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KILL YOUR LAZINESS - The Most Powerful Motivational Speech Compilation for Success & Working Out

Apr 23, 2024
one day I made the decision that enough is enough I'm tired of being average I'm tired I'm tired of being good I'm tired I want to go to the dealership and buy the best car I want to move to the best neighborhood I want to fly first class I want to go to Hawaii I want to go to Australia I want I made a decision It's show time The real Eric Thomas please stand up some of you in the room right now, where are you? you give 60% when you have 120 in you why because you never made a decision, those of you in this room are already there,


problem is that there are some things you don't want to give up to go, you have talent you just don't want to give up Sleep , listen to me pound for pound any agent in the room pound for pound


speaker pound for pound entrepreneur pound for P athlete p p weightlifter p p whatever you do I guarantee that when you do it no one will be able to do it is how you do it the problem is that al


you don't do it you love sleep too much you love that alcohol too much you love that substance too much you love that vice too much there is something you love more than


self than your dream then your goals look what happens when you have a goal that only has two reasons look how long it lasts look at an attempt that has 50 reasons and look how there is someone who called me the other day in the interview stupid question ET what do you want?
kill your laziness   the most powerful motivational speech compilation for success working out
On the days you don't feel like it, I told you to ask the question again, please, what do you do on the days you don't feel like it? So I'm going to be honest with you. I've gotten over that every day. I feel like every day I feel like eating every day I feel like giving my wife the best life every day I feel like driving in a nice car every day I feel like flying first class every day of my life I feel like I want to give 100 every day someone said yesterday ET you gave 120 what are you going to do tomorrow I said I don't know give 140 I don't know but I don't have days when I don't feel like why because I'm counting on me my wife is counting on me I don't have days when lose no more 50% no more no more 70% no more I love you at 85 and going up I love you at 85 and go up if you're at 80 I Love you at 90 and I mean move quickly, it's not rocket science and the universe doesn't let you answer correctly because your body language sucks, your spirit sucks, it's defeated.
kill your laziness   the most powerful motivational speech compilation for success working out

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kill your laziness the most powerful motivational speech compilation for success working out...

I need you to give me that 120. I need you to give me everything you do. I need you to start giving me that 120 and everything you do, get it all together, get all the energy, all the passion, get it all together and dominate, live your life like you're the hero of your movie and right now pretend you're the part. from the movie that starts and shows you as a loser if I have a fight to get you in the gym that's a problem I'm just saying really some of you got ruined and still entertain yourself I'm talking about those of you who complain about your job, You don't have any money and you're sitting here complaining, but then you watch all the TV shows.
kill your laziness   the most powerful motivational speech compilation for success working out
I will never feel like doing things that are difficult, challenging, uncertain, scary, or new. I need to stop waiting until I feel like we all have a habit of doubting, the idea isn't going to execute itself and the book isn't going to write itself and the weights at the gym aren't going to work. to move you have to do it and you have to do it now, but there is a son of a bitch out there who wants what you have, who wants the position you are, who wants the job you have, who wants the wife you have or the husband you simply You're not hungry He wants everything you can have But if you're lazy I don't want to talk to you I want to deal with you You're going to make me feel dumber You know you're going to lower my level I don't believe it The reason you're so lazy is not because you don't you have the ability you are so lazy because your dream is so small I believe in myself every day I know I make mistakes I know I am not perfect but I am not lazy, you can continue sleeping.
kill your laziness   the most powerful motivational speech compilation for success working out
I'm going to continue


. They say things like I'll start on Monday. It's not my fault. It's not fair. I'm too tired or my personal favorite. I do not have enough time. They have a loser mentality through and through and until they recognize that they are the problem they will never improve. I know many talented people who had great potential but never realize their greatness and will end up going to the grave with all the good things. things that are still in them you will be tested and how you face that test and how you overcome it determines the rest of your life you have to have something that is inside you something that turns you on something that drives you something that gives you more power than you thought what you have had in your life your life comes down to your decisions and if you change your decisions you will change everything the best of the best they don't sleep they keep


what are you going to do where do I start and and when is the best time to start I have a very simple answer to that here and now what the Relentless system does is a mindset before you have an exceptional s


set okay, you have to have the right mindset the fighter jet mindset is someone who is simply determined, relentlessly obsessed with achieving a result versus all adversity.
I've always had this relentless mindset and if you say I can't do something, if I fail, if I screw up, that motivates me even more. be even more hungry you have to start with that belief in your mind I have this I can do this I can conquer this the relentless are unstoppable I didn't want to have to say I wish I had done more you have to put yourself in that cage I change my mind to something else I change my way to another thing it's time to go but the difference between me and


people is that you can be sweeter than me you can be bigger than me you can grind listen to me I I don't know you might have money I don't know where from You come, but you won't outwork me when I'm in that cage, brother, don't touch me, don't talk to me, all emotionally and execution in De in. strategy and execution if you want something you have to be relentless when you're sitting there you're trying to sell your product you're making phone calls you're giving a lecture, whatever it is you're driving a bus, you're a doctor, whatever it is, the stronger it is your mindset, the higher your s


set will be, make a statement for yourself, declare all war, it doesn't matter what happens to you, what matters is what you're going for. to solve it they start school on Monday morning looking at me they don't have a dad, dad in jail they don't have a brother their brothers in jail all the ones I have you don't understand that my son is at Michigan State and I pay for it in cash.
My daughter wants to go to Harvard. You do not get it. My sister just had a baby and she doesn't make any money. A gang. All I have is a game. I don't have a gang B. I didn't get a gay C when I finished, people trust me. Some of you, when you get on the field, you forget what it was like when you were working and playing ball in high school when you were in college. H them to get to At this point, if you want something, you have to be relentless, you have to decide that I deserve this and I'm going to have it, and you do everything possible to get it, your mind has to look for discomfort, it has to look for these difficult things. tasks, you have to enjoy them and you have to find a way to make your mind enjoy those things.
Some people find it easy and others don't. For others it takes a long time. I always tell people the best thing they can do. What you could do is force yourself to follow a schedule, just write it down like today I have to do an hour on the treadmill I have to do an hour no matter what, even if you are walking you are doing an hour on the treadmill the next time you do it, do it right, you did an hour and this is how many miles you got next time, you know, add 3 miles, put 3 extra miles in that hour and keep doing things like that score today I'm going to do 100 pushups and I'm going to do 100 abs and I'm going to do 100 pull-ups that's today and then force yourself to stick to a schedule, make a workout schedule for Monday, Wednesday and Friday, take some time off, you know, don't even crush yourself to the point where you don't you can do it, make you really appreciate those Tuesdays and Thursdays, but Mondays.
On Wednesday and Friday you are going to chase him and this is what you are going to do. Most people just try to work out and you're kind of aimless and you show up and grab the jump rope and jump rope a little bit maybe hit the heavy bag a little bit maybe you do some curls but you don't really have a goal, it's because That's why people like to hire coaches because a coach will tell you what to do right, you can tell yourself what to do. If you don't have money for a trainer, you don't even need to have equipment you know with body weight, squats, pull ups, push ups, you could do a brutal full body weight workout and you can find them for free. on YouTube there are a ton of them there are a ton of these bodyweight workouts that you can do just try hard write it down monday wednesday and friday I'm going to do 100 push ups I'm going to do 100 pull ups I'm going to do 100 sit ups even if it takes me all day even if I have to do 10 and 10 and 10 and keep going all day that's just what you should do 10 pushups take a 20 minute break do another 10 but get that 100.
I don't believe in asking things halfway. I am this life is short. You know, if you get into something, get into it and if you don't like it, don't get into it and I think that. madness and greatness are next door, our neighbors and they borrow each other's sugar, that's my that's what I've always said there's something about Mastery like true Mastery uh that requires you to shut down massive areas of your There are many people in life who are afraid of their ability to do something that is difficult. I don't know if I could force myself to be disciplined.
I don't know if I could force myself to take that kind of action. Well, if you force yourself to take that kind of action. of action you no longer have that question that question I don't know if I can do it right you are doing it then obviously you can do it you can do it tomorrow you did it today or you can't do it tomorrow just do it you will get many more benefits from a struggle you choose to embark on compared with a struggle that life throws at you, go out and go and do something, just go and then in the middle of doing it, do it.
It will become easy even if it is not easy, even if it is difficult, it is easier than not doing it and wishing you had done it. So how does a lion become the king of the jungle? The mentality of him, you have heard that lions are the king of the jungle. jungle, but have you ever stopped and asked yourself why how can he be the king of the jungle if he is not the greatest? The elephant is probably one of the largest. It can't be the fastest. Because that's a cheater. He can't be the smartest.
So he's not the biggest, the fastest, or the smartest. So how does a lion become the king of the jungle? What separates the lion from the rest of the animals? That crowns him as the king of the jungle. His mentality, that is the only difference between a lion and an elephant is the way a lion thinks when a lion approaches and sees an elephant he thanks the lunch an elephant thanks run the animal kingdom respects the lion more than any other animal in the jungle you see The lions hunt during storms and they do most of their hunting at night they hunt during storms because the noise and the wind make it difficult for the birds to see and hear them that is the mentality of the Lion and it is all mentality The lions They walk without fear and are in charge of their own destiny.
I'm going to need to take advantage of your instinct and conquer your territory, you don't have to be the biggest, you don't have to be the smartest, you don't have to be the fastest, but you have to adopt the mentality of a lion, having love for your frita. Have love with every rep you do, it's up to you to make the most of everything you work so hard for, what is the lion mentality? Fearless courage, break bravery, leadership is never willing to give up and will fight to the death. You have Alliance? mentality are you ready to work? are you ready to dig? you have to fight you have to push you have to give everything you have all you need is the power the strength and the tenacity to give it everything you have maybe you are just buried in debt bills maybe you need to stand up for something you love or what you believe in and that others do not understand do not stop do not give up do not give up do not be brave, do not be afraid and pursue what you want to manifest in your life maybe you have tried again and again and nothing has worked maybe you you have become discouraged because you have been pursuing your goals for years without rewards let me share something with you Lions only hunt 2 hours a day and sleep the other 16 15 to 20 hours a lion knows within those two hours they have to give it everything they have and it will be It's better for everyone to get out of their way because they are going to destroy everything in their path.
You must keep hunting. You must keep fighting. There is no guarantee that anything will bear fruit today, but if you continue, there are possibilities. The only guarantee is failure. If you give up the guarantee of missing your next opportunity and creating the life you say you want for yourself, it won't be easy. It's not going to be a walk in the park there's always more to give you have to be willing to sacrifice you have to be willing to hurt you have to be willing to shout whatever it takes, keep moving forward, don't give up your life, be brave, the lion is brave.
Lions are ready to face danger and pain and they do it 100%. Lions cannot afford to doubt their ability because it could cost them their how different your life would be if you were as brave as the lion what you could achieve what you tried what would happen if you decided to believe in yourself in the gifts you possess how far you could go how far you could climb if you only believed in your abilities what sets you apart from the rest once you face an obstacle you are going to knock it down you are going to overcome it you are going to rise if you trust yourself it will come to you at the right time when you need it I have a lot to achieve to be satisfied with where I am now the prey It doesn't stay there waiting to be eaten the prey runs, jumps and does whatever it takes to survive the unwavering bravery of a lion the lion doesn't stop fighting because if its prey resists how your life would change if you continue fighting in the face of adversity what dreams What barriers could you break down if you kept fighting even though life puts you through a struggle?
You are responsible for your results. You know what is best for you and only you know what it takes to live the life you want to live. You are enough and you have what you need. you need to succeed you are enough you are equipped for greatness you are


beyond your greatest imagination this is the now and I want to see you working I want I want you to dig I want you to feel it I want you to fight I want you to hurt I want you to bleed I want you to Fight because this is the time to show the world and show yourself and show yourself.
You have to understand that it takes determination, passion and determination to reach the level where you want to be beyond the sky. There is a great universe. And now what are you? what you are going to do about it be brave Never give up only you know which path to take at every moment of your life you must approach the path with courage Never give up Lions Never give up because they have a heart lions are the king of the jungle and they cannot show No signs of weakness. Lions make no excuses, they execute and no matter how outnumbered they are, they are willing to die for their dignity.
Do you have what it takes to move forward? Do you have what it takes to go the extra mile? Do that extra push-up. run that extra lap lift that extra weight what happens if you don't give up? They may be smarter than you. They may be faster than you. They may be bigger than you. But since you have the mentality of a lion, you will win. You will not be overthrown. You will not be defeated You will not be detached from your purpose You will have everything you want because there is a lion inside But I am the king of my jungle because of my mentality Some of you do not even realize that you have unfinished business that you need to get back to where you are. you left with A New Perspective go back to the gym go back to the drawing board go back to the business go back to the relationship go back to the burning building you have unfinished business all you have to do and show get ready with a new game plan and a new perspective you have to finish the business you have unfinished business you have work to do perspective is everything come on I need you to hear me loud and clear how you see this is all you can't change the past but you can't change your perspective on it you have to see this differently stop complain about divorce stop complaining about job loss stop complaining about relocation your point of view is your advantage thank you for breaking up with me this is what you did you opened another opportunity for someone else to come into my life thank you for saying goodbye you gave me the chance opportunity to explore entrepreneurship i'm not bitter i'm better perspective it's what changes the game everyone wants to increase and abundance and lifestyle change and new zip codes and new area codes, but you only read once a week and You only exercise once or twice a month and you see the reason why you don't have what it is, you see the reason why what's in your head is it's not in your hands it's not your reality it's because your perspective is opposes your potential you don't have it because you don't see the value in it if you believe you have been called to be the difference maker the game changer the disruptor the person who walks into a room and dominates the atmosphere if you believe you have been called to be necessary and not extremely irrelevant, then everything you do, everything you see, everything rises and falls according to your perspective, your perception, your point of view, how do you see this?
It happens when your perspective, your perception is diametrically opposed to your reality, if you are going to give, grow, evolve, achieve and become everything, go up and down in your point of view, show me someone who hates working and I will show you a man who He almost lost his life and the doctor said that if you don't exercise you will die one sees it as burdensome one sees it as a problem another sees it as a privilege sees it as his second chance his new chance at life that I have to exercise. I start exercising.
I have the opportunity to live a little longer. So one person sees the gym as a prison and another person sees the gym as a passport. One man came within inches of losing his life and another has never done so. He was 100 miles away from losing his life and he only works out twice a month and someone else works out four or five times a week. The reason you only do it once or twice a month is because you don't see the value in your life. Point of view is your advantage or your killer your point of view will make you go or it will kill you we see we see a storm we see rain and we think depression we think I can't do anything instead of thinking grass can't grow without rain Roses Don't bloom without rain number one, there is one thing I need you to stop saying and that is that I must do something, that perspective, that point of view, that ideology, that philosophy, that mentality, it will bankrupt you.
I should start with this. I should stop that. forgive if you don't understand what you should get what you should have I must exercise x number of times a week I must forgive I must evolve I must become I must retain I must grow I must live I must evolve I must go to the next level I must live in this type of house I must drive this kind of car I don't care how bad you think the shoes you're wearing are there's another man in this world who would kill to walk a mile and the peir you wear Marcus, what does this mean?
This means that what you complain about what you hate what you can't stand what you want out of what you want to quit there was someone out there who would die to be in your position and this is what I need you to ask yourself: is this problem that affects them or is it? an opportunity? Some of you have been waiting your whole life for an opportunity. What if losing your job was the opportunity? What if divorce is an opportunity? What if bankruptcy is an opportunity? What if the person you love was an opportunity for you to reconnect with someone and forgive them?
I need you to see the bigger picture I need you to have some gratitude you need to learn to smile you need to exercise I know you hate the gym I know you hate lifting weights I know you hate cardio I know you don't like drinking water I know you don't like it take care of your temple You think it's the hardest thing in the world to commit, but there is someone who is in the grave today and if he had another chance to live, with enthusiasm, great confidence, courage and consistency he would do what you hate just to live a little longer.
Find the positive Look at the bigger picture Save your gratitude The trial The tribulation The adversity The giant is not your killer The giant is your opportunity Are you going to complain in the face of conflict or are you going to take advantage of the opportunity? I don't care what you're trying to achieve what you're trying to achieve what you're trying to give how you're trying to evolve what you're looking to become everything Rise and fall in your perspective stop complaining about jealousy and envy and slander and the person who gave up on you and the person who wasn't there and the person who lied to you and the person who tried to manipulate and control you I'm not tired I'm wise I'm not toxic, I'm triumphant, I see this differently, this season in the one you have entered did not come to break you, it came to build you and the man or woman that God has destined you to be, change your perspective, there is a reason why they say look at the light at the end of the tunnel if you do not see that light you go to lose your mind you will get lost you will break in half if you don't see beyond this the challenge for many of us is that we come to see beyond our present pain and into the fruitfulness of the future the right perspective makes the impossible possible you can't change the past but you can always change your perspective no problem can be solved from the same level of Consciousness that created it the severity of your problems is a matter of perspective change your perspective and most of them become insignificant some of them will no longer exist as problems but OPP units the right perspective is the instrument you need the tool you need is a discipline it is an advantage if it changes the way you look at things then the things you see will change knowledge, a


, a moment of motivation not will hold you down unless you put it into perspective, how will you look at the rest of your day? because how will you see the rest of your day? many times it determines the way you see the rest of your life change your perspective if you can change your perspective you can change the future many of you listening to me right now have unfinished business and you need to get back to that dream get back to that idea, you have a date with Destiny , you have unfinished business, it's time for you to go back to the drawing board with A New Perspective, it's your point of view and get this, your perspective really shapes your language and your language shapes your world, and if you don't If you don't start thinking well, you're not going to speak well and if you're not speaking well you're not going to experience the world you see in your head.
I don't know who God has called you to become, but what do you become? What I can tell you is that if you continue to see Him as you have seen Him, you will never become Him. Everyone wants the next level. Everyone wants wealth and influence and everyone wants to be this esoteric novelty, but listen to me, you will never experience any of this. in your next season with the same point of view the right perspective makes the impossible possible you are pushing and you are pushing pushing and you are pushing and you are pushing and you are doing everything right you are tired you are exhausted and nothing has happened yet, that word is what that you are waiting for, but it is no different because we have been wrong because you fell off the wagon, you have been using alcohol and drugs and you gave up on life and you quit or you I have been in jail once, twice, three times and you really want your dream comes true and you try hard and nothing happens yet.
I promise you, if you keep pushing, if you keep giving me your all, it will happen, it must happen. You can't do anything but move, you can do anything but progress, but I want everyone to understand and say that word that everyone has to stop getting caught up in movement as progress for some of us, the action of progressing. It is progress, the push itself, the fight, you get up and you swing and you fail, that is progress, you get up and run towards what you want with everything you have and you fail, that is progress, the effort of trying is progress , so guess what the goals and dreams are in that do-nothing mentality.
I will do it tomorrow. I'll do it the next day. I'll do it the next day. We are in a quit mentality and if you want to make sure. you become


ful it's not that you'll quit smoking it's that you'll stop preparing to quit smoking you have to give up say look I can do it tomorrow look this is my time to rest this is my time to rest there's no way to give up guess what dreams do People won't stop doing it and then you have the nerve to think or wonder why you aren't


ful and you see it happen every day, on Monday morning, someone will get up and hand in their resignation to go to a new job. on Monday morning someone will wake up lifting more than you on Monday morning someone will wake up running faster than you on Monday morning someone will wake up with their name higher than you on Monday morning someone will get that scholarship that you could have gotten guess what on Monday morning someone will wake up whistling to take that test while you worry why there is no difference between you and them they are not faster they are not smarter they are not stronger they are not better they just don't get it you give up you give up you give up you think you deserve to stay 24 hours or 48 hours you deserve to relax while you relax and always remember this even if it's someone grinding it's someone pushing harder than you it's someone giving until you get into that mindset that you won't prepare for quit smoking, you will never be successful because if you prepared yourself to quit smoking, quitting is inevitable.
I'm going to have the same amount of time, the same advantage, there's no excuse. They are not going to have an hour more than me they are not going to have 6 hours more than me I am going to work the same time and I am going to work longer and I am going to prepare myself to be successful for one reason I do not give up I do not prepare myself in the mentality to quit smoking and if you don't understand this right now, you're going to have to try harder, you're going to have to fight longer, you're going to have to give in with everything you have, you're going to have to give up more, you're going to You don't have to be lazy, you won't have to To listen to that old you, you will have to believe that this extra time I can use on the weekend or at the end of the day or at night, when other people are sleeping or when everyone is at the family gathering when other people are on vacation in I'm going to the beachrun I'm going to achieve it and I'm going to make my dreams come true no one is going to stop me except me that's the only person who can understand if you want to make your dreams come true you have to understand that you can't give up because you have a schedule for when you want your dream to come true becomes reality that doesn't mean your dream listens to you baby, I'm not a coach right now I'm your conscience you're in a fight between will and ability I say will first because that's where you are you're locked in and loaded with ability you practice every day you put your job you buy everything you do investing you are living your dream you are walking like your dream you are surrounding yourself around your dream you have mentors everything you put your work into you have your ability now it is a test of your will it is a matter of mentality in the where you are right now is a matter of mindset because your challenge is not moving your mountain is not moving you don't feel like you are making any progress you are not physically moving when you see everything else around you and other people around you moving not you are progressing You are in the test of your will right now because life says it has a little more test for you.
You can look at your challenge with Skill and he'll see it as a challenge or you can look at your challenge with Will and see. It's a lot of understanding and listen to me clearly you can forget this face you can forget this voice you can forget who told you but take out your sanitary pads never forget these words I'm about to tell you if you want to be great in this life you only have one option gentlemen you only have one option they can make decisions that will simply remember them or they can make decisions that will ultimately make them a legend if they spend as much time working to win as they spend thinking about losing you would be a champion by the time we get tired of simply meeting and seeing successful people and become one of them.
Time's up to sit here just make these average decisions to make these irrelevant decisions that don't change don't change your family don't change society don't change your environment don't change the world it's time to make decisions that make you a legend we all see it the days but the only difference baby you are going to make a choice to just be remembered or you are going to make the decision to become a legend you have to stop giving up we have to stop giving up on all this TGF TG now it's t g i thank god I'm I live when we open our eyes and we are We live in a bad mood and so we really appreciate that opportunity and every time I see a post, every time I see a tweet or anything, I want to ask the person why you are thanking God.
It's Friday, hello news, FL, tomorrow is Saturday. The day after is Sunday The day after is Monday Why are you thanking God? It's Friday because you're getting ready to quit smoking you're getting ready to quit what you're doing you're getting ready to clock in you're getting ready to go home and you're in the mental your mentality can't do anything. I challenge you to prepare for the challenges in your life by ditching comfort. I challenge you, I challenge you that when you find that job, if you don't have transportation to get to work, walk and then when you get there, take the stairs.
I dare you not to take a break, honey. I dare you to work during lunch. I challenge you to work faster when it's hot, when it's cold you work harder. I challenge you to learn. something new today that you didn't know today I dare you to run past that obstacle I dare you to face adversity I dare you to look at it and say look, I am more than this right now I can handle I dare you to look at your obstacles like a mountain. I dare you to stop running from them. I dare you to stop throwing food because you are afraid.
I dare you to stop taking drugs because it's a crack house on the corner and there's a liquor store down the street I dare you to stop running away from your addiction I dare you to stop running away from your old self and become man you know you can become mountains that ain't gonna move you gotta climb That bad boy baby you can't get what you want in your life, not be comfortable. Convenience is failing us. Many of you are being denied your dream and your goal because you have a problem of consistency versus intensity. Consistency is when you do something.
Intensity is how you do it. something and that is why many of you, no matter what you do, no matter how much you do it, no matter who you look at, no matter what you read, you will be denied because you think that simply being consistent at something will allow you to win. and only that gives you the right to win that they deny me that corner office they deny me that car they deny me this quality of life they deny me that scholarship opportunity they keep excluding me from the team you I know, if I stay, if I continue practicing and I stay on this team, sooner or later I will make it, no, you won't, no, you won't, because consistency does not guarantee victory, many of you too. bad since you don't want to accept this you will never win because you are not intense enough and until you become intense to the point that nothing nothing will get in your way that will not get in your way you will never win.
I wish I could tell you that the load you carry will become lighter, it won't, as time goes by you will find that it will become heavier, the mountain you must climb will become taller, the ocean you must cross will become taller. broad, confidence when I tell you that you don't want to wait indecision is a decision a decision to fail a decision to waste your potential Time will not wait for you time does not wait for anyone the clock keeps ticking in life there are no downtimes without breaks or rest stops remember something else that if plan a doesn't work there are 25 other letters in the alphabet this is not three strikes and you're out this is not baseball it's the real world and that means there is no limit to the amount of times you can try, the only time your dream dies is when you decide to leave it, you must be prepared for what will come when the darkness takes over and you feel like you can't take another step forward. believe in yourself you will keep going you will persevere you will weather the storm trust in yourself the kind of confidence a bird has you see the bird doesn't put its trust in the branch it puts its trust in its own wings so when the branch breaks you can still fly again you can weather any storm you can withstand anything the world throws at you remember that the safest path brings the least reward stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start believing in what could go right there may be a million reasons why You are afraid to follow your dreams, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't pursue what your heart desires.
Dare to face your fears. Dare to take risks. Dare to be better. The real question is: how bad do you want it and what are you? What you are willing to do to have it within you is a power far greater than you can imagine. Harness that power and unleash it. Believe in yourself before anyone else. Believe that your dreams can come true. Believe in your capacity for greatness. Success is not about greatness. It's about consistency, no one is boring, great, you can't choose how you start in this life, but you can choose what you do, we all have a choice when it comes to building our future if you show up day after day and put in the work. hard if you give your all if you leave nothing on the table then greatness and success will come you will face difficult situations there will be times when you don't believe in your ability to persevere there will be times when you don't feel unable to face the challenges you face face, you will be tempted to turn your back and run, but running is never the best option when you are in the middle of a fight, the only way out is to pass instead of flee. obstacles or trying to fix find some kind of way around them, go through them be prepared, steady your nerves, put your head down and tackle anything you face head on the storm may shake you a little but I promise you you won't give in and you won't stop believing in your ability to weather the storm when you come out on the other side you will be better if you show your strength the fears you face along the way will make you better our greatest fears always come with them the greatest opportunity for personal growth our fears and how we face them bring out the best of us if something does not scare us if something does not challenge us it does not change us in life we ​​have two options or we take a step forward we expose We take risks and evolve or we play it safe and take a step back towards the Shadows.
Your dreams won't come true on their own, so it's time to get to work. It will not be easy. Great things will never fall into your lap. and they never start from comfort zones if you want to be something you've never been, you need to do something you've never done, scary, right, wrong, you know what's really scary, being stuck in a perpetual cycle of unhappiness, looking at yourself in the mirror. every day and you don't like the reflection you see looking at you don't live your life like that at any moment you can change your circumstances and you can change your life you have the power to do what you want you just need to do it be willing to do things differently than how you have done them before you need to be willing to take risks you must be daring if you are willing to step out of your safe zone if you are willing to stand on the edge of the cliff and jump if you are willing to do what you have never done you will give yourself the power to become what you have never been will probably not be easy but if you want to change your life you will have to do what is right, not what is easy, too many people choose the easy path even when they know it is not the right path, take the road less traveled .
True greatness is not determined by some right of birth or destiny. True greatness is determined by what you do with your hand. The true secret to success is accepting the truth that the only way is through hard work and productivity. You will get where you want and achieve your goals if you follow four simple rules. Don't give up and ask some questions along the way. Do you want to move through life without reaching the potential that lives within you? Do you really want to wake up one day and realize that every dream you've ever had has passed you by? we have dreams and we have passions we have things we want to achieve you are the only person who needs to be okay with the way you live your life everyone might hate you and if you are okay with your actions and behavior you will be happy at the same time you will be able to be loved and adored by every damn person on the planet, but if you're not okay with the way you've lived your life, you're going to go to bed empty at the end of the day.
If you and only you can look in the mirror and be happy with the decisions you have made, then that is all that matters. Believe in all that you are and understand that within you there is something greater than any obstacle you will ever face. Have faith. on your skills, work hard, never give up and there is nothing you can't achieve, so the key is to do it with the right amount of confidence. Anything is possible, no matter what you set out to do, your first word should always be, I believe. In me the most important person to believe in is always yourself the time has come the moment of truth has arrived the question is are you ready? you are ready?
You have the strength, everyone wants to win but they don't understand. What does it mean to sacrifice to win everything? Everyone wants to be a champion, but are you prepared to work hard enough to become the champion you think you can be? Do you think you have the mindset now? Do you understand what it means to enter? what they call beast mode, but I'm here to let you know right now, ladies and gentlemen, it's not about being beast mode, it's about life or death mode, it's about taking the risk, it's about trying hard and giving 110% Of all that you have there there is nothing you can do once you are here and except finish what you start when the weakness begins to speak to you and whisper sweet things in your ear, you must recognize that that conversation does not help you in that conversation. that having weaknesses is not going to build you it is not going to push you it is not going to lift you up you have to recognize that there is work that needs to be done you have to be responsible you have to be capable you have to be willing to Work for what you want I know that sometimes people like to talk for the sake of talking I know some people like to pretend to be something they're not I know sometimes people say it's a lion, but you can't be a lion if you're not I don't understand the rules of the jungle So ladies and gentlemen, you must recognize what it means to sacrifice what it means to be


what it means to be strong this is your time to shine and if you are not willing to shine then step aside If you are not willing to put in the work then this It's not the place for you.
You have to toughen up. You have to look up. You have to develop yourself. If you want it, this is the time to go get it. but you have to work for it you have to believe in it you have to trust in it you have to let the power flow through your veins the blood is real the blood will drive you the pump that you're getting in this place right now it's going to take you to the top but if you're not hungry if you're not willing to get it then you're going to starve you're going to starve because you're not hungry you're going to starve because you're not ready you are going to die of hungerBecause you don't want it, only the hungry know how to eat, only the hungry know how to fight.
You don't have time to take a step back. You have to move forward. You have to push harder. You went a little deeper. Some people all they do is talk when you are in this place of work you can't talk the only conversation is moving what's in front of you the only conversation is pushing when you feel you can Don't push the only conversation is you against yourself the rest doesn't matter the excuses the weakness doesn't matter the excuses don't matter get out of my path is what it's all about so you have to recognize when things get difficult, you better get tough easy doesn't count easy doesn't work you can't cheat to get promoted you have to work hard to get promoted not everyone is ready to be at the top not everyone they are fit to be on top If you have a mental problem Then the body will believe everything the mind tells it to do.
You have to understand that it is terrible to waste the mind and if the Mind is not right, then the body will not be right. You have to understand that you have to have a connection the connection of righteousness the connection of fighting the connection of faithfulness in you and your abilities and your strength and your honor and your integrity everything you do in this moment counts in this place does not you can wait for someone else to do it push you to overcome it you have to push yourself you were born and born to live and fight like this on this day and for the rest of your life if you are working work a little harder you can't make it easy there is no easy and success is not easy and pushing that weight is not easy and running that extra mile if it is easy why do you do it if it is easy how are you growing if it is easy how are you going to be your best suffer now and get the rewards later don't ask take it it's yours go get it if you believe in the possibilities then make it work for you now you must also understand this is not going to be easy it is not going to be a walk in the park there is always more to give you have to be willing to sacrifice you have to be willing to hurt you have to be willing to shout whatever it takes keep going don't give up on your life right?
Give up those representatives, don't give up on giving what it takes to bring out the best in yourself? Some of you right now may be wondering why this guy is yelling. I am not screaming. I'm making noise. I'm doing. noise to chase away your excuses I'm making noise because maybe that weakness doesn't understand the power that you possess I know for myself if I have to shout it I'm going to shout it I'm not going to allow it things hold me back I'm not going to let people tell me that I don't tell I'm not going to let this place of business tell me that I have nothing to do yes the voice the power the passion the love everything I have inside I give it to you I give it to the listener I give it to the lifter weights I give it to the marathon runner I give it to the swimmer I give it to the Zumba dancer it doesn't matter who you are where you come from when the time comes you must recognize that you have to be better you have to be harder you have to be stronger because nothing that he did not create you cannot break it be the best of yourself be the strongest of the strongest do not let anything or anyone stop you because you have it everything is in you you own it love it live it give it everything you have and from the bottom of my heart be productive stay strong in it no excuses and carry out your business

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