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Nogla and Irish Lads 3-17-2022 Farming Simulator and Pummel Party

Apr 04, 2024
From the spelling bee into the narrow canyons, okay, oh God. risk before last week I wonder if this is backwards, huh, I don't think so, launch through the narrow canyon, the player goes the furthest before the timer runs out, lowers the timer, oh so gentlemen, joystick left and right, that's all we need, I'm not telling you. which is which yeah, it doesn't turn left and right up and down I don't know oh it's inverted oh oh this is okay these controls aren't very good guys I'm upside down I've crashed cool cool cool Can we just skip this one?
nogla and irish lads 3 17 2022 farming simulator and pummel party
Can? Well, I'd like to just skip this one. This is horrible control. Okay, these controls were designed. Look, Kevin has the right idea. Yes, not bad. There are no bad mechanics. Do not throw. Just go up and down to the left. right, I'm not complaining, I'm not complaining, how do I make the plane? This mc I go, just kill me Kevin, could you crash and let me come first? It would be great, I could risk the last possible, accident on this, okay. hamburglar no kevin just crash already why don't you crash? because I'm at risk of coming last in this whole game yeah think about it there's pressure don't make the qualities last okay don't worry I have a drive all I can do is blame my brain no I don't think I can blame the delay not for this they're so far ahead they're so far away you know what I'm flying to the moon you'll make the story your own the way the people showed up come back to me too I could've I could've been on top this is it the bomberman from this one, anyone who plays Bomberman, yeah I tried hard to process it in the back, you could actually do well on this one, oh this one, I remember this one was a pain, oh just don't get blocked, You'll be great, that's the problem, wait, how are we supposed to do it?
nogla and irish lads 3 17 2022 farming simulator and pummel party

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nogla and irish lads 3 17 2022 farming simulator and pummel party...

Where is the fifth person going? Oh, I already committed suicide, no, I didn't do great, oh, I forgot, I didn't know which one. button was oh oh now it's getting a little scary guys oh bombs oh someone has so many explosions that's so many bombs oh my god it covers so much on the map oh my god i got stuck between two bombs suddenly come on brian you have to win oh still there technically you might have time you're fine oh what is that really oh my god you're me oh this is bad he's just going to spam you you're a monster how is he still alive? kevin is playing 3d chess Right now this is an absolute man oh my god I'm just going to focus on intimidating Kevin for the rest of this.
nogla and irish lads 3 17 2022 farming simulator and pummel party
No offense, Kevin, Military Commander, no offense, but we need an equalizer here and I'm not going to get anywhere better than before. We all fight, play Elden Ring or something, at least I'll win that fight. Look, I still have two large swords outside the mimic tear, right, that's right, I have two very large swords, I mean, look, the arcane scale was fixed. My first boss in Elden Ring was the godskin apostle at the bottom of the tower in Caled Can. You read that it was your first time and you're ready. Yes, he was naked and he was afraid because you played the game wrong.
nogla and irish lads 3 17 2022 farming simulator and pummel party
Looks like I won the game. Oh, Kevin tomorrow. He wasn't paying attention to the controls, um, there's Kevin, that's right. trigger to grab it's oh yeah what's there to grab x o I wonder why you don't use the mouse keyboard for that. Yes, you have to use the controller for this game. Kevin, yes. Good job. I will keep it. I'll keep things fair. Guys here, knock out other players to take the crown and stop. don't take it it's here things will be fun again yeah this delay you'll get up early just spam jump and hit you're plotting ugly you hit the back you're acting fierce and ugly right now it's okay I just have to make sure of this The guy doesn't win, damn, oh no, he's literally just chasing me, he's stunned, big equalizer, oh no guys, it's okay with the back, just let him be competitive, Kevin, this is the only way he can be competitive, okay, let them win, they've had enough. win, you call yourself a socialist, I've never done it, no you haven't, this is great for me, this is good, this is good, look at everyone having a lot of fun, Kevin, now that we're not having fun, I want That is, as long as you have fun. fun I'm having fun I'm not very happy kill old people there we go kill elton ring you still managed to beat me he is he is from software he is miyazaki oh I don't think we can win I think he already won there are only two more minigames I don't think I can even waste time to kill a guy, it's not about winning, although, oh god, you just know tetris is going to win, so you have to do it, this is an arcade game, okay, do it over the line, oh, this is going to be, this is bad to play with whiskey bryan is playing alone, solitaire, I don't understand, oh my god, I'm already losing it, this is it, we have to wait, what are we supposed to do in this game mode , just stack well, oh?
Oh my god, I made a big l for what I'm about to take, oh my god, it's getting so hard, yeah, damn, oh come on, that last one is brutal, oh Jesus, oh, I just spammed it. Look at us all building the middle finger. I'm going to keep spamming until, of course, Kevin wins. I just let you be happy for a moment. I think you thought you had won, but I had already won. That's not my way of playing. The last one is impossible. How is Kevin so good at this? I haven't been recording. I don't think you want this, maybe you do, maybe you don't.
You can have it from my perspective if you want, yeah, just replace it, it's like just a video that goes up like wow, Kevin, it's so good. in this game that's not me in the cage, leave them, I'm back, now I win, I think this might be the most miserable I've ever been playing video games, yeah, you've been pretty miserable today, yeah, I'm not happy this is why he's in prison happy that's why he sums up the whole recording, oh god, look, just don't be a video game, yeah, yeah, isn't this your career? Aren't you supposed to be good at video games?
That's what all super The driver asks you, so are you good at games? No, so how do you make money from video games? Now people pay you to play? No, just yeah, I let them play mobile games and a big Chinese mobile company matches me, who is Kevin? I don't want to know the messages when you wake up. I couldn't be honest. You're not talking about your style. I don't know. You're talking to someone else and then I think I always just don't do it. I don't know if it's not me, I'm happy, for once I'm happy and you're turning on me, pick up the guy in the cage, oh my God, there's Ryan, he's getting angry and it just puts him in his place. put him in his place it's just that he's just a couple of words away from him saying something he shouldn't are you up for something again soon guys could he be a crack? don't marry characters new maps don't forget it makes a new mario kart dlc tomorrow, I mean if not tomorrow we should play that soon, it could be fun, whatever today is fine with me, yeah, it could be good, sure, maybe the next day, or I mean, I'll play it tomorrow too.
I mean, I don't know if everyone is anyone, is there anyone staying here now or not? I have a session booked, so what I don't know is if we'll figure it out, you know, it will. great, does anyone have anything coming up next week or something? If we can get it and then I think we will be doing well. Anyone staying with Brian? Will you stay with us? Oh, should I? I was thinking he might play some Minecraft. I have so um. maybe it's still streaming. I would like to. I will send to my audience. I have so much audience.
I have a lot to do. But. I'll stay. I'll stay. Well, sure, continue. yes, you should continue, I want to build, I want, I want to build my house in Minecraft memory, that's very sweet, do you want, you wanted to help with that, did you sign me up for that? He said no, you don't remember. I don't remember, oh yeah, I was lying, no, no, I'm down today, okay, building there, just have a good night, then, too, I hope you have a good night, too, it's been great, really , it's been really nice. hanging out with you again it's nice to have the whole gang together again like I know it's been a while the whole gang is here lovely yeah me and I have been opening Pokémon cards for the last while yeah no No, you probably didn't enjoy it. one too many, but I still think it's a fun game, yeah, okay, third, I still enjoy it, it's like you know what we should do, we should try it and maybe make a list of games we can play, yeah, because I know that five players are kind. of difficult, well, that's funny, you should say that because, um, I had a duck, I think I pinned it on the advisory channel, well, actually, Brian, if you check the character, check, well, I actually text you , this is what happens when you're not here to defend. yourself and then I come back like, how are you doing guys, that's him, it's not the Greeks, it's the Chinese, he looks up something about the Greeks, good for you father, the Greeks come here taking our jobs and our women Oh no, please look at my dead father, by the way?
Not only are we really weird people, yeah, this whole thing is fatter, yeah, yeah, where is it, oh Frank, actually, where is it in the discord, check out this channel, pin messages, it's an old list, there's a lot of new, there's a lot of games, uh 2020. Brian, it's a little, it's 20 20. Shut up, where is he? Do you want me to make a list? Honestly, I've never seen this. You should check the district. You probably need to update that document. I'll come up with a list, I'll create a list, don't worry, yes you should have access to edit this, this is very technical for people who are just watching the stream, it's like a list, actually what's in this , very sorry.
I've never seen this, I know you're great, don't worry, there are some about it, honestly, that I think would be a good opportunity for us to play at some point. Obviously, a few more games have come out since then, which could be good. Well, yeah, we'll figure it out, although yeah, I really want to keep talking and don't let anyone blow up because I think we should do that next. I like the idea of ​​that. I think no one is going to be like that because it's a game of bombs one person sees the bomb no one else can and it will be like we are going to scream at each other it's going to be great we already do that we already do that it's perfect oh god great well let me bounce out guys, good night everyone, that was good too, happy st patrick's day, happy day, greetings, do you just want to stay here or switch to discord? uh, I'm fine, chilling here, yeah, good luck ladies, I appreciate it, good night, thank you, bye, uh, I think oh.
I've never seen this Google Doc once in my life, yeah let's do something relaxing like building a house now Brian, human fall, human fall, flag, might be good, I like that, no, it's not a bad thing shot, I'm very flat, um, okay. I think I solved my audio problem. If you ever find this funny, chat.

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