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Cómo VERTE y sentirte más JOVEN - Nathaly Marcus y Marco Antonio Regil

Mar 22, 2024
vegetable protein presents the fountain of eternal youth if it exists today we know that the disease is called aging the only study of rats that exists today on longevity is that every time they eat less they live longer, that is, we have to eat less next year and Next year, if we want to live better, you will visit this genetics that our grandparents and parents inherited from Alzheimer's cholesterol diabetes and you are not doing anything because it is a time bomb and what happens to women, then a woman hangs in a cave, nothing else made me Let's see, I've always told you that sugar makes you stupid, it ages you, and no one thanks you for it.
c mo verte y sentirte m s joven   nathaly marcus y marco antonio regil
Those who don't like the idea of ​​not only living longer but of looking and feeling younger, having a better quality of life if there were a fountain of youth. You should talk to her, well, that's what this episode is about because Natalie Marcus, who is an expert on the subject, is going to tell us that this fountain of youth does exist. In fact, in many places in the world, people live longer with health and with more physical beauty How they make it what their secrets are because today we are going to learn about this topic here at the Gamma hotel in Mexico City in Santa Fe Mexico City with our live audience we are ready to learn and grow together episode 246 we start the podcast by Marco Antonio Regil is an entertainment production all rights are reserved Natalie Marcus is one of the most important and influential functional ustrologists in Latin America who has helped thousands and thousands of people to improve and recover their health thanks to nutrition, she is passionate of prevention and a precursor of comprehensive health, she gives personalized advice, workshops, courses and national and international conferences, author of secret books to keep you healthy and Delgado, founder of the Mexico Wellness Center and the Body Functional Health Institute, and shares information about health through her podcast Las three Rs Natalie Marcus is on the podcast welcome Nataly Marcos How did you like it?
c mo verte y sentirte m s joven   nathaly marcus y marco antonio regil

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c mo verte y sentirte m s joven nathaly marcus y marco antonio regil...

Hey, the previous episode was a great success and now we are finally here in person recording this new episode. Let's see, you are capable, you just had your birthday, you are not celebrating your birthday for the second time Yes, well, congratulations, my grandmother, may she rest in peace. She didn't look like this in another era. They are other consciousness. Yes, they are other things doing this wonder, true today. And yes, the fountain of eternal youth exists. Yes, it exists. Today we know that the disease is called aging. It is a disease. can prevent stop and reverse at any age Wow if we do the right things And if we have these tools that today we are going to talk about you we are no longer talking about the old trick of removing your age or hiding your age we are talking about age biologically we are talking about being able to change your cells not only with thoughts.
c mo verte y sentirte m s joven   nathaly marcus y marco antonio regil
I am going to teach you how to reprogram your cells today but it also has to do with giving your body what it needs so that your cells start growing and not shrinking and this is called What are called telomeres Ok then they are your DNA Don't you remember Watson who had like a horrible helix in high school Yes you remember Yes more or less good the chromosome had some little caps some little edges and every time our cells divide these caps these Telomeres shrink and it is one of the reasons why we get older, they get shorter, shorter and shorter until the cell no longer divides and no longer has a function and then we can have diseases.
c mo verte y sentirte m s joven   nathaly marcus y marco antonio regil
I can measure you today with a study how long they are. your telomeres, how do you do it with blood and if your telomere is very short, your biological age is much older, that is, I may be, for example, 51 years old, but you give me a biological age of 80 or 90. Have you seen people that you see if you say this is 80 and he has 40 and vice versa patients no yes yes yes count yes once in 100 Latinos they said we had a competition of forty-somethings against forty-somethings and there were several of the forty-somethings that I said made you King Santos eh they beat you up especially a lot of the men men like they grow faster than women yes it's true yes yes yes I knew I was bigger than them I said Hey well no no something something we are doing well but then eh it can be measured and and you for example your biological age is more you are more young than your age I just did and I also came out 6 years younger I came out 46 years old but it has to do with mind body not what are we going to talk about right now not only what you eat but many things about your brain How do you live everything everything and there it has to See the centenarians that are our countries, not like the Tarahumaras, those from Okinawa in Japan, who are not only what they eat, if you realize, they are people who walk daily, who go for their fresh bread, who ride a bike, who meditate, who help the community.
They have what is called liquigay, a purpose in life, an interesting purpose in life, and they have long conversations, they have friends, they highly value the after-dinner conversation, the time spent with the family, in other words, they live happier, they live very happily and why, because they give importance to the elderly. that today we somehow see the old people and we miss them yes before they honored him they were wise people of course we sat around our grandparents Listening to stories asking for advice knitting cooking for the temple for baptisms the community belonged to being a service of giving and service.
Yes, notice how much it has been distorted. We talked about it with Gloria Calzada about the fact that the word old man, old man, or Grandpa, is now seen as pejorative and they tell you not to say it anymore. You say because they sometimes became an insult, that is, when the word elder was the elder of the tribe, he was like venerable, he was close, the closest to God. The indigenous people pray to their ancestors, they say, grandfather, grandmother, they see them as a great source of wisdom and The word old man was something venerable. Totally not an insult.
So I think that these values, not those of the Blue Sons, the blue zones, have in common, that these people really sit down and are not waiting for their daughter to come visit their daughter-in-law and why not? You have come and they do not complain, on the contrary, they are busy with what I am going to serve instead of what they are giving me. They have their own life. They have their own life and that is part of the secret. Look here at some longevity statistics. Talking about what you mentioned, Spain, we send them a hug to the people in Spain, one of the countries with the greatest longevity in the world with an average life expectancy of 80 average years.
In other words, it is normal and good because there is the senior citizens' club and they give them free dancing. and dinner everything comes an incredible old age Yes of course If you go to Madrid Barcelona Valencia And you see the people the grandparents you see them dancing in the square they put on an orchestra and live at 10 in the morning and there they are all dancing danzón or Tango what or what they dance and and and and they enjoy life and it is interesting they smoke Yes they are not afraid of alcohol how they eat ham and why Because they are happy but moderate it does not get stuck it is not a triple steak of I don't know they are like eh because the food In Spain it is very small portions too Yes then the Mediterranean diet they consume a lot of fruits vegetables we will talk about that well eh he says let's see you here I had another statistic Here are countries like Italy what you were talking about No but I touch on the subject countries like Italy Greece and Japan are known for their high number of inhabitants aged 100, centenarians or older, in which their diets are mostly vegetables or vegetarians or pesco vegetarians, that is, they eat fish and vegetables and are relatively low in protein, contrary to what one tells you. palio ketogenic diet which is animal protein protein protein in reality it is quite the opposite and the most important doctor today is called Walter longo who made a diet called prolón that I give which is five days of a boxed Mediterranean diet. he gives lentil soup eh minestrone olives in a little package and it is an imitation diet there is one that is 500 calories 700 and it is bought he put it in a study of 25 years of longevity with cancer diabetes and hypertension and he realized that doing this diet five days three times a year it changes your biological age because it turns off inflammation it turns off insulin resistance it does prevent heart attack it helps prevent Alzheimer's because it is the diet you are talking about is a plant-based diet rich in antioxidants which are olive oils olives polyphenols which Let's talk about these ingredients then Spain Greece Japan but you were also telling me about the Rarámuris or the Tarahumaras in our country in Mexico in Chihuahua in the north of Chihuahua they also have Yes because they walk a lot barefoot they run and eat what grows from the ground food from the non organics that grow there, of course, are typical of their population, of their culture, of course, they are called Tarahumaras because they are in the Tarahumara mountains, but their original name is rarámuri, which means light feet, that's why they do that, they run, they run, they run, they run barefoot and they have been champions of marathons and international competitions with a lot of love Well then let's talk about that let's talk about the secrets that what they are doing what they do we can do it 100% you are so difficult to change I think not I think it is a culture that we have to acquire positive because we have somehow acquired the American culture where we are not in the hamburger the hot dog the processed the fast running making more achievements And instead of making a more peaceful life simpler now enjoying the present and little personal life little life little social life that you are going I have been living in the United States for so many years at first as a Mexican because I was surprised I was going out with my friends from the University of Santa Monica and everything today we will see each other on Sunday for breakfast okay brocha At 11 in the morning I no longer made plans all day.
I assumed that I would have Bronx with them and that from there we would continue all day, we'll see what we do and it arrives at 11 90 minutes later. Hey, I'm coming. I have class. This I have a casting I have a yoga class I have a client I have and suddenly I was left alone I said in the tower I didn't make plans for my Sunday and they all went away because a very disconnected culture Beyond the terrible way of eating Let's see that the United States does not appear on this longevity list, on the contrary, it is number one in the world for heart attack diabetes.
Not even living advertising, type 2 diabetes, all chronic degenerative diseases, cancer. So I think it is important to understand a phrase that must be broken, no. You need to stress your body, they are called by months or hermetic factors. What does it mean that if I, my body, my body does not respond, my body gets used to whatever it is, but it gets used to it and becomes lazy. So you want to stress your genes so that they live longer. and for you to rejuvenate yourself example Yes, if for example every day I feed my body five times a day my body does not generate energy until it is slower because because it does not have to produce energy to go hunting and to eat that is why it is so It is important to suddenly put in these stress factors so that the body and its genes, which are called stress genes, are called circuinas, circuinas are factors of adversity.
Make me, that is, what does not kill me is going to strengthen me, this is how longevity and internal beauty work. Ok so one of the factors is, for example, fasting, when I don't feed my body, what does it do? It looks for energy in the cells to be able to hunt and grab something to eat, so the more I fast, the more energy I have and not the more energy, the clearer I am. to be very Chart of my mind very clear to be able to marry and eat if I feed it the body says well why do I produce energy all day long then fasting is an important factor that has been shown to change your biological age and fasting does not mean death from hunger it means eating less restricting one meal a day skipping breakfast skipping a meal and eating in a window period of 8 hours and in those eight hours eating healthy is possible but the rest is not eating letting your body really does its job if I don't eat what my body does repair restores inflammation you give those cells a chance to regenerate and clean the cells Zombies 2 look at this the DNA we were talking about gets dirty and fills with cellular garbage they are called cenescence cells old age cells we all have cells in essence The problem is that we do not clean them until they accumulate, damaging other organs.
They are called zombie cells because they attack all the neighboring organs, so we have to clean those zombie cells or not fasting What you do That is to grab the cellular waste, convert it into energy and cleanse your body. A very important factor not only to look and feel younger is intermittent fasting or the prolong diet that I told you about, which is five days three times a year and has the same effect. Ok, another important factor is the strawberry, the strawberry is a food that has what is called an antioxidant and today there are physiatin capsules instead of eating strawberries we are buying a mineral supplement there is always a laboratory that says Aha I'm going to market these these This little bottle but we can eat the strawberry as it is strawberry that has the cicetin and what it is going to do is change your biological age and improve all the inflammation it is super interesting it is written there ago but from Brazil so say up to that point that it was very fashionable there was A Boom of the ones that told you about the titonutrients and that the shell of the there had all these cytonutrients because it was right in the Amazon and the rain and storms fall on it so to protect itself it develops an impressive amount of protectors just like the Maqui. that the baobab, that is, everything that is purple, has a very important antioxidant, remember purple brain Ok it is importantelmorado has polyphenols which are these antioxidants this protective shield against aging that does two things one feeds your intestine bacteria remember what we talked about in our podcast you don't eat for yourself you eat for your bacteria So I feed my bacteria these antioxidants produce more bacteria than they produce happiness dopamine serotonin So I feed my hectares I'm going to have neurotransmitters and I'm going to have a protective shield against aging So purple is going to protect me from Alzheimer's cancer of the macula Blueberries and eye cataracts are very important you stop see dry and wet aymacola and what blueberries do to you protect yourself from damage to the macula so we should religiously start the day as the morning is the easiest to eat fruits for example red onion not the white one use the purple red cabbage eggplant this purple plum purple grape all that shield that the peel has is what you said that protects itself against changes in temperature and you create these antioxidants to give us that property so let's see we have to abandon the American custom And by the way a hug to all those who come to us in the United States because there are precisely the populations most affected by the poor American diet, they are Latinos, Latinos and African Americans are the ones who eat the worst and what the statistics say for those of us who do the worst, then start Let's start with the American diet, which is egg with bacon, egg with sausage, the muffin with egg and meat, that is, instead of starting the day like this, let's start eating a good amount of strawberry fashions, your smoothie, your milk, your coconut almond vegetable drink.
From whatever you have at home, add some red fruits, a handful of spinach, about five walnuts or almonds and that's it, the cinnamon or cocoa and there is a suitable super fu that you have to eat, drink it like this. For example, people who say, Well, it's fine Meche blended but I want something solid because I'm used to eggs, which are wonderful, they are high in fiber, a small plate of Mexican lentils, for example, with chard and zucchini. Yes, for people who eat eggs, they can eat an organic, non-free-range egg, which is better. But I believe that with a good smoothie it is satisfying to also get used to eating less and getting used to eating less, eating less.
The only study of rats that exists today on longevity is that every time they eat less, they live longer, that is, we have to eat less. next year and next year if we want to live better yes And apart from that we are getting older and we want to continue eating like when we were 14 years old the digestion of 14 normally burned everything Although now there are a huge number of children and adolescents who have many problems of obesity and diabetes and the commanders but no longer you do not digest the same and you do not burn the same and I am also going to tell you something when you are young and you eat for chips or hot oils your body eliminates them it does have the capacity to detoxify them when we get older they stick to the cell membrane and disrupt your metabolism no longer no longer You clean them there they stay That's why we get sick another interesting thing Marco that you can know aging tourism comes in the blood study comes the mouse and the hare Sorry the hare and the tortoise Then it tells you how fast you are aging like this with a little arrow and you have to be less than one point if you are aging faster it tells you What external and internal factors you have to do Not only do you says hey, you have a biological age of 80, Natalie tells you, you have to exercise, you have to lower the glucose that is high in your cholesterol, that is, she tells you what to do, what is the most valuable thing, for example, people don't take sleep into account and you know. that sleep is a very important factor in not aging and people do not give it importance if I do not sleep 7 deep reparative hours where I wake up and feel good.
For example, this is a sleep sensor, it is not a ring that tells me How I'm sleeping tells me how long it takes me to fall asleep. If I had a restful sleep, how long I was online and how long I was deep, and my disposition the next day, and my heart rate, if it was regulated at night, then this ring is called work. They are already sensors that will tell us if our immune system really repaired itself at night or not and if I am not regenerating my immune system at night I will age faster and that is the ring, it is the clock that can also measure it for you.
What you see is that the ring is more and more comfortable than the watch at night, in fact, for example in the gym, well, what the trainers tell you is that you can put all the weight on it, the muscle and the gluten, I mean for the gluteus and the arms and the chest and it is when you sleep that your muscle really grows And your growth sister and your melatonin for example What is the exercise that gives us the most longevity skins the high intensity intervals it is proven that doing intervals changes why Because it stresses your body, it is a stressor, your body responds, so one minute of push-ups, no, and then you rest for 30 seconds, one minute of jumping jacks, no.
That is, and then 30 seconds, rest, 60, then do intervals. This is how it will change your longevity genes and it will stimulate that your body repairs itself faster then literally It is delayed it is delayed In other words, if you do not take it into account, it is most likely that it is accelerating your aging process and diseases and parents of diabetes, cholesterol, Alzheimer's and you are not doing nothing, it's a time bomb because today we know that you can modify those genes, that's the beauty of it. We can only express 5% of our genes, 95% of them we can turn off with a lifestyle that we are talking about, you and I can achieve your requirement. of protein with a plant-based diet it is possible with Falcón vegetable protein its origin is 100% vegetable and it is free of dairy, soy and gluten, it also has a complete amino acid profile that helps your recovery after exercise the birdman we seek to strengthen the link between human beings and nature through supplements of the highest quality I was reading I don't know if that is correct, there are two moments in life where the key is not to the issue of aging in the 30s and 60s Well, starting in our thirties our sexual hormones decrease, the truth is, testosterone, let's talk about sexual hormones, which is very important.
For example, there are studies that say that having sex and being in a relationship also helps you increase your longevity and change your biological age. The human being is made to live alone and social life is very important. Not only are we psychosocial beings, but testosterone is the male hormone that men and women also produce. Men in the testicles, women in the ovaries, from the age of 30 we begin. to lose testosterone So no matter how much exercise you do, you do not build muscle, your sexual appetite decreases, you cannot reach orgasm, your mind is not as fast, you feel that you begin to lose muscle and hang from all sides, no, the man begins to have, in some way, feelings of Vulnerability also affects men, not testosterone, especially after andropause, the 50s are not marked like menopause in women, but men also go through a process of depression, for example, men lose the hair on their legs and become hairless and hairs grow in the nose, in the eyebrows and in the ears the conversation eyebrows that high no and the hair is interesting because it changes even the composition of the hair no then the testosterone is going down and what happens to women then woman The woman without testosterone, poor woman, didn't turn to look at men.
She doesn't like him. She hangs up. She loses muscle tone. Look, I don't know if you've seen these women who have, like, wrinkles in their mustaches that make their skin look like paper. Let's start. to lose all that tone, that is, collagen helps testosterone, you said about the man's orgasm, it also takes more work for women to reach orgasm, hours more effort than doing it for the couple, the fault is that you lack testosterone at cuchicuchi time There is more work, for example, to lubricate, lubrication also has to do with estrogen, so testosterone is virility, strength, not collagen, skin that makes you look strong, toned and bones, who keeps checking on a strong teenager, son, it depends on which teenager. because there are some who are very attached right now but yes yes yes in nature let's say that naturally they do feel supermantion of course they are invincible any rubbish and they carry on as if nothing from the age of 30 then we have two others which are the female hormones which are estrogens and progesterone, which is also produced by men Why do men get less Alzheimer's than women?
Did you know about women because women lose their estrogen through menopause and men do not? Man still has estrogen. So it is very important because it is estrogen lubrication. lubricate your brain, your vagina, your eyes, your skin, so you also need to lubricate it, so in our 40s and 50s we lose the two other female hormones and we enter what is called menopause and now, but if you do, if you do, you do exercise to create muscle mass, even if it is more difficult to create it. If that does help you, the weight, above all, strength helps stimulate testosterone.
For example, fasting also helps stimulate testosterone. No, if all day you are eating, especially visceral fat, look, something very important arrives. The man makes me sad. What am I going to say and in the name at 60 to the doctor and he says I have 3 hours of hypertriglycerides, hypercholesterol and perlipidemia, that is, high lipids, hypertension and glucose, high insulin, hyperinsulinemia, I am depressed, no, I no longer have an erection, I don't crave anything and I am depressed. And what does antidepressant give you? Is it true, antidepressant, or are they starting to recommend that you inject testosterone? Hopefully, the problem is that liver fat, remember the visual fat where almost all men gain weight, which is apple fat, it steals your testosterone, estrogen, testosterone.
The more fat you say that, the more fat you have, the more you smoke and the more stress. Right now we are going to talk about stress. You steal your text. He put together a feminine message. exercise manage stress lower insulin lower glucose lower lipids and start doing an anti-aging process with anti-aging medicine but it is very good to know because that is to say. In addition to the fact that you already produce less testosterone if you have a belly you are stealing what you have left because they are full of estrogen and they do not have the testosterone that helps them to be in a good mood as Jorge Lozano would say No sir sir but it is conscience I believe sir the tummy No sir do not steal anything from me I am going to lose weight Yes because it is not the issue because everything is very delicate right now the topic of fatphobia but here we are not talking about how you look We are talking physical light 100% It is a scientific issues fatty is high blood pressure is high cholesterol man does not feel tired anymore their physical and mental performance is not the same.
Remember that today we can also prevent Alzheimer's with hormones. Natural hormones also prevent mental degenerative processes. We have more testosterone receptors in the heart than in the testicles and ovaries. It is an es an antioxidant for the arteries that's why you get tired faster Yes, in fact, we're going to cut the podcast here because I'm tired of it Hahaha We don't have much to give advice, we're going to do 20 minute episodes Okay then But the good thing is that you're not giving the solutions because it's okay that those substitutes are good but you're not saying how to do it to raise our testosterone for example let's talk about that Zinc Zinc is a wonderful mineral for many people for Kobe No yes but no the single helps to hijack your testosterone and that estrogen does not go away How to see tell us then if for example men and women took 30 milligrams every day what it will do is save your testosterone and prevent it from being con


d into female hormones Zinc is important to lower insulin for example Do not take care of your portions and take care of refined carbohydrates and eat more in blocks, not always some protein, whether animal or vegetable, always fiber, since fiber encapsulates glucose and cholesterol.
So I told people that today the epidemic is insulin resistance, everything The world has insulin resistance, not everyone has prediabetes. Don't start your day with a green juice with some raw spinach with a few spinach leaves before arriving. People start with fruit in the morning. Fruit comes next. Afterwards, your dessert is not the entrance. Yes, but Let's clarify the green juice because here in Mexico City at least I order a grapefruit juice I order a green juice in Los Angeles and it's spinach The lemon ginger is green green green here in Mexico it still played green not everywhere but in many places, especially in hotels, they basically serve you orange juice with pineapple and they put this parsley there or they put, uh, what's the name of this Nopal, they put nopales in little jars in it, that is, hey, we're not talking about sure, right, Cali spinach that has something leafy green some celery cucumber yellow lemon is for beginners that is, one wants to grab it you can put half a green apple to soften the pineapple but little fruit Hey but if you get the tequila flavor because you are not going to get it from the juice green but above all put lemon and you have to educate the palate clear and spicy the one that the pepper Ah ah like that Imagine what they aretequiletesbut we are Ah no and can you imagine your this is your testosterone remaining your muscles put back on your man's chichis go away everything already scared you you take off your bra no Haha I didn't scare you already no but it's interesting because If we see this pattern that can be prevented, of course, then lower the sugar, eat fiber, eat good quality protein, good quality fats, it is not that difficult.
I was watching the Main Valley is a wonderful platform for personal growth and I was watching a video of The founder of Mind Valley who was analyzing this I don't know if who they still sell it to or whether it's Milo from Nestlé who market it as a force to young people and I don't know how much and see the ingredients that He is seeing it with a nutritionist and he says this is I don't remember if it was 40 or 50 percent sugar 40% 50 sugar but the marketing is hey increase your energy and I don't know well of course you are going to increase your energy each spoonful is half a spoonful of sugar 15 minute jar a Sugar Crash After half an hour you are going to say I want more and I want more because your body is unbalanced like a wheel of fortune of course and you market it as if it is wonderful for young people eh all these brands that is one no but there are a lot We have done, I ate what they gave us, it is still around there, it is also a very high amount of sugar.
Do you know which product Nestlé sells the most? the milk, the milkmaid, the milkmaid, it is still a number, it is condensed milk, I accused, I did campaigns with them and and and we toured Mexico, where we had a contest where we gave that milk jug to the children and we had a contest where it would run out first, we would give them a prize. I was part of that. I didn't know what I was doing now. Sorry, something very important, but we don't know and You see it as something healthy and not even around here, the culture has changed.
What you and I took for lunch has nothing to do with what we are taking today, the lecherita. Maybe on your birthday at a party on a Sunday, cancer, but not like part of your lifestyle birthday let's see I have always told you sugar will age you and no one thanks you Oh my God sugar brutalizes you it steals your collagen it breaks your collagen fibers it reaches the brain generating type 3 diabetes Alzheimer's That's what makes it clear I liked it better with the twig sugar makes you stupid it ages you and no one thanks you it brutalizes you ages and no one testosterone everyone thanks you yes or no Yes yes of course testosterone is love for me for the oxytocin community the I embrace love for something important that I forgot to say stress one of the most important factors that steals your testosterone estrogen is stress cortisol so you know that cortisol is one of the first hormones the first one if we live in This rice yes we don't feel safe that's very important people don't feel safe and secure we feel in danger all day between work husband mother-in-law not the truth pollution traffic That makes our adrenal glands exhausted and glands produce a hormone called dha which is also the hormone of libido and stress in men and women that are produced back here and everything from our kidneys in the adrenal glands and the dha is con


d into testosterone it is converted into progesterones the mother of hormones the dha helps that you are in a good mood that you are not short-fuse that you are not irritable ask people how many people are short-fuse you are going to surprise Yes of course because then they see us in other countries they say please speak in such a way that Let's understand them, we are all Mexicans What does the haters mean on social media, they are there, hug yes.
So I say that it is very important because if we push our body to the limit, then we have lived it, not where we do not listen to our body, we do not We feel safe. We don't give ourselves time to be in the present to enjoy the moment. Our hormones run out. It's not about looking for magic outside. We have to make profound changes. The Hotel Llama is located in the most important financial and business district of Mexico City Santa Fe, where you can stay surrounded by everything you need to have the best of travel, a key point for your rest, excellent rooms, froome server service, with all hygiene and safety measures, and it also offers you the best facilities. events, meetings and all this under the Gamma essence, a warm service with the best attention and rates, the perfect combination that distinguishes it in the midst of cosmopolitan energy, staying active in the gym, having a drink or having a quiet dinner in a restaurant are options that you can Enjoy, if what you want is to take time off, the new hotel called Santa Fe is your best option.
Book at Here I have another statistic. Look, in 2017, all this that we are talking about is translated into the bad lifestyle in which more than 11 million deaths that could have been avoided on the planet happened 11 million, that is, in 2017, 11 million people died who should not have died, no, then imagine all the families crying, all the drama, all the sadness, all what happened there that could have been avoided we are only going to die of course how you want to die This is the point we can die of old people and we do not have to die of chronic degenerative diseases That is the most important issue and here is one of those those 11 million 10 million were from cardiovascular diseases from cancer uh 913,000 And from diabetes 339 thousand people that can be prevented what is diabetes can be prevented Alzheimer's can be prevented no So I believe that the Mediterranean diet is the diet that UNESCO today awarded for the longevity diet I mean take olive oil for example of chocolate I love chocolate that Well make the chocolate there is chocolate dark chocolate 80 light 70% olive is a polyphenol it is an antioxidant that will potentiate cocoa va It will potentiate the antioxidant in chocolate and it will help reduce inflammation And make your cells regenerate and live longer, look.
So it's another great example. I don't eat meat, you don't either, but people who eat meat are listening to us, put raw olive oil in it. If you ordered a very greasy piece of steak, if you add raw olimen oil, at that moment you neutralize the saturated fat in red meat and it helps you prevent it. I wouldn't think that this is counterproductive because it already contains animal fat and you add vegetable fat. Look. How interesting because the polyphenol, the olive oil is a jewel, it is pure medicine and you have to use extra virgin in everything raw.
Cook over low heat, that is also another issue that if the olive oil is cooked at high temperatures, all the high temperature oils oxidize although Whether it is Olivia's avocado due to the smoke point, it is not the best, you have to cook it On low heat and never parboil it Raise the temperature if you are going to cook at high temperatures, I recommend coconut oil and avocado oil, which are the ones that sustain the most. smoke but you have to use olive oil and I'm going to make some zucchini parboil vegetables a salad a little fish use it it's in Europe you know how to use olive oil yes the list of the famous Mediterranean diet and they eat a huge amount of vegetables they eat a lot of green leaves they eat many vegetables olives you arrive on the train or my home a train from Madrid to Valencia to go see my family there and on the train the olives are part of the snacks that you can buy it is in the Bible that says that it helps your memory you You will say, remember, take oil, the cocoa thing I just want to clarify.
Because then obviously you say cocoa is the best and all the people go and buy a snicker, it's a Kit Kat. No, we're not talking about chocolate. Because what those other commercials bring is a lot. again Look for milk etcetera we are not talking about milk I have stopped it and I have changed and now I like bitter and I enjoy it very much there are versions that are dairy and sugar-free which have other ingredients that make it a little sweeter and everything but They are going to cost more because they have better quality ingredients, so for cocoa the issue is cocoa, what the Mayans used and the great superfood wonder is cocoa.
In Switzerland, they already put milk and sugar in it, that is something else and you can get whole cocoa, in Mexico, it tastes delicious too, and grind it and add it to your smoothie, to your chia pudding, since we are talking about brands, a very traditional one in Mexico, in the United States, they also sell all the famous granny chocolate, which is what do you think of? That chocolate bar is pure sugar, it's cloying. When you know that when you start to remove the sugar addiction and when you start to give up sugar and try it, your body rejects it, you know.
You know, it doesn't even taste like chocolate anymore. How do I do it because I do? I have tried it with or with natural ingredients, how I make a hot chocolate in the winter. Give me the recipe. Grab coconut vegetable milk, almond coconut vegetable drink, whatever you have, hazelnut, oatmeal, macadamia, which is delicious milk, and put it in. cocoa powder, you put a little bit in it, it's Monk's sugar that comes in organic powder that is super noble and doesn't raise the glycemic index and you can put a little bit of cinnamon in it and you drink it warm and it's a delicacy other than another sweetener.
Yes, you would recommend that It is also a plant, it is a natural leaf that also does not raise sugar levels and does not stimulate insulin. Because all the sweeteners that you have talked about in your podcasts change the intestinal microbiota, they change your bacteria. There are new studies, so let's first look for each time to consume less sugar in educating the palate to drink sugar less and less in coffee because people add 3/4 sachets yes And it is a habit so we have to break it and with stevia we have said it but it will never be enough we have to have Be careful because those bags are very lying and sometimes they are not combined stevia with sucralose.
No, they do mix them. Look for pure stevia, the brand called es vetia, which is not stevia, it is a mixture basically of sucralose, that is, and you see the ingredients and you say this It's a hoax. So what is this? Or nothing to see, others say stevia 1%, I've seen envelopes that say stevia 1%, 99% something else, so one thing, well, look, the marketing is done by the marketing department that makes the package. The only reality is to read the ingredients now I want to give you three supplements to change your biological age supplements let's talk about supplements one that everyone here has to be taking if we don't give them to you Ok why did Resveratrol come Resveratrol Resveratrol comes in the red wine, that's why they say that wine is so healthy and the wine that has the most resveratol is the annual pine.
We're going to give wine to all the people here. Hey, but the one that comes precisely in the grape skin and in the mask there. Resveratrol of course you have to drink the necessary liquor you would have to drink three bottles of wine to get to a capsule of Resveratrol and it has a splash of sugar So you better give it there better the grape Resveratrol capsule of 400 milligrams pure and drink a capsule of Resveratrol every day, very important. I even make a message that I'm going to tell you that I make the kefir, which is a coconut vegetable probiotic.
No, I open the kefir in the morning. I mean, I have made it to myself. I eat a little shot and I add the resveratol. Open I open the capsule I put a pinch of olive oil I stir it inside and then giving my body a bus of antioxidants Ok Perfect then Resveratrol Resveratrol is a probiotic for the microbiota that changes something very interesting Marco, they have just discovered that if you have stress in your mind, toxic emotions, that modifies your microbiota, the diversity of bacteria, that is, it also changes your intestine because we are a relationship, intestine, brain, your thinking well, feeling good.
For example, I tell him every day to my body nothing like that And you are 33 years old I swear I scan it I tell him your heart is 33 Thank you and I believe it eh And I speak to my cells my liver is 33 my age I think I am but there I like the 33 from there I liked it, I stayed there and I always scan, I meditate and it speaks to my cells and I really tell them and I believe it and I affirm it so it also has to do with how you see yourself and how you perceive yourself Because it is important not only to take resveratrols to talk to it to your body if you talk to the plants and it works Now imagine talking to your liver to your heart You have to talk to each organ everything has its own life really everything to everything you can talk to even your private parts after talking to your ovaries You can give it a try keep working give me more hormone get up I'm talking nice to you the truth is I'm not making fun I'm visualizing everything I have a cartoon mind I imagine everything they tell me in a cartoon So did you imagine yourself talking when he puts sense, humor is strengthened, information is a form of learning.
I am not making fun of you. I would never make fun of you because laughter is also an anti-daily medicine. According to conflicts, there are couples who are like this, they are fighting and suddenly they start to laugh and they already forgot the lawsuit not the green tea we all have to drink green tea every day the most important thing is the pure ground leaf and the tesla infusion So better the macha the ceremonial macha because it is really The purity of these Antioxidants are called catechins that are in green tea, so try to find the macha, which is a green powder.
Japanese people are so long-lived and they are thin because they drink all day, I see you. Hey, and the Argentinians are so good atSouth America because nowadays you can buy a machalate in chains like Starbucks and the like, but what's up, that one that doesn't have sugar, ask for it because sometimes it's already stirred with sugar, but if not just the tea, the bag or the clean macha powder without sugar and you can add a little bit of almond milk, coconut almond drink, stevia if you want, but it really is a gem, so you'll have to use green tea.
It's up to me to put it in gear or put a bag of green tea in it, replace it with a A little bit about the issue of caffeine, for example, there are people who, instead of drinking, ask for coffee, they ask for marchanin, which is an amino acid that produces gaba. So it makes you focused, calm but very alert. OK That's why they sell ltheanine capsules because it produces the neurotransmitter gaba. of the tension Resveratrol That signature macha green tea we said that the truth is that David Sinclair is the new longevity doctor at Harvard I would love the interviews David Eugenio and he has and has a podcast and he demonstrates and works in harva with studies to his father who He is 80 years old, he made it 20 years younger, Dad is 80, he is studying at university right now if he sees his skin you will die.
I promise you, this is an incredible book and he says that there is a supplement called n.a. You're welcome, nothing at the beginning, these genes. adversity that cleanse the zombie cells if they cannot function even 30 seconds without anything they are starving and have no energy to produce energy we need but you take it in capsule daily 500 milligrams You are welcome and you will have energy clean your liver you will stimulate that you are clean circuinas in the old cells and is the new anti-aging medicine nad Then we have to be taking Resveratrol green tea and nothing every day if we want to look and feel young inside and out and the book of what is it called again for Put them on the longevity podcast and Harvard studies, the book right now.
Well, we investigated it and it is magically appearing on YouTube and we put it in the notes of the episode in animals, Alzheimer's with Resveratrol, how wonderful it is very interesting, it also measures biological age like the commercials already. I'm going to buy it, I interrupt the conversation to buy the nothing of Resveratrol, I'll give it to you, vitamin B, talking about vitamin B, vitamin B, all the complete vitamin B, it's the vitamin, it's incredible, it doesn't prevent heart attack, it doesn't prevent B12, it prevents Alzheimer's, energy, I take a patient. Guy, a young teenager, medicated with antidepressants all his life and when I measured his B12, he brought it to the ground and I gave him B12 and it changed his life.
I mean, B12 is so important and people who are vegan do have a deficiency. It eliminates anemia and stimulates it. The red blood cells that are beautiful with a purple red color are not black and squashed, that is, they oxygenate our body, our brain, and I consumed B12, that is, vitamin B complex, since before I was vegan, my mother consumed it and I remember that I took it a lot and You are stressed, not the famous injection of Bedoyecta or the nerobion, which is vitamin B, so the truth is that vitamin B takes care of your nervous system, but v3, which is nothing, today is the one that uses your cell the most for energy.
My mother injected the neurobion since I was there and I picked it up because I was giving lectures and work and everything and from there I learned to absorb vitamin B12 in the intestine due to acidity due to heartburn they form digestion due to certain medications so you eliminate the vitamin in the urine Of course if you take it you need to urinate a little more light yellow you are eliminating expensive urine I call it but nothing happens now there are, for example, medical pharmaceutical level vitamins like the ones we were mentioning but there is also a world of supplements out there and many doctors have told me this Dr.
Mauricio González sent him a hug, Marco tells me, I mean, most of the supplements that come from abroad are pure scams, they are snake oil, that is, they are risks, especially in Mexico because there is no regulation like the FDA. no, really study and see, then it has to have really good manufacturing practice gmp that guarantees us that it was in a quality purity laboratory with microbiological studies yes it has a cofepris registration because nowadays you get into online networks and you don't know not even what you are buying So it is important where you buy it with whom if the quality of the product is really important let's ask questions from the public we have a few minutes left to see if you have any questions raise your hand and we will wait just later what is your name which is your question María belia González Rocha My question is what do you think about hydrolyzed cholesterol the oil of Ah no sorry sorry hydrolyzed collagen hydrolyzed collagen thank you they are not selling it everywhere let's see we produce collagen every day through the amino acids proline glutamine arginine but with age we are losing collagen, especially due to bad habits, stress, eating sugar, not exercising due to age itself.
We are losing that collagen that covers us because it is one of the most abundant proteins in the body, our skin, our bones, cartilage, ligaments, then there you can take hydrolyzed collagen that are peptides, but that it is of good quality free grazing because you are not going to eat the bones of the cow that is eating transgenic grains out there, so look for it if you are going to consume what is free grazing so that be organic and two I like to make my own organic broth so I think it is a cheap source that you can make at home with your organic bones your apple cider vinegar water you cover the pot and put parsley there on my YouTube I have my recipe celery Laurel, whatever you want, let it serve for 24 hours Over low heat and there you have your natural collagen and there is an option for those of us who do not eat animals, you can make a collagen called silica, it is a mineral called biosil, which comes from the silica from a mineral and it is a natural collagen like hyaluronic acid that does not come from animals, so it is called silica, perfect and it is a supplement and it produces hyaluronic collagen and it is wonderful, excellent to have the alternative.
Last question here with our friend, what is your name and which one? is the question Hello I am luz solea natalim what do you recommend What changes do you recommend making to people who enter menopause thank you menopause help I was there I already went through it Well I am in it but it is difficult eh the truth is it is a stage that no one talks about me and you turn back I tell him that Snow White's dwarfs dopey sleepyhead grumpy your brain is interesting because hormones are really the source of your brain I suddenly couldn't remember if I put on shampoo or deodorant and where I left my coffee I'll tell you I promise I have a quick mind yes And yes I think it is important to Seek help from looking for a natural hormone replacement not synthetic hormones Today there are natural soy and sweet potato hormones that you spread with cream, which is what I use and it returns to your body It helps you not gain weight, so you don't lose your bones, your collagen.
Yes, there are natural things that can help us go through this transition and not end up in osteoporosis or dementia because it is proven that estrogen prevents the messages you said, soy hormones, listen carefully, sweet potato and For men, too, where do you get the hormones? Functional doctors, what do they do? If they are laboratories, then in the United States that make identical hormones because they are called bioidentical because they are identical to yours. So they are not synthetic, made in a laboratory; the body receives them and says Before, they gave women the mare's urine, the first famous cancer, today we use natural hormones so that your body identifies them as yours and can handle them and you don't like it.
Since they pass through the skin, they don't go to the liver, no. they give thromboses embolisms so there are many very important things well Nataly Thank you very much thank you they liked the episode they didn't like it at all we give a warm round of applause to Natalie Marcus tell us about your YouTube channel of your podcast where we can find you people who want to learn more about you Where are you Well I have three clinics called wellness where we treat chronic degenerative diseases people with prevention children adults autism syndromes of everything and we do the epigenetic hair study to measure what you are missing in your body and it takes 15 minutes for everything your body Wow I'm definitely going to do it stress radiation I have on my channel the three Rs which is to return regenerate your body and your life on YouTube on Spotify everywhere on Amazon on Apple and I have burns an institute to certify people in medicine functional That is for nutritionists and doctors on adaptogens diploma courses right now I am giving a detoxification What an interesting line worldwide with the SEP I certify with the SEP I have the best specialists Mauricio González comes out in a module How cool Yes the best but only in speech Hispanic, I took the best Spanish-speaking specialists in the world to give my entire community in Mexico and the world to know that we have very beaked, non-Mexican people from Spain and Colombia who can help us and accompany us in our well-being process.
How wonderful, I congratulate you. How cool, here we go while mentioning on YouTube the information appears and those who listen on Spotify we leave you all the notes in the world Thank you thank you just when I was going to go but I will be present there thank you thank you with all my heart I hope you liked it a lot the episode a lot if you listen to us on Apple Hot podcast or on Spotify any podcast platform if you subscribe and give us a positive review with five stars that helps us a lot and here on YouTube you already know the formula like the video activate the bell subscribe to the Channel It takes them two seconds to do that and they don't know how they help us grow because then YouTube recommends the podcast more.
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Thank you until next time, let's learn together

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