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No Armor Hardcore - Episode 3 - The Nether

May 20, 2024
11 over here we're fine let's all dive right, let's get out I feel like it was too easy, it's more professional ESP, you're going after you behind oh oh yeah, I almost died, he left instantly Karm, easy God, I'm so good at Minecraft, just keep moving, moving, that was great. That was like the perfect abyss, maybe you think we'll go. Do you think we go back to the ancient city to see if there are any clues to where the clown died or what? Yes, I can show you the pillar. I think he died with the sounds. I think I think that won't happen again.
no armor hardcore   episode 3   the nether
What ISB is doing. SB is devious. I feel like he's up to something, yes, being alone is starting to make us think that way. Okay, this is the crime scene. Wool pillar with gravel on top. One more wool on top. Two blocks. High space. Without scape. He didn't mine. I had to do it. he has fallen, what if the gravel killed him or pushed him and then there is wool on top, so I think he got to the top of the gravel and then he was shot or he fell and died? Oh yes, you heard that. oh, there's a cry up there, there's a cry up there, I think I think this is the death side, okay, I'm going to make a portal real quick, okay, this should connect to the clown, if he's alive, okay, any sign of clowns. he died I Bo is gone guys and if you still have any doubt in your mind the clown made a video and died as we suspected he fell from a pillar and a warden caught him oh oh God IED to the O I really want to try something.
no armor hardcore   episode 3   the nether

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no armor hardcore episode 3 the nether...

I want to try if I can look at Enderman with the skull on because he would be huge. There are skulls in the ancient city. We can go get some for you. I would like a skull. Yeah, okay, we can go look for them a little. skulls yes, he actually hangs out with Minnie hello hello Muka do you like Muka better? I'm I'm easy, you can go, man, you can call me Snot King, no, I'm fine, I have to remember where these skulls are, I think, my God. I hate that this is your first time in the ancient city, no, I actually raided 100 cities right when they came out, but I'm so paranoid, no, it's fair to be paranoid, it's good, oh no, there's a skull here, there's a skull here , no way.
no armor hardcore   episode 3   the nether
I'm agreeing, yeah I really don't know how you're not afraid here, well it's because I raided the whole city and got rid of all the shers so I'm pretty safe except for one or two points mini you this way mini mini oh, That's louder wait, you made a louder, yeah, I just made a louder, did you hear it generate? No, no, I think there are four. I think you have four strikes, yes, three and then on the fourth, yes. I think I'm ready to get out of here guys, I don't know about you, I'm happy with it, I want to get two more levels so I have two level 30 enchantments, you guys think we should spawn a guardian. just to do it no, no, because min is here, you can generate a guardian.
no armor hardcore   episode 3   the nether
I've had my fair share of keepers in this recreation because I'm relaxing. I don't want to be another clown. I guess we've left mini, yeah, right? Looking for it, what's the plan here? Shall we return? I just thought he might have swindled the house, but I guess he's inside. Do you think Minnie can find the Portal? Because she probably wouldn't have been able to. Okay, let's go back. back oh there you are I'm so scared there's another there's another Parts that I don't think have been explored where I'm joking I don't know why I said that and okay, let's go out, yeah, okay, where are we going to fall? this way in these trees maybe it's okay oh hello oh my god what's up brother?
What's happening? We are above you. Uh, okay, guys, guys, you're on your own, guys, you're not going to tell me that someone died, are you? oh, it's on fire, it's got a Strider Brock, what's going on? Speak with us. I just ate my God Apple because he was about to die. I'm not alone, but I don't have Looney with me. You're not calling me Looney. he died there is no way give me a skull try it he had a skull I don't have any of his things what does that tell you there is no way wait so the only thing missing is Looney's death no, he Looney fell into lava guys I'll say it he has an apple he has an Apple is fine it is not fine it fell off the radar it fell off the radar Are you serious?
Are you trolling us? Brock. I mean, of all the people, I would think you'd be the person who doesn't troll us anymore don't listen listen to me Looney fell into lava right in front of me and you know I assumed it would be okay yeah, no words were said, no words were said, he was just gone are you kidding he was just gone just gone like there was some awkwardness in the VC no I'm not going to check I'm not going to check Che l dead Looney no he was part of the skull squad we're just You and me, where is the place of death? only there is no evidence brother, he just fell into the lava, he just us, where did he fall into the lava? bring the Strider home, I mean we have to do it now, this is not a good price guys, one death per


, is it really one per


Yeah, oh, Parker, quick reflexes, he's still there, okay, that was crazy, oh my God, Parker, let's go find one, okay? I'm going to come up to you and go eight more blocks, ooh, more ancient rubble, it's not here. There is no way the session will end soon. How soon will the session end? Oh yeah, there's a snowball-shaped sign of life, wait, that's actually something like that. stop oh Jaren J J Enderman can we try we can try I want to see if we can look at it with skulls yeah you can make them mad so we can't look at the end still don't look at them right I was just thinking what would that be like if we had no clothes yeah like a pumpkin, but without visual effects, oh, because the ending, oh man, Enderman is going to be the thing that kills us in the end, fight, yeah, and then, oh God, oh God, oh God, oh?
God oh God oh God oh God my God oh my God Looney we thought you were dead to walk so far oh my wait you had the 10 you had the 10 obsidian there is no way actually there is no way there is actually no way did you wait? you have to go to the oh my god there isn't, I thought 100% Looney was dead. The skeleton squads get together, oh my god, okay, tell us what happened, so he was making a bridge, but I fell and at one point I think I managed to prank Brock. so I just stayed down because I had fire and I listened to it go through all the green stages and then I just mine, mine, mine underground and I thought, okay, this terrain sucks, I'm just going to take out a portal and I've been in everywhere man I walked like a couple thousand blocks it sucked wait so you did what we thought we'd see you went to the Overworld and then you made a compass yeah that's crazy big brother what do we do what do we do? what to do with Brock, I should go up and hide, you have to get in here, what do we tell him?
Yes, yes, we can do the game again. Alright. Brock, let me sniff it. Minnie or Looney, what are we going to see? Let's go to the left. door, you know what happened, I don't think you open the door either, open the door, oh, there it is, did you fake your death, buddy? Maybe he knew, you didn't think he was dead? I was 50/50 on that, no Don't go around saying people are dead, but you're 50/50. Do we know that Minnie is alive? It might be the right time though. Yes I know. I checked six people in bed. Still, oh, wait, no, wait, uhoh, we have seven, six.
It's not the right number, yeah, we had seven, I forgot, it was up there, uh, oh, where did we last see Min? Yes, who was the last time I saw Minnie. I saw him at the base for the last time. Shall we take us to Min's bed? Jared, I didn't just tune out, yeah. I'm not doing anything B yet, okay, okay, let's sleep for a while, a wild, wild day, okay guys, good night guys.

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