belongs to the same catfish family, does. Imagine the surprise of the people who were the first to see this.
A team exploring limestone caves in Ecuador found a fish that climbs nearly 10 feet up nearly vertical rock walls. What's wrong with gravity? It seems like you've never heard of this fish and you, like scientists, probably wondered how a fish can climb walls well. It appears that the ability to climb arose from a series of modifications to the catfish's fin. skin and mouth Yes, they use their mouth to climb. Add to this a thin film of water on the wall and you have a climbing fish. At this point I wanted to make a joke like what's next?
A fish that eats


, but then Steve showed me the Panic species, they are also in the same catfish family, they are armored, have spines and eat


, also the GW. Well, there is a simple reason, actually, the intense rivalry for resources forced Panic to find a way not to become extinct and they discovered. There is always plenty of wood on the bottom to include in their diet. Fish have spoon-shaped teeth and jaws set at a high angle, but it's not that simple when it comes to digestion. Some researchers point to special intestinal bacteria that help.
With this, other scientists argue that fish simply cannot digest wood, it passes through their intestines in less than 4 hours and catfish intestines do not have any unique structure, but what is the point of eating wood? So the ponic catfish seems to be chewing. on rotten wood to digest organic matter the microbes and microbial byproducts found in the spaces between the wood fibers and the wood itself are excreted as waste. Other freshwater catfish of the same family are so hardy that they can live in salt water, usually in such conditions the fish quickly dies from dehydration, their kidneys are designed to pump water out of the body all the time retaining salts, but at the same time Catfish don't care about such trifles or the fact that their fish aren't moles after walking on the ground, climbing rocks, and eating. wood There is not much that may surprise you about the common catfish plecos, which I have already mentioned, they are also known for digging into the shore so intensely that they cause erosion and collapses, but other catfish also like to dig for very different reasons, for For example, to avoid unpleasant sunlight and heat to care for young or to stay safe from predators, apparently when all other defense mechanisms no longer work, all this is quite exciting, but hardly for those creatures whose houses can simply collapse. because catfishes love to dig, although this is not the only problem caused by catfishes of this family, since they are very good at surviving, the species of the super family of the day loric Cario easily become invasive, it makes a lot of sense when You are so good at adapting to everything and defending yourself from predators.
You are, by definition, cooler than everyone else. There are also people who keep catfish as aquarium pets and then release them back into the wild. This is how, for example, common plos appeared in Florida, Texas and Mexico. The catfish were released there on purpose to control the algae, in the end, the catfish spread to at least 13 Mexican states, displacing native species and causing serious damage to thousands of Mexican families whose income depends on fishing in general in Mexico. Common plecos are not highly regarded and even given the nickname devil fish to get rid of invasive species the catfish can be eaten more often but the locals consider the fish to be ugly, strange and poisonous, this slows things down but the problem strangest thing caused by invasive catfish has to do with manatees.
The catfish clings to them. There may be 20, 30 or even 40 fish on one unfortunate manatee. It looks creepy. if the catfish is going to destroy it, although in reality the catfish are not interested in the blood or the meat of the manatees, they only feed on the algae that grows on their skin, that is, they do not cause any physical damage, but imagine 40 creatures the size. of a cat clinging to you is also irritating for manatees in an attempt to lose the catfish they move more and movement means burning calories this is not good for manatees the thing is in the winter months to escape the cold and find food Manatees swim into Florida waters, which are teeming with catfish, but instead of a relaxing vacation, the manatees get a bunch of pesky fish that they can't get rid of, as a result, the manatees lose weight and leave the warm waters. much sooner than expected eventually tired animal that lost weight finds itself in the cold the result is quite predictable the manatees get sick and die it turns out that evolution gave the catfish the ability to survive in any conditions and they ruined everything well The Nature has a pretty strange sense of humor, if you ask a random person what fish they are most afraid of, they will most likely say it's a shark.
Yes, sharks have a reputation for being bloodthirsty predators, ready to devour anyone with extreme cruelty, however, there are fish that you should fear much more than sharks compared to them. Sharks seem like peaceful and innocent creatures. Meet pipefish, a family of striped fish that feed on other fish. A distinctive feature of the pipefish is a long, narrow beak with many sharp teeth. Pipefish look a little ridiculous, but don't be fooled by their appearance as pipefish swim close to the surface and often jump onto the decks of shallow boats. They do so by accelerating up to 37 mph.
It's like a small car jumping out of the water. water right towards you the jumping activity of pipefish is greatly excited by artificial light. At night, fishermen and night divers in the Pacific Ocean are regularly attacked by entire flocks of pipefish that rush towards the light source at high speed . They are like moths, only moths don't have such sharp beaks. Pipefish are capable of using these beaks. inflicting deep puncture wounds and for the people of the Pacific Islands this fish represents a greater danger than a shark the risk of injury during an encounter with a garfish is much greater than when encountering a shark keep in mind that garfish do not They are only found In 2010, in the Pacific Ocean, a Florida kayaker was nearly killed when a garfish jumped out of the water and killed her in the chest.
Another person was seriously injured in an attack in May 2013 in the Red Sea, when a needlefish pierced him below the knee. In October 2013, a Saudi Arabian news site reported the death of a young man due to hemorrhage after being hit by a needlefish on the left side of his neck, and in 2014 in Vietnam, a fish from the family of pipefish almost killed a tourist when bitten. her neck and left pieces of her teeth in her spinal cord paralyzing the woman, so yes, pipefish are not the type of fish you would like to see, although it is worth saying that the more common Asian carp can also represent a threat, especially if it is an invasive species. species that was introduced to the United States there were times when Asian carp jumping from the water onto boats broke people's noses, jaws and even arms, some of them even knocked people over, that's how strong the impact was.
These carp, which by the way can reach 24 inches in length, are found in abundance in the waters of the United States and very actively jump on boats. If you come out with just a bruise, consider yourself lucky. Well, now let's


about something really rare in 20110 a fisherman Jeremy. Wade pulled a goliath tiger fish out of the waters of the Congo River, he was actually incredibly lucky because catching a goliath tiger fish is quite an achievement. This fish is quite elusive. Elusive and very dangerous. The thing is, the Goliath tigerfish is rightly considered one of the scariest freshwater fish in the world. world, this is a larger and more dangerous version of piranha that grows up to 5 feet and can weigh 110 pounds.
Each of a goliath tigerfish's 30 odd teeth can grow up to an inch, meaning they are comparablein size to shark teeth with an Arsenal like that, the Goliath tiger fish can easily attack not only people but also


. Well, let's be honest, not only can he do it, and in fact he does it by biting off whole pieces of


, so you realize that people don't have much of a chance either, it is believed. These fish attack in a reflex response to a sudden movement or splash and do so with astonishing aggression. The goliath tiger fish only needs one bite to split its prey in half, well if we are talking about another fish, of course, when it comes to a human, a bite like that can leave you without a finger and that would actually be The best case.
There is no documented evidence that the Goliath tiger fish kills people, however, locals say it used to happen in general, compared to the Goliath tiger fish and all other creatures. In today's video they seem harmless and innocent, although this does not mean that I will not tell you about them here, for example, it is an alligator fish that can grow up to 10 feet long and is considered the largest of the seven known species, according to some historical records. They claim that in the past crocodiles could gain weight up to 350 pounds and, of course, they did not grow that much by feeding on algae alone.
The good news is that crocodiles do not attack humans and in any case there were no reports. Of such attacks, the bad news is that these fish still pose a passive danger to us because of their eggs. Alligator eggs are poisonous if ingested. This is how alligators protect their young from predators such as crustaceans. Adult alligators have few natural predators and I think the reason could be their scales, which are simply impossible to bite through to cut the fish's armor, people have to use wire cutters. 10 scissors and an axe, this is the reason why people rarely eat gars, you can imagine why just the moment you remove the scales you will no longer feel like eating and since we are talking about gars, let's talk about a similar fish, the northern pike, because it also has an interesting characteristic well, it is not scientifically confirmed it is just a story told by fishermen anyway it is believed that Northern Pikes shed their teeth in mid-summer to grow new ones is like deer and antlers only with teeth instead of antlers If people could do that, imagine how much money we would save on visits to the dentist.
Researchers have not been able to find any evidence of whether pike shed their teeth or not, perhaps pike are similar to sharks, where one row of teeth is constantly replaced with the next row. of teeth when they break or fall out, although actually changing teeth is not unusual for fish, there is even a species of fish that loses 20 teeth every day. This is a Pacific link. Cod, a ferocious omnivorous fish with more than 500 teeth arranged randomly in its mouth. Pacific link Cod actually loses and grows 20 teeth a day and feels fine, you can have several dozen teeth, it doesn't seem like much when you have several hundred of them in your mouth, but how could such a large number of teeth fit ? in the mouth first, apparently the Pacific lingcod really wanted to have as many teeth as possible and didn't stop even when it ran out of room in its jaw.
If you look inside the mouth on its palette, you will see that it is also covered in teeth along the entire back of the throat, just before the esophagus, there are phenial jaws with tooth-studded bony platforms made of modified gill arches. In short, this fish has teeth literally everywhere as the Pacific bullhead attacks its first set of jaws and shoots forward. and draws the prey into the mouth where the phenium's inner jaws begin to crush and tear the prey apart, which sounds terrifying, especially considering that Pacific lods are aggressive. At one of the research centers where they were kept, staff had to add duct tape to the corners of the dam. tanks because the fish tried to jump and attack everyone who passed by, you can understand why these fish act like this because nature made them active predators, the behavior of frogfish is completely different and they actually look strange to the fish, like if someone had created a frogfish for the first time. normal fish made of plasticine but then accidentally crumpled it how, however, its appearance does not interest us more than anything, the frogfish in fact does not even know how to swim itself.
Evolution not only gave them a strange shape but also forgot to give them a swim bladder. They have to walk or jump clumsily at the bottom of the sea, given everything they can, they really make good hunters. It turns out that they can when frogfish need to move quickly, they use jet propulsion, swallow water and force it through their rear-facing gills and move very fast when before closing, the toadfish only takes 6 milliseconds to react and grab it to compare. Most people's reaction time is 200 milliseconds. In this video they tried to film the toadfish attack, but you still can't make out anything.
The toadfish uses its first dorsal fin as a fishing rod to attract prey closer, they move their bait imitating a small fish that looks like a lunch for their prey, of course the rod can break, but in this case the frogfish has a plan: they can simply make it grow again well, that's how it was. a fish that looked like crumpled plasticine now it's time to talk about a fish that looks like an underwater pug or at least like it's very surprised or upset about something all the time you, ugly mother, know that this fish looks like it's been gone half an hour and then remembered that he had forgotten to turn off the iron stargazers may be quite ugly creatures with bulging eyes, but they are still formidable predators to ambush their prey, these fish hide in the sand exposing only their mouths and eyes, which rotate as forcefully as possible, this attracts prey which stargazers then stun with electricity coming directly from their eyes.
I'm serious, they generate shocks like electric eels. Well, its discharge is weaker, only 50 volts compared to the 600 volts generated by the eels, but this is enough. After being shocked, the prey can no longer defend itself and stargazers can have lunch. It turns out that these ridiculous looking creatures have killer eyes - naturally, the shock also works against predators, giving stargazers enough time to free themselves and swim away - however, they just have googly eyes. and imitating eels didn't seem good enough to these fish and they grew a poisonous spine near their pectoral fence. The poison is still poorly studied but appears to be dangerous enough not only for underwater creatures, in some cases it has been known to kill some buzzards. of our viewers probably thought now Poison big deal poisonous fish no longer surprise anyone somehow I agree with that What if we show you a cube-shaped fish?
This is a real underwater tank that creates a toxic cloud. The yellow box fish. looks fun and cute lives in shallow waters in the warmest parts of the world's oceans loves coral reefs and seaweed these fish spend most of their time pruning algae into small invertebrates like worms and sponges from rocks and corals with their tiny mouths, but they have such a peaceful life in the wild would require you to have powerful protection and these fish have it. Its body is made up of hexagonal bone plates fused together to form a hard but lightweight shell that surrounds Ros's internal skeletal framework.
Yes, these fish have grown somewhat like that. tank armor and being a living tank means you have some major advantages, at the very least yellow boxfish are very difficult to eat. Predators simply break their teeth on armor, so they try not to take any risks to obtain such a body, these fish had to sacrifice speed and maneuverability when you are a box with fins, it is quite difficult to be agile, but then evolution helped to these fish and gave them a cool ability when they felt threatened or simply alarmed. The yellow boxfish secreted a slimy toxin. special cells ooze throughout the body of the fish transparent toxic mucus similar to snot immediately disperses in the water column creating a cloud of death around the fish because this box fish can be very difficult to keep a fish in aquariums frightened box can accidentally poison all his companions or maybe he could do it on purpose who knows catfish that can talk to be honest this is not the kind of thing I expected to discover this morning so meet plat adoris arm matulis when these catfish are scared or threatened, they make a croaking sound and it is quite funny, sometimes catfish make these sounds when they are looking for their own kind, for example, if you separate a catfish from its school, it will start croaking.
It's actually no coincidence that these catfish and their relatives are called talking catfish. many of them can make audible sounds and they do this in various ways, for example, they produce a loud clicking sound by rubbing their spiny pectoral fins against their bulletproof vest and then resonating their swim bladder using a muscle at the back of their skull and if they still you have no idea how it works, don't be mad, I didn't understand it either, fish anatomy is quite complex, fish are actually much more talkative than you might think, a recent study showed that they often communicate using sounds. and this characteristic has been present throughout the evolution of fish.
Scientists claim that the ability to produce sound evolved independently 33 times. Some species of fish have been talking for at least 155 million years and apparently still have something to say. At first people only studied the sounds that the human ear could hear on the surface of the water. Later, an underwater microphone called a hydrophone helped discover that it is also quite loud underwater. Researchers believe fish talk about a wide variety of topics, including feeding and reproduction. They use sounds to attract females and scare them. Predators protect food or territory and you can even detect differences in the fish's voices.
Scientists have been recording the sounds of various fish for 18 months and obtained very interesting results. This is how, for example, the terapon sounded during spawning at a real fish party. this is the mullay also during a breeding season the species behind the other two voices are unknown but still worth checking out, it is certainly surprising that they started studying fish voices not long ago, however, Scientists have excuses that they had to invent first. proper equipment and second well, who could even imagine that fish could talk and do so so actively that this could be of interest to science?
Researchers say only a small part of the animal kingdom can imitate human speech. It is believed that the brain and vocal apparatus determine whether this is possible, that is, you must be smart enough to make human sounds, you should not expect some mice to suddenly speak perfect English, although seals can do this. A seal named Hoover was especially good at this. It lived at the New England Aquarium in Boston and is believed to be the first mammal in the world to be trained to imitate human speech. Hoover's mother died, but people managed to save the baby seal, so he grew up in an ordinary human family.
At some point, Hoover began to imitate his owner's accent and say his most common phrases. When the seal grew up, they had to give him to the New England Aquarium where scientists finally became interested in his talents. come here get out of here and hello how are you scientists were baffled by his ability to imitate human speech, they managed to establish that the seal speaks better than parrots and Hoover became especially talkative during mating periods. He must have used knowledge of human language to have better chances with the ladies back then, in the 1970s. It was still unclear what the SEALs were capable of, only decades later did scientists finally begin to get to the bottom of the things, for example, they realized that if you increase the noise level around young seals, they start to raise their voices just like people do.
These results suggest the possibility that seals may have connections between their brain and larynx. Until now these connections have only been found in humans. Another study confirms the amazing ability of seals to imitate human speech. In fact, they are able to learn and repeat many of the complex sounds fundamental to human speech and it's not just about making clear vows. Keep in mind that this is a skill that many of our closest primate relatives cannot achieve. SealsThey can also recognizably sing the first melodies, for example, the Star Wars theme song. They have a rare combination of traits that many other creatures do not have, including a key anatomical advantage, a larynx or voice box much like that found in humans, it is still unclear why seals have such an exceptional ability and not others. animals, maybe this has something to do with it.
To do with its dynamic social structure, who else can imitate human speech? Orcas, of course, sometimes I think that orcas can do anything if they really want to, of course, an international team of researchers working with two orcas in an aquarium in France discovered that orcas are capable. to imitate human speech including words like hello and goodbye and a variety of exclamations hello Amy 1 2 1 2 3 goodbye From this we can conclude that orcas have the ability to memorize the sounds they hear. This also explains why orcas from different parts of the planet sound different. Yes, orcas literally have dialects and orcas from different regions may not quickly and easily understand each other, most likely you will have to think and ask again if this is the case.
As animals generally converse at the same time, scientists highly doubt that the orcs understand what they say, I mean, it's more of an imitation without any real meaning behind it, there is no evidence that even one of the orcas understood what they were saying. it really meant hello now in the story that really made me laugh in 1984, handlers of the national marine mammal foundation. In San Diego I heard a strange murmur coming from a whale in the dolphin tank, it sounded like a conversation between two people in the distance, but it was impossible to understand what exactly these people were talking about, however, the murmur sounded again and again , this continued until one day a DI came out of the tank and asked who told me to get out, that's when the keepers realized that all this time it was a male beluga whale named nak who was talking, they started recording his exercises vocals and this continued for several years.
It turned out that Knock spoke both underwater and on the surface spontaneously and on command, alone and with people around, although KN did not use human speech with his Ken. I guess he thought they wouldn't understand it anyway, oddly enough the pace. and the amplitude of their vocal bursts and the intervals between them were found to coincide with those of human speech, just as the main frequencies of the sound were somewhere a few octaves below the usual sound characteristics of their species of whale. , they copied people for about 4 years. but then he reached maturity and St St, the vocal exercises of him, knock has lost the ability to make human sounds or interest in it, but why did knock do it in the first place?
Well, he seemed to enjoy it, this was an animal that was willing to try anything, it took pleasure in imitating speech, observing people in their reactions, establishing a connection, in short, knock, it was a way of interacting with other species in a interesting way and since beluga whales are capable of such tricks, elephants must be too after all. Aren't they one of the smartest animals on the planet and us? I managed to find a couple of examples, perhaps the most impressive being an elephant named Kosik who lives in the Everland theme park near Soul. Kosik imitates human speech and communicates with his caretaker.
Yes, he cannot boast of a large vocabulary. He knows five of the most primitive words that include nothing good and hello Kosik is said to give a convincing impression of a human voice, but scientists do not believe that he actually understands the words he says, there is probably no point in imitating, it is not clear why Kosi began to imitate human speech, but cognitive biologists suggest it may be due to his childhood experiences. Kosik was the only elephant to live at the zoo for about five years during his youth. At an important stage of development he communicated only with people.
This may well have influenced Kosik in such a way that he began to adapt his vocalization making it more human the logic behind this is very simple if you make the same sounds as other members of your group then you fit better in this group this is also observed in others species capable of imitating another person's speech too bad Steve and I don't know Korean, so we can't estimate how similar an elephant's speech is to that of a human, but if there are some among you who understand Korean, please share in the comments how they would rate the pronunciation of Kik.
Wow, there was another elephant that seemed to be able to use a lot of meaningful human language, but that was the elephant's name. He lived in a zoo in Kazakhstan in the Soviet Union and had a vocabulary of more than 20 sentences. For example, he could ask the caregivers for water and food. In addition to praising or punishing himself apparently as a bonus, Batier imitated various sounds such as a bark, a hiss and a sound of rubber against glass. Soon these skills attracted the attention of the media and Beer's recordings ended up in the radio and television.
The Kazakh elephant has also been included in several books on animal behavior and in the proceedings of several scientific conferences. However, the abilities of their abilities have never really been studied by scientists, so it is likely that people simply indulged in wishful thinking and better not do it. It knows how to talk in a meaningful human way, it just figured out how to make funny sounds, since there are animals that imitate human speech or maybe even talk like a human, there have to be animals that talk badly, you probably remember the story about the parrots. At the zoo they learned some bad words and were so prolific in swearing that they had to be kept away from visitors, but here we have a completely different story: this is a male Australian musk duck named Ripper Ripper was bred in captivity in the tidb Bella. nature reserve and was once recorded making the sound of a door closing, as well as saying "damn fool", researchers believe this is a phrase the Ripper likely heard from his caretaker on numerous occasions.
It's true, they are not sure how old the bird was when this sentence was made. was first heard, but at the time of recording, Ripper was already 4 years old and swore like a human during an aggressive mating display. By the way, the caretaker may have said to the duck, you're damn food, and Ripper imitated the word food. silly, but it is impossible to understand what exactly the bird means, especially considering the fact that the recordings were made more than 30 years ago, although Ripper is not the only example of a talking duck of this species, in the year 2000 there was another duck Australian musky in the same Reserve that imitated a duck of another species may not seem like anything special because it's still bird talk but it seems to me that ducks don't really care who they imitate, these are just incomprehensible sounds that other animals make just like we don't care what exactly we say when we meow at cats, we know that other musk ducks, this time from the UK, also use sound imitations by reproducing sounds like their caregiver's cough and the squeaks of a Turn Style, you probably know that many years ago, the fish came out of the water and came to land, but at that time it looked like this, or something like that, back then the water was too full and there was no longer enough oxygen for everyone, there were no predators in the earth, only insects. crawling around so the fish grew legs and lungs and became amphibians and then a few million years later, here we are.
Hello, okay, however, these fish have a slightly different purpose because they do not plan to evolve to meet the annabis tested in what is commonly known as climbing perch. They represent a real danger to all living beings. If you think you need to be bigger to be a threat, think about the Argentine ants that are slowly taking over the world. Compared to them, climbing perch fish are still quite large and can grow up to 9.8 inches. long and do not live in colonies, but that does not prevent them from threatening other species. Look at that sharp dorsal fin, it's just part of the climbing purchase.
Armament. Their gill covers can change position and it is with sharp needles that the fish use them. move across the land and suffocate its enemies from the inside Once a predator has swallowed a climbing prey, it will straighten its F, expose its needles and get stuck in the predator's throat. Sometimes this means instant death from lack of oxygen, while sometimes it causes a slower death from hunger anyone who decides to take a bite can end up in that situation larger fish Birds Turtles even mammals if they decide to swallow a climbing perch this fish does not will make exceptions for no one, even holding it in your hands is a challenge for both the gill covers and fins are very sharp and it's like trying to grab a very hot potato that is also wriggling, but suppose the birds start eating the climbing perch and their population starts to reduce, so what do I mean, what is the problem?
It's natural. selection and all that, unfortunately this works only in regions where perch fish is already part of the ecosystem, if they get to a new place they can literally ruin everything, for example, the lack of birds can eventually lead to an increase in rodents or crops. destroying insects and this is a serious problem up to 40% of the world's crops have already been lost due to plant pests and diseases. Insects alone cause $70 billion in damage each year. They are doing quite well even without the help of climbing perch reducing numbers. Bird watching is just crazy, but climbing perches don't care about any of that, they just take over new territory and if anyone tries to eat them right, that's their problem.
Climbing perch are not interested in this domino effect where one endangered species is followed by another, then by a third and so on until everything changes, of course we should not judge them after all, they are simply boom fish causing big problems, but where did they come from in the first place, as is often the case? In this case, scientists take a long time before studying the really important things. We don't know exactly where the climbing perch came from, but it probably appeared in Southeast Asia over the past four decades, headed south through Indonesia and doesn't plan to stop besides killing predators.
The climbing perch can easily adapt like many others. Fish that have learned to go to land always have a plan B if the waters where they live are too crowded the climbing perch can come out and crawl to another body of water if that one dries up they will simply wait in the mud or find another place to live no there's enough food they can get on land there should be something else there wow these fish are cooler than Schwarzeneggar I hate Plan B but how? Do you even move on land if you're a fish? I mean, don't you think that's a little contradictory?
The climbing perch has discovered this and has developed a special organ to breathe on land, retaining some water and hydrating the gills. Allow fish to live without water for days, but climbing perch need to keep their entire body moist. It feels good, so the fish prefers to travel at night or early in the morning, when it should still wo wo wo, but you can't just leave. From India to Australia in De after all, there are different seas Long-distance straits, so climbing perch hit your way, cling to the bottom of fishing boats and go wherever it takes them, it's very convenient when you can live in waters with different salinity, this is not the case.
Also, a person can bring in a climbing perch after accidentally catching it with the rest of the fish. I wouldn't be surprised if climbing perch have already learned to pretend to be dead so that when they arrive in new territory they can just get off the boat and go about their business, this is how climbing perch are expanding their influence getting closer and closer to Australia and Since the local species evolved independently of the rest of the planet, one can only guess what kind of blow the newcomers can pack. inflict people are literally taught to recognize the climbing perch and immediately report them to the authorities maybe the police it's a bird it's a plane no it's Superman are you crazy?
It's a climbing perch we have to inform the authorities yes, it's serious climbing news The perch approaching Australia sounded like a declaration of war. Native species can be as deadly as they want, but they are simply not used to such an adversary. Imagine a cactus that suddenly grew where no one had seen a cactus and no one was prepared for it. The animals are curious, they try to eat the quills, they get hurt and in the best of cases they get hurt, the same thing will happen with the fish.even the spikes are quite similar and it will take more than a century to get used to such a neighbor and learn to live next door if you can get used to a climbing perch where all the thieves are haven't you heard that they went to another lake finally in a familiar environment the Native species know their limits.
Do predators already know how and who to eat? Pray? learn to defend yourself and add to this the weather conditions, all this creates a rather fragile but perfect balance, but as soon as some resistant species get in the way, everything turns into chaos. These species are known as invasive and in most cases are brought to a new territory by humans sometimes by accident, but the effect is still impressive, for example, at the end of the Second World War, the tree snake brown was accidentally brought to Guam, perhaps the snake was in the cargo or even climbed into the landing gear and ended up.
In Paradise there were almost no natural predators of the snake and Guam, but there were many prey animals that were not used to being hunted, as a result, the tree snake began to reproduce at an alarming rate and the snakes exterminated most of the local vertebrate species. caused thousands of power outages that affected private commercial and military activities; Those same snakes were also responsible for the deaths of poultry and pets, as well as the emotional trauma of residents. Imagine that an animal that is not around you suddenly appears in your house like a lion. or a hippopotamus or even a snake which is also poisonous and dangerous for small children, anyone would get stressed.
In short, the snakes had a great time on their mission, and since Guam is a major transportation hub in the Pacific, the snake's journey didn't end there. It has been seen on other islands and even in Texas, far enough from Australia. Their homeland, that's what invasive species have been doing for the last 500 years. They have caused the death of 133% of all extinct species. Invasive species have been one of the causes of extinction of 25% of plants and 33% of animals, but snakes fish for ants and I don't know, cows are not like these sudden meteorites that wiped out more than 75% of species when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, this means that we have to stop those animals that are trying to take over new territories, among other things, something will have to be done with the climbing perch, you will not pass, yes, thank you, Gandalf.
Does anyone else have any suggestions for catching all the fish we can get that would help? but only for a while before the climbing perch breed comfortably again then maybe poison wo wo, that's too strong. I mean, it would help get rid of the climbing perch, of course, but the local fish would be poisoned along with them, so what's the point then, so it's nice? Pretty much the same thing, first something happens due to human activity and then you have to fix it and by the way, what about Australia? Enough time has passed since the first alarming reports indicated that the fish made it there.
Well, it seems that somehow people managed to slow down. they took them down or got there and now there is no one to tell us about the disaster some laws of nature seem fundamental the sun rises in the east the lions hunt antelopes and the trees grow from the bottom up everything is simple and clear and then you discover it That frogs eat snakes isn't really supposed to be the other way around, but American bullfrogs are like they came to Texas. We'll show you what Bullfrogs are considered one of the largest frog species on the planet, up to 6 long and weighing about a pound and that's just an average bullfrog.
Bullfrogs do not croak, they form a pod that bellows from afar, but not when the bullfrog is hunting. These nocturnal predators sit silently in ambush waiting for a snake to pass by and then quickly pounce. with his powerful hind legs he did it the prey is trapped in a huge frog mouth he tries to explain to the bullfrog that it is the snakes that are supposed to eat them and not the other way around, while some snakes end up as a frog snack, others offer a ride to the mice toads and beetles to save them from the flood, it can sometimes be seen that in Australia, when both olive pythons and eastern brown snakes are used as emergency taxi service, species that generally feed on their passengers, maybe it was something very disinterested or maybe the Snakes just scheduled dinner for later and took it away, you know, takeout is usually cheaper than delivery.
Let's go to Latin America, where the Scientists found one of the strangest fish known to humans in mangroves. Mangrove rivis is usually between 4 and 1.5 inches. Long life in muddy ponds and flooded crabs. Burrows in mangroves or inside logs on land. Yes, this fish lives on land. and can stay out of water not just half an hour or a day, but up to 6 66 days in a row, of course this happens during the dry period, otherwise you wouldn't get there, it's quite difficult to achieve something like that when you're a fish, but these nail it, they modify their gills to retain water and nutrients and waste products such as nitrogen are excreted through their skin.
As soon as the water returns, the fish returns to the previous accumulation. In reality, this species is very territorial, but when it has to live through a drought, the fish stops its aggression after all, it can be a little crowded on the logs by the way, they don't need a partner to reproduce and they also make great jumps, yes , right on the ground when you live on land. for 2 months you have to somehow move correctly the next stop on our trip is boli Italy At the beginning of the video I said that trees generally grow from the bottom up in the ruins of baa, an ancient Roman complex, things work in a way little different, there is a fig tree. tree growing upside down from the roof of the arch, which is actually an architectural site.
They say this arch was part of the villa owned by Emperor Nero, but he probably wouldn't know why the tree broke the laws of physics, and besides, I don't. I can't find reliable information about this fig tree or how it ended up in the arch or how it survived but it keeps growing upside down it even seems to be bearing fruit, how about the fruits on the trunk in the south of Brazil is there a place? where you can find the jabura Caba tree, but only in the less gas states, goas and sa Pao, you can find round, dark berries that seem attached to the trunk only in season for a few weeks, when the tree bears fruit, the berries have a thick skin. and a very sweet center, yes you can eat them.
I was ready for something dangerous and quite poisonous, but they say that these berries are delicious, they are mostly eaten fresh, but the fruits start to ferment only 3-4 days after being picked, so I have to do it quickly or make jam with them, bake a cake, look, I'm already drooling over what's next in the script, Steve, okay, so mosquitoes, mosquitoes that live everywhere, elephant mosquitoes are quite big, you can find them in the forests and They prefer to stay active. during the day they are surprisingly beautiful for mosquitoes no, seriously, just check them out. I have never seen such beautiful blood suckers, maybe it is because elephant mosquitoes don't actually drink blood.
Adult insects subsist on carbohydrates, such as the liquid waste of aphids. They secrete the juice of damaged plants, nectar from fruits and even rejectors in their menu, in short, they don't eat anything even close to blood, they don't even want to taste, why risk your life when you can find a peach that definitely won't swat ? you, but the larvae of these mosquitoes hunt the larvae of other mosquitoes, you understand well, elephant mosquitoes actually help humans and are good at it, the larvae, as often happens, are very voracious, just one mosquito larva Elephant can eat up to 5,000 larvae of other mosquitoes before they mature, this can take anywhere from a few weeks to 6 months.
Can you imagine how many dangerous larvae they can destroy during this time? Since we mentioned larvae that generally live in water, it's time to move to India, the homeland of water buffaloes. The way about 90% of these animals live in Asia, these are really big bulls that can weigh up to 2,600 pounds and grow to almost 10 feet. The most important thing is that water buffaloes love water, while everyone knows that hippos spend most of their time in water. I don't expect cow relatives to behave well, the answer lies in the sweat glands. Water buffalo have too many, especially for their size, they are less tolerant of direct sunlight, which means they can die from exposure to heat.
Water buffaloes need constant chilling and chilling. They realize this and that is why they do not voluntarily move away from the water. Some prefer deep water. Some just wallowed in mud pits, which they did. Pigs use their horns. Water buffaloes have wide hooves and a special joint structure to prevent getting stuck in the mud. Sel at the bottom of the pond. If you've ever swam in a place like this, you'll realize this could happen, especially if you're a buffalo, a large, heavy animal. Also, when water buffalo are very hungry, they simply dive to the bottom and eat.
What they find there I think is probably grass, but I still wouldn't jump into a pool with a hungry water buffalo, better safe than sorry and if you think water buffalo don't live up to their name, here's a story for you during a flood. In the Philippines a farmer was able to go out riding a water buffalo apparently this animal doesn't care what's around it a lake or dirty water after heavy rains the farmer also took a cow but let's leave the water and add some lava In this video there is a lava cactus growing on the gpus islands and it looks like a cactus, but it grows only on recent lava flows, of course even these cacti need the surface to harden, cool first and all that, but still most plants and animals would do it.
I don't like this habitat, remember Mordor doesn't look like a blooming valley, but that's because Sauron simply didn't have lava cacti, they aren't very well studied, but this is what I realized when the cacti anchor themselves in the cracks of bacteria. At their roots they literally begin to eat the lava, this releases the beneficial minerals that help the cactus grow and the cactus in turn provides food for the animals and even when the lava cactus dies, its work is not done yet, the cactus It becomes hummus. hummus there is fertile soil for other plants the only drawback of the lava cactus is its shape it seems that your grandmother may find it inappropriate okay, let's move on to more YouTube-friendly topics in South Africa there are lazier bees that refuse to work everyone thinks who are bees are hard workers who are always busy and this is quite true bees work their whole life in one day one bee can visit more than a thousand flowers so at night she is so exhausted that she doesn't care about anything sweet or even something especially especially tasty flowers, well you know this feeling when you are so tired that you just don't care at all a worker bee flies about 500 m in its life, that is more than 5 or 6 weeks, that is the limit beyond which there is only the death, of course, the bees.
They rest when they sleep it takes them around 5 to 7 hours a day and the rest of the time they work but the cape bees don't thanks to a genetic mutation they have learned to reproduce Without a Queen Bee simply by cloning themselves and if there is no queen bee then you don't have to work These bees sneak into other hives and lay their eggs there so others can feed and care for their young. These larvae mature and grow almost as big as the queens and since the queens can reproduce, which means they don't do any work, they just walk around. around the hive as if they own them all, this quickly results in the collapse of the hive, but before this happens, the cape bees have enough time to relax and then they find another hive and leave their clones there, if you believe that strange things can only happen on Earth, look at Mars, where the sunsets and sunrises are blue.
Furthermore, the sun appears very small from there, although this is no mystery. Mars is further away, so the Sun appears only about 2/3 of it. The size that we see on Earth due to its color Mars is known as the red planet, its soil is rich in iron oxide so it has a reddish tone but when the fine dust rises the blue light can penetrate the atmosphere much more efficient than any other light, that explains. blue sunsets as the atmosphere is different on each planet in Uranus, for example, the sunset. The sky changes from blue to turquoise and on Titan, one of Saturn's moons, the sky changes from yellow to orange and brown as the sun setsbelow the horizon in 2010.
A very scary story happened in the Unza River, a tributary of the Vulga, a woman named Vera was swimming in the river when she suddenly noticed something strange approaching her, something swam up to her, crashed into his leg and then felt a sharp pain if this happened. In the sea one could suspect that it was a shark but this happened in the river, it turned out that it was not a shark but a huge catfish that decided to eat the woman. The fish sank its teeth into the woman's leg and did not let go until she people forced him to retreat, later doctors discovered more than 20 minor wounds on the injured leg, all left by fish teeth, this could cause infection and damage to the ligamentous apparatus, bleeding vascular lesions, just think about it, a catfish did all this , the fish that is supposed to do it.
It can be chilling deep down and if you start to dig deeper, it becomes clear that catfish attacks occur much more frequently than you would expect. Some of the stories are really scary in the 60s, not far from the Russian city of karov, a huge catfish not only attacked a person but also dragged him under water I don't know how the story ended but the locals had to ask for help to the military. It seems to me that the key reason catfish act this way lies in their diet. Catfish eat anything they don't eat seriously. It doesn't even matter what species they dine on, every once in a while you hear stories about a catfish dragging a dox to the bottom or biting a child.
Yes, it sounds like an urban legend, the thing is, there is actually tons of evidence of catfish. Swallowing ducklings in spring and even drowning adult ducks, rats also become their prey. Catfish are also smart enough to evaluate their strengths and even devise strategies. Young catfish band together to hunt pigeons that fly in shallow water, although they never do. When they grow up, larger individuals track their prey for a long time before attacking. The stomachs of catfish caught in France are often filled with bird legs. undigested; These are not isolated cases, catfish actually feed on pigeons naturally, even for the largest catfish, a human is too big. of a prey, but this does not mean that the catfish will not attack humans, for example, to protect its eggs, my daughter, you are cursing the child, no and I am not exaggerating when I say that there are many stories of terrible catfish attacks on a big catfish. has lived for a long time in a reservoir near the Russian city of Jumpac according to eyewitnesses it was a really huge creature that devoured all the inhabitants of the reservoir and even dogs that accidentally ended up in the water one day that catfish even ate a pig The fish that a pig ate was making puddles in shallow water.
Can you imagine? Now let's remember a very disturbing fact: pigs and humans are very similar and even genetically compatible. Does this mean we should be too careful with catfish? Maybe Steve discovered that they sometimes meet. human fingers in the stomach have caught catfish not catfish they do not bite living people they do not care about drowned people although the more decomposed the body is the softer it becomes and the stronger it smells and the catfish really loves this but this does not mean that the catfish come to appreciate the taste of human flesh and begin to eat people alive, however, in some reservoirs with a large number of catfish they introduced a band for swimming, why do you think they did it well?
Probably not because the authorities are afraid that Someone accidentally steps on the catfish and slips and, as often happens, the omnivorous animal gets a good advantage from nature and begins to spread literally everywhere at a terrible rate. A few decades ago, near Cologne, fishermen were surprised but happy when they started fishing. It seemed that the catfish was proof of how clean the river water was, but then the number of catfish began to increase every year, there were more in 2010, more than 14 tons of catfish were caught in Rind, in addition, the catfish did not they only bred in at a terrible rate in one region they also spread to other bodies of water today catfish can be found all over Europe until recently Scandinavia was the only place free of catfish simply because it was too cold there btw , temperature is one of the reasons why catfish spread so quickly Catfish are thermophilic, so they multiply very quickly due to industrialization and global warming.
Well, it's always the reason why people would release catfish fry on purpose so that they would grow and be able to catch them later, who knew that catfish would start catching humans? Oh, and don't forget. These fish live a long time, of course, not as long as Greenland sharks, but the 5-foot-long catfish can be about 40 years old. The age of the largest catfish caught is estimated at 70 years. Its length reached almost 6.6 feet. Do you realize how big it is? Being so big, you can easily eat whatever you want. Apparently, catfish continue to grow throughout their lives without limitations and the bigger they get, the more they eat.
People who don't know that catfish can grow to incredible sizes often think that they get that big. due to radiation, well, what else is there to blame on radiation and pollution, especially considering that giant catfish were found in the cooling pond of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, although in reality radiation has nothing to do with it. do with that, it usually works exactly the other way around when animals get sick? and they die before they can grow big enough second, the Cott species in Chernobyl are supposed to be large, I mean originally, plus there is evidence that the same regions of catfish were caught without radiation, the catfish there actually were catfish even bigger radioactive ones, they are just lucky creatures that have a lot of food and without predators the chances are that in a couple of decades they will get even bigger, of course the bigger the catfish the bigger their prey will be, right?
Why waste energy and time catching some small fish when you can eat something more nutritious? That's why catfish eat almost anything they can fit in their mouths, it all starts harmlessly enough with analysis.words gastropods crustaceans and insects but as soon as catfish grow up frogs fish and even other catfish appear on their menu the catfish's diet Giant catfish includes birds small mammals like dogs and even sheep they swallow them whole and the catfish can afford all that not only because of the size, as I said, catfish are smart enough to come up with different hunting strategies, they realize very well of what they are doing and, in addition, nature has blessed the catfish with everything they need to hunt, for example, they have a well-developed sensitivity that allows them to feel the vibration of the prey.
Catfish are excellent at adapting to new food sources when they appear, that is, they are happy to expand their menu, you can't be near a catfish and expect it not to eat you because you're new here. Catfish also adopt new hunting strategies when necessary, such as capturing pigeons from the land, also analyzes the migration routes of salmon or herring, even if they see them for the first time and then take a convenient hunting position and their hunt is successful. I think I already mentioned that catfish can team up to chase their prey. In general, it seems that if you live in water, the only way to escape the catfish that think you will make a good dinner is to stop breathing fish from the genus plis.
They live in the Indian Ocean, the western Pacific Ocean and New Guinea. They say their tails look like those of eels, but they have long spikes protruding from their faces. They are much more interesting. They house taste buds that allow fish to detect chemicals in the water around them. They are so sensitive that they can pick up the smallest changes in the acidity of the water, for example those produced by the respiration of bristle worms. Simply exhale and that's it, the catfish. has found you thanks to this ability these fish can hunt even in complete darkness, by the way, have I ever heard of noodles, it is a way of catching catfish with bare hands, a person puts his hand in the hole of the catfish under the water and takes it out, but it is much more complicated than it seems at first, the noodle gropes for the hole.
In the water, if everything goes according to plan, the catfish grabs the noodle's hand, after which the noodle pulls out the catfish with both hands. I don't even know what could go wrong here, especially considering everything I've already told you about catfish. The biggest danger for a noodle is the risk of drowning. The water is too deep and you don't have a friend nearby to help you. A large catfish can keep you underwater much longer than you can hold your breath. You also need to be physically strong and tough enough because the catfish will fight back, even a fish weighing around 66 lbs will become a formidable opponent.
Remember that this fish is in its element and is capable of eating a sheep with a single blow. A catfish is quite capable of breaking a person's ribs and if right now you're doing everything you can to hold your breath and not drown, then well, things aren't looking very good for you, so it's no surprise that Noodle fishing is considered a very dangerous activity compared to other forms of fishing, it can literally kill people, there are times News reports covering this catfish perhaps kill many more people than we know. People who have encountered an aggressive catfish say its bite is similar to that of a teething puppy, but don't think it's painless.
Catfish may not have fangs but have maxillary teeth. thick rows of inwardly curved spikes designed to let food in but not out when attached to a human's arm. Catfish also have a nasty tendency to push down and twist like a sharpener on a pencil, this can result in skin tearing, let me remind you of this. boys love to charge and their teeth aren't exactly clean just when you start to realize that encountering a regular catfish isn't the best thing that can happen to you, you learn about electric catfish, they can shock up to three 350 volts to stun the unsuspecting. prey, however, the catfish themselves are not only immune to their own discharges, it seems that they cannot be surprised at all.
Evolution supports this immunity. Not long ago, scientists compared the response of the electric catfish and the goldfish to various stimuli by observing the movements of fish after exposure to electric shocks from other catfish and electrodes, while the Goldfish was severely electrocuted by the electric catfish and completely immobilized by the electrodes, the electric catfish appears to be completely unaffected by either shock. I'm not even sure if you noticed why this is happening until now, no one knows, although we know for sure that people have not yet become victims of electric catfish. A large catfish can only stun a person.
Remember that catfish continue to grow throughout their lives. Who knows, maybe there's a catfish somewhere that's big enough to kill a human see you later

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