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The Funniest Off-The-Cuff Comebacks EVER [ROUND 2]

Jun 07, 2021
you got a rap name MC squared hey what's going on? Motley Crue, there's nothing as funny as a perfectly timed clap, so starting with the comedians, here are some searing nuggets of karmic justice, as we always say, honey, laughter is an instant vacation, so if you enjoy this video we thank you for hitting the like button Jewish comedy writer casting Wow you're like Amy Winehouse if she went to rehab I'm excited to talk to you well I'm excited to be here these chairs are horrible this is like this is designed for I don't know what age It's not six to eight years old like when you're 11 This is the perfect size It's not so boring Sighs are not children's sighs I'll slouch It will be a dull interview so as not to blame the chair, you've n


written in a sitcom before, yes you check your credits, you really hadn't been on the show before, why did you have to bring that up from the beginning?
the funniest off the cuff comebacks ever round 2
It gets negative, there were All these other nice things on your IMDB page I could have mentioned, but I noticed this flashy thing that you've n


done and, from the beginning, it was because I made fun of the chairs. I am sorry, I love you. have the camera rotating for this like it's an action movie, we're going to see these two guys sitting in these incredibly small chairs, I literally feel like I'm going to fall to the floor, this is crazy, you really went all out with the audience, so They have full size adult chairs, they're like from the 20's before they had horse tranquilizers in our food when everyone was like 5 feet, yeah I bet they were dead after that, the only line of comedy that is working here is me in this chair.
the funniest off the cuff comebacks ever round 2

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the funniest off the cuff comebacks ever round 2...

Why would you take that for me? This is you're going totally against the grain, this is the only way you can be comfortable in these chairs, this is like in the middle of my back, oh my God, I love you, but I hate you. You did all these things, you should get rid of that camera, get some chairs, what kind of chair would you prefer? A comfortable chair for adults, so she first agreed to not have to have an abortion. I wish Richard could have laughed at me at that moment. at your age when I was your age the way you laughed now but I just couldn't I told you this 9 years ago I'll tell you on the air front of millions of people take your places baby, baby, for decades news It's known that the presenters are the epitome of poise and sophistication.
the funniest off the cuff comebacks ever round 2
This is BBC News. I'm Carol Walker. Well, most of the time, but imagine if this guy read the local evening news report, Ozzie, good evening, Ozzie, hello, anyway, no. No matter how hard they tried to be professional when tensions arise, it's difficult to keep emotions from spilling out on the screen, especially during a live broadcast. They ask you a question like you said: do you smell? and I'm like, Oh, I got it, yeah, what did you think? I mean I smell your hairspray mostly, that's the most important thing. They told me you made me turn a corner.
the funniest off the cuff comebacks ever round 2
Hey, maybe all I understand is about my hair. Sorry Mike, you don't have any products. Well, please don't ever touch it. Me again, we should tell you that LeBron James is starring in Space Jam, well actually, oh, you're mad because I already read how long we've been friends. 23. I didn't know you were ever going to do it and I have to say this for the first time. Smile, he ever heard me say just before you came, there's an irrigation problem in Gilroy, you have to cook, he never heard me say, oh, it's hot today, never, I stay in my lane and it's just for a friend. , friend, you have to talk to Kitchen.
I like the scenes, yeah, don't try to confront the producer, he gave me that beautiful script and here's that, and it's hard for me to get mad. Catherine stayed at my mother's house, she wrote notes to my mother and stole my material. Sorry, okay, it's very hard to be angry with Catherine, although she is a good friend of my mom and there will come a time when you will have to choose between your mother's love and your mother's friends and honor and dignity. of Kron that we can have. reached that level ah, the yo mama joke this is the oldest known form of clapping its origins date back to the early Egyptians who carved them into the walls of the pyramids it has also been attributed to the fall of the Roman Empire because I grew up in Albuquerque What was there?
Interesting places. Whatever you like being there. As was? Because my hometown. So I don't know if you liked it. Did you have fun there? Yes, go visit your mother from time to time. while that's that bubbly and flat, it's flat because I thought like you mom, I'm sorry, you talk to my dad every day, his name is Larry since he met you, she calls him uninterested, oh yeah, you're not the best, the best is always. for my mom Daniel day-lewis, but I'm just saying that if you continue with your high quality work, I feel like you could already reach that new pinnacle for my mom, yes, again, just kidding, it's the multiple colors of Camille nan Jionni, yes, all shades of your mother's. lipstick, we can only imagine how people like Einstein and Newton would fire off a quick takedown in this day and age, that's how 21st century innovators clap and get a slap in response to his nephew, this is Tyson, he'll talk in a minute, but I always get like.
I have you here so I feel like I'm going to start talking why did you ask him if he had a rap name? would you ask me if you had me you have a rap name MC squared I want to answer another question there is a gentleman There, the red shirt, back there, he's had his hand up for a while, he walked up to the microphone, Mike, my questions for Deepak and the bishop. Now you said before that all belief is a cover-up for insecurity. Who do you believe? yes hello my name is Rob Wilson stranger from Los Angeles and I have a Tesla watch.
We do not make Tesla watches. Let's plug it in. He will say, "Hey, I see you installed a new device and the appropriate drivers will load." We'll note that this scanner build must be the reason we didn't ship Windows 98 absolutely as if they were bound by a secret oath. Celebrities are well trained and prepared on how to interact with each other and the media, but from time to time they can. I can't help but let his wild side out, there's a big crowd and like you, you go to The Tonight Show in America and there's like five people.
I recently told you that you act like Adele sings. I hate Adele, where do you keep your Oscar? It was really good I don't bite I reject your question What? Because I reject your question. I am not your slave and you are not my master. It's interesting that you have a different view and I'm just trying to explore that. I'm shutting you down if I'm here to sell my movie, this is a commercial for the movie, make no mistake Richard, do you have any ideas here? So if you asked yourself a question now, what would it be?
I mean, can you get someone else to do it? Come on, you're the son of a Nigerian and a Norwegian. Yes, do you have a very strong feeling about being a role model for British Norwegians? I am sorry and I feel that Norway as a nation considers me and my activities in too many ways to order any kind. of policies they can implement No, I don't dislike interviews, it's just that it's a little more like it, it's like traveling. I accept it as part of it, but no one you know loves it. I understand, but give me, give me. something in return, I mean, because of you, that wasn't a good line of conversation, that explains a lot, you're a young black British educated in Cambridge, sure, and that's coming, it's quite a rare substance, yes, it is an incredible medical form of a black people in entertainment. industry, yes, there has been, there has been pushing this big campaign on diversity, yes, and you are not going to go there as a topic, how do you mean, go, there is a topic?, you go there as a topic, well, I prepare myself, it is where I think there should be more, but now your interviewee, well, that's interesting, that's elegant, which was interesting.
I thought about your interview with Tarantino when he said this is an advertisement for my movie. He was outraged because he couldn't publicize his movie and all. I thought it was very interesting and it is interesting about the essential lie in the interview situation Richard, thank you very much for coming, don't thank me. I haven't done anything to force the child to throw them away and we have this for free. say why are your back turned to me and I was just talking to a lot no I couldn't talk to youtuber thank you who told you that because my wife tells me that many times she says that married is a fact yes that's fine thank you for a week and a half then, here we go, I don't care because I deserved it you deserved it I did it you deserved it sir, you know that's the kind of person I am, you know it, it's okay, I was saying that your wife will see you the other night get along cooking, it's built, bro impression, check that out, too dark for the room, yeah this is it, he's put you on a motorcycle, it's not safe, he's never ridden the motorcycle, you never understand what it's like . it takes to be a winner I said something wrong I said something wrong okay man if I had Scott a town of des Robin

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