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Lawrence: Why Trump's lawyer called him the 'orange turd' during Stormy testimony

Jun 05, 2024
Well, tonight we start at the end because this time the end tells you everything you need to know about what came before that in the courtroom today where Donald Trump was




poop repeatedly by Stormy Daniels and by his own


. That's right, that's how Donald Trump's day ended today, the woman he has paid more money to than any woman he hasn't married, criminal defense attorney Susan Necklace repeatedly


her client Donald Trump, the


poop, in what she thought was an effective cross-examination of Stormy Daniels, so imagine Donald. Trump sitting today in that courtroom slumped in his chair leaving his eyes closed for long periods being forced to listen with his eyes closed or with his eyes open to one of his criminal defense attorneys on whom he has lavished money provided by his political contributors To hear it repeatedly call it the orange poop and Donald Trump is, of course, the most vain human being to ever walk into that Courthouse, but his colossal vanity combined with his even more colossal stupidity leaves us unable to say what he was experiencing.
lawrence why trump s lawyer called him the orange turd during stormy testimony
A normal person could not experience it. What was most humiliating to Donald Trump was that the first time he heard himself referred to as the orange poop, his


was doing what he told her to do, which was keep Stormy Daniels on the witness stand on as long as possible, in Trump's belief that just a few minutes on the witness stand counts as somehow scoring points against Stormy Daniels. The orange


landed an hour after an elaborate interrogation by Susan that was repetitively tedious and almost completely irrelevant at 10:20 a.m. expensive lawyer Susan Necklace told Stormy Daniels the date is.
lawrence why trump s lawyer called him the orange turd during stormy testimony

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lawrence why trump s lawyer called him the orange turd during stormy testimony...

Isn't it a fact that you keep posting on social media how you are going to be instrumental in imprisoning President Trump? Answer show me where I said it would be instrumental in imprisoning President Trump. Question: Okay, Miss Necklace, if we could. show witness j43 please ask, do you recognize that as your post? Answer yes to the question and I don't see the word instrumental or jail. Miss's collar, inflate it a little more. Susan's Collar then displays the post on all the screens in the courtroom. for the jurors to see and for the viewers to see and for Donald Trump to see and then she says quote are you responding to the post someone else's post there answers yes someone calling me a human toilet so I took advantage of the joke question of the other post Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels aka the human toilet are there Star Witnesses Correct Answer yes, you said exactly, making me the best person to throw out the orange poop.
lawrence why trump s lawyer called him the orange turd during stormy testimony
He answers yes, so Susan Necklace brought the orange poop into the courtroom and kept it there during questioning. The orange excrement continued and continued


Daniel said quote I don't see instruments or jail there you are putting words in my mouth question so when you said that you were the best person to throw away the orange excrement you weren't saying we were going to be fundamental for him to be convicted for a crime that was not what you meant. Answer without questions. What does that mean? Respond. I'm pretty sure this is hyperbole. If someone calls me a toilet, I can say someone flush the toilet and see how. that works now trying to explain a joke to a lawyer in court is always useless question you said you were going to dump president


answer i didn't say president


trump says orange poop so if that's how you interpret your question what do you do? you mean the answer I don't know what I mean question you have no idea answer I'm not a toilet either so that's it.
lawrence why trump s lawyer called him the orange turd during stormy testimony
I ask you if you knew what you meant when you said orange poop answer yes I ask what did you mean answer? I meant that I'm not a human toilet, so if they want to make fun of me, I can make fun of them. Question you don't want to admit. I meant Mr. Trump's response. I absolutely meant that Mr. Trump asked why. saying no answer doesn't say instrumental and putting him in jail and so it happened with Susan necklace repeatedly pretending to quote things she wasn't quoting and getting caught by witness Stormy Daniels who then proved that Susan necklace had mischaracterized what she was presenting to Stormmy Daniels and Stormmy Daniels didn't spend a minute in law school learning how to do that.
That's a sample of what happened in the morning, but like I said, the most important part of the day by far was the end, that's when the judge. Juan Maran had the final say and provided the most substantive review possible of Stormmy Daniels' performance on the witness stand, as did Trump's lawyers, Stormy Daniels dropped off Witness D at 12:23 p.m. two hours after Susan Necklace invited her to repeatedly call Donald Trump orange shit on his face in the courtroom, three more, much less colorful witnesses took the witness stand and Judge Maran finished


today early on the early side at 4M so that the Trump defense could have some time to file two motions, both of which were denied by the judge's first criminal defense attorney, Todd Blanch, who is the lead defense attorney in this case and who has already been so deeply humiliated in that very courtroom that he comes in, walks out and spends the day at the defense table looking like the saddest man in the room every day Todd Blanch filed a motion with the judge to rewrite his order of silence on Donald Trump to now exclude Stormy Daniels from the gag order so Donald Trump can tweet about her now or do whatever he does on Truth social Todd Blanch now insisted that Stormy Daniels had submitted what he called a quote from a completely different version of events.
Donald Trump should be free to respond publicly to that completely new version of events that the judge called for as an example. of what Todd Blanch thought was a completely different version of events. Todd Blanch cited the quote from Stormy Daniels'


. I felt the courtroom spin in slow motion and a few other lines to which the judge said: I don't see a new set of facts in the district. The attorney argued that the additional elements of Stormmy Dangel's testimony were not inconsistent with his prior statements. Judge Maran explained why he would not change the gag order.
He quotes My concern is not just to protect Ms. Daniels or a witness who has already testified. My concern is to protect the integrity of these proceedings as a whole, that means everyone sees what happens. The witnesses who have not yet testified will see what happens, they will see how the witnesses who have testified will be treated by your client and I cannot take your word for it. No, no, this is going to be discreet, this is not going to be an attack, this is just going to be a response to what was said because that is not the history, the reason why the gag order is in effect for to start is Precisely because of the nature of these attacks, the vitriol, these were very real and very threatening attacks against potential Witnesses, so your client's history speaks for itself.
I can't take his word that he'll just say, "Hey, I dispute the facts." So regarding your request to modify the gag order to allow your client to respond to Ms. Daniels, that request is denied and then Judge Maran heard Todd Blanche's motion to mistrial based on how devastating it was. Daniel's testimony about Donald Trump. Blanch qualified Stormy General's testimony about what happened in the hotel room. He cites a completely made-up encounter with Donald Trump and Todd. Blanch whined plaintively, the closest to tears any man in that room ever came to the spanking date, and was then asked about President Trump's spanking. being spanked during the incident again how that is relevant to why we are here when you, especially when you weigh it and compare it to the damaging nature of that type of testimony, a series of questions about rolling up a magazine and spanking him, the family designated.
Spec Ator supporter Eric Trump didn't show up today, so there were no family members sitting with us in that courtroom listening to all the legal talk about Donald Trump getting whipped by Stormy Daniels. Todd Blanch insisted that, he quotes, this is not a case about sex. Todd Blanch said there shouldn't be any testimony about sex, including the moments Stormy Daniels described right before sex. Todd Blanch cited Stormy Daniels' testimony before the judge. She says I went to take a step. I laughed nervously. I tried to make a joke. and step around to leave even though I was moving like I was in a fun house like in slow motion I thought to myself cool I put myself in this bad situation like what did I do?
How did I misinterpret everything he stood between me and the door not in a threatening way he didn't come towards me he didn't lunge at me he didn't push my hands or anything like that I said I had to go he said I thought you were we were getting to somewhere we were talking I thought you were serious about what you wanted if you ever want to get out of that part of the trailer now again this is a description of power this is an extremely damaging statement from a witness who was never told that there is no evidence that that Ami was told that there was no evidence that that Mr.
Cohen was told that there was no evidence that that had anything to do with the motive of anyone involved in this case for signing that NDA in 2016. Prosecutor Josh Steas Stein Glass had an answer for that quote Mr. Blanch says well she never said any of this to Michael Cohen or Ami in 2016, she didn't talk to Mr. Cohen or Ami in 2016, but you know who knew what happened in that room, Mr. Trump knew it and those details of what happened in that room those confusing details that was the reason that was Mr. Trump's reason to silence this woman before she could tell her story in 2016, less than a month before the elections, so these are not irrelevant.
Mr. Trump was aware of those details and The fact that the testimony is damaging and confusing according to Mr. Blanch, is why Mr. Trump tried so hard to prevent the American people from finding out about this. The prosecutor told the judge additional details of the sexual encounter that Stormy Daniels revealed in her interview with the District Attorney's Office. The district attorney deliberately did not use those details in Stormy Daniels' testimony because the district attorney knew the judge wanted minimize the details of the sexual encounter in the testimony. Here's an example of what the prosecutor deliberately left out in Stormy.
Quote from Daniels' courtroom testimony At one point Miss Daniels was asked, does she know if she felt anything unusual? Now the answer to that question was going to be I felt what it felt like to feel the skin of a 60 year old man. He was 27 years old. old and that was different than anything he had felt before now that is the type of detail that would corroborate his account of having had a sexual interaction with the accused but it was not obtained, your honors sustained the objection there are other details that I do not want to record on the record that the prosecutor said the defense can offer evidence that nothing sexual happened in that room simply by putting Donald Trump on the stand where he can say whatever he wants about Stormy Daniels.
There is no gag order. On the witness stand, Todd Blanch was outraged that Stormmy Daniels testified that Donald Trump did not use a condom, the prosecutor's response was that Donald Trump's quote asked a lot of questions about testing in the adult film industry, how often tests are carried out, whether performers are required to use condoms, etc. You ask about that and the reason it's relevant is because it explains her decision not to use a condom and the fact that that testimony comes out about him not using a condom is because the description of the conversation she had with Mr.
Trump again corroborates your story Todd Blanch asked to speak again very briefly after the prosecutor completed his argument Mr. Blanch only very briefly the court very briefly Mr. Blanch I mean, judge, what they are saying is not true, so, for example, the people just said that Ms. McDougall was not on the court's witness list, I'm not going to get bogged down with that, Mr. Blanch, but judge the court, it's not relevant to this motion, which is why I say very quickly whether she was being to be called or not to be called has nothing to do with this mistrial motion, Mr.
Blanch, but it is on your honor, not the court, it is not. I'm making the decision and I decide if it is or not. I tell you, no, it is so difficult now to convey how angrily and harshly Judge Maron treated Todd Blanch in that courtroom. It was something we had not seen before in that courtroom because Judge Juan Maran normally has a soft and calm voice. speaker in court that makes you lean forward to listen to him and you always do because he's so clear, so simple, just raise yourself a littlehis decibel level and the speed and intensity of his speech slightly as he did has a huge effect in that room, it's bombastic.
In his own way, Judge Michon plays his role in such a discreet manner that when he leans towards something, he falls like an explosion like he did today, so Judge Maran, after ordering Todd Blanch to sit down again, launched into his ruling on the mistrial saying that he agreed that the condom mention shouldn't have come up and what he couldn't understand is why Donald Trump's expensive criminal defense attorney, specifically Susan Necklace, didn't agree. he opposed. The judge said: I wish those questions had not been asked and I wish. Those answers hadn't been given, but for the life of me, I don't know why Miss Collar didn't object, she had just made about 10 objections, most of which were sustained, why on Earth wouldn't she object to the mention of a condom I don't understand and that was the case for most of the issues raised by Todd Blanche, but the crushing blow to Todd Blanche's motion and Todd Blanche's work as counsel in this case came when the judge explained to him with Donald Trump sitting over there. hearing that Todd Blanch lost this motion for a mistrial with the first thing he said in this trial on the first day Judge Michon Mr.
Blanch in his opening statement his refusal puts the jury in a position of having to choose who Donald Trump believes, who denies that there was an encounter, or stermy Daniels, who claims that there was, although people do not have to prove that a sexual encounter actually occurred, they do have the right to rehabilitate Ms. Daniels' credibility and corroborate her story, which was immediately attacked in opening statements, the more specific specifications Ms. Daniels can provide in this regard. After the encounter, the more the jury will be able to weigh to determine whether the encounter occurred and, if so, whether they choose to give credence to M Daniel's story.
Judge M noted that he himself objected on behalf of Trump's lawyers in cases where they did not object and in his own lines of questioning, Judge Manan explained that Stormy Daniels had explained in her interview with the district attorney that watching the explosive film made her review her own thoughts and feelings about what happened in that room with Donald Trump. The explosive film was the brilliant performance of Jay Roach. film starring Charlie steron Nicole Kidman Margot Robbie John lithograph Alison Janney in the horror story of Roger Al's sexual harassment, sexual assault and rape of women who worked at Fox News while Roger Alses ran that poisoned workplace, the judge said Miss Daniels had seen this movie for years. later and it was at that time that certain memories of her came back to her and certain explanations of her feelings came back to her.
I decided immediately that couldn't happen. I felt that somehow injecting Roger ALS into these procedures would be unduly harmful to his The client and I did it even though these feelings of hand numbness, the room spinning, and the blackout were unexplained and I did it to protect Your clients. I don't agree with your narrative that there is any new account here. I don't agree that there is any change to the story. What's happened is that people have gone into more detail than they originally planned and the fact that you went after her right in the opening statements attacking her claim that she never they had sexual intercourse you did not attack that there was a fabrication of business records that you did not attack any of the other elements of the crime that you said, my client denies that there was ever a sexual encounter again, as I said before from the beginning, which He puts his client's words against Miss Daniel's words and that, in my opinion, allows people to do what they can to rehabilitate her and corroborate her story.
Her motion for a mistrial is denied. See you tomorrow at 9:30 at 9:23 today Donald Trump was in the hallway before he entered the courtroom giving one of those five-minute speeches. from him to the camera waxes while ignoring every question he was asked and said then quote I want to thank my lawyers who have done a very good job that was exactly one hour before Susan Necklace called him the orange poop and it was seven hours before the Judge Juan Maran crushed and humiliated Donald Trump's criminal defense attorneys, Todd Blanch said this is not a case about sex, but Judge Maran said that in Todd Blanch's opening statement, Todd Blanch made the mistake of making this a case about sex.

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