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Super Police Truck is Catching a Thief | Vehicles for Children | Car Cartoon | Kids Songs | BabyBus

Mar 30, 2024
Baby Bus Yoho Yoho out of my way hey don't you know it's dangerous we're the fastest on the street out of my way hmm oh no why is the sign here oh I have a good idea hey follow me let's waste our time change the sign traffic, do it secretly, let's hide and wait, this is a lot of fun, it's a lot of fun, hey, follow me, let's waste time, hide the caution sign, do it secretly, let's hide and wait, who will be the poor thing? oh no, who did this, it's so funny, where are the troublemakers?
super police truck is catching a thief vehicles for children car cartoon kids songs babybus
We love to play with the


cars that come, what do we do, show you what we can do. I can't wait to see him get in trouble. You never catch us, oh, what's going on? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I have. you, oh, another caution sign, you moved the signs on the street and put everyone in danger, you're under arrest, sorry, we'll never do that again, she's cool, let's play cops and robbers, okay, thanks, foreigner , that's all, let's see cops and robbers games. Playing cop, let's go get the rubber, help me, I'll help you, oh yeah, hey, it's your turn to catch me, you can't catch me, stop right there,


, I can still drive, I love driving, the car is stuck in the mud, oh no, Buca.
super police truck is catching a thief vehicles for children car cartoon kids songs babybus

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super police truck is catching a thief vehicles for children car cartoon kids songs babybus...

Let's help you, okay, thank you, no problem. I think you'd better come with us to the repair shop. Are you a


car? Boca, my idol,


hero, polka, oh my God, it's a


hero book. Danger, wow, you're great, but my parts are. exhausted, I'm not strong anymore, it's okay, we'll upgrade you, yeah, super police cars, oh come on, laughs, thanks for upgrading me, now I can chase the bad guys again, you're welcome, we're happy and we can help, oh. You haven't run out of gas, oh well, it's a gas station Welcome to our station I'm a gas pumping robot, come this way police car let me help you now quack quack quack quack quack now you have a full tank thank you ambulance we need your help, right?
super police truck is catching a thief vehicles for children car cartoon kids songs babybus
TRUE? away oh no Welcome to our station I'm a gas pumping robot come this way ambulance let me help you now now you have a full tank s Welcome to our station I'm a gas pumping robot come this way fire


let me help you Now it's an emergency, please Please hurry, now that you have a full tank, come on, fire


s. Welcome to our station. I am a gas filling robot. Come here, little car. I need your help. The truck ran out of ice cream. Damn, hey, hey, hey, hello, Harry. I see you're exercising again, of course, the fire trucks must be strong, see you later, bye, bye, look over there, oh, there's no oil leaking from the tanker, ask it to stop right there, okay, talking, what, thank you, stop right now. what do I do what do I do next to your fire is a fire tanker tanker truck that transports oil danger danger call me back right now I think we can handle that come on help him hurry hurry up and get the fire extinguisher point at the fire and spray spray spray call the truck firefighters fire truck we need your help immediately first okay fire fire is a fire water rose water hose sprinkler sprinkler sprinkler sprinkler oh no, the fire is getting bigger no no no no no no no no no I don't understand never spraying water on a fire caused by an oil leak Sorry oh my gosh you're drunk from your truck putting out the fire drunk from your truck putting out the fire truck buy your truck putting out the fire Harry you're so strong that's because I exercise every day days, thank you, oh no, are you okay, huh, it hurts a lot, don't worry, we will take you to the repair shop, please wait here and don't walk away, let me tell you something, okay, hello little friends.
super police truck is catching a thief vehicles for children car cartoon kids songs babybus
I have some delicious juice, well why don't you come to my repair shop? Come on, come on, don't worry, come on, come on, laughs, please, wow, this way, this way, oh, great mechanic, don't worry, we will help you, thank you. the steering wheels oh I'm sorry and the brake doesn't work what's going on oh Zach something's wrong with Luca I think we should give Luca a checkup okay hmm oh look at this x-ray many of his parts are worn out Let's help Luca improve his parts together, like this Well, choose your favorite design. I am very excited.
I want to look great. I want flashing lights. I want big tires. Come. I love them all. Help me look great and be stronger. Alright. Choose another design. I want to look so cool I want flashing lights I want big stronger tires too oh my god I need your help don't worry leave the time to change to us oh monster car I'm a monster car, a monster car, a powerful monster car. I'm a monster car a powerful monster car oh my god cool thanks Luca you're amazing hey you're cool. I also like being a fire truck.
I'm a naughty bad boy. Firefighting missions. What is so high? Easy foreigner, no, no. I'm cool, bad, car, fire, missions, what's so hard, I also long to help others, hey, look at this, everything is so easy for me, oh, no, no, I'm in trouble, what should I do, I have a new mission, I have to go right now. Firefighting missions. they are not so easy ready to help others always be careful nothing to be afraid of come on come on here I come super fire truck oh eh I will never pretend to be a fire truck again yes checkup day my first checkup day yes, thank you El Next car is, oh wait, your side mirror has fallen off, it's dangerous to drive without one, let's look up YouTube, okay, thanks, the bus wipers go hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss, hiss. near the bus lights go blink blink blink blink blink blink blink blink the bus lights he is there the bus doors open and close open and close engines the person on the bus goes he Luca hurry up the bus is broken, it was so scary.
Regular checkups help you find out if there are any problems with your body. I see you'll be fine. The check is already done. Yes, I will be the first to arrive on the next check-up day. Okay, oh, my leg. Help me, I'm hurt, ambulance, please, let's go to the hospital, let's go, let's go, let's go to the hospital, let's go, let's go, and let's go, please let's go to the hospital, let's go, let's go, let's go to the hospital, let's go, let's go, I'm hurt , ambulance, please, let's go. to the hospital let's go let's go wow we're fine now thanks to the ambulance I'm a superhero they can save the world hey superhero cars can you help me deliver some packages?
I'm sure we're all ready, yeah, four carts driving down the street. one of the little cards and the officer said, don't worry, I'll be there, hey, here are three cars driving down the street. one of the small cars, the officer and the officer said, don't worry, I'll be there. You can keep this Dino if you give me your package driving through the streets, stop here. Dad's car called the police officer and the officer said, leave it to me. I'll take care of it by driving down the street. Sorry, I never will. That again, thank you very much Officer Aaron, you should never go anywhere with a stranger, okay, okay, thanks for delivering the packages here, have some juice, uh, oh, oh, what's going on?
My water gun is broken, my horn is broken, my car is broken too, oh huh. oh, sorry, we're so busy today, how about this? We'll fix your cars after we finish our work, okay, oh wow, that's amazing, who are you? I'm Ruby, how can I help you? Hmm, Romy, can you fix our cars, of course? no problem robot robot repairing toy cars need to change the water gun which one would you like fire truck fire truck fire truck fire trucks need to change the horn horn horn which one would you like and yellow horns ambulance don't worry yeah, What are they doing with my robot, stand there?
Oh, my car got dirty. Please help us wash our cars. Wash the cars. What do you mean by wash? Robbie doesn't know how to wash cars yet, don't worry, we have water guns, thanks. I have a mission excavator I need your help excavator I have a mission here I come the brave excavator I am here to put out the fire I dig the ground I am coming the fire is out fire rescue team fire trucks mission complete

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