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My Eagle Scout Project Review - #MacGuzman Livestream

Apr 07, 2024
Great, here we go, okay, welcome to the live stream. I'll start in a few minutes. I'm going to do what I did last month and just wait a few more minutes for at least 10 people to watch. Hmm, it may take a while, but I hope we will have more viewers by then. I'm going to start soon. I wanted to start at 12, but there's almost no one here right now, so my plan is to just sit here for a while. I talk to the people here a little bit and by the time more people get here, hopefully it won't be that long, then I'll start the live stream, so let me actually write that down, but let me.
my eagle scout project review   macguzman livestream
Look, you guys should be able to see my screen there. It seems to be working fine, so let me write. Yes, I already put it there. I said hello to everyone. The broadcast I will


my Eagle Scout


and provide advice for any aspiring




s now like right now, okay, let me write that right now. I'm waiting for a few more viewers before I do my intro, so I don't have to make sure to trick myself a few times, um also, to get as many viewers as possible on the Stream, here we go, so for those of you who are here, Please stay because I'm going to start soon, but we'll give it a few more minutes because I want to make sure we see as many people as possible.
my eagle scout project review   macguzman livestream

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my eagle scout project review macguzman livestream...

This stream will be different from the last stream because the last stream was specifically about my


and it was all pictures. This will be more instructive because it's like my explanation of Eagle Scout and my own tips on how you can do it. Get just some tips and guidelines that I've created so it's just going to be words and stuff, but I think it's worth it because when I started doing Eagle Scout or as you know when I started moving up to the rank. I had no idea where to start and I wish I had a guide like this because my dad and I were trying to figure it out for a long time, so for those of you waiting, I'm going to start. transmission soon.
my eagle scout project review   macguzman livestream
I'm going to wait until I have about five more people on the stream and then I'll start talking about my progress as an Eagle and my tips on how to become an Eagle Scout, so stay tuned. I'll start soon, please. Keep doing it because I would appreciate that if you saw me, you would think that someone with a thousand subscribers could have at least 50 people on their live streams, but I guess not, um, okay, I'm going to go get some water. I'll be right back okay I'm going to start the live stream for real though let me read the chat real quick so the meeting screen says hello new sub here hello minions creed uh tesla I don't know how to pronounce that. it's like west west i wish i didn't know uh he or she says hi mac i have a bunch of merit badges in my court of honor i hope you're having a good day you know my day is going pretty well i woke up feeling pretty recently so i'm just trying to stream my live stream and good job on your mirror badges so I'll start the live stream.
my eagle scout project review   macguzman livestream
I'll be reading the chat as I go, but my main focus will be on the slides, so you guys can read and listen to what I'm saying, so let me put this up. I actually got this this time too, so hell yeah, that worked, so today, like I've been saying, is going to be my live stream for my Eagle project


, but this. it's like the second part, the first part was strictly about my project, I showed a bunch of photos and videos and explained exactly how my project went, this will not only be on my project, but more about Eagle Scout in general, which will provide kind of similar guidelines and tips and how I got it and also similar instructions on how you could do it as well so you know exactly how to do it throughout the entire process, not just the project, but as an Eagle Scout in general because I had no idea that there were so many things that someone I had to do to be an Eagle Scout, let me go like this, great, okay, first I'm going to talk about my progress, like my progress for my project that I covered. a little bit of this in my last


so basically it's not supposed to be like that actually wait let me look at this real quick I literally just looked at the slide and it wasn't like that give me a second okay let me.
I try again, okay, here we go, I don't know what happened there, that was a technical problem, so I started my progress at the end of May and beginning of July with my first proposal or idea, which was to build a bus stop in my authorized church. organization now the proposal was approved and then the world shut down when I started planning my project which meant the project was rejected due to Covid which wasn't good because I literally got everything approved so what I did after I just started that. a new idea, it took me another month or two, but I finally came up with the idea of ​​the document railings and/or benches.
I also made an effort to meet with the beneficiary several times to make sure I could communicate with him so that the project was not closed again, the proposal was approved once again which was good and then I coordinated the project date, the list of materials and transportation of my volunteers and then I set the project date as October 17, I made sure that all my materials and tools and volunteers were going to appear and that I had everything I needed to complete the project, after that I finished documentation or workbook, I submitted the workbook for approval which he did and then I finished my


rank application and I'm now waiting for my eagle board review so that's my progress so far .
I'm just making sure I have everything coordinated for border screening. I handed over everything else and I'll discuss that later in the broadcast. Tesla Wesh says: are you? using powerpoint yes for my videos and live streams i found powerpoint to be easier to use except for that error which has never actually happened before. I don't know why the text didn't appear in the right place, that was just a mistake, but Anyway, it's working now, I fixed it, so let me get on with the drinking water. So what is the service project? The service project is an opportunity to demonstrate leadership.
It is to pay. I can't talk, how do you say that word? Perform, yes. What you are going to do is carry out a project for the benefit of the community and requires leadership skills and significant effort. The explorer must plan, develop and lead the project and the project must be completed before the explorer turns 18. Because of the cover-up, I'm sure many explorers. In fact, I got an extension because like me, some


s may have completely rejected your project, but I age in a few months, but I am very sure that there will surely be some scouts who will grow old during corona, so I want to say it's not their fault, you know, the whole world shut down so they probably got extensions.
I didn't need one because I did everything on time, so the Eagle Scout service project, um, what I was probably thinking of for people who only think about Eagle. scout or if you're a bit of a laid-back life scout, I'd say it's never too early to start thinking about ideas. My dad and I are trying to pressure my little brother, Pogo Squash, to do his Eagle Scout project because he's alive. Same as me, except he's a few years younger than me, so yes, he has time, but we want him to start thinking about his ideas. That being said, look at projects in your area because that really helps you figure out what you want to do if possible help other life explorers on their projects to get a general idea for myself.
I helped three of my friends do projects. One of them was building like a front porch, the second one was installing benches, and then the third one was putting these frames up. like a flower bed and then put the siding and the dirt and all that good stuff so those are some of the things I saw and then in the same area where my friend who we did the porch for there was a dock and I like it Oh, I could make safety railings for that because that's what my beneficiary is asking for and I'm like, here we go, that's my project.
If you can't come up with ideas, I would contact the unit leader for ideas because that's how I got the first one, I contacted my scoutmaster and he gave me the bus stop idea. Also ask the eagle coordinator for help in your life because that is a real adult leadership position in the scouts. There is that person who helps life scouts become eagle scouts because they know the whole process and everything, and they understand it better, so they can guide you so that you can still do all the work and everything, they just help, They are really helpful in making sure you understand what you are doing.
I'm actually doing oop wrong button here we go so I keep drinking water I don't know oh geez what the fuck just happened no why did he do that? Well, technical difficulties. PowerPoint crashed, which is great. It will take me a second to open this backup. Just wait, bear with me for a few seconds, it's literally never happened before like when I was recording videos or streaming live. Wait, I just want to reopen the file, like come on, PowerPoint, technical difficulties, guys, the bad thing is that I didn't do it. I know it was going to bump into me unexpectedly, for those of you who are watching or if anyone just arrived, I have slides on the screen.
I'm reviewing Eagle Scout, such as my progress to Eagle Scout and also all progress towards achieving Eagle. explore so for those of you watching that, I'm so sorry for the black screen. I'm recovering the powerpoint right now since my powerpoint just crashed, so wait, I was right, I was here, okay, let's see if this works. Okay, this works, you guys can see it, right? Okay, I think you can see that. If I do this, okay, great, I think you guys should be able to see this now. I'm so sorry, I don't know why it crashed. That's never been done before, but we'll move on, so I'm talking about my tips for the service project now.
The last thing I said was find out who the troop life coordinator is for the eagle and then I would say that I have contacts for important people like your scoutmaster, any council member who can help you, the beneficiary of the project, because as I follow saying, constant communication is very, very important, okay, because if you don't have constant communications, things can get complicated, things can get canceled and plans can too. get upset because people think different things think about multiple ideas before acting on one you don't just want to jump on your first idea think about several before they approve it or at least get the go-ahead from your scoutmaster, so make sure you Make it something Do you want to consider costs and fundraising?
My first idea, I'm kind of glad it didn't work because it would have cost over two thousand dollars, which I don't have. My project now costs dollars, which I don't have either. That's why I'm live streaming because I'm trying to raise money, so no begging, but I'm going to ask you nicely that if you have money to spare, please donate it for the stream because I need to pay the money back. YouTube pays my fundraising costs for my overall project, but that takes a while, so if you have something you can donate, do everything you can to help me reach my goal of $530 because you know I'll keep the funds in mind. costs and fundraising victor dared darington sorry in chat says hello hello I'm going over Eagle Scout stuff right now I'm going over tips for the service project um oh yeah, this is also important if you're building something, think about it permits because your project could be rejected if you don't have the correct permits for whatever you're building.
I didn't need a permit for my dock because I don't know, I just didn't need one, but that's important, if you're really building something in an area that's not yours, make sure you have the permit to build that in that area, okay, move on. Oh yeah, so I want to go over exactly what the requirements are and just point out a few. things I didn't notice at first I'm not going to read everything basically this is just your activity so the first to be active and participate for at least six months as a life explorer, you also need to be six months in a leadership position, all this issue for number two is about showing scout spirit by living the scout oath and law, you need to have recommendations which means the people you know have their list of people who know you personally and they can give you a recommendation to get eagle scout, so it says you're supposed to have a parent or guardian a religious, excuse me, someone who is religious, someone who is educational and if you have one, if you have a job, your employer and then two other references um it What I heard is that you need to have at least five that you have sent, but you are not expected to get all five back, you are just expected toyou send five telling them I want you to recommend me and what they told me is that if you get at least three recommendations out of those five then you should still be good, that's what I heard.
I've discussed the following topic many times in my other videos so I'm not really going to touch on that, basically just the 21 mirror badges required for the eagle, 13 of them are the mirror badges required for the royal eagle and then the number four is the other one, the other troop activity in a leadership position, so that's No, um, that's not too hard to understand, just the next part, so that's it that makes people wrong. , basically talks about the project. um I'm going to talk about the project, I mean the last stream that I got really into. project phase of everything, so I'm not going to waste too much time but you need to have a project proposal, which is what most people don't like to do at first, but I think the proposal was pretty easy because if you just have an idea and you are able to develop it from it. all you have to do is make sure that your idea is written down, that you have all your plans ready there and that everything is formatted correctly, so if you have your parents or your life coordinator to help you, then if you just talk to them they say, "Hey, am I doing this right?" then you know you should be able to pass it easily.
Now you also need to participate in a scoutmaster conference, but this one is special because you are supposed to have it. It's like it's your last skymaster conference. You know, this is the last drink you're going to have and then in preparation for your border check, for when it's for Eagle Scout later, you should attach your Eagle Scout rank application, a statement of your ambitions and life purpose and a list of positions held at your religious institution and where you demonstrate leadership skills and includes our honors and rewards, that's a lot. I didn't know about that last part at first, so it took me a while to get into it and then seven to complete it successfully. your border check for the rank of Eagle Scout and it says that this requirement can be met after you are 18 and I looked this up and it's because you can do everything before you turn 18, but the border check is due to the members of board.
Availability is sometimes not your fault if the board members can't meet with you before you turn 18, which is fine because they may still allow you to do the board review after you turn 18 if that's the only one. option, because it's not your fault, so yeah. that can still work that way, I'll still be able to do my son's checkup before 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., so that's good. Victor Darren in the chat says: have you ever been a mayor? Actually, yes, mayor was the first leadership position I ever got. making sure the trailer was kept in order and that all our camping supplies were there.
Okay, moving on, so the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook is online. There is a workbook in PDF format and you need to have an Adobe reader. This is actually very simple because most likely your Life to Eagle coordinator will have the same because I mean their whole job is to make sure this gets approved so most likely they will have this, for What the workbook is like, really big, like a kind of package, you just need to complete certain parts. Don't be intimidated by the giant package though, most beginners in Eagle are literally just paperwork and stuff so it gets a little tedious, but as long as you communicate properly you should be able to get through it. eagle scout service project here are some huge things i've noticed uh if this is some kind of unofficial list of what i think you need for eagle scout then this is just i don't know how to phrase it but like when i started doing Eagle Scout, I was overwhelmed by how much I thought I had to do and then I realized how much more I had to do if that made sense and I wanted to have something in front of me that would tell me exactly. what I needed to turn in and everything, but I didn't, it was just looking at a bunch of things and figuring out what I needed to complete, so this is a list of what I had to complete, for those of you wondering, this is what What I had to do you needed six months of activity and in six months as a leadership role you needed to have the complete workbook including the project plan, this is out of order, that's great, let me show everything on the screen, well, I'm sorry. that's right the six months of activity in the leadership role the eagle scout service project your workbook, including the project plan your letters of recommendation the application for scout rank the application for eagle scout rank my bad the statement of ambitions and the purpose of life and your eagle scout board review so those are all the main things that you need when you become an eagle scout and then let me move on to the next one so the stages of the service project workbook , because paperwork is what most eagle scouts get stuck on, feel a little overwhelmed, or get lazy. or they just don't know what to do, so in the three stages you have the proposal, which is very important because that's what you need to get started and plan everything, then you have the overall project plan, which is the specific details and how .
You plan to execute everything and then comes the report, so there are three different stages that are not too difficult to understand, it just takes a lot of effort to complete everything, so let me have a drink of water first before I start explaining everything which Victor Darrington's chat asks. I ever heard about Sea Scouts, actually, yeah, it was a year and a half ago. There was a fan of my channel who contacted me through Discord and told me that he really liked my stuff and I asked him. oh you're in scouts and he's like me and he was actually in sea scouts which is pretty interesting so I know sea scouts is a good smelling thing I think it should be good I drink all my water it's OK, proposal stage?
It's the stage where everyone has no idea, most likely they'll just ask everyone, like what am I doing, my friend, ah, he's also starting the proposal stage and he was wondering, what do I do? and I said, You know, you can ask the coordinator on your left, so he did, he completed his proposal and then he asked me to review it to see if I thought it was good, which I did think was good. He did a really excellent job. So for the proposal, it's scary at first because you're like, "Oh my gosh, paperwork, what do I do?", but it's legit, just a rough plan of what you want to do, it's just the ideas you have to write down, actually. you do not have to do it. have it all figured out, you just need to have something there and also get all the contact information right because if there's a whole page where it's legit, you just need to have everyone's contact information, you also need to have the acceptable wording for everything and the formatting, making sure that's all good, so I would ask my dad a lot if something sounded good, if it made sense because he's probably written a lot more paperwork than I have, so I would ask him, hey, this sounds good again.
I want to emphasize this many times. keep constant communication with your beneficiary because it is very important and then make sure your view matches

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