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The VERY FIRST Orca Encounter show at SeaWorld Orlando!

May 29, 2024
they come from college they are people like a man doing this the king took $10 when you sold our lives we found you both in your family members past or present ladies and gentlemen boys and girls for those of you sitting in the


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where in the sea there is one thing I know if it is perfect from NASA for the ocean a boldness or a sinus parka or an


in just a few minutes it will mean that the


s of the marine world


let's discover more about Paige notable animals or sinusitis or death or the orca is the most widely distributed in the sky on earth.
the very first orca encounter show at seaworld orlando
They can be found in the ocean all over the world, including the Arctic, Atlantic, Southern, Indian and Pacific oceans, no other marine species live. In so many different ocean habitats or so directly dependent on, there are many different types of killer whales more than any parent marine animal, the sinus killer whale is the very embodiment of our shared collaboration until about two decades ago, scientists didn't know there were actually There were several different varieties or ecological types of killer whales with effort and observation, however, we discovered that there are actually ten different ones in the place, East African excited behavior, diet, lifestyle and appearance, a surprising characteristic of the killer whale is its white and black skin, this camouflage is.
the very first orca encounter show at seaworld orlando

More Interesting Facts About,

the very first orca encounter show at seaworld orlando...

It is called disruptive coloration in a murky environment this coloration can make it difficult to detect the two rails are faked their top surface is darker than the bottom surface from below looking up mixed the linked from above from above looking down they are invisible against the Killer whales are a water and reef area, something like killer whales are the largest activists of the delphinidine or dolphin family, as you can see, they have impressive physical characteristics. Orcas have a cleaning site, but up and down the water, the dorsal fin of an adult male can be Up to six feet is enough, the powerful spirits and jig of the actors can propel them through the water at that high speed with great maneuverability.
the very first orca encounter show at seaworld orlando
Its maximum speed is almost 30 miles per hour. Whales use echolocation to hunt and communicate. Communication is also achieved at Mattel. preachings and polarizations, you will experience a variety of natural orca behaviors during the orca


. Today we asked Rails to replicate natural behaviors like location shifting and he tells us how inspiring and entertaining for our guests, these behaviors are also essential to maintaining the There is still much to understand about the health and well-being of the orcas at our camp. regarding the work or status of the orcas. However, one thing we do know is that around the world they face real challenges such as the overall health of prey populations and the habitats in which they live.
the very first orca encounter show at seaworld orlando
Dependent orcas suffer due to changes in the environment. In just a few moments you will find orca sea paths and learn even more about these fascinating animals. As the most widely distributed mammal on Earth, the orca is uniquely positioned to represent to them the power and fragility of the ocean everyone is dusting off on behalf of our 10 11 18 I would like to welcome you to our Cape Town. I have been able to eat for 12 years. Being an animal trainer is not just a job, it is rather a way of life in which we have dedicated our professional and personal life to these animals.
It is a great responsibility and the ultimate privilege for us to take care of teaching, learning and sharing our rose murderer of all of you. We hope you enjoy finding Orkut as an interconnected ocean with advanced fluids. critically in the light and there are no better unique animated representations than the orca, they live in every corner of the ocean from before to the Atlantic, from the south to the Indian Ocean, to the Pacific and beyond. The story of the orca is shoe store people and it is an environmentalist who Have one, let me


you with Trula and that was a real killer family that


s its size, speed, power and stimulates solving skills.
These behaviors keep our whales active and engaged. Orcas have inspired generations to care about our natural world today. They were excited to share their story with all opinions Orcas are the top predators of the oceans Operation and communication uses not for size and strength to take their place at the top of the oceans at the bottom as a grip on the top the top predator the killer the fast orcas will bring in the dollars faster than an olympic swimmer and these and other behaviors to provide an environment full of enrichment we are going to see all of that today and more we spend days we use months leaders building relationships with our clans this creates trust and that allows us to do incredible things, for example, when you visit the doctor, present your arm to draw blood or step on the scale to see how much you weigh.
It's very similar with our whales tonight OCR and two behaviors together in unison synchronize with their movements and work and the team helps strengthen their social bonds and places them in the first letters of the ocean. Their scientific name is ours this training, but they are more commonly known as killer whales. our swamp whales have their own names. We are Katina Nalani Lavinia true and Kyle, but Kyle is our youngest whale at nine years old and the oldest is Mikael and Milania's mother, Katina, she is 43 years old, she is even the matriarch of our leader of our body.
The whales are fine, it's just us, quick. They take an active role in their own health and well-being through positive reinforcement training techniques. We teach them husbandry or health care behaviors. One of the first six whales we teach them is to call the blue presenter we go to. Show that today with our two males, Trua and Mikail, the winds are taught to present their tail boots to the trainer. Now this not only allows us to see his entire body well but also gives us access to the veins, which is very easy. To see contamination on the white underside of their tail, our veterinarians can place the needle in the vein and allow a blood sample to be taken at least once a month.
So you can see that today Joe and Shannon are giving our whales in hell a massage. They have very sensitive skin and this is a great way for us to build our relationships with our orcas. Now the blood samples suggest a way we should make sure our wheel stays healthy. Another important diagnosis is weighing the whales that we were, you know, twice a month. We can do this by asking them to slide up and off the wall; a killer whale sized scale that we have from our fools Jason will demonstrate here on our slide today, sure everyone else right waits, he waits almost. 6000 pounds but the stack on the left is about 3600 pounds but you'll notice that the part of his body from his dorsal fin to his tail boots is in the water right now, it's a very strong muscle at the top and wait several hundred pounds, so in the water we wouldn't get an exact weight, we can solve that problem by simply asking the whales to lift their tails up and out of the water, allowing us to make sure they are growing, our youngest whales continue . to grow and be out of the whales maintain a healthy body and the team is not just visiting them to stimulate them and play with our binary and we are surprised and we are blood whales and at every opportunity the game is how the killers fail teach their calves to get funds for adults play is also important, they just seem to enjoy having time to play is an important part of my preparation bills and for us, observational learning that mimicry plays a fundamental role in the lives of their pillow wet from the moment they are born. learn the necessary life skills by watching and playing follow the leader with his mom and other whales and our wealth, play follow the leader with us;
Today we're going to put that to the test with Ethan, who's from Kansas, and even though they have you. Eat Makai, okay, now let's do something with your body. I've been seeing pockets of copying or imitating you, okay, the first thing I want you to do is march in place, raise your knees very high today, okay, I'll show him this. she has opened this now it cost her over the glasses - now it's very good let's go over it with another okay this one I want you to raise your right arm that's this one here and lower it for a second let's make sure it's looking pay attention, it's well, there you go, choose that album, crazy even this guy, very good, so you can see, they pay a lot of attention to you, they are very curious, friendly, they see each other less frequently. spy, I'm jumping completely out of the water to get a better view of their surroundings on the wall they're tapping on, we're going to bring that back today with a behavior called buddy sighting, it's going to be a big jump up the stage, remember the sign What did I teach you before? anything is fine, so you have to take your right index finger, leave it and let's draw a line to the platform, okay, you took that right, audience, help us know what kind of balance the site has, baby, let's give them a big A big round of applause, go ahead, okay, wait a second, hey, thank you very much, I'll be fine, hey, Joe, it looks like two of you are smart, the global orca research and observation that Marc Maron has thrown up.
We clarify many of the mysteries about these incredible animals, for example, we know that the gestation period of a pregnant whale is approximately 17 months, that is information that would be impossible to obtain in nature, although it can only be obtained through field observation. That is why Iran, together with our partners like Norway, is working on a survey and NOAA to expand our knowledge. Orcas are powerful animals. Perhaps the best example of that pattern we've seen is when they hunt yellow whales. They stand out, they have no natural nature. Predators and almost any other moving animal can be their dinner depending on where they live and their chosen big friend develops some off the coast.
South American killer whales beach themselves writing on ugly things long enough to take a break, but they also reinvent themselves. not animals like penguins or seals of my students, the most important thing is that they cooperate, communicate and coordinate as a team. Here is footage of killer whales cornering a Sulha carrier. A whale dictated these new positions with its tail movements so that the letters created things with weight and they used the clips of their city. to stun your prey, here's a demonstration for everyone else that is combined with a fun activity session, but for all of you it's time to get your way, it's pretty obvious why another top predator in the ocean, that means a party of total wealth, there is a dominant dependency right there, but To the point the orcas are not the most powerful animals, they are cute, it is up to you to make your actions to make decisions, in the meantime, we will have the future of governments and we will possess it in our hands, but even more so, the challenges we face may seem insurmountable. don't give up get inspired we can make a difference the ocean needs our help and that seems overwhelming but together you can do it there is a lot to protect a lot to explore the story of the orca is still being written and there are simple things we can all do to make a difference everything What is needed is a 120 and change together we have a lot of mystery for the friend this game both yesterday mr. brain thanks

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