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Resident Evil 2 Remake ALL SECRETS & Easter Eggs You May Have Missed Part 2

Mar 11, 2024
Just when we thought all the Easter




from the Resident Evil 2 Remake One Shot demo had been discovered, the Resident Evil community shows up. So, let's take a look at MORE


, Easter


, and callbacks you may



in the demo. Let's start with the question everyone is asking. How do we discover the security code? 9L 15R 7L? Well, the answer is NOT in the demo. Reddit user Chucky 3X found it in a regular multimedia game where the player read a note they weren't supposed to read. next to Wesker's desk in the STAR room that listed the answer combinations.
resident evil 2 remake all secrets easter eggs you may have missed part 2
It indeed worked in the demo and will probably work in the real game. As for combination lock codes? There are no clues in the game. The community quickly figured them out as they are BIO and RES for Biohazard and REsident


. Next up is something only true Resident Evil fans would notice. In the original game, the police throw a


y for Leon's first day. But there's a problem... they misspelled "welcome" on his sign... WELCOME... with 2 L. So, in the


they fixed the spelling mistake... but... AFTER the fact. Look on the nearby desk... there is a letter l.
resident evil 2 remake all secrets easter eggs you may have missed part 2

More Interesting Facts About,

resident evil 2 remake all secrets easter eggs you may have missed part 2...

L. And look up. A space where the missing L used to be. So they misspelled again, but someone removed the L before it was too late. But still "Looks like your


y has been cancelled." Now we want to revisit one of our last Easter eggs. The pipe-eating zombie in the RPD. While I still think the Re7 Andre factor is involved, this could also be a callback. to the original game or at least how it was supposed to be. A clever hacker named Jay007 discovered that a head was hidden in the original game code and was supposed to fall from the ceiling, but was removed at the last second.
resident evil 2 remake all secrets easter eggs you may have missed part 2
In the


demo, the zombie falls from the ceiling, the same way the head was supposed to. Coincidence, I think not. Let's go out for another observation that we almost


if you walk to the side of the outside area and look through it. crack you can see something really disturbing... a mass grave or a mini-cemetery. There appear to be more than 10 bodies buried there. Someone is hungry? How about a sandwich? in the operating room which is hard to read, but after zooming in, many people think the squiggles say Jill's Sandwiches in reference to this classic line from Resident Evil 1: "That was too close...
resident evil 2 remake all secrets easter eggs you may have missed part 2
You were almost a Jill Sandwich ...You're right" Jill's Sandwichies was a restaurant found in another Capcom game, Dead Rising, so it may actually be an Easter egg of another Easter egg... it's like the beginning of the Easter egg! Easter! What ties everything back to the original Resident Evil is the delivery phone number below, which ends in the digits 1998, the year Jill Sandwich was almost created. If you want some music with your meal, maybe you should get a sample of the new music from the save room. Simply turn up your headphones and turn on the light on the film reveal to save space for a single short preview.
Earlier this week, Capcom developers confirmed that many of the zombies are random Capcom employees who were scanned into the engine. "There are several staff members that appear throughout the game that were scanned and then installed" and you can see even more employee names in the RPD lobby below the statue. Let's talk about Leon's gun, the Matilida, this weapon nickname comes from Resident Evil 4 and if you can believe it, it is actually believed to be named after Natalie Portman's character from the 1994 film The Professional. And if you're curious, the magnum NOT in the demo will unfortunately take the name Lightning Hawk, the nickname used in RE5 and RE6.
Finally we


to finish with the final screen of the demo. complete the mission, your time appears on the screen... but did you get close to the sticky notes? For anyone who keeps doing it, could you stop eating the office greenery? I don't care if you say they make you feel better, those herbs are expensive! MONEY! Hey, can someone cover my shift tonight? My wife has some kind of strange rash on her skin and I need to go home and take care of her. I have to know what it feels like, just a bite of delicious meaty meat sinking my teeth into the skin like a juicy apple tastes heavenly.
I went down to the kennel to feed Officer Rolf and she kept growling at me. I almost bit my ass. What's wrong with that stray dog? Well, there are only 2 more days until retirement. (Looks like you're not going to make it) So far, combined with the first video, that's all that's been revealed in the demo... we think... and if that's a sign of things to come, we're going to have Much more secrets and Easter eggs that we will find on January 25, when we can finally play... Resident Evil 2 Reeeemakkkeeee! Crimson Army, did we miss any


eggs, secrets or callbacks?
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