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Inside the final days of Muammar Gaddafi's brutal regime | 60 Minutes Australia

Jun 25, 2024
It all started with a single voice, a young fruit seller in a small market in North Africa who one day shouted enough. It became one of the largest demonstrations of popular power ever seen in the Arab world. The governments of Egypt and Tunisia have already fallen, and for a while. There it seemed that all the dictatorships in the Middle East were going to be destroyed. I have just spent a fortnight in the region, including a week in the Libyan capital of Tripoli, where the mad Colonel Gaddafi, the man known as The Mad Dog, clings desperately to him. power is a chaotic and unpredictable place at the best of times now it's completely dangerous that's what happens although when you corner a mad dog Libya is under siege from the rest of the world it's hard to believe there's anything to celebrate except these repressive police The state wants to pretend that the 6 million Libyans are free and happy, so they take to the streets with triple the roar of bicycles and the beat of music.
inside the final days of muammar gaddafi s brutal regime 60 minutes australia
It's kind of a big PR night. Let me tell you, the security of this place is as tight as a drum, as tight as anything I've ever seen. My mobile phone is turned off. There is no Internet. You try to talk to someone here discreetly and suddenly a shadow of the police arrives and interrogates and intimidates them. This is a CZ like anything else. I have seen him once, but you talk to Gaddafi and they tell you that there is no problem, we read a lot about your father, you know him very well, what he is like, you know that he is very hard and he is also very kind, he was also very kind to his uh , with their opponents and enemies and that is why those people who are working against us, who are working now with the French, the Americans and the British against their own country, used to work for my father, but why did these men They have turned against me.
inside the final days of muammar gaddafi s brutal regime 60 minutes australia

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inside the final days of muammar gaddafi s brutal regime 60 minutes australia...

I told him it was a big mistake because he tried to be nice to everyone, even everyone, so he said there is room for everyone here in Libya and they took advantage of this and ran this conspiracy for 38 years. Old Saif is one of Gaddafi's seven sons with his stubble design and deadly smile. He has become the main spokesman and Rabel Rouser of the


. Incredibly, Saif accuses the rebels of being the murderers and torturers of the Libyan people and not Colonel Gad. They arrest you. They take you. to their own court they kill you they burn you and then they take the hearts of the people they burn the hearts in front of the people to scare everyone who did this those terrorists are on television we saw things beyond imagination in Libya they are not Only terrorists are not just criminals, they are, even they are the lions in the jungle, they have more mercy, so who are these people?
inside the final days of muammar gaddafi s brutal regime 60 minutes australia
They are terrorists from abroad, from outside this country, no, no, no, no, no, most of them are Libyans in 1969, crazy. Gaddafi organized a military coup in Libya, rallying the country's warring tribes under his Iron Fist for his maniacal tirades about Israel and the West and his acts of terrorism like the Lockaby air disaster. President Ronald Reagan called him the Mad Dog of Africa, now the The world awaits Colel Gaddafi's next step with the real fear of a human catastrophe. Right now the question is what's next? Are we going to have an influx of a million people from Libya?
inside the final days of muammar gaddafi s brutal regime 60 minutes australia
Are we going to have people injured or is nothing going to happen? What should happen? what we do Dr. Zed Mahi is a volunteer doctor in this refugee camp that is already operating on the border with Libya, a short distance from Tripy, what is your head telling you? My head tells me that we should be prepared for the worst, for the worst, yes, maybe. a million, yeah, who knows why you think President Obama has accused your father of killing Libyans. His own opinion is that it is a lie. He's lying, but he's lying. Everything is based on Forest's reports.
It's very simple. It is not just Libya that is in crisis. It's true. Throughout North Africa and throughout the Middle East, from Morocco to Egypt and along the Gulf to Yemen, there have been revolts and revolutions that have turned the Islamic world upside down and, believe it or not, the trigger for all this spillover of blood was a Ross the Frontier with Libya in ancient and forgotten Tunisia, beyond the Roman ruins in the Star Wars landscape, lies the dusty and dirty trading city of City bu, and here was the suicide of a poor p which caused the collapse of the dictators.
Muhammad bu aizi sold oranges here just like that. man that's how he survived but he didn't have a license last December the city inspector came and transferred him once again but for bu aizy it was too many times so he came here to the provincial headquarters but again no one wanted to listen . He, angry and frustrated, bought some gasoline, stood in the middle of the road and poured it on himself. Now, what happened to that simple fruit seller who was there has helped change the entire Arab world. It is almost becoming a monument for many visitors.
It's true, Dr. Zed accompanied me to the small house where Bui, 26, lived with his mother. Could you tell the lady how sad we feel for her and give her our deepest condolences now, three months after her death? Madame Bazizi takes solace in knowing that her son has become the Marty who entered the


23-year dictatorship of Tunisian President Ben Ali. I am very proud that my son has become the symbol of this revolution. He now belongs to the world inspired by Bu's death. Angry young Tunisians took to the streets. and for the first time anywhere, they take to Facebook, YouTube, and blogs to organize the rallies and bloody demonstrations that oust President Ben Ali.
Do you see it as a youth revolution, yes, yes, yes, but on the part of the young people they can't stop smiling? He keeps looking at you and you're smiling yeah because I can't believe this happened really yeah I just think you know I'm in a place where history is being made and I'm really surprised at how fast things were happening. but you hadn't been to a revolution before, no, not at all, I come from Melbourne, no, so no, I was basically just watching and seeing what people were doing and it was just amazing. Christina mauni is a greek


n who has lived. here for the last 15 years with her husband, a Tunisian professor with her two daughters, they observed and lived this revolution through Facebook families, ladies, yes, your name, everyone came to light, it was blood on the streets and they were dead people.
Did you see that? Yes, there was a lot of violence, there were things that were very difficult to see, especially in Tunisia. Tunisia is a great country, Tunisians are peaceful people, they are not violent people and seeing this was really distressing, President. Benali's extravagance knew no limits apart from this Grand Palace. His family had real estate spread across the country, which became the target of the revolutionaries' wrath. People were very, very happy, they were willing to pay any cost and now they will never come back. They are starving, they can eat, as we said, you know bread and water and not B Ali, you know, are you sure of that, yes, bread and water and there is no longer a dictatorial


It looks like Christina and Mo's future is bright now, but they fear for Libya right after. door, I mean, G is a criminal, he did a lot of bad things to his people, he's killing his people and, uh, uh, I don't think that's going to bring him to a good end, people will never stop, they'll never come back. I am devastated. for the Libyan people and I hope that this ends, that Gaddafi can go and let these people live in freedom or at least pass power to someone in a more democratic way after 42 years, two generations of a ruthless dictatorship based on Terror and total repression Colonel GDAF Second Son now speaks to us for the first time about democracy.
Libyans have never heard of this, frankly, it sounds like Harrison, events show that it is time to build and start building as soon as possible. possible the new Libya, the modern Libya, why should people believe you now when your father has been in charge for 40 years and has done none of this? Old Li is gone forever. He is gone forever. The old men, old guards, old ministers, old ambassadors. It's time for the young people, New Blood, come on, it's that the end of the dictatorship of the old Libya is gone because who are the old people who jumped ship but your father is still alive?
He is a leader, he is a captain, maybe young Gaddafi has seen it. what is written in the W may have seen what happened in the neighboring Arab countries, but of course, perhaps speaking is easy at the grandly misnamed Tripoli International Airport the


ity of Colonel Gaddafi's regime is on display has become a human garbage dump with 8,000 abandoned foreign workers and their sad-eyed children waiting for planes that never arrive. Are you getting food? no, there is no food, are there doctors or no doctor?, nothing at all, it is a strange place, you can wander the triple streets but you don't walk freely. always always a feeling of being watched but a feeling of threat in an outdoor cafe I met an old man named San, a retired teacher, he told me more about this scary oil-rich place without saying anything, so everyone let the money went to corruption.
NN in oride corruption in the pockets of VIP people as they call it, what advice would you give to Colonel Gaddafi, what should he do? Oh, it's really hard to say, but I'll leave it, I'll respond in two words, no comment, sorry, yes. Use your imagination, yes, I hope you understand me. As I approached, he grabbed me and put his hands around my waist between my legs. The brave victim of assault. I will not give up my voice. Who refuses to be silenced by the Hillsong church I'm in. Surprise that they can still call themselves a church that will be next on 60 Minutes.

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