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5 Most Disturbing Craigslist Ads

Jun 05, 2024
In 2011, this job posting was posted on Craigslist asking someone to stake out a farmland and feed a few cows somewhere in southern Ohio for $300 a week. It ended up being one of the


notorious cases of AD-related war crimes. decade, the ad reads Farm Southern Ohio caretaker position, simply keep an eye on a 688-acre tract of mountainous farmland and feed some cows; you will get $300 a week and a nice two bedroom trailer, someone older and single would prefer but we will consider any relocation as one you must have a clean record and be trustworthy, this is a permanent position, the farm is primarily used as a reserve hunting, it is overrun with game animals, it has a 3 acre stocked pond, but some cattle will be kept, the nearest neighbor is a mile away, the place is secluded and beautiful, it will be a real getaway for the person adequate, the work of his life.
5 most disturbing craigslist ads
If you are ready to move, please reach out as soon as possible. The position will not remain open. Include name, age, phone number and email. Please, some of the men who responded to the ad were interviewed. directly by a man who identified himself as Jack along with his accomplice Brogan Rafy, 16, whom he referred to as his nephew, candidates who made it to the interview stage said they did not notice anything strange about Jacker, his supposed nephew and They just seemed like a couple of farmers who needed someone to take care of their land. Scott Davis, a 48-year-old man who was interviewed by Jack over breakfast at a small restaurant in Marietta Ohio, was the second-to-last candidate to go.
5 most disturbing craigslist ads

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5 most disturbing craigslist ads...

During the selection process for the job, after breakfast, he traveled with Jack and Brogan to a remote forest area near Akan immediately after getting out of the car to inspect their surroundings. Davis heard a snap and turned to see Jack pointing a gun at him. It was then that he realized that the click he heard had been the gun firing, but before he could react, Jack shot him in the elbow despite the wound, Davis managed to escape and ran for his life for 7 hours for the forest and finally found a house and asked. The owner called for help, they called 911 and news about the incident began to spread. 5 days later, police received a call from a woman named Deborah Bruce who claimed that her 51-year-old twin brother, David Paulie, had responded to the same job. on Craigslist.
5 most disturbing craigslist ads
According to Deborah, her brother had driven from Virginia to Ohio with all of his belongings in his car in the hope that the new job would work out for him and help him get back on his feet. Tragically, a couple of days later, police found David's body. Pully. along with the body of another victim named Ralph Guer buried in the woods near where Scott Davis had been shot in the elbow. At this point in the case, investigators were able to identify a pattern in the homeless victims Jack and Broen targeted. on their luck or vulnerable middle-aged men with limited family ties and lured them to an isolated location under the guise of a life-changing job opportunity only to then rob them of all their belongings and shoot them on sight.
5 most disturbing craigslist ads
Their hope was that due to their few family ties, their disappearance would go unnoticed, giving Jack and Brogan enough time to bury the bodies and dispose of the evidence. This pattern explains why certain candidates were rejected during the interview process, such as Ron Sansen, 58, an ex. A Navy officer with a college degree and an unnamed woman in her 20s who had also applied for the job during the investigation, police tracked down a Craigslist ad that led them to the home of a man named Joe Bice in Ohio. He denied having published the ad and claimed that it was probably posted by the man who rented his basement.
When police asked Joe Bice the name of his tenant, he responded that he only knew him because Dutch investigators were able to locate Dutch thanks to a phone call he made to Joe Bice, unaware that his landlord had been in contact with police on November 16, 2011, police arrested Dutch and identified him as Richard Beasley, 52. Scott Davis immediately confirmed that this was the same man who had interviewed him at the restaurant and shot him. he in the woods apparently rich Richard Beasley had fled from the police and had used different identities to avoid detection even using the names of some of his victims at that time the police also arrested Brogan rafy Richard Beasley's teenage accomplice at the time when Brogan was 16 years old.
Police searched Raf's home and found several weapons, as well as a


poem hidden in his computer files from August 16, 2011, the chilling poem read: We took him to In the forest, on a humid summer night, The loud crack echoed and I didn't hear the thud. Investigators later determined that the poem described the murder of Ralph Guyer, one of the victims police had found in the woods a few days later, on November 25, a quarter. The victim, a 47-year-old man named Timothy Karna, was found dead in the woods behind a shopping center in Akan in 2013. Brogen Raffy was sentenced to life in prison without parole and Richard Beasley was sentenced to execution after being found guilty. of 27 total counts of aggravated murder. aggravated robbery, kidnapping, and possession of illegal weapons, this innocent-looking job ad ended up being one of the


notorious attraction posts in the site's history and played a major role in the sketchy connotation Craigslist has today.
On January 2, 2016, a


advertisement was posted. posted in the personal section of


the personal section was a place where people could post personal ads for a variety of reasons. It was an interesting mix between an online dating platform, a space where people could rant and share their opinions about personal experiences, and a place. for people to find friends with similar interests, although most people use the personal section for legitimate reasons, it was also known for scams and other illegal activities, which is why Craigslist removed the section entirely in 2018. This ad on particular was posted by a person claiming to be a serial killer this is disturbingly the post mentioned two public officials by name and the person who uploaded the ad said they would attack again the ad said Tulsa Killer I wanted to thank Tulsa for allowing me to have my first murder, it all started here, so I was thinking it should be my first time too.
I was very nervous, but I'll get over it. He was a stranger in Stranger, so the police will have a difficult time. It won't be the last. Although I'm thinking about going to OKC to be next to the people who. It all started, Julie Free, Judge Glasco, the day it was published, the ad was immediately reported to the police and the Tulsa Police Department began an investigation, specifically the ad thanked a woman named Julie Free, an employee of the Department Correctional and judge. Glasgow, who worked in the probate division of Tulsa County District Court, the publication thanked them and referred to them as the people who started it all because Julie Free and Judge Glasco worked in overlapping departments and sometimes interacted with the same criminals , police believe that the ad had to have been submitted by someone who had at some point been involved in the criminal justice system and that it could have been an act of revenge to tarnish their image.
Craigslist provided the Tulsa Police Department with all available information about the post, but it didn't really lead anywhere. According to police, there had been no recent crimes matching the description provided in the ad. The police department said the ad was probably a hoax but they never found any evidence to prove it, meaning it's still possible The post could have been legitimate, the homicide unit claimed they had seen a similar situation before, when a 918 number sent text messages to people at random with disturbing questions about where to bury a body. What alarmed police in the announcement was that it specifically named two public officials, but to this day it has not been confirmed whether this was just some kind of revenge hoax or if something much more sinister was going on.
In August 2014, an 18-year-old girl named Haley Turner posted an ad on Craigslist saying she was dating. her looking for her to be kidnapped and taken away, although the post immediately gained a lot of attention online, as far as I could find, images of the actual announcement are no longer available as of August 7. Haley left her home in Michigan and told her mother she was going to run an errand. A few minutes later, she called a friend. During the conversation, she mentioned to her friend that she had noticed a man lying in the ditch in the middle of the house. road and was going to get out of his car to see if he was okay, a few seconds later Haley uttered the words "he has a gun" and the phone suddenly disconnected.
Terrified, the friend immediately called Haley's father, who drove to the area just north of Ohio in Bedford Township and found her daughter. The car was driving down the road, but Haley was nowhere to be seen. Haley was immediately reported as a missing person and an investigation was launched to find her. Strangely, police discovered that at 10:06 p.m. On August 7, Haley had rented DVDs of two movies from a family-owned video store a few miles from Toledo, Ohio. The phone call with her friend took place a few minutes later. 16 hours after a disappearance, a local resident found Haley standing in a Random Corner holding a puppy in a course near Detroit, although she was completely unharmed, he claimed that she had been kidnapped at gunpoint the night before and had jumped of a moving vehicle to escape or capture her, the whole story didn't really seem to add up.
She stood up and the police had a hard time believing her. Video from the DVD store where she was last seen showed nothing suspicious and there were no signs on her body to suggest she had been attacked after hours of interrogation. Haley Turner eventually confessed and pleaded guilty to causing the filing of a false police report, was sentenced to 3 years of probation and one month of community service and fined $115,000 to reimburse the sheriff's office for the search for 16 hours, although his motives for faking his own kidnapping were never revealed. Her mother mentioned that it had been an emotionally difficult year for her daughter and that although she did not justify her behavior, she interpreted the fake kidnapping as a cry for help.
Some of Haley's other strange posts on Craigsl indicated that she had a tendency to seek attention. online, but these posts have been removed and are no longer publicly available. Disturbingly, police revealed that a man actually responded to the ad, but Haley decided to fake his disappearance on her own instead of communicating the fact that someone responded to this ad and was willing to carry out the kidnapping of a young girl. 18 years for money is quite disturbing and what makes it even creepier is that the man who responded to Haley's ad asking to be kidnapped was never found by the police.
This creepy post was uploaded to Craigslist. posted on July 21, 2009 by a man who claims to be a homeowner in the Baltimore area, the ad speaks for itself and says: You've probably already heard about the Glenn Bernie family who put the body of his 83-year-old grandmother. turns out no laws were broken, yes dumping a body is legal around here, health care workers and other professionals are required to report deaths but ordinary citizens are not and apparently no state law prohibits the burial or storage of a body on private property. a Baltimore-area owner laid off after 10 months of unemployment and the future looks even bleaker.
I am willing to consider allowing my backyard to be used for dumping dead bodies. Call it a private burial, if you prefer, it could probably accept half a dozen bodies. without attracting the attention of the neighbors, it wouldn't hurt to have one under surveillance. two. Me, a low-key homeowner from Baltimore County, with a half-acre of easily arable property on a quiet cul-de-sac. You, an individual, not a health care worker or other professional, must report a Death with the inconvenient inconvenience of disposing of a deceased relative, friend, colleague or acquaintance, you must provide your own garbage bags, tarp, lime shovel alive, etc.
I might be available to hold a flashlight, but I will not be lifting heavy objects, only accidental deaths or natural causes. I will not get involved in any shenanigans with Omar wannabes. I will not participate or be complicit in any type ofcrime. This is a limited time offer law now before the state legislature changes the law, as long as the law changes the measures. failed 10 years ago after the 1999 incident you will be protected literally and figuratively price is negotiable serious inquiries just the post itself is disgusting enough but the context behind the ad is even more disturbing the links and ad are broken but use Wayback machine I was able to find a 2009 version of the Welcome to Baltimore Hunt website, which appears to be some sort of online guide for users to upload news and posts about their experience living in Baltimore.
The link in the Craigslist ad leads to a written blog post. Written by a man named Gnome S, the article delves into the reasons why he uploaded the finale to Craigslist and what he hoped to accomplish with his underground private burial business. In the comments, more than a few users asked if they could use their backyard for a burial. The fact that the uploader explicitly mentioned that he would not engage in any criminal activity by burying anyone who had not died of natural causes has created much speculation online about using his backyard as a place to dump bodies. been perfectly legal and the only reason he advertised it for so long was because the man wasn't advertising for illegal services like burying people who had been murdered.
This has led some people to think that the only reason he mentioned he wouldn't get involved in any crime in the first place was so he could keep his ad on the site while answering emails and engaging in much shadier money dumping business. bodies.behind the scenes, but it was never confirmed if this was actually the case despite the disturbing nature of the announcement. The claims Gome made in the Craigslist ad are true. In 2009, it was legal for ordinary citizens to refrain from reporting a death and dump a body. in Maryland and the instant referenced in the ad actually occurred in 2009, police were called to an apartment in Glen Bernie Maryland because the body of 83-year-old Doris Lee Cook was in the freezer.
She had died several weeks ago in the apartment she shared with her family and since they did not have money for a proper burial they kept her body in the freezer for 2 weeks. The other incident occurred in 1999 and involved a young man of 25 years. father named Richard Marshall who buried his four year old daughter in a garbage bag in the woods in Severn Maryland the girl had died in an accident 8 months earlier and since she was not broken for a long time Richard Marshall was only charged with littering since So several measures have been proposed to make Bonnie dumping illegal in Maryland.
In 2007, a 49-year-old woman from Michigan named Marie Lindscott posted a generic freelancing ad on Craigslist, although the ad was removed and no evidence was made public due to the sensitive nature of the incident, the three people who responded to the ad they claimed that it looked like a job ad for a freelance writing job, disturbingly as soon as the three people responded to the ad they were emailed directly by Anarie Linscott who explained that she was actually looking for a date of Silent Assassin for an eradication task, told candidates that he was offering $5,000 to anyone who eliminated a 56-year-old California woman named Carol, the wife of a man named Dwayne with whom Lindscott was reportedly having an affair.
According to police reports, Anarie and Dwayne met in an online college course in 2005, the same year they met in person and began their relationship when Dwayne traveled to Nevada for a conference. 2 years later, Anarie visited Dwayne in California, after which she began making plans to move. to the west coast that's when she posted the murder rental ad on Craigslist after all the candidates reported the end to the police. Investigators tracked down Anar Linot and arrested her for using the Internet to solicit murder. Police later discovered that she had also planted an explosive. outside Carol's room in California, but because she didn't ring, she was charged for it after the incident.
Carol left her family and career for 3 months and had to be hospitalized for stress, according to LY Scott's friends and family, this was The first time Anarie became obsessed with a romantic interest in 1997, she fell in love with a classmate. work that he had to get a restraining order after she started harassing him and Mar's lawyer explained that she suffered from borderline personality disorder and severe attachment problems, but that didn't stop the court from sentencing her to 12 years and a half in prison in 2009 after serving her 12 and a half year sentence Anmar Lind Scott was recently released from prison

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