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EGG DROP - Mark Rober vs William Osman

May 30, 2021
Welcome to Egg Drop with Egg Drop is a science experiment for young children and YouTubers where each competitor is responsible for building a gadget capable of protecting a raw chicken egg from the dangers of falling. Are you ready? Do you have big plans? No, okay, let's go to the dollar store, then welcome to Walgreens, oh, that's not the dollar store, do you want to explain? The rules are three dollars unless you have a really good idea and a compelling argument, then you can have more and I get three dollars. This is going to be harder at Walgreens than at the dollar store, yes, yes, we are throwing it into the ground. $14 I think this might be a mistake, I mean like a can of Pringles, how do you spend $3?
egg drop   mark rober vs william osman
The key can't even bite it to eat. Oh boy, this is actually going to be a challenge. Because? I don't understand Walgreens CVS, what's the difference? oh he changes mine at the last minute and says no we have to go to CVS not Walgreen okay we're back from the doll this wall CVS show me what you got check the toothpick that's it what I bought and the reason I bought the lipstick is when I build an egg.


s I like my lips to be extremely hydrated let's get this will be my trick. I'm taking it from a CV.
egg drop   mark rober vs william osman

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egg drop mark rober vs william osman...

I did it on CBS just to get the long receipt, trying to get the longest receipt possible, how can I? Get it like a long one like that. It could print like two coupons or it could print you one long one. It's super fast. I say okay so I need to buy things that you would think I would want a lot of coupons on. It's okay, it's okay. right, how long does this last anyway? Why would you want to measure the heights of people with CVS? Oh, that's right, I'm like a point and a half, yeah, a point for CVS receipts, you're like a point five five, hey man, John is a CVS receipt.
egg drop   mark rober vs william osman
I've been Michaels like half a bunch of coupons, oh and they're even more laxatives, aspirin, what did you give William? I got Pringles and a significantly smaller amount. How much money did you spent? One dollar twenty. I'm at 209, taxes included, we're very far away. under the three dollar budget, yes we are pushing the limits, it means the bags will definitely exceed what your confidence level is, but they are using just the receipt, yes, and I can use the bag, so I am very resourceful, yes, you want to spend ten minutes. the clock and the timer are going down oh the egg oh we have scissors actually yes yes okay give us some rope this is my review of the original Engels flavor oh no very smooth doesn't the Pringles type look like an egg oh me?
egg drop   mark rober vs william osman
I'm using some principles from the rover landing, we have a lot of pressure in the tanks and how do you hold up a large spherical tank? The answer is that you want to unload the load on the side of the egg because it can support weight. a cutting load instead of bearing weight here, then it becomes a puncture load, how do they get the damn splinters in the thing fighting here? how much time left? I'm making a crush cone. I don't have interesting terminology. I actually have a question when people say something was made by NASA, what does that really mean?
Because it's not like NASA isn't just a giant thing, like they work with, like big, smaller, yeah, yeah, contractors and stuff, yeah, so it's like when someone says it was made by NASA, It was mostly funded by NASA, now we have a lot of people in-house, like for the Curiosity rover and stuff, there were like three thousand people total working on it, maybe like a thousand. 1,500 internal, okay, but like, for example, the arm that dug in the ground, everything was outsourced to another company, we manage it, it's like doing the high-level stuff and then some of the lower-level manufacturing stuff, I think my advantages Are you serious?
Hey, you got mine, what are you going to do? I haven't really talked about my plan. My plan is to use the Pringles as a sort of crumple zone and we're going to put in a little window to see what you do. I think, yeah, how can I keep it from falling vertically and not falling? See, that's where you need streamers. I received my receipt from CVS. Yes, Jeremy Johnson waves in a way that makes me think he knows it's not going to work, but he doesn't want to see it. working is like a strange pleasure seeing the things we make fail catastrophically we see that the receipts will do all the work they were on the table dog olives there you left them right there on the table because I'm worried about the side loading, I also print Williams, good idea, what do your parents think of YouTube?
It's great right now. I've always had a good job, so it's always been like a side thing, yeah, until I quit my job last week. I remembered talking to you like your grandma thought it was cool when you were on the local news that no one watches, yeah, but she doesn't think it's cool when you get it, yeah, thanks, shit, oh wait, wait, the timer's not going , oh yes, that's it. How did we go? No, we still have Tommy shooting the bowl. Do we finish this before the timer goes off and get the eggs after setting the timer?
I had to go get extra eggs and I had to get scissors for Mark. wow, there's the stopwatch, you know what I think, no matter what happens, we're both winners, yeah, no, I say that all the time on the ceiling, yeah, the ceiling is real hot, real hot, like you're dancing . Did you do this like it was intentional but Totally yeah tell me about your egg


contraption so this one uses a parachute and any time you have an egg drop parachutes they are good because they don't take up a lot of weight or volume and they reduce your kinetic energy cheap and then we have a little crush code with my CVS receipt and I stole some Williams fries in case they don't fall side load perfect hot very hot what's it called uh leave master mm master mm this is a can of Pringles with potato chips oh, I cut a hole in the side so you could see the egg and just stuck it in the Pringles.
I didn't really work much and I call it eat master 3000. Okay, we came up with a new rule, this is the Peter Street bull rule. If both contestants win, the person closest to the X is the winner. I taped a receipt that's like a little streamer to try to keep it more upright, although I doubt that's going to happen. Yes, okay, ready. 3 2 1 oh no, that didn't look good. That didn't look good Mike, here we go, I think it might drift, what's going to hurt me in 3 2 1, eat flies, teacher, do that, wow, it didn't make a sound, mine exploded, you could barely hear it, did you?
OK? go see it cracked mines cracked mines hit really hard in the corner and then I plan this yeah, it's barely energy absorption I feel like I better do this. I have the video of the egg drop on the Internet, yes, go write, yes, you use it. that in your intro, yeah, except telling people what you did, the intro is 100, a useless attempt to make Mark look bad. We cut the video of him just as he fell into congestion and changed our footage. I threw the same contraption into the crowd, no one noticed. You didn't even realize that the guy went to the store and bought straws of the same color just to put them together anyway my lawyer will contact you oh no well I have to admit I don't know so I'm just using big words. you win that's your prize you have to eat it whole now I'll make it go


he's an up and coming I think you know you're almost over a million subscribers so let's give it a boost William Osmond's egg drops alcohol yeah if there is someone you want to see lose to me in an egg drop competition, leave a comment below and we'll see you next time and say hello at the end to the American American music like the national anthem is playing, there's something like that.
Hold it and stare at the sun, it's so bright.

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