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This Xbox 360 should be ILLEGAL...

Jun 29, 2024
FIFA, oh it's FIFA 17, not FIFA 15. Sorry, sorry to all FIFA fans. I used to be a FIFA fan back in the day, but I haven't played much recently. Now nothing crazy happened in the last game played. seems to be a surprise from FIFA 17, then of course Fable 2 Minecraft Sniper Ghost Warrior, there's actually a pretty solid amount of gameplay history here. The first game to be played was Quake 2. The first to be played online was Far Cry 2 in 2010 and of course you. get the non-US inverted version of the date, I love it, let's go ahead and rewind, and I mean, we saw the games working, let's have some action here to eject the disk.
this xbox 360 should be illegal
Right here, oh man, I have that classic problem, do you? It is not like


? It basically ejects and the light keeps flashing and then in about 5 4 3 2 1 it will go in on its own. Well, the console works. The control has a problem with the disk drive. has a problem, let's make sure the game starts, yes, no wonder the game works. Next, let me go ahead and go back to the main menu. We'll go and turn the lights off or turn them off and I'll give you some uh. just a full 360 degree view of


console and all its glory, so as you can see, it actually looks pretty good in the dark.
this xbox 360 should be illegal

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this xbox 360 should be illegal...

I mean, the red really shines on the top of the console and if you just look at it from the front, I don't know, it looks pretty sick and then of course we have the front here, you can't tell it's green anymore and black because it's really dark in here, but let me go and turn to the back. and actually yeah, on the sides, oh, you have that little red bleed, uh, here on the back it looks pretty much the same, you just have a few more red lights, now the lights aren't hidden, that's cool, They're fine, but you know. when you can see the actual LEDs, it's not the best hidden work with the LEDs, but again, it's just the homemade work of some ni here, so no, I'm not expecting too much, but yes, I will say that I think the red lights look very good.
this xbox 360 should be illegal
Alright guys, well the console works, you saw what it looks like in the dark, let's go ahead and shut this bad boy down, open it up and see what the inside looks like. Okay, so let's open this bad boy up and you can see that I already took out the hard drive and actually the other side of the hard drive is painted, which is a little surprising. I figured that, you know, people tend to be cheap and don't paint the back of things or take off the side plates. It actually looks like the chassis is also painted black and I honestly don't know.
this xbox 360 should be illegal
I'm a big fan of this paint job. I just think it looks pretty solid for what it is and I'm sure I'll have it all. armchair specialist types in the comments saying that paint job wasn't worth 150 bucks, they could have bought a PS5 or something and I've told them before if they want to send me or sell me a custom console please let me know , but usually when I ask people who comment on that kind of stuff, they ghost me later, so, yeah, let me know, but let's go ahead and take off the top here and yeah, basically, as you can see, there are The screws on all four sides of the nut just hold it in place and it's definitely very jagged there, but it definitely looks worse and then here's the interesting part, so first of all we have our LED strip, which is okay, it's a little stuck. instead, it's fine, it's not glued, it has an adhesive back.
I'm not a big fan of the ones with the sticky back because they just like you to put them down once and you can't really move them, so as you can see, let me. To give you a closer look, there are basically LEDs running all the way around the exterior, literally all the way around, but as you can see, this unit is painted black, the cover is painted black, as we saw before, of course, we have some wires here for our LEDs and those seem to just be plugged into where it's plugged in so it's basically spliced ​​to this back wire that goes to the drive honestly for like 150 bucks probably a little pricey for what it's nothing too much crazy on this thing, but I think solid paint job guys, let me know below what you think of this console and again let me know if you have a custom you want to sell me or send me for a video.
I'm always looking for it, so please let me. I know guys, thanks for watching. I hope you liked it and if you want to see more exclusive content, be sure to sign up for my patreon or my YouTube memberships. Basically, I post one additional exclusive video a week and you'll get behind-the-scenes content like Garage Sale Deal Interview, you'll see things like a series that I've planned months in advance, you'll see it, you know, way in advance, stuff like that. , so guys check it out, thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.

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