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Exploring the NEW Chapter 3! || Bendy Chapter 3 Remastered 2018 (Full Playthrough)

May 16, 2024
so we're at level 11, now this is what we want, we want to collect these guys, so stick them with the needle and collect their ink, oh there it goes now. I hope Bendy shows up here because if Bendy shows up here, he actually kills all the enemies for you, oh well, oh, and he actually had some ink too, it's just here we go, it's what we want, ah, well, you only have to collect three lots of ink, that's awesome, so they've actually reduced the number of items you need to collect, which is really good to see because I actually didn't like having to collect so many things in this


, they've Made a lot easier to collect stuff now, which means the


s are a lot more fun again.
exploring the new chapter 3 bendy chapter 3 remastered 2018 full playthrough
Here's our look at Norman Pox's projectionists walking around. I wonder if we could still kill this guy because he obviously shows up now in chapter 4 so it makes me think they have a trashed contact part of the game and I made it so now you don't have to kill him in this chapter because I think there's only one of those projectors that is Normand pop, come on, let's see if this is still closed. Unfortunately, we're not going to be able to get in there, so let's go to the next area, check out Ollie's audio recording, check out Wally's audio recording.
exploring the new chapter 3 bendy chapter 3 remastered 2018 full playthrough

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exploring the new chapter 3 bendy chapter 3 remastered 2018 full playthrough...

I really hope Bendy doesn't show up while we were walking down this shaft. slow, ink-filled corridor now it looks like we're all fine so let's go back to Alice and give her these ink drops. I'm actually really enjoying this free redesigned chapter. I like it, but we don't have to collect as many things and So, it's easier for collectors than before, it's a little more balanced and makes it not a big effort to play the chapter, which makes it fun again, like the First time I played it, so here we go. Alice is your ink. This is my least favorite one guys, because you have to turn each valve panel very slowly and it takes a long time.
exploring the new chapter 3 bendy chapter 3 remastered 2018 full playthrough
Yes, it will be very annoying if I take the plunger. It will be very annoying if that hasn't changed in some way. so slow before doing that if they have balanced that I am a happy boy let's say that here we go level P let's see what's new Oh immediately with the attack oh there we go you have to be very careful with these guys now because since they move much slower there are one called Oh Bendis showed up alright that's hide where he is there he is so here's our first look at the new Bendy in detail guys because obviously in chapter 4 we don't see much of In fact, now we've DJ'd on him in this chapter so which at some point I'll probably try to take a very detailed look at it, but for now guys what we'll do is try to get to the end of a chapter without dying so we can obviously unlock the machine gun to see if we can still defeat the projectionists.
exploring the new chapter 3 bendy chapter 3 remastered 2018 full playthrough
I'll give you a very close and detailed look at the end of this video at Bend Evo, don't worry, Casey is gone now. sure, apart from these guys, you'll spawn from there, not cool, so this all looks pretty much the same as before, you know, mate, oh, they actually don't always spawn like they did before, which is a good thing addition, it will still appear there, no. They don't, they don't all just turn up cool, okay, so, Oh, they've turned up, it was clever to get designers, no, this is still the way it was before, this is still annoying, it's still my least favorite part, the whole game, by far, just take like this For a long time, I'm not even going to bore you with making you see these guys.
In fact, I'm going to cut in a minute and yeah, and I'll move on to when I've had the entire course compiled. I think that's basically how you do it. I have to do it two more times. I think it's okay guys, so you have all the energy cells collected. Now you can return to Alice to get our final task. Oh God, where is Bendy coming from now? It's only fair if we have a quick. Look at him guys, he's so creepy when they redesign him, you can see the whole ribcage on him and everything that has spikes on his back.
I think my favorite is the ax yeah what I think here guys there's a little theory for you and you know how Alice asks. us to destroy the flexible Kurt and she means, we think the jury drew like hell, so what I think, guys, is that she actually knows that he has a V, a grudge with joy because he sort of tricked her into That he was a test subject for the ink machine, in turn turned out how he imagined, so now she, because of all the things he's done to her, is very bitter against Joey Drew and she, you know, wants him to Let's destroy everything that has to do with him if he's really kowtowing, okay?
Guys, so we'll go to the top floor and break some Bendis, let Alice have a little revenge on her. Well, here we are on the K level. Guys, we'll go upstairs. We have the axe. It is a much more pleasant tool to use. than the other weapons we get, although I've noticed that I've made some of you have slightly more powerful weapons than before, so it's not as annoying trying to kill enemies with them. Now again, another bounce problem. I think the ax has a lot more range, it has a new animation that some guys have noticed, but yeah, the ax has a new attack animation and it gives it more range, which makes it a little easier to take out enemies. , now we have to destroy all these flexibles. cutouts here we go one oh I like to release I'm not going to count every time I destroy them that would be annoying for you here we go guys this should be Bendy's last cutout here we go when I do that.
I have maximums, he's probably going out at night guys, so I'm just going to sit here waiting for Benji to show up and the arias we've already hidden so they don't have to calm us down. We have done well. Let's go back downstairs with Alice, okay guys, so we're in the final stretch of the chapter. Now they just have to defeat the butcher gang members. I don't know why we can't have the ax to do this, but it's fair. This is going to be tough guys because the new movement is so slow it's going to be ridiculously difficult.
I think we can do this without dying, but we will do our best. Here comes a gang of butchers. Guys, okay, we'll try to do this. I don't think I can manage to do this, but not especially without the search engine showing up, but we'll see, I'll just backtrack like this guy, no, it was more searches, no, it'll be hard, no, I'll do it. I'm not going to have to do this guy, come on, heal, heal, heal, heal, heal, we have a chance here guys, I could do it maybe not, come on, come on, come on, oh man, yeah, we did it without dying, oh , that was Guys, I was so close I actually had my heart in my mouth, oh you can probably hear my heart beats that good, so now we have to see if we can get a submachine gun and meet the projectionist.
Well, it looks like we still have it. that guys, what, but I did everything I had to do. I didn't die, what the hell don't they get that machine gun anymore? So that's what I was thinking, guys, you could remove it. I will say it's a little annoying, but I managed to stay alive throughout the chapter and didn't get the machine gun. I have to follow the steps above, but you know, I guess it's changed or you just can't get the machine gun anymore, maybe they removed it because no. It's not like having a gun here, wait, oh that's different, so we added that the guys who scream when you come down here didn't used to be that big scream coming from that guy over there, so yeah, I thought when he took a heart and that scream happened that he had already seen me and was chasing me, but that wasn't the case, so I guess we're fine as long as we don't confront him guys in any way we can.
I'll be pretty close to him as long as we're not looking in his direction. I'm going to go see if we can still get Henry's secret, which is obviously this way to get Henry's secret. You just break these planks here and just Activate this valve on the pipe. It doesn't flash here, but all you need to do is turn it on and then you'll get Henry's recording. If you didn't know that's a little pro rule, I'll show you where he is. in a moment, once we've collected all the hearts down here, here's the last heart, cute, oh god, he made me run, guys, run, seizure warning, seizure warning, hit me, hit me, hit me It hit, it hit me, run to the little miracle station, here we go.
Leave me alone but I think they really need to tone down the flashing lights oh man I mean that's literally hurting my eyes you know that's what was messing up my eyes just go and I think it's Good to have flashing lights and games. and movies but I think when it comes to brightness you need to tone it down a bit that would be my advice here are some headphones this is actually an interesting story if you didn't know he was a youtuber called tzk unit he's pretty cool youtuber, actually, guy, so you can see, he actually took off his headphones, we were really scared when you originally saw the projectionist, they broke and then game developer V Meath Lee included them here as little Easter eggs, so those are your headphones.
I'll leave a little link in the description below so you can go and check out his channel if you want, well guys let's go back up top and we'll take a look at Ben D and just a good look before we finally finish the chapter by handing these hearts to the Alice angels, everyone here's Ben D, here he is, so what will he look like chasing us now? Ah, there you have it guys, that's for your new look at Bendy, that's cool. now it has a slightly different chase animation and this is our new deaf screen obviously and they added that too which I really like so now we're at level P.
I think it's actually very close to level P for Henry Secret, so I'll do it. I show you where that is now, stop it, okay, so after you go out the door to the P level, here guys you'll see, but now this previously flooded area next to this quest that's being really annoying now drains into the room. which flooded earlier and because we turned on the valve below where the projectionists were, it's actually accessible now, we can go down here and there's actually a secret audio recording of Henry here, so I'll play it now for you guys in case that you haven't heard it, so there Come on guys, that's Henri's audio log that gives us a little more information about Henri and what happened in the studio between him and Joey Drew.
We're sure let's go down and finish the chapter well guys, now give four hearts to Alice and finish this chapter, we'll see if anything has changed at the end. I don't think there will be any more changes, but thanks for watching, if you've done so today, it's been fun playing this chapter again. We'll be quiet for a moment while this scene plays out and let you watch it and enjoy it here we come Boris, we're going home, don't be afraid, now comes the time when we plummet to the s level. Of course, because Alice broke once and for all, I think this is a point where the Suzy Campbell side of Alice, you know, is really gone, these elevators go down very far, by the way, but how far is this drop?
How big are these studies? So they also redesigned the ending of this a little bit, guys, you can see it now looks completely in line with the star of chapter 4 and there you have it, guys, that was our


of chapter 3


, there weren't that many changes. As in previous chapters, but the work has quite a few nice new additions that we saw, like that whole new area where the animations are dubbed and a few new lines here and there, as well as a complete graphical overhaul and some small changes. to the gameplay which made the chapter play much better than before so I hope you enjoyed the game today guys if you remembered to like this video subscribe to the channel and of course leave me a comment below and See you in the next video

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