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Wednesday Addams vs Enid Art Challenge! WHO DRAWS IT BETTER? Cool Drawing Hacks

May 04, 2024
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if you leave, I'm sorry, tell me what's wrong, look at this simple boring gift I want, I don't know, come with me why are you heading to the bathroom, wait, the embassy, ​​don't cry. I'm going to fix this look, watch carefully as I roll up the romper and tie it with the elastic bands, fold the bow to make sure it's secure in there, now let's flush it down the toilet and then I'll add some colorful paint like a rainbow for a extra kick and a little gold dust, lastly I'll wrap plastic over the toilet.
wednesday addams vs enid art challenge who draws it better cool drawing hacks
What's new? Just wait, let's close the lid and flush the toilet. Ready, let's unroll it. A tie dye jumpsuit. What did you say? This is incredible. Simple bottle of so many colors. No, shiny bottle, yes, this is the best. Mario really knows the best tricks. I bought you a gift on Wednesday, thank you. I guess hugs, where did you go? Oh, there you open it. Okay, the stuffed animal and a pink monkey. What do you really like? I like it, I like to open it up and take out all the stuffing, then I'll put a battery inside along with some cables, now I'll fix you up buddy, I'm just going to make some adjustments, check it out, hello, as for the jumpsuit.
wednesday addams vs enid art challenge who draws it better cool drawing hacks

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wednesday addams vs enid art challenge who draws it better cool drawing hacks...

I prefer it black and bold and for the pacifier I like the pointy ones the pink toy is big no, a pointy bat is more like whoa an apple in a drill what an Adam's way of eating oh, isn't that Wednesday's tooth what happened here? oh no, you lost your tooth because of the terrible apple. I need the tour back. I know what to do. My ring storage has some thermoplastic balls that we can pour into a container of water, let it sit until it solidifies and then we can shape it. like a touch I want to try my new tooth, no, no more apples for a while, there's no


snack than a jello cola, foreign darling, let's take a selfie smile, huh, why are your teeth black, oh my god, what Is it wrong?
wednesday addams vs enid art challenge who draws it better cool drawing hacks
I need to clean Chelsea's teeth. I have a variety of toothbrushes. Choose. Do something. Mmm, a unicorn electric toothbrush that comes with a light show. Here we go, oh, green. Bob. I'm so proud that my baby is Wednesday trying to put on makeup for Halloween. I just want thorns from these roses, huh, do I look pretty? This is not how you apply lipstick. It looks like you ate squid ink. Let me clean it up, but I want lipstick. You finished the entire tube. Chocolate official. Can I please have your chocolate? No way. this is mine, I'll trade it for no, not for this eyeball here bone, oops, wrong article, rotten teeth, oh here, just take the chocolate, right?
wednesday addams vs enid art challenge who draws it better cool drawing hacks
I found the dollar, oh thanks, now it's time to do some crafts. I will cut the chocolate bar into pieces and put them in a bowl and then I will melt some chocolate in a spoon and pour the melted chocolate into the lipstick tube chocolate lipstick wow let me try it, it looks nice on me and I can also have a refreshment. Morticia is a genius that Chelsea is applying. lipstick on barbie or at least she's trying oh hi honey what's wrong my lipstick is funny oh what did you do to me? Sorry, I mean, it's kind of nice.
I didn't know we had a clown here, let her put lipstick on you. So there is no way you can't force me even if I pay with gold, gold. I mean, I really love makeup and gold, okay let's get started, this is going to be so much fun, make your lips really pouty, let me help you, written more looks like this. a win for everyone I'm thirsty that faucet must be connected to the sewer no way Wednesday is drinking that no, this is dirty water but I want a drink I'll fix it oh watermelon that's official Yoo-hoo, what can I have? watermelon that's rude a watermelon seed well, I know what to do.
I can plant the seed to grow a watermelon. That was fast and wonderful. Now how do we drink this? The tap, of course, I'll take the tap and stick it in the watermelon, done, watermelon. juice who's thirsty wow it tastes fresh yes it looks like someone made a mess in the night brown stains did I poop in my sleep? if that happened? Do something about this mess. Oh my gosh, relax, it's just Chelsea's Nutella. Oh, sure, okay, okay, let me take care of this. Messy Eater I have a duck dispenser for you, this little duck will give you all the chocolate you need without making a mess.
Thumbs up for this device, what is that noise? It's a Shadow Monster. It's okay. I almost forget it. Monsters don't bother you on Wednesday. It's a fairy eh hello what was it that there is a scary fairy I don't see anyone I'll call the police my daughter is afraid of the dark look at her shaking for a second I'll grab a lamp for you here you go and I'll dance again shake your hips her Hawaiian skirt slipped from the jackpot I have an idea that this lamp could use some decoration with sunglasses and a hat like Wednesday's uncle he has a scary look is Uncle Ed I can sleep now because he will protect me I sleep well foreigner it seems that there's nothing here you must have had a nightmare I'll give you good I can't say no to that what to do ah a Barbie doll and a flashlight I have an idea to put the doll on top of the flashlight so you can get a Barbie lamp see you, that one That's a


trick, sweet dreams guys, Wednesday isn't having fun in the bathroom.
Morticia is pouring water over Wednesday's eyes, uh, oh, here comes the shampoo, just keep your eyes closed, dear. should be enough this will be over soon just making sure it's all foamy oh I have shampoo in my eye it's itchy mom look oh dear those are vampire eyes what to do look at the policeman making a ticking band now is Morticia's chance to steal hers Hat, hey, my top, I just have to tear off the top of the hat to turn it into a peaked cap. The cap will prevent shampoo from getting into your eyes. It didn't work anymore.
Become a vampire. Great trick, huh? Chelsea is having that. a fancy bath while Barbie gets her manicure gently massaging her scalp I know I'll clean it with these cotton pads the nail polish only made things worse my poor girl Butler do something I knew the crown the crown will protect your eyes from shampoo and water, now It's bath time, thank goodness, push cleanup time. I don't know, why don't you need that much toilet paper? Wednesday, whatever, oh geez, the toilet is clogged, ew, I better flush it now, oh, don't fly dirty, oh my god. What the hell happened here?
Save yourself. Phew, that was close. What are we going to do? What's the plastic wrap here? push down on the plastic to stop the water from overflowing, it worked, thanks mom, ah, don't do that again, the horror we have to poop, the water splashed on me, oh bath bombs, please make fun splashes, I'll drop it in the toilet, look. in the bubble I'll drop more Chelsea bath bombs, oh my god, stop it, do something about the toilet, oh shoot, the water won't stop, maybe the lid is blocking the water. I don't know what to do, oh I know, let's deflate the balloon and make several holes in it using a needle now place the balloon inside the tank and rinse out the bubbles to avoid splashing, let me try again, please don't splash like last time , yay, it didn't splash, I better see what you can have. a delight, sweet bath, how timely, mmm, the carpet is clean there, oh, it's an earthquake, everything is shaking, muddy shoes, so close to the finish line, stop the cart, there's no way I have it.
I'll be there, no, just in time to put a balloon under it. your shoe looks great now Aiden won't spread mud all over the carpet good job Mario hey, what's that noise? there is someone there. I don't see anything hello, what is it? where the light is? what's happening? There's a silly monster, it's just a bunch of glows, go back to sleep, don't leave to light up the meat and a pipe, oh, let's cut the pipe into sections and paint them green like my style, put all the pieces together and assemble them. Ben said it on the nightstand.
Do it. tight add a mushroom and finally the lamp is ready good night son good night dad sweet dreams Aiden can sleep peacefully now it's Aiden's birthday come on Aiden hit the piñata oh I have a splinter I know what to do, let's use the key to get it out I'm afraid, Silly Mario, do something useful and hit the block over there. Oh, I have it now that we have the coins. I'll use two of them to remove the splinter. All good. Wow, that's such a clever trick. It's time to create. uh oh scissors no no I don't have to grab something real quick done almost there Exit guards to save the day phew that was close uh put down that knife Aiden Oh no I have to make a knife out of paper voila Mario arrived just in time for Aiden to use the paperknife in its place, he deserves a delicious piece of cake, delicious, goodbye, dad's life is like sausages, it's good that I have these doorstops, ugh, no more slamming doors, no more chewing, ugh, this booger is so disgusting, oh dear, oh, Mario and Aiden are sick.
We are spreading snot, germs and candy everywhere. What's going on here? Groves, oh my poor boys, let me check your temperature, boys, you're hot. I think they need a warm blanket in there, super cozy. I know they'll need to drink cough syrup too. half the cough syrup in a cup, drink bunny, you're right, it smells terrible like a lollipop, so I'll dip the lollipop in the cough syrup and Aiden won't even know that I love lollipops, it worked, my lollipop maybe know. better with sand eh no, it's dirty it appears on the plant I have an idea I need the green cup with a straw in the middle then I'm going to cut out a figure that looks like the piranha plant this one doesn't bite it's a popsicle holder and it comes out like a real piranha plant, here you go, this is so


, I won't drop my popsicle anymore, good job dad, okay son, you ready for school, let's go Storm outside, someone forgot to check the weather forecast . we're not going to survive out there we need an indestructible umbrella wait these already destroyed now I need to think of something oh a shower curtain I'm going to make holes in the shower curtain, then I'll fold it like this and then I'll heat the edges to laminate them ready, improvised the waterproof, was I right?
Wow, that's nice, I made one for myself now they are ready to brave the storm. It's time to brush my teeth. It's like lemon candy, the right toothpaste, this cute toothpaste dispenser will solve our problem. Slide it into a tube. looking at the face and filling the toothbrush with the right amount of toothpaste bad fresh smells oh come on what else can we do? No, hello, give me that. What if we combine Nutella with toothpaste? Sweet, let's replace the old toothpaste with the Nutella version, the chocolate really does the trick. Everything, good job son and good job to you, dear, this sausage is very difficult to cut, hey, this is a job for Mario.
These strips will help keep the sausage in place. A Band-Aid holds one end of the sausage and the other now. try to cut it the sausage is still moving I give up I want time to bring out the big guns let's stick this sausage on the plate Mario tastes better oh man try it, it worked Aiden is cutting the sausage why that poor sausage has been crucified let me handle this with a cutter of sausages look at this, put the sausage in the middle and press the cutter like this, you can even eat it right away, numb, how delicious, keep your eyes closed, honey, oh, the shampoo got in my eyes Mario, what's wrong ? my son is in trouble so can I do this hey you made me miss my chance to put a hole in this cat huh shit wait a minute.
I know the visor will keep the shampoo from getting into Aiden's eyes. Let's try this again. As? Doesn't it sting my eyes?

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