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“The Tears In The Relationship Began When Meghan Markle Joined The Family” | Kinsey Schofield

May 20, 2024
Harry, I think he's now flying to Nigeria to meet Megan, who didn't come to Britain and, as I keep telling you, you heard it here first, well, this is what I think she will never come to this country. Then again, maybe Harry won't do it now after the treatment he's received in the last few days. Without doubt the most surprising snub in royal history


the king with his beloved son just two miles away said: I'm too busy to watch. you and then made your brother William colonel-in-chief of the regiment Harry served in Afghanistan, the air core of the army, believe me, the timing of that announcement was no accident, the King has come down hard on Harry, he has already had enough H and people everywhere.
the tears in the relationship began when meghan markle joined the family kinsey schofield
In this country of Great Britain we are shouting from the rooftops, we are delighted to have had enough of this guy and we are glad that the king is standing up to him, let's talk to someone on the other side of the ocean, back in my old hometown of Los Angeles, the one and only Kinsey scoffield hi Kinsey hi Kevin yes A source told The Daily Beast that Charles has made it quite clear that he is ready to be friendly and supportive with Harry in his private capacity as a father, but he just wasn't going to support um, you know, the weight of the institution behind the Invictus profits, you know clearly that gives a lot of credibility to the Invictus games and would have generated a lot of positive press for Prince Harry, in fact, and uh, I I think what happened here is pretty clear, especially with this announcement about the army air core, uh, that the King was desperate or interested in sending a message to William, uh, to Kate, uh, to Queen Camilla, everyone both of whom can't stand to see Harry.
the tears in the relationship began when meghan markle joined the family kinsey schofield

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the tears in the relationship began when meghan markle joined the family kinsey schofield...

I don't want to be in the same zip code, uh, if she had been involved with Harry, I think she was afraid that would offend those who have been so offended by Harry and it sent a very, very clear message, I'm on my wife's side. my eldest son and my daughter-in-law and I am not on your side. I mean, it was pretty dramatic, wasn't it? I don't want to pile on, but I also felt like he was in a difficult position because if he did. seeing Prince Harry before this mini fake royal tour to Nigeria, I would have also supported Harry's actions in cosplaying this royal life that he continues to try to chase, that he turns around and then monetizes for Netflix, so I agree with you. there and it was also announced that Harry and Megan on this trip to Nigeria the way they did.
the tears in the relationship began when meghan markle joined the family kinsey schofield
I spoke to Robert Jobson about this before because he was a little frustrated by the way they announced it, he put in people who normally cover the royal


. They are in a difficult position because they cannot, with the limited amount of time they were given, they could not go to Nigeria to cover it legally, to work legally, they would have to have a special visa, Robert said, so he said, I hope. Harry will come out and say he's angry because you know the British media didn't cover this trip to Nigeria but the reality is we were put in a difficult position and we really couldn't and it's just been announced that Simon Perry from People Magazine is accompanying Harry and Megan on this journey and to me this is crazy because in 2020 they announced that they were adopting a revised media approach to ensure diverse and open access to their work by engaging with grassroots media and The promising young journalist Sr Perry, God love him, is a gray-haired white man, so I don't know how that really relates to diversity and young, up-and-coming journalism, but it sure ensures that Harry and Megan get some positive press coming out of Nigeria thanks to him.
the tears in the relationship began when meghan markle joined the family kinsey schofield
People magazine. Yes, he was going to say: do you predict that Mr Parry's reporting on this tour will be fiercely critical? Yes. I highly doubt I think People magazine is one of those that remembers that Harry was on the cover during the replacement and they gave him that shine, that gloriously full head of hair. His Photoshop section was really very generous on the cover of People magazine, but People magazine is one of his options


they want to publish a positive story about themselves, yes. Unusually sunny in London over the last few days while Harry was here and you could see the sun reflecting off of his sassy Pate, how much longer do you think he'll hold on to those strands of Ginger's hair around the side? out of his head and give up the ghost like his brother William oh, I won't, I won't, I won't participate in it, I will, I will, he's fine, I just think it's a I feel bad for Kate Middleton. for getting trashed by Photoshop when Harry there isn't a magazine cover in town that hasn't done it in Hollywood for Prince Harry, yeah I mean, and we should emphasize the intensity of the king's snub, it was a snub, it was the most surprising snub in the royal story, uh, because when he said I'm too busy to see you, he had two dates, it's true that one of them was part of the Buckingham Palace garden, but the royal participation of those I've been to lasts about one hour.
They destroyed the garden and then left there, so it was an hour. He also had an appointment to see the Prime Minister, Rishy Sunak. That was it. I'm too busy to see you and where was Harry when he found out this information? From miles away, it's extraordinary, isn't it? I'm torn because I know The Daily Beast is reporting that the king said everyone has to be at the garden party if you're a member of the working, you know, royals that I hope to see. you at the garden party, which sounds like no one showed up to frame us.
I would also like to know your opinion on Diana's


being there because I thought that was also a very strategic move, but we also need to keep in mind that it was Harry's people who announced that the King was too busy with Harry , not with the king, so this was Harry, you know, escalating the situation, escalating the woe is me narrative by making sure everyone knew he was rejected by his father and then who shows up. to save him, Saint Diana's family again, Harry wants to continue the narrative that he is the black sheep like his mother, so if you loved his mother and felt that she was wronged, you better side with him , it all felt very choreographed and sounded like they had a new publicist in the UK, sure they did, but Charlie or Diana's brother, I mean he despises the royal family, so again you're right, this whole thing was a tactical optics on Harry's part because 10 years ago, when they launched the Invictus games, all the Frontline Royals presented Camila William Kate, this time none of them will come and, away from this trip to London, you somehow know that, of Somehow, the rift begins to heal, he has exposed it as absolutely. irreparable the damage that Megan and Harry have done is irreparable capable uh unless they separate uh and Harry comes home with his tail between his legs saying: I'm sorry, you were right and I was wrong uh, I mean a lot of people in this country, uh Kinsey, right now you feel like you know that Megan did all this in one way or another, she spread some kind of poison, there's a toxicity in the air and, uh, she caused Harry to be taken with mexit and everything has sparked some kind of fierce family fight which is downright sad when a parent who doesn't have cancer doesn't have time to see their child who is two miles away.
I mean, this is really sad, isn't it? It is certainly gasoline on an open flame. Harry has always been resentful. of the position, the blessed position that she was born into and, as you know, I've seen a lot of criticism about the king, can the king's snub, but we need to take a step back and realize that Megan has not spoken to her father, who does have health problems that are probably going to immensely shorten his life since his wedding, you know, so if we are going to be critical of the king for wanting to distance himself from Prince Harry for being toxic, you know the toxic element in his family for leaking secrets through criticize her family for trying to overthrow the monarchy, admittedly Megan Markle refuses to talk to her father for selling secrets for taking pictures of her, you know, for very similar things, so there's no clear answer.
A good boy and a clear bad boy is a very difficult situation and, you know, you see the


in the


started when Megan Markle


the family. Megan Markle certainly gives Harry some kind of false confidence or false justification for his actions and I think he wouldn't behave as badly as he does if she didn't have him deep down encouraging him, yeah, I mean, if you look at her while You say she's estranged from her father, she's estranged from the The rest of her family, uh, look at all her friends, they go around like Mary, she keeps them for a couple of weeks and then they leave and the employees, yeah, and the employees, what is it about this woman that seems to attract so much wear and tear? other human beings and what about her, she is very insecure, she feels out of place, you know?
I spoke to author Tom Quinn, who said that she was cruel to the Kensington Palace staff because she was already paranoid that they would never do it. respect her and recognize her as royalty, so to try to make sure that they respected her, she bullied them, she says um, and I think we heard about this. Megan talks about the box checked at school, sitting at school and having the box that says what are you you're white you're black and going home and telling her dad what I do what I do Mark and his dad I'll tell you I'll tell you what she marks uh Kinsey she marks I'm 43% Nigerian, which you just conveniently discovered.
Yeah, I just think she's very insecure and because she's very insecure, she lashes out at people and it's not the way you make friends around here, it's not the way you make friends. you, it's not good leadership at the end of the day, it's certainly not, so they're often Nigeria, just a few words. I think we discussed this the other night, but this is weird, right? They are two people who are not. It's not really Royal pretending to do a royal tour, I think it's because Harry has never really done anything else, he thinks that's what you do with your life, you go to countries and you trash them good and this will be great PR for them because the only thing. what they have to offer the world is that they are, quote, unquote, royals or ex-royals or whatever they're trying to spin this and they'll have all the photographs, you know, they'll have the, I mean , they are I'm just going to try to make it look like they're still in the game because otherwise they're irrelevant.
Otherwise, Megan Markle is literally putting her seat belt on, she's probably putting her seat belt on the basket of lemons and jam and driving towards Ellen. degenerate her house and say here is my jam. Could you take a photo of this for Instagram? You know, otherwise, they have stumbled and struggled to achieve something of great value since leaving the Royal Family. I mean, you know Harry is notoriously. He's not the sharpest pin in the group uh he's not the last of the great intellectuals and I think he can't embrace, he can't conceive what he's done, I'm talking about the last three years since I got those PEs those that couple that His Majesties of Montesito has behaved in the most appalling way and thinks he can swim back and leave oh well, you know, forget it, Harry, everything is fine, it's not going to happen now, it's just this schism, this division, uh, It's bitter, it's more bitter than ever and it will continue

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