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Even Pro Fighters Are Afraid Of This Preacher Because He Is The Strongest Man On The Planet

Jul 01, 2024
The film begins in 1960 Houston, where young George and his family move into a new house that is in desperate need of repairs. He doesn't


have electricity, but one night his mother divides a hamburger into four pieces for her hungry children. George is anxious. eat his share immediately but his sister Mary insists that they pray first reluctantly George waits after the prayer swallows his piece in one bite I'm so hungry I could eat


table noticing his brother's persistent hunger Mary kindly offers him half always seeing the best in him that night his mother sternly tells George that he can't afford to stay another year at school, it would be too hard to catch up, she begs him to avoid fights at school by The next day at school, George meets him.
even pro fighters are afraid of this preacher because he is the strongest man on the planet
With stares due to his appearance in class, he attempts to answer a question, but the teacher dismisses him due to his dirty clothes and prefers to call on a student with shiny shoes. Jason takes us during lunch. George sits alone without food while his classmates eat. one of them makes fun of him for not being able to afford


a piece of bread and starts treating him like a dog, how about


nasty skin? You want him, he goes get him, George enraged punches the boy in the face when the teacher arrives and runs away. Anger was my response to everything and I couldn't help but fight, it was the only thing I did well years later.
even pro fighters are afraid of this preacher because he is the strongest man on the planet

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even pro fighters are afraid of this preacher because he is the strongest man on the planet...

George and a friend are loitering outside a bar when a drunk man stumbles out and they decide to follow him planning to rob him, but they soon discover that the man is a police officer on a sting operation, surprise boy, the boys have been busy right here, uh, the police arrive and Chase occurs. George escapes by hiding under a house and the police arrive with a dog. George covers himself in sewage to avoid detection by the costume. He works and the police and his dog can't find him on the way home. George sees an entry-level job advertisement on a television in a store window.
even pro fighters are afraid of this preacher because he is the strongest man on the planet
The advert promises free food and drink to those who have dropped out of school work and offers vocational training to help. the minors get jobs and even pay their excited students George shares the news with his mother telling her that he wants to join she supports his decision stating that he has more potential than he thinks he wants to do this job Co yes, then do it right George no I'm not coming back Running home


you're missing me. I finish what I start this time a few days later. George arrives at Job Corp in California.
even pro fighters are afraid of this preacher because he is the strongest man on the planet
At the entrance, a guard describes the rules inside. He immediately bumps into another guy, Desmond, for a bed. just a bed man in his duffel bag George finds a new pair of Converse sneakers and a note from his mother Desmond looks at him with envy George struggles during his electricity class drawing laughter from other students, he responds with a clearly used hard look to solve problems with his strength the next day Desmond is listening to music while George tries to study, frustrated, George unplugs the record player, he has something against music, maybe, my God, you always get angry like this when I try to study.
Desmond, drinking from his flask, offers George a drink which he declines, however during their conversation they begin to bond. George's mood improves when Desmond invites him to the dining room. Now you're talking eager to wear his mother's new Converse. George is disappointed to find them missing in the dining room. Desmond advises. He asks her to report the theft after eating. He shares with George that he is the reason there are more brownies in the cafeteria today thanks to his ability with numbers. Desmond got a job at the cafeteria. He modified the weekly order sheets by swapping beans for more brownies and less. my new cost cutting plans we have a lot more brownies and a lot less gay George notices a guy wearing his stolen Converse sneakers when the guy sees George's glare he panics and runs away locking himself in George's bedroom him without flinching.
George breaks the door and almost throws the thief out the window at which point the doctor hears the commotion intervenes and breaks up the fight outside George tries to justify his actions by explaining that his mother had worked hard to buy those shoes that were stolen gets into the car at the Self Doctor presents George with two options: he can send him to jail or send him home. In the time you were here, you expelled three opsmen and were disrespected by an innocent door. The gate also offered me money for a bus ticket. Doc is ready to kick him out of the program.
George begs Doc not to kick him out. I can't go home, brothers, this place is all hell, please and, feeling sympathetic, the doctor decides to give him another chance and asks if George ever boxed, he only talks about street fights. Boxing, not fighting, is a sport with rules. The doctor who turns out to be a boxing trainer notices George's strength and suggests that he join the boxing club. If you are big and ugly enough, you won't learn it. George enthusiastically accepts the next day at the gym. The doctor introduces him. George to his sparring partner George reacts badly to his opponent's jokes by showing aggression but the doc reminds him that they are not here to kill each other.
George enters the ring while being good with numbers, Desmond offers the spectators to place bets on him as the sparring begins. George tries it. hitting hard, but his lack of technique makes him an easy target, and he is quickly knocked down, prompting laughter from the onlookers. The humiliated George storms out and hits AE's bag so hard that it falls, instantly silencing everyone in the locker room. The doctor calms George down by explaining. that 6 months before his opponent was as inexperienced as George, now the Doc assures him that with the right training he can reach the same level.
Frustrated, George mentions the laughter of the other boys but the Doc insists that he should ignore the opinions of the others and focus In his training doctor he begins to train George rigorously by teaching him various boxing techniques and tactics. George finds footwork and coordination challenging, but the doctor emphasizes that boxing is as much about strategic thinking as physical skill. One day, George calls home and the conversation is going well until he mentions he's learning to box. His mother expresses her disapproval of fighting. No, I'm not going to fight. So what's that called, George. It's boxing.
It's a place with rules. ? God knows I don't want you to fight. God, what does God have to do with everything? M, but his call ends abruptly when George runs out of phone credit. Later, George faces the same opponent who knocked him down previously, but this time the match is dramatically different in a matter of seconds. George knocks him out, leaving the doctor impressed by his rapid improvement. George visits Doc in his office and learns that the doctor was once a professional boxer who won his first 24 fights and then, unfortunately having to trade one uniform for another, George shows him an article about Joe Frasier from a boxing magazine and declares his ambition to become world champion.
His enthusiasm and Dearing advise him to temper expectations of him and explain the extensive training required before competing at the professional level when George asks about the upcoming Olympics. The doctor informs him that although the Olympics are next year, he won't be ready to compete for another 5 years. years five years I will be an old man you have a stroke like I have never seen but even if you train harder than any man has ever trained there is no way you can make the Olympics next year the scene changes to The following summer, George , who is now 19 years old and has trained for only a year, faces a more experienced Soviet boxer.
Commentators doubt his chances, but his family watches proudly from home, eyes glued to the television, everyone in the workforce supporting George and even his mother despite George's reservations. he. about violence he joins his children in front of the television George lands several decisive blows, effortlessly winning the gold medal his victory generates mixed emotions for his mother, who struggles with the violence of the sport while an ecstatic George raises the American flag, his Brothers watch in amazement believing that their brother has won his first Olympic gold medal at such a young age, the day after his victory, George proudly wears his gold medal.
While strolling through his neighborhood he encounters a former accomplice who criticizes him for raising the American flag after their contrasting fight. With significant protest from other black athletes who were with their heads bowed on the podium, he accuses George of disrespecting his cause. Frustrated and hurt, George goes to his mother and vents to her, expressing his exhaustion at being labeled. as a traitor by those around him. She calms her down. him let me make you something eat whatever you want I'm not hungry let the Lord take me now I never thought I'd hear that from you and reinforced by his support George promises to win the championship belt to earn everyone's respect you're going to keep fighting they're going to hurt you Didn't you look at me?
They don't hurt me. I hurt them at the airport. George sees a stunning girl reading a sports magazine where he is on the cover, he approaches her and they strike up a conversation. Her name is Paula. when her flight is announced she runs out George tries his best to get her number your footwork is better than your flirting game George she tells him to write down her phone number leaving him a little nervous I am, I'm supposed to be I who should ask yards George, I look like the kind of woman who stands by the phone, he scribbles down her number and after she leaves, he mutters to himself "no man, don't go back to the gym." The doctor introduces George to his new team, Dick Sadler, his and Archie's promoter.
Moore, the former light heavyweight champion, the morning you wake up to fight for that championship, the air tastes different, the sun looks different and only two men in this entire land matter and you're one of them while George embarks on his quest for the heavyweight title. He defeats his opponents one by one in each victory, bringing him closer to his goal under the guidance of his trainer, he prepares to face Joe Frasier, meanwhile Paula calls George and they begin dating, she becomes a regular of his you fight supporting your boyfriend while he improves his record to 22. and 0 eventually George and Paula get married do you take this woman as your wife?
I bet so after securing his 36th victory his trainer has announced that he is ready for the title fight the big day arrives in Jamaica the title fight between George Foreman and Joe Frasier George is the underdog, especially since Faser defeated to Muhammad Ali 2 years ago and almost no one believes George has a chance. The crowd sings fervently for Frasier. He takes a hard left hook at the start of the first round, but responds with powerful body shots from him. Frasier hits another one. of his trademark left hooks, but just before the round ends, George throws a huge uppercut that knocks Frasier down through the Bell Rings, giving Frasier crucial recovery time without flinching.
George dominates the following rounds, knocking Frasier down multiple times until the referee is forced to stop the fight, much to everyone's amazement. George is declared the new heavyweight champion of the world at the after-party George is surrounded by cheers and a rush of journalists. In the midst of the excitement, a charming woman catches his eye. She also approaches Desmond by offering him a role as his financial manager, recognizing his ability with numbers impressed. but bewildered, Desmond agrees to quickly pour his drink while George insists that he stopped drinking. Later, George returns to his hotel room and finds the same woman in his bed.
Despite his confusion, he lets her stay and they share an intimate moment. However, he realizes that he has cheated on his wife. George feeling deeply uncomfortable the next morning. George watches an interview in which Muhammad Ali mocks him and promises to throw him back into the ghetto with a single punch. George is enraged by these words a few months later, George organizes a family reunion in his luxurious mansion, he proudly shows his mother his car collection, each car has its own personality, that's why you need five of them, five of them, where do you see my garage? he is delighted to see his daughter but his interactions with his wife are noticeably distant as they are about to eat his mother reminds everyone to thank God for the food God I about the food mom during the meal his sister Mary announces that she's expecting a baby and Desmond shares that he's invested all of George's money in rock-solid stocks Rock-solid stocks I like the sound Meanwhile, Paula walks away to answer a phone call only to discover that she's one of the George's lovers on the line and confronts George about it.
I was fine before you arrived. Oh, so you don't like this life. Now I give you everything. I don't want, I want everything, I want you. George can't even look her in the eyes. George thenHe travels to the Democratic Republic of the Congo to fight Muhammad Ali in this country. Ali is revered as a hero and almost everyone at the hotel supports him. George finds Ali entertaining a crowd of celebrities with a stand-up routine mocking George floats like a butterfly, stings like a bee, his hands can't hit what his eyes can't see now you see me now you don't Jorge thinks he will, but I know he won't claim that sports journalists will regret underestimating him.
When George approaches the audience he anticipates a response. George, we were just talking about a different fighter, but he chooses to quietly walk away letting Ali continue to captivate viewers. boxes how he does the interviews its going to be a short night sorry for ali foran could put him in mor


of the immense popularity of muhammad ali in the country the crowd changed the legendary phrase ali bay which means ali killed him even though Commentators speculate that after Foreman's dominant performance against Frasier it seems unlikely that Allie will have a chance when the fight begins.
George takes control. He lands several meaningful punches as Allly tries to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee. Allie's continued teasing and mocking only fuels George's anger. That's all. I have George I was told it was bad George let me watch him throughout the fight George aggressively pushes Ali against the ropes delivering powerful punches Ali demonstrates his defensive prowess by managing to counterattack periodically however George's aggressive style gradually drains his gas tank visibly tiring him out. as the rounds progress while Ally remains relatively fresh During a break while Dick and Archie urge George to keep up the pressure, Doc is visibly concerned by the advice, noting George's increasing fatigue and slower movements in the eighth round. , it is clear that Foreman is exhausted and Ali begins to dominate and lands several hard blows that finally take him down.
Foreman on the canvas Ali wins the fight by knockout marking Foran's first defeat. The public interrupts in admiration of their hero Muhammad Ali after his defeat. George reevaluates his life upon realizing that he had been blinded by his aggressive nature and decides to make amends. He calls her wife, vowing never to be separated from her again, but Paula, feeling distant and hurt, asks him to sign the divorce papers instead of seeking solace. George visits his mother and confesses that he has fired Dick and Archie, blaming them for his loss. His mother supports his decision by offering him.
Later, Solace, in an attempt to prove his strength and regain his pride, George decides to fight five boxers in one day, however, the reason behind this challenge baffles everyone. The doctor urges him to abandon this reckless idea before it is too late during the event. Muhammad Ali joins the commentators. Heavyweight champion and world class clown Muhammad Ali is about to join me at the table, clown, how is he not getting hurt now and as the fight goes on, he catches the attention of the crowd chanting his name, all frustrated and seeking redemption. George challenged Ali to a rematch. a discussion between them despite the distractions and tensions.
George completes his daunting challenge by defeating all five


and knocking out three of them, demonstrating his enduring strength and skill after the fight doctor confronts George in the dressing room and asks him what he hopes to gain by fighting five. opponents. One day, he advises George to go back to fighting his opponents one at a time. Their conversation is abruptly interrupted by a message for George to rush to the hospital. George learns that his pregnant sister, Mary, has started bleeding and has been rushed to the hospital. Tell them what it costs. We will pay for it We need the best doctors We already have the best doctors George the baby needs a miracle We need to pray as the doctors work to save the baby His family begins to pray overwhelmed George goes out to pray asking God why He would choose his sister's baby when Mary he is the kindest person he knows, he begs God to take his life if it is necessary to take his life the next morning.
George is woken up by his mother, they go to Mary's room and find a healthy baby. A miracle that the doctors can't explain say hello to your little nephew George little George yes Mom told me you prayed everything you told him worked in the next scene George fights during a fight against Jimmy Young and finally loses by unanimous decision in the locker room a trainer criticizes George Harley telling him that he has lost his chance for revenge with Muhammad Ali overwhelmed and suffering from heat stroke George hears a voice that said I am nothing George who said dead collapses losing consciousness when he wakes up the doctor informs him that They thought I was dead a long time ago Jesus Christ is alive in me, you're laughing A few days later, George is baptized shortly after speaking at a church, nervously telling the congregation how he found God, seeing a girl in the audience who He listens carefully, finds calm, declares his intention to Dedicate his life to God and become a


Surprising and impressive doctor. Doc is skeptical of George's sudden change, suspecting it might be for show, and deeply upset by his decision. He remembers when you told me that you changed one uniform for another, that's what I did. I'm doing I had no voice, George, my choice was made for me, as well as mine. The next time, George visits Muhammad Ali as Ali continues to joke about him. I don't come here, I tell you I found Jesus. You found Jesus. Congratulations, George. I didn't know who he was. Lost George reveals that he was once so angry at Ali that he wanted to kill him, but now he's looking for forgiveness, come on, you want a rematch.
I know, just come out and say it. All you have to do is fight Kenny Norton one more time. knock him out, then I'll give you another title shot and then we'll both get paid, huh. Praise Jesus. George assures him that it's not a joke and after a heart-to-heart conversation they reconcile and eventually become friends. George then visits his ex. wife and children, he sincerely apologizes for his past behavior in hopes of making amends during his next visit to the church, he approaches the girl he saw earlier and strikes up a conversation. She finds it hard to believe that a former boxer like him can really transform into a


in response George grabs a microphone and leaves the church to preach and inspire passersby to follow God, although some mock him, he He remains calm showing his growth in anger management, but the Lord changed my life, was it the law that changed you?
It was Jimmy. young man I saw him beat you up the girl watches from a distance impressed by his sincerity later during lunch she apologizes for doubting him explaining that his reputation had made her skeptical now seeing his true intentions she introduces herself as Mary and they discover a mutual attraction George takes her to an old abandoned church sharing his dream of buying it to establish his own congregation 7 years later George's dream has come true he preaches in his own church supported by his wife Mary and his children after a service a woman falls brings him closer to his grandson asking George to train the boy who has joined a bad crowd.
Well, I'd sign up for the train with Ali, but not with the guy who lost to him. H. George refuses to suggest that they look to the Bible for guidance a week later, while playing with his children at home George sees a news report that the boy was arrested for committing a crime and feels deep regret for not having accepted train him. George discovers an old building ideal for his plans and orders his financial manager to buy it. Desmond is still struggling with a drinking problem, they renovate the space and within a few months the gym is thriving with students.
George hires several trainers and even dedicates a section of the gym as Muhammad Ali's study room; However, a year after opening during a class, the electricity suddenly goes out. The power company reveals that they have not received any payment. Worse, Desmond is nowhere to be found. A frantic George visits the bank and discovers that Desmond invested all his money in Subprime stocks that have now tanked leaving your investment account empty. them in solid actions to set me up for life no, these were all high risk bets the bank threatens to repossess the property, including his mother's house, George enraged, George made the entire city search for Desmond despite his anger , his mother urges him to forgive Desmond George finally finds him.
Desmond in a bar trying to escape George catches up to him and nearly kills him upon realizing what he is doing George forgives Desmond to save his financial situation George resorts to starring in a salsa commercial and selling merchandise. Despite these efforts, his wife Mary informs him that they are still far from resolving their financial crisis when the bank begins to seize his property, George sinks into a depression, dusting off his old boxing equipment trying to reconnect with his past as a boxer. , he confides in Mary that he has asked a friend to give the next sermon in his place; he feels that he cannot preach about how to live correctly when he has lost everything, he wants to fight again and Mary is against it, he is


that his anger can come back, they are just two things I know how to do, that's the box, preach what you won't preach. pay the bills George seeks out the doctor asking him to train him one more time Doc initially resists and remembers how heartbroken he was when George quit, explains when Joe Lewis tried to come back Marciano almost killed him in the ring Jo Le tried to start at the top but we'll start from below you are old they will call us a circus act but not if we keep winning however George manages to calm him down by saying words that his coaches once told him that the air will have a different taste the son who goes to look different only two men in this whole land go to matter and we'll be both listening to this The doctor's eyes light up immediately, he says George needs to lose weight first and then they can start training, motivated, George struggles to get his old gym clothes back I think my Shunk gym clo starts to train with his son, hey George, take it easy, man, you're going to have a heart attack, that's nasty.
George has a hard time during training, unexpectedly supported by Mary, who helps him follow his diet afterwards. After months of effort, George manages to gain weight and returns to Doc ready to train fully during a sparring session. George lacks speed and has a hard time keeping up with his opponent. The doctor assures him that they will adapt his style with new techniques in the middle of the night. Mary wakes up from a vivid dream in the morning and tells George that she had a dream. In the dream, the Lord spoke to him and showed him a vision of George winning the heavyweight championship again.
He will lift you up in the middle of that ring so you can lift him up in front of millions of people before his comeback fight. The doctor suggests that they need George's old anger to win, but George insists on approaching the fight without succumbing to his anger. It's fighting his boxing, what a sporting ceiling. George enters the ring against Steve. xowski tells the doctor that he was


to take off his gown in front of all these people the last time they saw me. I look like Superman, so now you look like Michin Man. This is not a beauty contest.
Everyone notices that George is overweight when the fight begins. George acts too calmly even suppressing his anger after getting punched after he rings the bell in the second round. George begins to dominate without leaving any chance for Zusi when he sees that his opponent cannot defend herself. Foreman demands that the referee stop the fight. News of George's triumphant return spreads celebrating him as a hero among bald, fat old men around the world, marking a remarkable comeback not only in boxing but also in his personal journey after a remarkable 24-fight winning streak. George Foreman, 42, faces current champion Evander Holyfield in a bout built to be the battle of all time despite a valiant effort.
George loses a unanimous decision after the fight when he visits his bench. All the employees applaud him even though he did not win the fight. George is stunned by a payment. of $12 million from HBO for the fight despite the financial gain tells Mary that his job is not done yet maybe I heard him wrong George you heard him right he did his part we have to do ours three years later Michael moer defeats Holyfield to win the title and now George is a contender once again at 45 years old. No one believes George has a chance against 26-year-old Moore, a powerhouse with 30 knockout victories and the undefeated record and formidable skill of Mo, the first southpaw heavyweight champion, make him a daunting opponent, how can you beat to that man as the fight develops?
More dominates the first few rounds with George barely hanging on to everyone in his gym, including his mother, supporting him after the ninth round, his cornerback suggesting he should throw in the towel for nine rounds against the best. in the world notShame on you, son, however, in the tenth round, George lands a devastating right hand that knocks Mo to the canvas. Against all odds, George Foreman wins the title and becomes the oldest heavyweight champion in history. Thank you, oh thank you, we did it, we did it. The later revealed film reveals that at age 45 George regained the heavyweight title after losing it 20 years before George and Muhammad Ali became great friends talking on the phone almost every day for the rest of Ali's life in 1998 Charles doc brois was included in the Boxing World Cup.
Hall of Fame Today, George continues to preach at his church and direct his Youth Center in Houston. If you are interested in making money on YouTube, check out my personal channel by clicking this image or the link in my channel description. I'll explain how to start a YouTube channel, create videos and monetize them. I hope you enjoyed the video. If so, please leave a like and let me know what you think about this film and George Forman's career in the comments.

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