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Shattered Evidence | TRIPLE EPISODE | The New Detectives

May 13, 2024
The body of a young waitress is found in the mountains of Colorado without any physical link to the murderer. The only hope of catching him is to decode his darkest secrets to solve the murder. Investigators must decipher a message written in blood. A young mother is the victim. of an apparent suicide or is it a well-organized murder to prove foul play. Detectives will have to build a solid case out of a flimsy square of plastic. The path from victim to killer is rarely clear, but with forensic help as a guide, today's


can find it. The path to justice along the faintest traces of


The rugged, isolated mountains of Colorado Springs Colorado are a hiker's paradise, but those same qualities make it the perfect place to hide a body on June 29, In 1997, the El Paso County Sheriff's Department was called to a shallow grave.
shattered evidence triple episode the new detectives
They unearthed the body of a young woman, but were unable to unearth any clues leading to her killer. Detectives could only speculate as to when they had ruled out her Jane Do and who Detective Michelle Hajes knew she had little to work with in the


. What we had was very limited, we didn't know where she was murdered and that is normally where most evidence will be found and that greatly hampered our investigation, but they were able to give Jane a name in At the autopsy, the body was positively identified as Dedra Malikowski , a 24-year-old waitress from the nearby town of Fountain.
shattered evidence triple episode the new detectives

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shattered evidence triple episode the new detectives...

She had been reported missing a week before the victim had been killed with repeated blows to the head with a blunt object. Biological evidence from the instrument found during an internal examination of the victim suggested that she had been raped by now. It was the only physical evidence connecting Dedra to her killer. The body had been exposed to the elements and contained fly larvae. Researchers hope these insects will help. identify the time of death at the Arapo County crime lab. The


turn to Thomas Adair, an expert in forensic entomology. Forensic anemology is the use of insects to answer a criminal medical question.
shattered evidence triple episode the new detectives
Many times this involves trying to determine how long a body has been exposed. How long has it been since females lay eggs or laras on the body in murder cases where a body has been dumped? Outdoors, adult female flies typically locate debris within minutes and begin laying eggs. These eggs help experts calculate how long the body has been exposed at the time of the crime. At the scene, fly larvae had been removed from the victim's remains and preserved in alcohol at the autopsy. A second sample of insects was removed and kept alive. These two sets of larvae were sent to the crime laboratory for analysis.
shattered evidence triple episode the new detectives
One set would be used to identify the species that had colonized the body the other would tell the experts how long the victim had been dead the first step was to raise the flies alive until they mature in the rearing process what we do is take those species immature worms, we place them in a jar with food source such as in this case beef liver or chicken liver and then allow them to progress to their adult stage. Once they have emerged, it allows us a little more ease in identification. Once the species was identified, a challenger was able to identify the exact species. age of the preserved larva found on the body, determined that the larva was at least a week old since Dedra Malikowski was last seen a week earlier.
He deduced that the victim had been murdered within 24 hours of her disappearance now that she had a timeline to follow. Detective Hajes began questioning witnesses, starting with the person closest to the victim. That person will give us the most information. We also need to include or eliminate them from our investigation, but in this case the person closest to the victim, Dedra Malikowski's fiancé, was not. speaking hired a lawyer and refused to cooperate with the investigation Detectives visited the Dedra neighborhood and spoke with Donna Yurki, one of the victim's oldest friends, she actually saw him doing both things Yurki and her husband Allan expressed his fear that Dedra's fiancé might have killed her.
Dedra had told Yes, she had a violent confrontation with him the day before she disappeared. You were very close during that fight. In reality, he had put his hand around her throat in a choke position to control her. This, of course, raised many questions about how strong she was. was involved in it, given the violent nature of their relationship, investigators had to consider the fiancé as their main suspect, but without any physical evidence there was no way to make a case against him, so the team fell apart and until As more information emerged, Hajes knew that they had We have to be patient, we only had a once-in-a-lifetime chance at things like this.
If you don't have enough evidence when you initially arrest him, you may not be able to pursue the case and we didn't want anything like that. We wanted an equid in a case, we wanted a solid case, but as the months passed, investigators realized that in the meantime, they could be waiting forever, new cases demanded their attention, almost nine months to the day after of the unsolved murder of Dedra Malikowski, another body was found in the mountains the young woman was fully clothed but barefoot her shoes were found a few meters away here can I get some photos of this please?
There were no obvious wounds on the body and no clues left by her killer. The victim was identified as Danielle Bonfield. 12-year-old girl reported missing that morning Danielle's body had been found more than 20 meters from her house considering the rugged terrain, investigators knew the girl could not have gotten that far on foot and who had taken her there He left no clues nor was any evidence recovered from the victim's house? How long was Leslie Bonfield there? The girl's mother found nothing out of place. Who were these people? There were no signs of a struggle. Bonfield told investigators that on the night of her daughter Danielle's disappearance she would stay. at home while meeting friends for drinks when he returned later that night Danielle was gone detectives searched the area around Bon Field's house and canvassed the immediate neighborhood came up empty-handed the sheriff's department then tracked down the phone calls made from the Bonfield home on the night of Danielle's disappearance at 8:15 p.m.
A call was made to a pager registered to one of the friends that Leslie Bonfield was drinking with, it was Alan Yurki and upon hearing Mr. Yury's names, my ears naturally perked up and it was like, well, what about? Are you talking Alan yery? Ellen Yurki, a witness. of the Malak murder had now emerged on the periphery of the Bonfield murder he was brought in for questioning andki told the police that he had gone out with Leslie Bonfield and some friends the night Banfield's daughter disappeared said he received a call from Danielle around from 8:00 p.m.
Okay, instead of telling Leslie Bonfield, Yurki decided to leave the bar and see the girl himself, if you could tell us, Yurki told investigators that Danielle was fine when she left the house, there was reason to doubt her story, however, his criminal record was revealed. That the 29-year-old maintenance man and part-time computer technician had once been convicted of sexually assaulting his former roommate. Detectives obtained a warrant to search Jer's car. It was confiscated and analyzed by the Colorado Police Department. Springs the vehicle was filled with trash clothing and papers, criminalist Charles Green would have to process the mess with the precision of an archaeologist when we completed the photograph and then of course we entered the vehicle, we had to go in and remove elements layer by layer, collecting any items that might have evidentiary value Mike, let's get these things out of here.
You could check to see if the blood I'm looking for under the piles of trash in the car turned up two pieces of crucial evidence. Danielle's watch and her belt. Belt investigators believed it may have been used to strangle her. We found more threatening evidence as the search continued and almost immediately discovered a blood pattern. Stains that were located on the front windshield. These blood patterns were quite definitive. Another group around here the blood pattern seemed to be the result of blunt force trauma. We're doing a prepared blood test here. Swabs were taken and sent to the laboratory.
These samples matched the victim's blood type. Alan Yery was arrested for the murder of Danielle Bonfield after having linked Yury to the young woman's murder. Investigators now hoped they could find something. link to Dedra Malikowski, the waitress found murdered 9 months earlier, blood and DNA samples were taken from the suspect that matched fluid samples found on Malikowski's remains, although investigators confronted Yurki with this damning evidence, he denied knowing something about Dedra's murder and also claimed that he had slept with the victim several days before her disappearance, but it had been consensual Yurki simply explained any biological evidence they could find investigators would have to dig deeper.
I want to see that too. Your messy car provided key clues to Bonfield's murder. We hoped it would also contain some link to the Malikowski case. We spent ours searching the vehicle and its contents, but not a single piece of evidence related to Dedra Malikowski was recovered nor were there any obvious clues in the trunk. The technicians found it full of computers. disks and software John, I opened this thing a minute ago, you want to take a look inside the trunk full of floppy disks and CD ROMs. It didn't seem right at one point, but as today's detectives know, it could provide a treasure trove of evidence, even though traditional methods had failed.
To find clues, this cache gave forensic specialist John St Augustine a whole new hunting ground. Computer forensics is important because we now encounter more media in more scenes. It's no longer just about the bloody knife and the gun or the bullet. Now we are finding more and more digital media: in total, 50 CD ROMs and between 400 and 500 floppy disks were confiscated from Y's car and house. The suspect's wife had mentioned that he liked to keep a diary, although they knew it was a remote possibility. Investigators needed to find out if he had ever confessed to his crimes electronically.
He had a difficult road ahead of him to preserve the integrity of the evidence. He had to copy every file found onto every drive, the equivalent of an entire room filled from floor to ceiling. Then, with the paper, he had to search individual files for anything associated with a crime. I soon discovered a floppy disk containing Mr. YY's resume, some jobs he had worked on, as well as a file called My Sins. I tried opening it by double clicking on it for lack of a better word to open the file. Immediately what came up was that this file is password protected.
He tried every method he knew to decipher the code but he still couldn't penetrate your person's defense, it was obvious. that whatever was in this document, Yury had everything to keep the sins hidden from him. Investigators in Colorado believed Alan Yurki was responsible for the death of his wife's best friend, but without any physical evidence linking him to the crime, their only hope of solving the case was to hack an encrypted computer file titled My Sins. with the help of powerful software John St Augustine was finally able to get his secret password God help me when I entered the password God help me in my sins document immediately a screen appeared saying uh my Sins are reserved by Alen R Yurki.
I now knew that Mr. Yurki was the author of this particular file. When Agustín was finally able to open the cryptic file, a list of Alan Yurki's crimes appeared on the screen, including the murders he had committed, perhaps more. Chilling was a list of murders he planned to commit in the future. Included in the list was the rape and murder of Dedra Malikowski. This on-screen confessional confirmed the investigation's suspicions. The man in his custody was a calculating predator whose appetite was only growing. Police assumed that yurki picked up Dedra while she was waiting to catch a bus to go to the city, he overpowered the young woman and killed her yurki, then he drove to the mountains where he hid the body of the young waitress, but the murderer could not help but confess alone. in front of your computer.
He divulged his secrets if investigators hadn't caught himwhen they did Jerky's list of sins may have grown in the face of this evidence Yurki pleaded guilty to the murders of Danielle Bonfield and Dedra Malikowski is serving a life sentence plus 50 years without the possibility of parole without the ability of the forensic team the path between Yurki and his victim would have been impossible to trace in Texas the trail was clearly marked with blood just off the coast of Texas Galveston Island Woos residents with 32 miles of Gulf beaches and year-round baly weather but just like nature human, wind and waves belie a furious capacity for violence on a Saturday morning in June 1995, a Galveston man found some money on a suburban lawn that was covered in blood, searching for the source of the Bloody Bill he realized that the back door of a nearby building was open the apartment inside was being renovated but no one answered his calls Miller hey Miller hey come on meler Miller inside he found his neighbor John Miller, 32 years old, dead for 2 years he had been stabbed by police officers The Galveston Police Department was called to the scene.
Blood stains and splatters marked the walls, ceiling and floors of every room of the five-bedroom apartment. Detective Norman Giles knew these patterns could be crucial to solving the crime. Initially it was obvious that we were going to have to collect blood and we have to protect the crime scene, so most of our efforts initially were to protect the integrity of the blood evidence that was going to be there. Forensic experts were called in to photograph and diagram each of the identifying marks Officer Gary Jones had. He had never seen such a large amount of blood evidence at a single crime scene.
As soon as I walked in I knew this was going to be a pretty extraordinary type of case. Virtually every type of bloodstain pattern imaginable, incorporated into this scene, just the first viewing of that scene immediately told me that I'll be here for quite a while. due to the magnitude of bloodshed that occurred during this fight. It appeared that the victim had faced more than one attacker Three different sets of footprints were marked with blood One set matched the victim's boots The second appeared to be footprints made by a man's tennis shoes A third set of smaller footprints from Barefoot belonged to a woman or a child, one of Barefoot's prints contained enough details of Ridge for identification purposes, in case any suspects surfaced, this print was cut from the floor, whoever was responsible for the murder had not emerged unscathed from the struggle, drops of blood found near the footprint suggested he or she had been bleeding from the leg following the trail of blood drops, investigators found what appeared to be the murder weapon, a blade 4-inch single-edged blade, the knife was taken into evidence, but all fingerprints had been erased from its surface, the trail did not stop there, the blood ran down the stairs to the road and then headed south along the road.
The road, uh, to a parking lot near the sea wall, there the trail of blood disappeared into the water with no fingerprints, no witnesses and no apparent reason. The case was based on a Hal, while speaking with friends of the victim, detectives learned that Miller was last seen the night before for the murder at a neighborhood bar, a barid told police that Miller had been dating a couple of homeless people, the man was in his 30s and the woman in her. Whether they were suspects or witnesses remained to be seen, but these homeless people could be anywhere now without knowing their names.
The chances of finding them were slim. Investigators also discovered that Miller owned a truck that was now missing. We talked to family members so we could. locate there at the scene and no one knew the location of the truck, so we think the truck was probably stolen at the time of the murder, its agenda was not, although an all-point bulletin was issued about the missing truck, it was not found nowhere in the scene. Several days later, Houston police reported that they had found the truck in a parking lot in the Galveston area and immediately arranged to have it returned to Galveston 25th Street, while Giles inspected businesses along the Houston Highway where it was located.
I had found the truck. We arrived at a hotel along the We went in and checked with the employee, and the employee actually remembered seeing a man and a woman who matched the description of the people who had been seen with Mr. Miller and Galveston. They said the woman was walking and appeared to have a limp. Police believed the woman had received the injury in John Miller's apartment, but even with an injured leg the couple managed to stay one step ahead of police identification. Officer Gary Jones was brought in to process the truck that had just been towed back to Galveston.
He was not optimistic. About what he would find in this area here, one of the main concerns we had at that time was how much contamination had occurred in the vehicle during its transport and the time that he had been sitting on Idol in Houston. Jones processed the truck. Searching for fingerprints on one of the door handles, he found the impression of a single thumb. The print was lifted and sent to a computerized fingerprint identification system. A week later, the system returned a result. The fingerprint belonged to a man who had been arrested just a few months ago.
Previously, his name was Charles Wayne and he had a history of arrests for violent crimes. Linking the key to the victim's vehicle was a positive step but it only showed an association with the victim, it did not prove that he had done anything violent, so we had Mr. Ke's fingerprints on the truck, but we knew he had been in the truck at times other than the time of the murder through food stamp records. Police eventually found Ke and his girlfriend in Leck, about 500 meters away, armed with a warrant that detectives brought to them. Galveston to be questioned whether guilty or not, ke and his girlfriend were among the last people to see John Miller alive.
Investigators were eager to talk to them while the girlfriend's fingerprints were taken. Investigators turned their attention to ke who admitted that he and His girlfriend had gone out with Miller at a bar on the night in question, she said Miller then took them to a pool hall where his truck broke down. We don't take them there. Keith said they went their separate ways. You left his girlfriend's footprint and they had compared it to the bloody footprint. found at the crime scene, the size of the prints were the same, but technicians would have to be more precise, since fingerprints have a unique pattern of loops and wheels that can be used for identification.
The technicians compared the details of the prints from the crime scene with those taken from K's girlfriend, they matched perfectly. We actually had her bloody foot at Mr. Miller's house, so we knew she was there at the time of the murder. The police confronted Ke with the footprint evidence and told him they could prove him and his girlfriend. They were with Miller when he died and later admitted that he had stabbed Miller, but he said it was self-defense, claiming that Miller had been the aggressor. 39 The police did not believe that brutal force would be needed to protect against an unarmed person. man, but without evidence it was possible for a jury to side with ke.
Galveston police faced a new hurdle unless evidence could distinguish between murder and self-defense. the suspect's word would prevail. The only hope for justice was to extract the victim's story from the trail he left in blood. The police in Galveston, Texas, did not believe Charles K's claim of self-defense. They thought he was a murderer to prove it. They turned to the evidence. The key to success in crime scene work is being able to listen and understand what it means. The crime scene tells him that in this case it involved listening to what the victim left in his own blood to illustrate the brutality of the murder and refute the suspect's account.
Jones needed to reconstruct the crime from the blood patterns. The researchers found two different sets. of shoe prints at the crime scene and a pair of footprints using photographs as reference Jones tracked each player's Prince through a layout of the house Jones theorized that he attacked a thousand and chased him to a corner of the room the footprints of the victim's boots were closely followed by K tennis shoe prints K's girlfriend was caught in the struggle her bare footprints show she ran out the back door Miller's boot prints moved toward the door main Prince Killer followed the blood spatters on the door LED police suspected that the fatal blow was dealt as Miller tried to escape he never managed to do so he slid down the wall and collapsed to the floor the reconstruction of Jones unpunished the declaration of self-defense of K and showed that Miller had been the victim of a cruel and relentless attack.
Charles Wayne Keis was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison, charges against his girlfriend were dropped at the crime scene in Texas, a confession was etched in blood, but the line between malice and misfortune is not always so clear a Saturday afternoon in November 1987, paramedics responded to a 911 call from rural Wisconsin. Home Walter Reader told paramedics that his wife had shot herself in the bedroom Paula Reader, 21, was found dead face up on the floor with a gunshot wound to the side of her head Reer told paramedics that He had found his hunting weapon next to his body, he returned it to its case to keep it away from his young children.
Detective Ken Peters of the Dodge County Sheriff's Department was assigned to the investigation, although it appeared to be a suicide. Peters treats all violent deaths as homicides and it works the other way around once you rule it out as a suicide and put it on paper or remove the bodies and the evidence, you can't put that evidence or the body back there, you do a full and thorough investigation, no matter how many hours it takes and if you feel confident and Get a second opinion or even a third opinion from professionals that it is in fact a suicide, then you will be able to live with yourself and be comfortable with that, but analyzing the crime scene only generated more questions like everything, the position of the victim's body turned red. flags okay well the history of these cases is like this you fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes as soon as they shoot you in the head and yet Paula Reer was found with her head 3 Inés under the foot of the bed defied the Logically, unless something or someone had moved it, the condition of the weapons also seemed strange because they are fired at such a short distance.
Weapons used in suicides are typically covered in blood and tissue. The gun found in the reading room was relatively clean with small amounts of blood on the butt of the barrel and on the grip to determine who pulled the trigger. Peters called for a metal residue test when a gun is fired, it releases microscopic bits of metal into the shooter's hand. Swabs taken from Paula and Walter Reer's hands were tested in the laboratory both readers tested positive but at low levels the inconclusive findings indicated that both had touched the gun it did not prove who fired it Detective Peters brought the reader in for questioning Walter reer said that he and his daughter Misty were in the basement stacking wood when they heard a loud bang from upstairs, he ran upstairs to the bedroom where he found Paula on the floor when he was asked why his wife would want to commit suicide.
The reader said he didn't know. Peters hoped he could find the answer that Walter Reer could. 't Supply C went to talk to Paula's mother. Paula's mother told investigators that she had been concerned about her daughter at Paula's request. She had flown to Wisconsin the day before and said that Paula and her children were going to drop Walter off and return to her. to Florida it had been a bad marriage from the beginning against her mother's wishes Paula married Walter when she was 16 and he was 40 I don't want to be around here all the time this over the years the relationship was bad to worse where are you going now?
Preliminary autopsy findings confirmed that Paula's health had declined. The once 110-pound woman weighed only 80 pounds at the time of her death, but a bad marriage doesn't prove murder without some substantial evidence of foul play. Death of Paula readerwould remain a mystery Investigators in the Paula Reader case were still not convinced that the young mother had committed suicide. The pathologist confirmed that a single bullet killed the victim, but could not determine whether it was suicide or homicide. The bullet's entry point was one of the most unusual investigators had ever seen. Most self-inflicted wounds are in the mouth or the front of the head.
In this case, the barrel of the gun had been placed behind the victim's ear at an angle toward the back of the head. It defied logic and physics before she was buried investigators measured the victim's limbs and did some calculations Paula Reader was 5 feet tall her arms were only 24 inches long Taking into account the length of the weapon investigators determined that her arm was barely long enough to press the gun to his own head the only way he could have fired it was if he had pulled the trigger with his thumb. Suspicions grew, but investigators still lacked hard evidence.
The evidence they did have only raised more questions. A hollow point bullet was removed from the victim's skull. And sent to the laboratory, the analysis revealed something strange: a piece of plastic the size of a hard candy wrapper was attached to the casing. Under the microscope, the researchers could see that it was broken and stretched. They had never seen something like this simulating the awkward way of entering. Ballistics experts fired test rounds through different types of plastic, but unlike the sample recovered from the victim's head, these samples simply melted and burned. Experts could not find an explanation for this phenomenon, although they did not have the physical evidence to prove that murder detective Peters kept in contact with the victim's family and friends in the hope that some crucial testimony would eventually emerge.
The more he learned about Paula's relationship with Walter, the more he believed that her husband killed her. A series of letters that Paula had written to her friends. and her family talked about Walter's abuse. She told a friend that Walter actually showed her the bullets that would end her life just days before her death. She wrote I feel like I'm going to be murdered despite the circumstantial evidence incriminating Walter. Detective Peters didn't have one. sufficient evidence to prove his case, his superiors asked that the investigation be ended. Walter Reader is a very convincing person and so the sheriff came to me and asked me to close the case on several occasions, which I wouldn't do, but Peters didn't have it. the last word without a clear determination of homicide by the pathologist or any conclusive evidence that Walter Reer had pulled the trigger the district attorney knew he couldn't get a criminal conviction the case was closed in rural Wisconsin more than a year after his mysterious death Paulo's reader's case was reviewed.
Newly elected Sheriff Steven Fitzgerald met with Detective Peters so Ken was never comfortable with the suicidal closure of this case and had always suspected that Mr. Reer was more involved in this than we really thought from the beginning. investigation, although the sheriff reopened the murder investigation, the department still lacked the evidence they needed to move the case forward. Dodge County detectives were hoping to get the evidence they needed from the Wisconsin State Crime Lab who scheduled a visit with forensic scientist Ken Olen, so we asked them to bring crime scene photos, the gun, the plastic which was recovered from the victim's head and his clothes, so they took those things out and we had a meeting and we went.
On the case, the forensic team reviewed crime scene photographs looking for any evidence of murder in the blood splatter, well we don't want to, we don't want to, but as they studied the evidence, their attention quickly focused on the mysterious piece of Plastic found in the murder bullet. This plastic is dome shaped, like a bubble pack. One of the scientists casually observed that its dome shape resembled bubble wrap just at the same moment that a colleague had made a fundamental discovery and had been carefully examining a photograph. From the closet where the gun was kept, wads of bubble wrap were clearly visible and it was at that moment.
I think we all thought well, what if someone tried to wrap a gun in bubble wrap and have it act as a silencer? Could we get it? plastic to travel with a bullet If Walter Reer wrapped the gun before shooting his wife, it could explain how the plastic adhered to the bullet. Investigators followed their hunch at the time of the shooting, there were only four manufacturers making the type of bubble wrap found. In the reader's closet, samples of each type of water were analyzed with an infrared spectrum photometer to determine their chemical composition. They compared these results with the plastic recovered from the victim.
They found a match. This would be the plastic piece. The color, thickness and composition were identical. Hoping to prove that the plastic could travel with the bullet, technicians created a silencer made from this particular bubble wrap, finally being able to reproduce the strange discovery made in the autopsy. The bubble wrap silencer explained how the square of plastic adhered to the bullet to try to Explain the lack of blood spatter on the gun. Investigators did another test fire with the silencer, this time in a blood source. We got the same type of patterns or lack of patterns that we suspected you would get by having the gun be cleaned the barrel was clean there was no blood present on the gun there were uh some empty areas created from that and that was consistent with what We had at the crime scene the police opened want to read that he is under arrest with forensic results to support a murder charge, the case was finally strong enough to go to court on October 29, 1991, almost two years after the death of his wife, Walter Reer was arrested.
I mean, nothing was ever done about it. Investigators believe that the night she died Paula and Walter had an argument and he got angry because his wife was leaving him he decided to end the marriage on her terms why he did it and Walter reer knocked his wife unconscious, wrapped the gun in plastic, placed it against his wife's head and shot thank you. Thanks to relentless detective work, the evidence convinced the jury. I can remember that day very vividly when we were all called back into the courtroom and the jury rendered their decision. I felt very relieved for the family and also as an officer, you always feel. somewhat satisfied when, uh, when you think that justice has been done by organizing a suicide, Walter Reer almost got away with it.
Bringing him to justice was worth the years of frustration that led to his conviction. He was convicted of first-degree murder and Sentenced to life in prison, smart criminals try to stay one step ahead of the police by covering their tracks, but science gives law enforcement a boost in their pursuit, helping police track to killers along the weakest trails of evidence, 7 years after a woman went missing a trail of evidence. leads investigators to a secluded boat ramp on the Missouri River. They must dig evidence of his murder out of the murky river in a rural Virginia county.
A skull and a jewel are the only clues the police have to identify a victim, but will it be enough to catch a murderer? A woman is missing for weeks when her body is discovered. The police must reconstruct their case from a few pieces of duct tape when someone goes missing It's difficult for police to prove a murder without a body, but today forensic science can find justice for a victim months and sometimes even years after their disappearance Marville Missouri is a small Midwestern town, but In 1990 it found itself caught in the clutches of a big city problem to combat a growing methamphetamine industry.
Investigators sought help from those inside. Christine Elkins had been arrested for selling the drug in exchange for immunity. Christine cooperated with authorities by helping to build a case against her supplier. She agreed to record their next meeting with a microcassette recorder hidden in her clothing on July 26, 1990, under the watchful eye of investigators Elkins met. with the dealer at her house you were detained from the moment she walked in Tony Emory your dealer was suspicious what you're doing he grabbed Christine and searched her wear wire I don't know what you're talking about I know you're threatened to kill her if she ever betrayed her later , when you calm down, it's okay, Agent Mike Schmidtz headed the case for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, she came back later extremely upset and said he knew I was connected, he tried to locate the recorder which she was. extremely upset, he knows that Christine told the officers she feared for her safety, she was urged to stay away from Tony when the officers tried to listen to the tape, it was indecipherable, the case against Tony Emory would have to be based on the testimony of an informant , okay, let's just leave a A few weeks before Christine was to testify against him, the police received a call from her mother.
She hadn't heard from her daughter in several days and she was worried. A search of Christine's home indicated no signs of a struggle. Her car, an old brown mobile, was missing. to the Department Missouri State Police worked with the ATF on the Emory narcotics case Investigator Larry Boden Hammer well, the investigation changed after she disappeared because after a period of time it was like well, where is she? You know what she happened to him. Did she leave of her own free will or did something happen to her? Investigators interviewed Christine's friends and acquaintances. A friend told the police that she had seen her around 10:00 the night she disappeared.
Christine had asked her to take care of Christine. her son for a few minutes while she was meeting someone around 10 in the morning, Christine made a chilling prediction as she was leaving, if she didn't come back in a few minutes she would be in the morning where she was going, no one had seen her since then she had to um, she's Well, I need everyone. To date, the ATF and police now suspected Tony Emory of being behind her disappearance. They all had a strong motive, but without evidence of an actual crime, authorities couldn't prove his involvement. 3 weeks later, Mville police received a tip from a federal drug agent.
In Colorado, a methamphetamine manufacturer facing a federal prison sentence wanted to make a deal; he claimed he knew about the murder of an informant in Marville. Okay, that will work. Investigators feared he was referring to Christine Elkins. Mville police and ATF agents flew to Colorado to question James, who told them he manufactured methamphetamine for Tony Emory and his cousin Herb Emory. He said he had heard the two men talk about killing an informant in Missouri in exchange for leniency. Whit agreed to meet with Herb Emory and wear a wire to the authorities. He hoped his conversation would provide details of the alleged murder and possibly lead them to Christine Elkin's home 3 months after Christine disappeared.
When he met Herb Emory in a restaurant parking lot, officers overheard his conversation from a nearby car and pretended he needed to dispose of a body. and he asked her advice. Herb Emory told him that the best way to dispose of a body was to put it in the trunk of a car and sink it in a quarry. It was investigators' first clue, using detailed maps they identified rock quarries deep enough to hide a car from the eh, but the Midwest, famous for its native limestone, had literally hundreds of questions to further narrow their search, they had to think like a murderer if you have a person in the trunk of your car, what would you do if you were driving down a long road when it wasn't your car you could break down if you found a rock quarry it would have to be something close by it would have to be something you wouldn't have to driving is a very wet season you wouldn't You don't have to drive through a field because you could get stuck.
They focused on a 75m radius, but that still left hundreds of possibilities over the next few months. Investigators systematically searched those Rock quarries for a car containing a body. They found nothing. The State of Missouri ATF. Police and Mville Police considered the memories dangerous but lacked sufficient evidence to support a murder charge. Investigators devised a strategy to get them off the streets until they could prove murder. Federal agents again used James' ingenuity this time to concoct a methamphetamine. buy weed and Tony Emory met Whit at a location previouslyagreed, the agents watched as Tony Emory gave him $20,000 for several pounds of the ATF drug in the apartment where they moved to make the arrest, don't move, get on the floor right now.
In the summer of 1991, Herb and Tony Emory were convicted of conspiracy to store and sell methamphetamine. They were sentenced to 9 years in a federal penitentiary with memories in prison. Prison authorities were able to focus on the disappearance and possible homicide of Christine Elkin, according to Marville. Police investigator Randy Strong Tony Emery was a dangerous man to cross the community he was very afraid of Tony Emery. If we had a witness that he had committed a crime, they would simply not come forward or withdraw from the case. Nobody. They wanted to talk about it because they were afraid of what it would do to them, but with the Emory cousins ​​safe behind bars, authorities hoped their associates would no longer be afraid to speak out and had a clue in the recorded conversations that Herb Emory had given them. told to James. wit about a third man who was present the night of the murder this ATF was looking for Bobby Miller Bobby Miller was a friend of Herbs in Col, but when investigators tried to question Miller they got nowhere, not even from prison, the memories yielded a terrifying shadow that investigators turned to. one of Emory's rental properties mentioned in a monitored conversation between Herb Emory and James, they suspected this was the site where Christine had been murdered.
The woman who answered the door confirmed that she rented the house to her memories. Once inside, investigators were dismayed to discover that the house had been destroyed and remodeled, yes, everything, if Christine had been murdered at the scene, all evidence of the crime had been destroyed, with no options, investigators reexamined the files of their cases looking for a clue, something they might have missed the first time that would link them. Memories of Christine's Murder Investigators found phone records linking Bobby Miller to Herb Emory at the time Christine disappeared. They also learned that Bobby Miller had rented a van near Marville the night Christine was last seen.
Well, that suggested his involvement, but they had to find a way. to talk, yes this is quite believable in September 1996, 6 years after Christine disappeared, the police came back to Miller, okay Bobby, you know why they offered him immunity in exchange for his testimony and your lawyer told us He has given it following the advice of his lawyer Miller. really took the deal P all this Miller admitted that he was outside Herb Emory's rental property the night Christine disappeared He said he saw her go in where Herb and Tony were waiting when he heard screams he panicked and left .
Investigators believed they knew what happened next. but without a body to present a murder case against the emories it would be difficult, if not impossible. It had been 7 years since Christine Elen's disappearance, the ATF and the Mville Missouri police had Bobby Miller's account of her murder, but there was no evidence to support it. two and time was running out the suspects in their disappearance Tony and Herb Emory were about to be released from prison determined to prevent their release authorities examined every facet of their case decided to take a closer look at Emory's associates Dana Kiser was not directly involved with Emory or its drug trafficking ring; in fact, investigators interviewed him only because Tony had once dated his sister, according to Kiser.
Tony Emory arrived at his rural house the night Christine disappeared, asked to borrow some gas, and then asked Kiser to show him St. A nearby boat ran cautiously because of Emory's reputation. Fer didn't ask any questions, but took him to a boat ramp on the Missouri River. Tony told him to wait several miles away. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place. Investigators now believed they knew the location of the car containing Christine's body, we now realized that we had to at least try to plan to recover a body from the Missouri River and I think what was going through our minds was a large flood of 1993 and I know I was thinking about that.
Unfortunately, Christine is probably somewhere in the Gulf now after that flood, the currents of the Missouri River are normally powerful enough to move something the size of a car great distances. During the 1993 floods, the river became a raging torrent that overflowed and caused millions. of dollars in damages she was going to suffer was another long shot, but it was all investigators had to go on to make a case against the memories they had to find Christine's car. They enlisted the help of a nonprofit organization called NECR Search International. These Colorado-based scientists helped law enforcement around the world find clandestine graves and hidden evidence.
When Clark Davenport, a forensic geophysicist with a career, arrived at the boat ramp, he had already accumulated a large amount of data before going out to take magnetic measurements that we observed. The make and model of the car spoke with the manufacturer to determine the mass of metal in the engine. We also look at currents in the river, river bottom conditions, river speed, flooding that has occurred since the car entered the river, and the manufacturer's float time. how long they estimated a car armed with that information would float. Necroch scientists spent 2 days searching a six-mile area adjacent to the boat ramp.
They used a magnetometer, a torpedo-shaped device that measures changes in magnetic fields floating several feet below the river's surface. Take readings. every 2 seconds and recognizes large masses, such as those of a car used in conjunction with global positioning satellites. The magnetometer allowed Necror scientists to precisely identify five locations where abnormal masses or anomalies were present on the river bed. I felt fairly confident that the anomalies were consistent with what I'd expect from a car that size, and the next day the researchers returned to the boat ramp with a team of divers battling the river's murky current.
The diver searched the five areas Davenport pointed out as possible locations for the car. Within hours, one of the divers surfaced holding a Missouri license plate. Against All Odds investigators finally found Christine Elkin's car. This was an incredible moment. It was like X Calibur emerged from the lake with the sword. You know, it's just amazing. You know, the emotion that was involved in that. uh we knew we were getting close, now let's close this case, divers attached steel cables to the car and pulled it out of the water, sent it to a Marville garage for processing inside, forensic examiners discovered a piece of wood wedged between the driver's seat and the accelerator in the trunk they found bones wrapped in a rug using hospital x-rays the medical examiner confirmed that they had finally found the remains of Christine Elkins the autopsy revealed a large hole in the skull consistent with trauma blunt Christine They had apparently been beaten to death.
Investigators had the physical evidence they needed to charge the Emorys with murder. They believed that Tony found out that Christine was going to testify against him and offered her money to disappear. She was too terrified to refuse him, but when she went to the house that night the memories had other plans. Once inside, Tony and Herb attacked Christine. Tony dealt her the fatal blow by hitting her on the head with a heavy flashlight. Her body was wrapped in a rug. padded body put in the trunk of his car and driven to the boat ramp there Tony manipulated the accelerator and sent the car down the ramp into the river Herb Emory pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to 22 years in prison Tony Emory was found guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole In mville, authorities knew the name of the victim and her alleged killers, but they fought for 7 years to find her body in a rural area of ​​​​Virginia County.
Investigators had to identify a body before the search for the killer could begin. Amelia County is a sprawling community located in the Rolling Hills of West Virginia. It is a neighboring area with a low crime rate. It is not the ideal place to commit murder. In 1990, while deer hunting, a man made a gruesome discovery in an embankment near a small stream, found a human skull and took it to Amelia County. Sheriff's Department Sheriff Jimmy Weaver examined the skull. His condition indicated to her that he had been outside for some time. The presence of long reddish hair, as well as the small size of the skull and features suggested that the victim was probably female.
Two opposite holes in the skull were consistent. with entry and exit wounds made by a single bullet. Sheriff Weaver and his deputy went to the scene on my way. He was trying to think of who he could be. No one was missing in Ailia. Nobody had called me Ailia. small county nearby um, if something happens, we will know immediately after securing the area. Weaver conducted an exhaustive search, finding more bones, jewelry, part of a blanket and a piece of denim. Worried that the animals might have scattered additional clues, researchers expanded their search and soon discovered. What appeared to be an arm bone and a gold bracelet, the evidence seemed to confirm Sheriff Weaver's original theory that the victim was ugly.
Mail Weaver sent the evidence to the Virginia State Medical Examiner's Office in Richmond for analysis. Chief medical examiner Marchella Fiero examined the remains. The skull told him a lot about the victim, first it showed that she was a young white woman, second, it showed that she had a gunshot wound and that there were injuries related to this gunshot wound and that the trajectory of where this bullet entered and where it was fractured While examination of the skeletal remains continued the medical examiner's office was able to establish that the victim was 5 F2 at 5' 4 tall with reddish blonde hair the description was distributed to law enforcement agencies. law enforcement throughout the state of Virginia the search was on for any missing woman who matched Jane Doe from Amelia County now Sheriff Weaver could only wait and wait in January 1990 the sheriff's department in Amelia County Virginia needed a lead to establish the identity of Skeletal remains were found in an isolated area.
It didn't take long. Police in Chesapeake, Virginia, reported that a woman matching the victim's description had been missing for 8 months. Dental records confirmed the victim was Regina Butkowski, 29, known to her friends. Like Genie, on the same day, agents showed Genie's mother the jewelry recovered from the scene. Jew, please, she identified them as her daughters. Chesapeake police sent case files to Amelia County while Weaver reviewed them and learned the circumstances of Genie's disappearance on the night of May 6. 1989 Genie's roommate discovered that the front door of her house had been kicked in. Worried, she checked the parking lot for Genie's car and it wasn't there.
Yes, please, she called Genie's mother, who told her that she had last spoken to her daughter at 10:45 in the morning. The night before, a fact in police files immediately caught Sheriff Weaver's attention. Jeanie's stormy relationship with a man named Pernell Jefferson. Well, yes, Jeie had met Jefferson at a local gym. He became her personal trainer and the two dated for several months when Jefferson became too possessive. Genie. She tried to distance herself from him, but he refused to back down. One of the things he had a bit of an obsession with was Regina. She wasn't going to accept the fact that she wasn't his or anyone's.
Jefferson's obsession had become frighteningly clear when he supposedly kidnapped the genie in March 1989, but by a surprising stroke of luck, more than 7 minutes of that fight had been recorded on his home's answering machine. It was a very dramatic tape, no one really knew how it was recorded, but that's how it was and it was a situation. that he would hear her say no, Pernell, don't hurt me, don't do things and he continued, you could hear noise in the background and probably one of the most dramatic things was that at one point you heard this tremendously deep son of a bitch Regina never knew that Jeanie's roommate told Jefferson about the tape and threatened to call the police.
He freed Jeie. She refused to press charges against him. However, fearing that he might take out her anger on someone close to her. 2 months later, Genie Butkowski disappeared again. Sheriff Weaver. focused theinvestigation at Pernell Jefferson, a tip came in from Genie's parents: they had received a letter about their daughter's car from an apartment complex in Richmond, Virginia, 130 miles from Jeanie's house, the apartment manager alerted them After Jeanie's car had been parked in the parking lot for 6 months, investigators examined her car in hopes of finding clues linking Jefferson to the murder. They were disappointed during the time the car was there.
He had been exposed to the elements when they had to flood in Richmond. It had been submerged in the flood. Therefore, much of the evidentiary value of that vehicle was lost, but a new lead was quickly established. A resident of the apartment complex told investigators that he knew a man who used to drive the car. Investigators soon learned that Genie's car had changed hands several times. He eventually traced it to a man named Daryl Jones who was incarcerated in Henrio County. Well, Cou Jones told agents that he bought the car from a local man named Wes.
Green Green was with a stranger who claimed the car belonged to his girlfriend. He remembers exactly when this happened. He had taken it from her and taken it from Chesapeake because he was angry with her. Investigators suspected the stranger was Pernell Jefferson. They wanted to know more and believed that Wes Green might hold the key. They just needed to find it as evidence against Pernell Jefferson. The Amelia County Sheriff's Department believed that his friend Wes Green might know more about Jeie Butkowski's murder. You don't want officers to quickly track Green down to an apartment complex in Richmond.
When questioned, he admitted that he helped Jefferson get rid of Genie's car. The officer insisted, adding that Jefferson had borrowed a coworker's car when Genie disappeared. If the car had been used to dispose of her body, it was likely that incriminating evidence had been left behind. Now agents went to the appliance rental store where Pernell Jefferson had once worked, a co-worker confirmed that on May 5, the day Genie disappeared, Jefferson had borrowed her car and did not return it until late in the day. the night. A few days later, Jefferson went to lunch and never returned. Investigators obtained permission to search the employee's car.
The search returned incriminating results. The technicians found traces of lime, a corrosive substance that accelerates decomposition. More importantly, they found reddish-blonde hair similar to that found on Genie Butowski's skull. The hair was sent to the crime lab for analysis. A comparison indicated that the two hairs were consistent in texture and color, investigators now had their first physical evidence connecting Jefferson to the murder of Genie Bukowski. Sheriff Weaver issued an arrest warrant for Cornell Jefferson on charges of capital murder. Authorities tracked Jefferson to Stuart, Florida, where he moved shortly after Genie's disappearance. He left CLE on February 3, 1990, an exchange team broke into the suspect's home and found him hiding in a closet.
They quickly took him to C. He didn't move. 5 months later, Jefferson was extradited to IA County to stand trial for murder based on investigators' evidence. He reconstructed the events of the night Genie Butkowski died on May 5, 1989. Berell Jefferson and West Green drove from Richmond to Chesapeake and broke into Genie's house while she was sleeping. Genie struggled with Jefferson, who dragged her off of her, forced her into her own car, and sped away from her. Green left separately, although investigators never learned the precise location of the murder from him, suspecting that Jefferson stopped in a remote area while he was driving back to Richmond.
He initially disposed of his body on the outskirts of town for fear of being discovered there. Jefferson recruited West Green to help him. They moved the body to Amelia County where they buried it in a shallow grave. Pernell Jefferson thought she had covered her tracks but she underestimated Sheriff Weaver and his deputies and thought he would take her to a rural county where there was probably a rural law enforcement agency that, uh, wouldn't find him or, if they did, wouldn't solve it On March 28, 1991, Berell Jefferson stood trial in Milia County for killing Jeie Butkowski. He was convicted of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison with Wes Green, sentenced to a minimum of 25 years, he was also charged and convicted for his role in Genie's kidnapping in a murder investigation.
Police often discover that the killer was close to the victim, but when a killer prays for a stranger, it's much harder to find him hiding at the Two Rivers Crossing. Witchita Kansas is an all-American town with a touch of Old West charm in it. this story some of the names have been changed on september 17, 1995 a woman called witchita police to report a missing person, she said her friend jod maau got into a brown car on south broadway around 1 :30 the night before and he had not returned. Most missing people turn up within a few days, but South Broadway is a tough neighborhood plagued by drugs and prostitution.
Witchita police immediately began searching for jod. The detectives at my house contacted Becky Sims, the woman who called to report the missing person, hoping to give them more information. Becky told him that she was with Jod and his boyfriend Keith Perry. The night Jod disappeared, a man drove up in a brown car and told him he was there. looking for drugs he introduced himself as Chester higen Botham jod and Keith got in the car to talk to him Becky heard the man offer jod $200 to help him find drugs, jod was reluctant but Keith said they needed the money, he took $100 and left La Auto Detective Dana Gouge remembers that Becky was unsettled by the unusual circumstances of Higen Bam's request.
She was very suspicious of the situation because of the amount of money they offered her to screw her in this situation. She found it very strange. So strange that they wrote down the car's tag number. Investigators traced the license plate to a resident named Matthew Murphy who lived in the nearby town of Newton. They wondered who Chester Higen Botham was and how he was connected to Murphy. They did a back-check on the two men. I'm working on that now They also ran a background check on Jody's boyfriend Keith Perry, they soon learned that he had several outstanding warrants during questioning.
Perry confirmed Becky Sims' account of Jody's disappearance with one important difference: he denied encouraging her to join higen bam in the car suspected of Perry's involvement. Detectives obtained a warrant to search her apartment; they found nothing to identify him. implicate, but they collected several items for possible DNA testing later, now investigators. He had the results of background checks on Chester Higinbotham and Matthew Murphy. A comparison of fingerprint photographs and DMV records showed that Matthew Murphy and Chester Higginbotham were the same man. He had arrest records for robbery and theft going back many years under both names.
In fact, there. There were several robbery charges pending against Murphy's alias in Kansas as well as other states, the change of identity and arrest records made Lt. Ken Landware of the Witchita Police Department very suspicious when we discovered that Matthew Murphy is an alias of Chester Higen Bal, uh, again it's a clue. That will show us that he is trying to hide his background, which has to mean that if he is hiding his background there is probably something there that is more serious than thieves and robberies. The police called higen bam who quickly admitted that he picked up jod maau on September 16 but said he dropped her off later and had not seen her since, despite his claim the police were eager to question and search him his residence.
We were hopeful that we could check his house to determine whether or not he may have been involved in this and we were also hopeful that we could find Jod alive because Higen Bam was the last person seen with Jod, investigators were able to get a search warrant, whatever. Whatever he was hiding, investigators hoped to find the answers at his home, Witcha and Newton Kansas. Police struggled to solve the disappearance of Jod Maau, 28, she was last seen with a man named Chester Higin Bam When investigators arrived at Higen Bam's home, no one was there armed with a warrant, they began searching clues, Detective T Walton found nothing. to suggest murder here we were collecting fibers from the carpet we were looking at his boots and his shoes uh we were looking for a body but we didn't find a body inside the house the investigators were pondering their next move when a car pulled up in front of the house and a couple came out, the man calmly identified himself as Matthew Murphy and asked what was going on.
Investigators served a warrant and took them to the station for questioning. Sit in that chair during the interrogation. Murphy admitted that his real name was Chester Higginbotham. Right, Mr. Murphy, we're here to ask you some questions. He claimed that he assumed an alias when he and his wife were placed in the federal witness protection program. According to Higinbotham, both were witnesses in a mob-related murder case. Higin Bam reiterated his original one. He tells that he picked up a girl who fit Jod Macau's description on September 16. He said she was leaving town, so he dropped her off at the bus station around midnight.
Okay, we want you to do it with the detectives. His story didn't ring entirely true. The times of his fall. Hell it wasn't consistent with the times our bus stations were open here, whether it was the city buses or the Trailway buses, upon walking in and asking him about it he still insisted that's what he did, we knew that that could not have been true, at the researcher's request, Higen Bam agreed to send blood, hair and saliva samples in case a DNA comparison was required in the future. Detectives also spoke with his wife Vicki, she told them that she did not know that her husband's real name was Higginbotham and she contradicted him. her claim that they were in the witness protection program Vicki also said that her marriage was in trouble and that she believed her husband was seeing other women when she was asked about the night Jody Maau disappeared Vicki said she came home from work and found a note from her husband, saying he was going to pick up parts for a car he was working on in a rented garage when he didn't get home at 3:00 a.m. m.
Vicki drove to the garage to look for him and said she surprised him with a girl in her car, even though her husband wouldn't let her near the vehicle. She could see a brown-haired girl in the passenger seat when Vicki confronted her husband. He claimed that he was just carrying the girl. Vicki told him to come home immediately and then left. The husband arrived home about 5 minutes later. Hey, we interviewed your wife based on conflicting information obtained from Vicki. Investigators questioned Higen Botham again, my friend, when they asked him about the garage girl, he claimed she was a friend from a local bar.
Not right, but the detective suspected she was Jod Maau armed with a warrant. Police searched Bam's rented garage inside the suspect's car and found a wad of green duct tape with hair stuck to the adhesive. The researchers also collected a white button with thread, black zip ties, a roll. of green duct tape and yellow rope detectives now believe Chester Higinbotham had murdered Jod Macau, but they couldn't yet prove it without a body. Over the course of several weeks, investigators conducted an extensive search of the area surrounding his rented garage, but did not find him. find something without jod maau's body it looked like chester higinbotham might be getting away with murder weeks after his disappearance the witchita police were no closer to finding jod maau although they suspected a man named chester higginbotham was involved in his disappearance no SCH reported that a friend of his disappeared on October 11, almost a month after Jody disappeared, a county gardener working outside of town made a Grizzly Discovery.
The decomposed body of a woman was lying in a ditch on the side of the road when investigators arrived and believed they had finally found Jod Maau. The victim was lying face down on a sweater and several undergarments were found near the body while searching for clues. The scene threw up alarge amount of physical evidence. She had the black zip ties that she had. Green duct tape like the one found in the shed wrapped completely around her head covering her nose and mouth area. Her hands and feet were tied with a yellow rope that was similar to the rope that was in the shed.
Fingerprint analysis confirmed the victim. It was jod maau the medical examiner performed an autopsy and collected evidence of hair and fibers from the body. She removed the tape for further analysis. Based on her findings, the medical examiner ruled that the probable cause of death was asphyxiation caused by the duct tape covering the victim's nose. and mouth due to advanced decomposition of the body, the medical examiner could not determine whether Jod had been sexually assaulted and there was not enough material for DNA analysis. Detectives would have to build their case on other evidence at the Witcha Police Department's crime lab.
Technician Patrick Cunningham hoped the duct tape would lead investigators to his killer using a solution called gentian. Violet Cunningham looked for latent prints left on the tape when the die comes into contact with human protein residues, like those left by fingerprints. A vivid purple stain appears when the tape of Jod Macau's body was placed in the gentian violet solution, the results were disappointing and when we examined the back near the torn edge, there were some partial fingerprint impressions in that area, but there was not enough detail for comparative purposes for forensic purposes. Examiners had one last chance to present their case against Chester Higgen Batham at the Sedwick County Regional Forensic Science Center in Witchita.
Forensic examiner Gary Miller would use fracture analysis to try to prove that the duct tape on Jody's body came from the tape's role in Higgen Botham. In a rented garage, he first painstakingly separated individual pieces of tape recovered from Jody's body, then analyzed the torn edges to establish the sequence in which the pieces had been torn from the roll. By aligning the Tor Edge, we can see that the fracture like a puzzle fits together, but we can also align that the space between these threads is consistent and we can visually tell by the color that they are consistent.
Miller's analysis showed that the paper tape collected from Higen Bam's garage had been used to Forensic scientists at Bind Jod Maau also compared fibers recovered from the victim's clothing to carpet fibers taken from Higen's car. Bam under a microscope. The texture and color of the fibers were consistent. Detectives had finally established physical links between Jod Macau and Chester Higinbotham. The scientists then compared the button. and the thread found in the garage with those from Jod Macau's shirt they carefully measured the buttons noting similarities in size, design and material the threads from the garage and the victim's shirt were consistent in the end, forensic science had provided detectives enough evidence to file a baton homicide charge based on the evidence police reconstructed the sequence of events the night jod was murdered they believe chester higginbotham took jod maau to the rental garage overpowered her tied her up with duct tape and He killed her then disposed of her body in a ditch along the side of the road Chester higen bam also known as Matthew Murphy was found guilty of first degree murder and kidnapping.
He was sentenced to 40 years without the possibility of parole once and the elements were able to destroy evidence linking a murderer to his victim, but forensic technology has found new ways to overcome these obstacles investigators can overcome impossible obstacles and bring justice for Murder victims long considered missing in New Mexico A coed college is missing Police must assemble a web of evidence to catch those responsible if they ever hope to find She lives in Virginia, a killer uses the interstate as his dumping ground staff. A woman's body is found and investigators have little time and few clues to lead them to a killer who could strike again.
The perpetrators try to hide their crimes, but smart investigators can make the most of it. Obfuscates data and recreates a murder. Murderers treacherously lure their victims by gaining their trust. How is forensic science done? The crimes committed and the betrayal of a blind trust are brought to light. In this


, some of the names have been changed in the city of Las Cruses. New Mexico is located on the Rio Grande River, just north of Mexico, a vast desert surrounds the city, the perfect place to hide a crime. The 911 operator in January 1998, 911 dispatch received a call about a missing student named Carly Martinez, the 18-year-old freshman.
At the beginning of the second semester, when campus police arrived at her dorm, her roommate and her parents were waiting. Have you heard of Carly? They said it was unusual for Carly to not be in contact with us. Later, her father told the police that they had not seen Carly since the day before. and his wife had taken both girls to dinner and then dropped them off in the bedroom around 6:30 p.m. You're welcome, I needed it No one had seen or heard from Carly since the university police began a missing person investigation Her parents and her roommate gave the police a description and photograph of Carly, an extremely attractive girl with hair long and dark eyes, he was 5 years old.
She '6 and was last seen wearing jeans and a brown jacket. Desperate to find her, they posted flyers around campus in the hopes that someone would recognize Cari and contact the police. A massive search effort was launched. Officers and volunteers on horseback combed the surrounding desert area. The police gave a piece to the dogs. of her clothes hoping the scent would lead them to her and the investigators knew that time was running out if Carly got lost or wandered into the desert she wouldn't survive for long. It was 4 days before they got the first opportunity in the case of fellow student Samuel.
Sánchez saw the missing persons signs and contacted the police. A guy who said he last saw Carly with Jesse and one of her coworkers at an off-campus bookstore. According to Sanchez, he saw them at a local skating rink the night she disappeared. and Carly were skating together and holding hands Sanchez told police the couple was later joined by Jason Desnoyers, one of Jesse's friends, as if they were having a good time, they called the Las Cruses Police Department to help the university in research. David Cortez was The lead detective, the co-worker, said they closed the skating rink early that night on the 14th and that he saw them leaving together.
Campus police were the first to speak to Jesse Aalo. Hello how are you? They hoped he could give some answers. How are you? I'm a University Police officer and I just wanted to ask you about your whereabouts and you were hanging out with Carly Martinez the other night. Yes, can you tell me? Aalos said that he was with Carly on a date and that his friend Jason Des Noers had joined them, you know, we went out after skating, they had a few beers at a local bar and they just left it, he told the police. Carly asked to be dropped off at a gas station near campus to use a pay phone, she said she hadn't seen Carly since Detective Cortez found her story strange.
He wondered why Carly would use the pay phone at the gas station and not in her bedroom. The detective now wanted to speak to Jesse's friend Jason Desnoyers, perhaps he could provide more information here. He decided that Jason's story started out very similar to how his friends were a lot of people there, so he decided that Jesse Aalos had a date with Cari and he met them at the skating rink, Jessie, me and his girl, but then Jason's story changed and he decided to go out and have a couple drinks, he said they didn't drop her off at a gas station, he said they took her back to school so we took her to her dorm and dropped her off and where were you guys? , doctor, Detective Cortez?
He began to suspect that he knew that one or both of the boys were lying when it came to his story, since due to the conflicting stories, we sensed something was not right. Detective Cortez asked permission to search Jason Dyer's truck in hopes of uncovering something that might bring them closer to finding Carly. The police noticed some scratches on the outside of the car on both the driver and passenger sides, they spread all the way around. Throughout the car, apart from the fact that the car seemed to be impeccable, we noticed that the inside of the truck was very clean.
Uh, since they had been recently washed, several fibers were collected from the floor and the seat using the chemical luminol. They checked for blood and other body fluids, if any present, they would glow under the light when performing the luminol test. We discovered that the central bench seat area. was lighting up, this caught our attention along with the scratches, some indicators to us that something was simply not right when the investigators examined the seat more closely, they discovered a large reddish brown stain, a portion of the seat cushion was cut away and sent to the forensic lab for testing at the New Mexico State Crime Laboratory, forensic scientist Mark Salvo examined the seat of the truck for human blood, the foam cushion had been removed from the seat and there was an obvious stain on it. that presumptive test for the presence of blood on the side of the material, which you couldn't see at all and I got positive results on that as well as on the foam, where a stain could be seen and I got a positive indication that there might be blood present in those elements, the seat cushion.
The human blood test came back positive, but the recent cleaning of the seat had destroyed all DNA while police gathered evidence. The search for the young woman continues. Carly's disappearance was reported throughout the southwestern United States. A quick heads up here, authorities are hoping the media coverage will tip off someone with information. To present what we just received, we received an updated photo of our victim, uh, Carly just received that this morning from the family and U, as the days went by, we had leads in hundreds of leads that were distributed to the group of work, um, and they continued.
The investigator spoke with an informant who had recently been arrested for a parole violation. He was a neighbor of Jesse Aalos and claimed to have information about a jacket Jesse wore the night Carly disappeared. "You'll find out why you're here," the man said. that Jason Desnoyers approached him several days after Carly disappeared and asked him for a favor. This guy told us that he took Jason's jacket and hid it under a rolled up rug right outside the apartment police searched behind the apartment building where The witness said the jacket was found. There's a rug right here.
They found a roll of carpet where he said they would let me untangle it. Inside was a military style jacket. It seemed to be stained with blood. More stains here. The jacket was bagged. and sent to the lab for further examination after the police obtained a warrant, they also searched inside Jesse Aalo's apartment, why don't you take Liv? A team of forensic experts arrived and canvassed each room in the bathroom. Researchers noticed what they believed to be reddish spots. Blood from the shower curtain was collected for analysis on Jesse's bed. Investigators found long, dark hair. Some of Avo's clothing was also packaged and sent to the lab if the stains found on the jacket and shower curtain were blood.
Forensic scientists would need to compare it to Carly's. Detective Cortez asked her family for personal items of hers that could provide them with a DNA sample. Investigators were reconstructing a case they knew about. The longer it took, the hopes of finding the girl alive diminished. They hoped the evidence would be the break they needed to lead. they were given to the missing student for 5 days investigators in New Mexico searched for missing college student Carly Martinez so far the search has turned up nothing the two men last seen with the young woman claimed they went skating, had a few beers and left her You know, they picked her up at the door, but the investigators didn't believe her story.
Blood stains found on the van and on the shower curtain inside one of the suspect's apartments cast even more doubt, come on, the police obtained a court order to collect DNA samples. Jason Desnoyers and Jessie Aalos were adjacent here I just need some body standards Deser showed up with his lawyer I neededopen a technician took blood and saliva samples from the hair Detective David Cortez supervised the procedure looked for any signs that indicated Des Noers had been in a One of the things I noticed at the time was that he had a large cut on his right hand that It was in the process of healing and a scab was forming, but you can tell it was very recent, not the search at the moment. just a photo Theer's lawyer refused to allow police to take photos of the cut.
Jesse Aalos standards were also collected. All samples were sent to the State Crime Laboratory to be compared to blood stains found on both the jacket and in the shower. Forensic scientist Mark Salvo conducted the examinations. First, Salvo extracted DNA from Carly's personal items to compare it to samples found on the jacket, then applied a chemical solution to the stains on Des Neer's jacket. There appears to be some discoloration here in this area. I'm going to do a presumptive test in the presence of blood. I have a colorless solution that will turn a dark pink color if there is blood.
The jacket tested positive for human blood. Salvo also took a sample of the shower curtain found in Jesse's apartment. Using the same method, he discovered that there was blood on both sides of the shower curtain, these were collected and marked as evidence. Salvo then compared the blood found on the jacket and the shower curtain and was shocked to discover that the blood on these items came from three. Separate individuals discovered that the DNA matched not only both suspects but also the victim. I think it's unusual in a case like that where you can link three individuals to one piece of evidence to be able to prove that all three individuals were injured. and bleeding and left their material on this article or that some of the individuals took DNA and left it on that article, the police still did not know if Carly was alive or dead and believe that the only people who did know were two suspects since so.
Jason Ders had been cooperative at first, Detective Cortez expected him to speak now when we tried to contact Jason Ders. I found out through his lawyer and his family that his whereabouts were unknown, so we moved in with Jesse aalos, is that the city police, Jessy? Cortez hoped that with one On The Run suspect he would get the other to talk well, not wanting to tip his hand, the detective acted calmly and just asked Jesse for help on the case, yes, and we explained that we wanted to talk. about Carly I already have an idea why and uh, if he would help us give us any information he had or knew, one of the things we explained to Jesse was how the family felt not knowing the whereabouts of their daughter .
His tactic was starting to bear fruit with that Jesse del Blu told us let's get in the car let's go for a drive the land around Los Crusis is so isolated that if a person wanted to hide something out there or someone out there they could do it very easily Jesse aalos took Detective Cortez to a remote location in the desert Jesse pointed out where the desnoyers had burned incriminating items what Cortez found in the ashes was chilling there were remains of clothing and accessories zippers and metal rivets eyasses and a women's lipstick and compact case , remember?
I suppose one element was particularly revealing. The main thing that caught our attention were the keys, which were not burned, they were keys, to what we knew was Carly's bedroom number two. 2 and a half miles, let the task force know if you can contact me Jesse told Detective Cortez that Jason killed Carly and burned her personal items in an attempt to destroy the evidence. This is the first statement from him that he actually links to Jason in terms of trapping Carly and killing her. Jesse tried to retrace Jason's steps. the night Carly was killed, but it was dark and they couldn't locate the young woman, contact me on my cell phone, but even without a body, Detective Cortez knew they were close to solving the case, at least here we have Jesse talking with us. and at least we have a place to work with the detectives, so we had a difficult task, they called Carly's parents to identify the items found at the fire scene.
Mr. and Mrs. Martinez confirmed that the keys and earrings were their daughters and then Detective Cortez got an important call raise your hands now put them behind your head behind your head stand behind your head take a step towards me continue walking lie on the railing down get on in the early morning hours of March 17th I received a call saying that Jason ders had been Located outside of San Diego, California, the officer recognized Jason from one of the brochures in the mugshots just by looking we were able to locate and arrest Jason. Jason Neers was transported back to Las Crusis and formally booked for the murder. of Carly Martinez just to the left of him once Jason was in custody, then Jesse Avalos was arrested for tampering with evidence.
Investigators knew that without a body it would be more difficult, but not impossible, to convict them of murder. It's very important to find this body, um not only. for the family, which was a big concern for us because we still needed to process these guys. Police led an extensive search around the scene of the fire. Hundreds of search personnel were on hand to try to locate the remains given the immensity of the desert. The authorities knew the search could take weeks, and despite it all, Detective Cortez continued to pit one suspect against the other, convinced it was only a matter of time before one of them collapsed, we decided we would meet with Jesse. and we would tell him that we have located Jason, who is playing.
It's your fault now Jesse Jesse tells us, well I'll tell you, I'll come out clean now and I'll tell you where he is. I'll take you straight to his body. We told Jesse. Okay, this is your last and final chance. He started a grid. look for and uh we meet us all three can9 is how we want to do it keep it ready one where we can communicate with you. Jesse Aalos again showed detectives several areas where he thought the body was located, even with the help of University Police border patrol. Officers and search dogs found nothing, so Detective Cortez came up with one more strategy on the way out.
We made sure Jesse saw Jason and that it wasn't a Bluff. Okay, Jason, you've got good luck after seeing Jesse Aalos helping the police. Noers now began to accuse his friend of the murder and claimed that he could show the police where Aalos had buried the body. Jason now led detectives to several locations, but Carly's body was not found. Frustrated officials continued searching on their own and eventually the rescue team made a gruesome discovery. Not far from the fire scene, we heard over our police radio that one of our civilian search and rescue riders had located what he believed to be a body.
Cortez and his team of investigators quickly went to the scene and confirmed it was the body. of a young woman after 67 days of investigation the police finally found the missing college student when we got there we knew she was Carly we finally found her. The body was exposed to the harsh elements of the desert for over 2 months and was badly decomposed. Police in Las Crusis, New Mexico, had arrested Jason Desnoyers and Jesse Aalos in connection with the disappearance and murder of college freshman Carly. Martinez, more than two months of investigation came to an end after police discovered Carly's body at a remote site in the desert.
Let's talk on the radio. The body was transported to the coroner's office for an autopsy. The first objective of medical researcher Patricia mcf was to make a positive identification of the body. Dental records easily confirm that the victim was Carley Martinez. An initial assessment of the body reveals signs of sexual assault and 27 knife wounds. Well, we were looking for the cause of death. There were multiple areas of injuries on her. She had stab wounds. in her chest and she had stab wounds to her head and she had some blunt force trauma to the head area as well.
Dr Vince Stephen, a specialist in skeletal biology and forensic anthropology, was asked to examine the wounds. He was asked to determine the type of weapon used in the At that time, um, Deedon had been in the desert for a couple of months, so he was in an advanced state of decomposition, so observe the external wounds on the skin It didn't necessarily give a good indication of what really happened in those areas, McY and Stefan ordered. X-rays of the wounds discovered a small piece of metal embedded in the skull, it turned out to be the tip of a knife, you can see the operation, then they found evidence that another weapon was used, okay, so there was a second pattern of trauma. that was consistent with some other type of object, it left a clear impression that it was not made by a knife.
Stefan and mcy speculated that the other instrument matched the pattern of a set of needle nose pliers. Two weapons could mean two attackers and anyone. of the injuries could have caused cari's death, it would suggest that two people were doing something or that one person had an instrument for some reason left it and picked up another. Investigators knew the second scenario was unlikely with this analysis and the other police evidence. reconstructed how the murder took place that night after Desnoyers skated and AOS took Carly to the desert to continue drinking and then raped her desert. We think when they took Carly with them in the truck sitting between them, they were in control, they thought. they could have done it, they could have done whatever they wanted to her, which you know, was raping her for what they had done to her at that time, that they couldn't just let her go, which you were doing, then they killed her and left her body in a remote location hoping she would never be found, come here, it wasn't the ending Detective Cortez had expected here, we had an 18 year old college girl just starting her life away from home for the first time and just saying : you know how this could happen to anyonedaughter anyone's son Jesse aalos was convicted of first degree murder received a life sentence Jason desnoyers was also convicted and is currently serving a life sentence some murderers take advantage of those they know, gain their trust and do make crimes easier to commit others rely on Vulnerability of strangers in need Virginia's highways offer panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, but on the morning of January 23, 1995, on a remote stretch, a Grizzly Discovery 911 was made?
Where is your emergency? shortly before dawn 911 operators in Washington County received a call about a dead body. near Interstate 81 Central 835 wilderness respond to I 81 North B just before exit 10 responding officer found a half-naked woman lying in the middle of the road Washington County Crime Scene Unit processed the crime area Tex photographed the site and looked for evidence. Here are four blood stains. Investigators were unable to identify the victim at the scene. They did not find a purse or any identification. Police also recovered a GR plastic bag that had been partially wrapped around the victim's head. More evidence was found near a pair of pants. to be the victims three pieces of paper in the pocket it was a piece of paper two steps on it were written two phone numbers both from out of state 304 I think it's Florida the pieces of evidence were packaged and sent to the state crime lab Los Investigators also found another important piece of evidence: a set of bloody tire tracks.
Detective Kenneth Wilson investigated the case. There were some obvious Tire Trad marks leading from the woman's body onto the northbound ramp of I 81 North and down the ramp. It became evident that the vehicle had run over L's legs. Forensic technicians photographed the tracks; it was evident that they were made by a very large truck. Detective Ross Sheets also worked the case to determine the footprints left in the road when he ran over the victim's right. Her leg left marks that appeared to be from a tractor and trailer. The diameter and revolution of the tire led us to believe that this was actually a tractor and trailer rollback.
After a while the detectives canvassed the rural area to see if anyone had heard. Unusually, police found a man who remembered hearing a truck around 3:00 a.m. m. He told police that he heard the truck idle for a few minutes and then heard it turn and return to the Interstate. The man was a mechanic who worked on tractor trailers. He didn't see the vehicle, but he was sure the engine was a Peterbuilt engine,thinking the trucker might still be in the area. Police moved quickly and warned him to detour onto the interstate because a possible murder suspect might be traveling north in a truck with a Peterbuilt.
Motor we also notify the Virginia State Police, West Virginia State Police, Maryland State Police and North Carolina State Police to also be on the lookout for any tractor and trailer that may have signs of blood, hair or human tissue in that vehicle on the road. The station managers closely observed each tractor-trailer the search found nothing unusual the Washington County Coroner's Office performed an autopsy on the body officially identified as Jane Do the medical examiner determined that the victim was between 40 and 50 years old there were marks on her neck which indicated she was strangled. X-rays revealed that the victim's neck was broken.
M also suspected sexual assault, but no foreign DNA was recovered. The medical examiner concluded that due to the presence of insects and the level of decomposition, the victim had been dead for approximately 12 hours. Before she was left on the road, forensic specialists took the victim's fingerprints and palm prints in hopes of identifying her. Both sets of prints were analyzed in several national databases and a match was located in Bloomington, Indiana. The victim was identified as Wanda Jean, 45 years old. Turner police learned her prince was in the system due to a previous arrest on a trespassing charge.
Authorities now needed to locate Wanda's family and notify them of her death. When they spoke with them, they also hoped to gather additional information about her background to assist in the investigation. She was known to hang out at various truck stops and traveled from various parts of the country simply traveling with Truckers, but her family didn't give the detectives much to go on, they hadn't seen or heard from her in months. With very little to guide them, investigators would have to track Wanda's movements in the days and hours leading up to her death. They looked at the phone numbers found in her pocket.
One of the numbers was a taxi company in the game. Gainesville was contacted by investigators in Gainville, Florida. police department and called for help, they hoped someone at the taxi company remembered Wanda Gainesville. The police showed photographs of Wanda to the taxi drivers. A man recognized Heriz. The taxi driver told police that he took her to the bus station around 11:00 a.m. m. on January 22. He remembered that she was only carrying a plastic bag, but Wanda didn't mention where she was going, we lost track of her and everything went cold, but the last place we could locate her alive was in Gainesville, Florida, getting on a bus .
Detectives believed it was the victim's body. was dumped in Virginia about 16 hours later, the investigation expanded to five states, taxed the resources of the Washington County Sheriff's Office and we sent detectives in different directions, going to every truck stop, basically from Rono Virginia to Gainesville, Florida. By distributing these posters and requesting all the information, they hoped that someone had seen Wanda Turner with a truck driver, but no one remembered seeing her and the case gradually went cold. Less than a month after Wanda Turner's murder, a woman's body was found on an interstate highway near Greensboro, North Carolina. the crime scenes were eerily similar once again the victim was part Ned and his body had been run over by a truck if the same killer was responsible for both crimes there could be more to come the police knew they needed to work quickly before they showed up more women killed as Virginia detectives were piecing together the investigation into the murder of Wanda Jean Turner, 45, another body was found in North Carolina.
The newly discovered victim was found partially abandoned near an interstate. Both crime scenes were similar and investigators believed they were searching. A murderer, the medical examiner determined that this victim was strangled like the first. The victim's fingerprints were run through the national database and, like the first victim, she also had a prior misdemeanor conviction. She was positively identified as Cindy Barkley of Georgia. The police located her. Cindy's family said that Cindy lived in Florida and did not keep in constant contact, although the last time she called she said she was going to visit relatives in Maryland, that was about 2 months before, when she called she was at a truck stop and she said it was fine.
I'm going to like, you know, a couple of weeks and then I had to leave. Really yes, I have to go. 13 13 since phone calls home were so infrequent that no one reported her missing and there were no more leads exactly one month later in Kingsport Tennessee, another woman was found dead near an interstate. She was discovered 30 miles from the first victim until the detective leaves. There was no doubt that the murders were all related. The crime scenes were similar. The girl seemed to be in position. on a highway and her clothes were taken down, the victim's fingerprints were processed, she was identified as Tina Madson and, like the two previous victims, Tina had been strangled, police in five states organized a task force to compare the testing, working together they hope to speed up the process.
The search led them to a suspect, we have the address, but so far they had nothing where we would go, as although investigators believed the killer was driving a truck with a Peterbuilt engine, they had no idea who he was or how to find him, extremely difficult to identify. a suspect in this case there are approximately a million truckers in this country and millions of trucks and there is a remote chance of finding a suspect at the Virginia State Crime Laboratory in Rowan Oak, forensic scientists analyzed the only physical evidence they had . a receipt a piece of paper and a plastic bag Fingerprint specialist Andrew Johnson examined the evidence but was unable to reveal any fingerprints on the receipt or piece of paper.
He then looked at the plastic bag found wrapped around the victim's head. In reality, a plastic bag is a The surface is very conducive to latent prints, it is quite slippery, it is not porous and if the individual who touches it has perspiration or an oily substrate on their hand it will leave a very good latent print. Johnson placed the bag in a sealed chamber and then put cyanoacrylate or super glue in a small can and placed it inside a chamber to heat and release the fumes, the glue evaporates and adheres to the oily fingerprints that glow under a light source. alternative After three long months and so many victims, Andrew Johnson made the discovery he believed would change the case.
After photographing the Laten print, I took the photograph and made a five-fold magnification of the latent print and then traced the details of the latent print and transferred it to a piece of acetate. Investigators ran the prints through Virginia's fingerprint identification system, but to their surprise the database found nothing Missouri Alabama fingerprints were their only link to the suspect New Hampshire Pennsylvania police believed they were looking for a truck driver and now they needed to find another way to track him Similar crime scenes have been observed Well, we developed a press release, they made copies of the fingerprints taken from the plastic bag and sent them to jurisdictions across the country.
People who can answer phone calls with this particular evidence. We have a lot of them and just when they were losing. hope to find the Killer something like that his luck changed across the country in Arkansas investigators found a serial killer on the loose three murders were linked to the same perpetrator who traveled the interstates in search of unsuspecting women the only clue connected to Los crimes were a fingerprint found on a shopping bag and after months of empty results, investigators finally got a match. The suspect had been arrested in Arkansas on a misdemeanor charge several years earlier.
The print belonged to Shawn Goble of Ashboro, North Carolina. The Washington County Virginia Sheriff's Office was optimistic that he was their killer, he was a tractor-trailer truck driver, so we thought we had our man, hey Charlie, listen, I've got some things to say. I have to take care of it. I'll be back, Detective Kenneth Wilson. he went to North Carolina and questioned the suspected supervisor. Goble was on the road and due back any minute. The supervisor confirmed that Goble not only drove a tractor-trailer, but that he drove one with an individually Peterbuilt engine, but Goble's co-workers couldn't believe that he was a cold-blooded killer.
He was known throughout his department. He is a quiet, friendly but somewhat lonely truck driver. But he had a good reputation. Investigators obtained the trucker's trip logs to see if there was any correlation between the location of the bodies and that of the suspect. The whereabouts made us determine that he was close to many murders that occurred across the country, especially the ones we were seeing here locally when Goble showed up. The detectives were there to receive him. The police came here. He didn't seem surprised. There was very little reaction from him, but once we told him that he was under arrest and the charge he was being arrested for, he was a little surprised.
Goble denied any involvement in the murders. Mr. Goble, we told you before he told the police that he never met any of them. The victims, I don't think I have seen her before while Goble was detained at the Winston Salem Police Department, investigators processed his truck inside, found a purse containing the driver's license of the last victim, Tina Mson, they also collected numerous strands of hair and found what appeared to be blood when detectives confronted Goble with evidence found in his truck and in the plastic bag. He admitted that he had picked up the women, but claimed they were alive when he dropped them off at police and later obtained a search warrant for his home.
Inside his bedroom closet they made a gruesome discovery. Police found purses, women's shoes and underwear and other personal items. Investigators believed Goble was collecting memories from each victim with evidence stacked against him. Shan Goble finally confessed to the three murderers that there was a plastic bag that he looked at. us for just a moment or two and he admitted it was him, his reaction from then on was kind of subtle, he was very cooperative, his response was really: I'm glad this is over, but I'd like to leave it alone. back. Me and get back on the road, yes, but Detective Wilson knew he wasn't going anywhere.
Well, wow. Goble told police what happened the night he picked up Wanda Turner near Virginia. Wanda asked the trucker for a ride and wanted a party. He said he agreed and killed her and then put the plastic bag over her head to prevent blood from staining her seats. The confession gave investigators more than they needed to bring the killer to justice. We start a crime scene with three pieces of paper and two phone numbers. a plastic bag like a million with a single shot when trying to locate this individual, his confessions allowed Goble to avoid the death penalty, he received three consecutive life sentences.
Murderers may lure unwitting victims, blindly gaining their trust to commit murder, but forensic experts can piece together the details of their crimes and gather the evidence needed to convict, expose the perpetrators' lies and bring them to justice.

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