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Exclusive: The Archbishop of Canterbury on Reconciliation and the Royals

May 24, 2024
We are here today, we are talking about


and that is something that is close to your heart and you have been campaigning about it. The world is quite divided. Now, isn't it? There is in this strange old work of mine. I had a meeting last time. summer with the Secretary General of the United Nations and we were talking about this, he said that they counted, depending on how you define it, between 52 and 56 wars, civil wars or international wars going on in the world right now, there are places like the Congo , which is forgotten Wars since it broke out in the mid 90's 6 million people have died 6 million I mean, that's incredible, that's 15 times what we lost in this country in the second world war, yeah, yeah, you know, it's just awful and yes it is very divided. and all arguments boil down to binaries, it's this or that, whereas almost all conflicts, whether internal or between two large nations, are much more complicated than that in terms of many young people being here at your event.
exclusive the archbishop of canterbury on reconciliation and the royals
Nowadays, do you think that children today can be themselves with the pressure of society? Social networks. The fear of being canceled puts a lot of pressure on young people. It is not like this? I'm going to talk about exactly that today. I think there's a huge push to be canceled because of social media cancel culture, uh, and not just on young people, but I think what we're launching today is called a difference course, it's something that's being used in the prisons and around the world. Now, what was written here not by me, by some much smarter colleagues of mine and its goal is to empower people to be able to disagree, so don't say that everyone has to be equal, which is what I think say social networks.
exclusive the archbishop of canterbury on reconciliation and the royals

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Be, go into your box and this is your box and everyone in there will agree with you and the people in that box are your enemies. um is to say that in reality the people in that box are also human beings who get hurt, who get happy, who get sad. They have problems, so let's find a way that they can be together and build something much stronger as a result. Do you think we are being too sensitive in society now? They are too afraid to tell the truth for fear of saying the wrong thing. thing out of fear of being, I think there's an element of that, I mean, I'm sure I know you're asking the questions, but if I said to you, do you ever think about self-censorship?
exclusive the archbishop of canterbury on reconciliation and the royals
I don't know whether to do it or do this job, but yeah, yeah, you have to think, yeah, maybe it's not good to go there, yeah, and I do it a lot, and if we're doing that, imagine what it's like for a teenager in the middle of all the insecurities. uh, trying to fit in. I remember trying to fit in at school and you would too. The last thing you want to do is attract attention and suddenly you can accidentally attract attention on a global scale. I think it's not us. We're too sensitive I think we're too cruel We've lost forgiveness We've forgotten how to forgive let ourselves go to say well, okay, so he said something a bit silly on Good Morning Britain, but you know, let's get over it. move on, but if it's a topic like race or religion, for example, or anything else that's controversial, people try to stay away from those topics nowadays for fear of being mislabeled, there's always been a problem with that. , It is not like this?
exclusive the archbishop of canterbury on reconciliation and the royals
I mean, if we go back to the 19th century, in the British Army, three topics were forbidden at the officers' mess table, religion, politics and women, uh, because although not because they were prudes of any kind, it was because they led to duels, riots and divided groups, so there is nothing. It's strange in that, but certainly speaking as a Christian Jesus Christ doesn't say we are all equal to each other, he talks about the way we are all known by God, loved by God and he says to serve one another and love one another even if They are very different he says love your enemies so we should be more tolerant is what you are saying.
I would say it stronger than that. I believe we should be those who recognize the difference to give when people of good conscience have made a mistake. It's more. difficult when they are being deliberately horrible and learn to accept that we are all different and that we can learn from each other. That's powerful from the position you're in as an


, but when people use their phones on social media. a teenager or whoever you are, it's probably very difficult to censor yourself or you might offend people and we all do stupid things, but is it malicious or is it a mistake?
If it's malicious, have I done it in a fit of temper? Uh, I'm sure you never get impatient at home. I'm sure you never get impatient with your family. My wife would say exactly that, yes, absolutely, and you're going to pay for that when, when this comes out, um, but you, but when. you do it in any healthy situation you say I shouldn't have said that I'm so sorry I was angry in any good family you learn to forgive, love each other and move on, that's really important for us. I have forgotten how to do that in society there is this enormous independence and autonomy uh egocentrism we have to learn to forgive we have to learn to listen and reimagine the way we can relate to each other that message of yours is important I feel that social media, for example The media, it has a huge influence on people's lives, but do you think the church needs to have a voice and an opinion so that you can become, you know, remain relevant to people's lives?
I am referring to the church in recent years, it has grown especially among young people. Yes, we are seeing a pretty sharp increase in the number of young people coming to church. I think we have to learn not to censor but to be transparent, to be honest and to accept the honesty of others. Since Jesus says to love one another, if you are with someone you trust who cares about you, you can handle a lot more honesty from them than if it is someone you are not sure of the relationship with but outside of the family aspect of the relationship in terms of politics Society business do you think those same principles should apply yes, I really do.
I've seen some extraordinary things. I remember it being very relevant at this time, many years ago, during the first intervention. in the Middle East um a uh a rabbi from a settlement and um an imam who had been part of one of the then terrorist groups uh we were working with them when I worked at Centry Cathedral we were working with them they got an award because and when they gave them the prize appeared in the ruins of comry cathedral, which is a great world center of


, and the tremor said that we were enemies, we still disagree passionately on matters of life and death, but we will do it.
To quote him exactly, we will walk the stony path of forgiveness, so the roses behind us were a very beautiful image, now that's the right thing to do, that's how it's done, yeah, and speaking of the Middle East, you've touched it there, you know. We have criticized the need for a ceasefire, the hostages must be released. Do you think our government, US governments around the world should do more? We have a horrible conflict. We have an absolutely. It is an area that I know well. "I know well that it is beyond description in terms of its horror.
Just like Ukraine, where I was in February. Those are two places that weigh on my mind constantly. In the Middle East we know that a ceasefire is essential" , the Pope said publicly last week in a meeting with Anglicans. The


s, last Thursday morning, said that peace is always better than war, which is true in the Middle East. These wars have been going on since 1948, possibly much longer, so there must be a stop, but it must include not only the release of hostages. but accounting for the hostages who have died must include conversations that over time can begin what will be the generational task of building trust.
These things are essential, but killing each other just doesn't work. Can I touch your point in a short time? in terms of the raw family, I know you, um, obviously, at the coronation, the king said that he has cancer and his daughter-in-law, do they turn to you for advice? Now I know you didn't want to talk. about the gossip or the conspiracy theorist I will not comment on the RO family conversations. I just tell everyone that if you're someone who prays, pray for them because that can't go wrong, I mean, just and if you're someone who doesn't pray, pray for them because it can't do any harm and it could do some good because in reality God is up there even if you don't believe in him, okay, great, we should do that and in terms of There is a raw gap Do you think that in the family there should be reconciliation?
There is exactly the same answer. Pray for them. We are not. We should not judge them. They are human beings. They should not be judged. They need to be prayed for and supported. and we were talking ear to ear about Nan Cantry. I know I know my hometown well. You started your early career there. People in those types of cities feel forgotten, although in reality by politicians, by institutions, their points of view don't really count. I would think you've really pointed it out and there are places like that all over the country and when we have these arguments about immigration, when we have these arguments about different, many, different aspects of social policy, I found people. in an amazing people um uh my uh one of our kids went to a school that was majority Muslim right in the middle of the mosque, you probably remember and um it was welcoming, it was warm, it was friendly, um, they're not hostile. people, but they want to know that they are important and that it is of no use.
Their concern about immigration is not usually racist. Your concern about immigration is: can I access services? Access to doctors, schools, clinics, George Elliott Hospital, yes, you know that and you think they are legitimate concerns. On the part of the people, of course, they are legitimate concerns, but one feels that those concerns have been somewhat marginalized in the political debate. I think they get caught up in the turmoil and turmoil and get lost in the fog of conflict and we need governments that The church doesn't need to lecture, but to love and care, and I know I was there recently.
I looked, I was visiting churches there, including CHS Coten, uh, uh, even Nen Gom, and every single one of them was doing debt counseling had food banks provided winter night shelters for homeless people the church took care of people but they need to know that they are also a priority in the government, no more than anyone else, but they are a priority, you are in a very privileged position you talk to royalty you talk to politicians and companies and you have great access to information Are you worried about what you see in the future? I am in a very privileged position.
I am very aware of that. um, I can't believe how privileged I've been to be in this job, uh, and how undeserved it is, I think I'd probably add, but what I would say is, um, I'm worried, I'm not anxious or worried, but we need to. Vision There is a wonderful verse in the Book of Proverbs of the Bible that says that without a vision people perish, we need a vision for a United Country of care and compassion, hospitality and love that with those virtues resumes its natural leadership in the world. not because of strength but because of the courage, valor, honor and quality that this country brings to the world and we still have a place in the world.
Do we have an absolutely extraordinary place in the world? We have a beautiful place in the world. Let's not waste it by closing ourselves in, but let's be those people that people admire and envy. We help others. We build other countries. These are the things we want. Positive note to finish. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. beautiful

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