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Apr 13, 2024
okay, try to stay still, just say yes or no, it's today, friday, let me cook bro, okay, come on, that's two plus two whole, yeah, that's right, you've never had chlamydia, haven't you, have you ever gotten an STD? Yes, but this was a much longer wait. that brother five seconds later no answer the question is your real jewelry yes I see the chain is a little bigger your last chain got snapchat not good have you ever had someone with a hairy anus with no line? Do you regret any of your sexual partners? In the last year, do you regret any of them?
amp takes a lie detector test
Yes, that's right, I shouldn't have done it, it's okay, not all of us have been there, although yes, yes, have you ever done anything illegal? was the question: have you done something? Yes, have you ever snitched on someone? No, oh, now, ask me again, have you ever bothered anyone? Nah, you're cooked, buddy, did it result in an indictment? It's when I went to jail, brother, the police asked. He tells me about my brother and I say brother, I don't know what you're talking about, brother, that's the only situation and my brother didn't go to jail, that's like Diet, snitch, no bigger cop, Davis's fat ass , it doesn't fail if you are walking down. the street and Davis is a girl oh okay could you look back?
amp takes a lie detector test

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amp takes a lie detector test...

Do you look at women's butts? No, it's okay, here we go and we know. Look here. I have a question: are you happy in your relationship? Yes, that's my dog. Although bro, I mean, do you think she got me a friend? Did you hear me in this house? Yeah, why do you have to say it as loud as ever? It's funny that me and the team were on fire that day, that was fun, right? Yes, have you ever done it? I had a pregnancy scare, yeah, like the old D terms, bro, that's right, like I'm not stopping you, you've got more than five, five pregnancies, yeah, that's right, more than 12 pregnancy scares, no, in the last two years, do you think Kai's attractive look looks at me, brother, he didn't reach the top?
amp takes a lie detector test
Do you want any member of the amp to come out of the amp? Oh, right now, yes, no, why, oh yes, real life, why do I do it? Yes, but I didn't know she liked playing the game. Do you think Davis' girlfriend is the one for him? No, okay, right, damn, hey, what do you think? I'm divisions, have you ever seen gay gay another movie on the movie? Yeah, no, bro, hey, get up, get the man up, okay, actually, agent me in the hot seat, guys, agent, yeah, it is. your name Dean, yes that's right, do you have any of the women you brought to your stream?
amp takes a lie detector test
There's no equipment, so you said you didn't want, no, why yes, the smoke, the little human that came into your room, do you want that? I thought about it, yeah, this is crazy, that's one of my goals. Do you have a little feeling for us? She wants to take it in real life. Have you ever been paid? No, oh my God, someone's Bulls, there's no line, we're moving. I'm not moving, okay, I'm not moving, I swear to God, oh, almost everyone, that's crazy, do you believe in God? Yes, that's right, okay, have you ever had a dick in your face?
No, why don't you remember? Not holding the button at the same time was an accident Brothers, have you ever had your ass in your face? Well, several times, so agent, every time we had this conversation where you're covering up a lot. I feel like you're lying to yourself. You even start doing it. being between me and yrg and you're just a tripping dog, so let's get this over with once and for all. Was there ever a time when you thought I should be a member of the amp and not someone else? Yes, he is much more trustworthy than you guys, so who would do it? love who you want who you would have wanted wasn't it me right you want him to replace things no no sofa you think Duke is cute you look good yes you are sexually attracted to Duke no I'm not alone do you want oh yeah right you liked it right , you liked it too, did someone want to put you in jail? every sexual question and every sexual question, every sexual question that goes wrong, okay, oh, is it true that you have three different ones? they go to sleep, who, what, why might they ask, what is their trust based on, why do they say with their trust in me in a relationship, hey, were you guys the girl's video, dude, Chris, did you link the girl video after posting that video yeah team oh guys get it? close to a sexual relationship yeah right are you racist yeah right oh you invited a girl over and they ignored her for five days straight?
How are you? Do you think Duke is attractive to me? Yes, he attracts you to do it, I think. He, he's a handsome gentleman, okay, and you're attracted to Duke, no, oh, flop, hey, Chris, bro, listen, you know you're my guy, you know, I think you're a really funny guy too, you know you're a great guy, great content creator, but you know, over the time that I've seen amp, because you know I'm saying I'm a fan, it's like you used to edit amp's videos and you used to be in the videos, but all of a sudden It's like you distance yourself, it's like you stop editing amp videos.
I think the comments section was going to your head and since I met you you've gained a bit of an ego, if I'm honest, like you're not. The same person you were when you were editing the amp video, so I'm curious if you feel like you're too good at editing amp videos now, yes or no, because I think I think your head got big in the amp section. comments, so yeah. or not, are you too good at editing amp videos? Have you ever had sex with a woman who was in an amp video? How about you wait?
I give it a button on the ARP video because I needed help editing, that's the same thing. race video Do you think you can teach me how to edit it? A little smoke. It isn't true. Oh, you think Davis is a dirty human? Yes, I have exams right now. Have you ever had a girl? What's happening? Your name is Davis Dodds. Yes it's correct. It's true that when this condom flew through the air and reached our feet you said: "Oh, whoever has a big horse cock, he doesn't live, yes, you love your girlfriend, yes, have you ever thought about breaking up with your bride?" way shape or form listen to the question again any way way or shape have you cheated on your girl no her breathing stopped and flattened out that's an automatic failure There are no other questions that can be a little yes and think about it real quick okay, think about okay, a picture of a fat idiot like anyway, too big, that's cute, yeah, I believe in God, yeah, right, okay, that's so easy, dance, no, why did I know that here , wait, wait, wait, wait, do you have any allergies?, yeah, right, okay, have you been linked before?
No, why, oh, do my legs feel good? Are you looking at women's asses? No, right, okay, okay, okay, no. Chris Chris continually reaches out to me, though no, what a girl, yeah, wow, come over sometimes, just rest. hand on your dick hey this my question for you is be honest, is it true that you had surgery on your ass and who did it? No, I'm completely natural. Do you have five seven? Damn, you're weird. right, what is two plus two four? crew, did you win over a million dollars on sabathon? It's not true, no, there you go, no, I didn't like the whole world, it's not right all the time, I have questions, would you be in a relationship, no crew That's the game, would you be a threesome with a girl and nle Chopper?
No, no, are you trying to make your barn more? You're done, okay, Duke? So it's attractive, no, ah, I have a question as soon as you got off the subator, did you fall? no foreigner but there is like a rumor did you get angry a dream come no what hello color um I have a question for you boy you know how we do it you know how we come there are no excuses yes or no are you having sex with the person closest to your side to save your mother's life your mother's life the person who gave you life is at stake the only way to save it is to have sex with the person closest to your side right now to save a life You are doing it?
The sonar W son talk to me my boy uh no I'm not going to do that oh right yeah look look good I love everything my dad pay attention okay you do something today for 35 billion no no yes no I'm not brother hey brother, I'm not doing that Brother, would you like to be told no? Hey, have you smashed an ugly girl? Aren't the accusations that you walk around this house with a triple XLT cock swinging around or are those accusations true. Not well. I'm not swinging, but it was Big T and Tidy Whiteties. Any other girls from your pajama streams?
There is no answer to that question. Did you replace your hamster with a new one? No, we wouldn't know. No, no, no, no, no, right, okay. Do you have a big cock? Yeah, oh baby, oh wow, that's the biggest lie you ever told yourself. Yes, everyone wins. Have you ever stuck your middle finger in your chest? You twisted it to leave them on the right, yeah, that's it. Do you like this t-shirt? Stone Cold Stone Cold would you stop at and buy this t-shirt? Yes, have you had sexual encounters with anyone you've tried before?
If you're gay? John, have you ever murdered someone? No, I thought about it, did you ever say John? the n word oh my god you wish you found it sooner yeah

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