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IELTS Exam Day Must-Knows

May 15, 2024
If your IELTS test is fast approaching and you're wondering what to expect on the big day, you've come to the right place over the years. I have taken this


several times, both on a computer and on paper, and we have compiled some ideas that are helpful for you to know ahead of time so you can take your


with confidence. It's Asiya, let's start first. Let's talk about what you should take with you and what is best to leave at home. The most important document to continue. on exam day is your passport or national ID that you use to register for the exam.
ielts exam day must knows
Remember that you cannot use any other form of identification and this same identification is also required for your oral test if you are taking the ILS on paper. Consider bringing your own pencils   and erasers, while the assessor will provide you with pencils   you may prefer to use your own trusty tools and   a good soft eraser can be a lifesaver if you need to correct something in the listening or reading sections   without one you are out of luck . When writing, you may want to bring a pen. I think I write a little faster with a pen than a pencil and if you want to correct something you can just cross it out and write over it instead of wasting time using the eraser when I did my exams in London.
ielts exam day must knows

More Interesting Facts About,

ielts exam day must knows...

I was allowed to bring my own pen for the writing section and the official rules allow pens. However, I heard that some candidates in other countries were told to use pencils only when it comes to snacks. You can only have a clean water bottle with you in the exam room and be sure to remove the stickers from the bottle beforehand; It


be completely transparent or you will not be allowed to enter it, since for your personal belongings, your watch is a noo in the exam. room you have to leave outside other valuables like keys and wallets should also be kept in a designated room or locker, so it's a good idea to leave things you don't need at home.
ielts exam day must knows
Dealing with stress is a key part of a successful exam performance, so here are some tips to help you cope with the pressure. First of all, stop studying and relax the night before the exam. You've worked hard, so let your knowledge sink in. One thing you can do instead is immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment, watch an English movie and listen to the morning news in English. If you don't understand everything, don't stress about it, your brain is still working and not getting enough sleep can affect your performance, so try going to bed. early and rest well in the morning eat a hearty breakfast to stimulate your brain, but be careful that excessive consumption of caffeine or energy drinks, combined with stress, can cause nervousness and difficulty concentrating.
ielts exam day must knows
There is another reason to avoid large drinks before your exam there are no breaks from the time you go through your ID check, you are expected to stay in the exam room for about 3 hours and if you really need a bathroom break, You


take time from one of its sections and keep in mind that you cannot leave during the instructions or in the last 10 minutes of the section. I did it once so first you must raise your hand and a guard will show you a table where they write down your name and check out time the room then they take you to the bathroom my attendant was extremely friendly and almost ran down the hall to help me get back quickly but despite his efforts it still took me over 5 minutes plus all the distractions after I got to the exam center  check your passport and take a photo, you may wonder about the order of the sections, it depends on the test provider whether it is the British Console or a computer based IDP test, you address listening comprehension, reading and writing for a paper-based IDP test. writing, followed by reading and finally listening, your oral test can be taken on the same day as your main exam or up to 7 days before or after and is a face to face interview with an examiner during the test, the invigilators will give you clear information.
The instructions simply follow their lead, they tell you when to start and finish the tasks, do not delay after they tell you to put down the pen or your last answers may be disqualified, so always transfer your listening and reading answers with enough time to spin. pages of your question booklet, you can do this at your convenience, for example after finishing the first part of your listening test, do not wait for instructions to move on to the second part. Turn the page and start reading new questions immediately. Similarly when writing you can freely switch between task one and task two if you prefer, you can start with task two and then do task one which is something I personally prefer, the order in which you tackle tasks It's up to you, but I recommend finishing both before reviewing either.
Don't start revising your assignment one before you even start writing your assignment two. You see what I mean. What about taking notes? If you are taking a lot of things on paper, you can write on the question sheets. These notes will not be reviewed. You can take notes. by hand even on my own computer just use the instruction sheet and pencil provided now let's talk about time management a very important part of your exam as I mentioned before you can't have an I clock on paper there will be a clock on the wall next to it beginning of the reading and writing sections, don't forget to check what time this section starts so you know how much time you have left.
I suggest you write it down. The supervisors will let you know when you have 10 minutes and five or five left. 2 minutes  if you take iots on the computer the countdown will be right on the screen in front of you in the paper listening section you have an extra 10 minutes to transfer your answers but on the computer it is only 2 minutes and in I The reading There is no extra time, you must transfer your answers within the 60 minutes plundered, so to be safe, I suggest you transfer your answers after each reading section on paper iots. Answer sheets will be provided before each section and invigilators will guide you through the process of filling in your personal information, including your name and candidate number, before the time starts, but there is one point you should keep in mind.
When writing, you will receive one answer sheet per task, depending on your handwriting, which may not be enough for your task as well. If you need the next sheet, you must raise your hand and ask for one. If you don't forget to fill in your details again otherwise the second sheet will not be marked and it obviously takes a bit of time so I suggest. Trying to fit your essay on a single sheet of paper, now let's talk about Speaking, which requires a little special preparation. Your speaking test can be taken on the same day as your main exam or on a different date and whether the first word you say that day in English will be in the exam room.
You may find that you are feeling a little overconfident. That's not good. You must warm up in advance. Speak out loud in English regardless of the topic outside the test center or at home before leaving. This will help you articulate better. and speak more fluently. I know many candidates feel anxious about the oral exam and to be honest I too get nervous every time I take it, don't beat yourself up about it, instead take deep and slow breaths which has been proven to calm others. The exercise that has also been proven to work and that is used by artists and professional athletes is visualization, imagine yourself taking the exam and it coming out in the best possible way, you are sitting in the hallway feeling confident and ready for it, then you enter the examination room. and you feel calm and friendly you answer every question smiling freely at the examiner and handling any unexpected setbacks with ease most of the examiners I have seen were very friendly and really tried to make me feel comfortable but one seemed grumpy and a bit argumentative, I almost did.
I felt like he enjoyed interrupting my answers and the whole experience felt quite intimidating and you know, I received the same score I got with friendly examiners 8.5. My students taught me that examiners do not maintain eye contact or look out the window regardless of where they are. They seem perfectly capable of evaluating your answers correctly, but don't let that affect your performance, do your part, be friendly and communicative, the whole experience of taking the IRS exam may seem a little daunting, but remember that millions of people They approve it successfully. every year and I hope that this information helps you feel better prepared for the test and I wish you the best of luck since you might break your leg, but I say this figuratively, I hope you do exceptionally well and thank you very much for watching me. today good luck with your exam bye that was my lamp I think it's time to finish

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