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The Untold Story of Premier League’s Most Successful Manager

Jun 01, 2024
Considered by many fans to be the best football


the world has ever seen when I joined United, they are worth 10 million there, now they are worth 2 billion. Did CeX Ferguson get you to keep coming back to all the Manchester United teams every year and do it? Again, 49 trophies in 36 years, Sir Alex Ferguson is the




Britain has ever known. What is his secret? How was he able to stay at the top for al


four decades? The more you learn about Sir Alex, the more it makes sense why he was so


that I would be sitting around my bed at night thinking of ways to motivate players because if you are at a club or at United for 27 years you don't you want players to feel like here we go again.
the untold story of premier league s most successful manager
I believe in anyone in the loyalty of communication. and trust and you give them your consideration for the work they are doing, they will give it back to you communication was very important for me to recognize the value of my staff the managerial world today is full of elite tacticians Pep Guardiola miketta even shvi Alonzo but Fergie He was the man who realized that what matters most is not necessarily tactics. Did he rule out of fear? He completely petrified him. Were you afraid of him? Yeah, early in my career, I'm definitely scared when we do something bad or lose some games. the actions and kick the boots, kick everything, the waters, the drinks, something from the past is rough, he gets the passing fluid, he touches the ball, you can see his footsteps approaching your head, he's gone, your head is down and then you see the leather.
the untold story of premier league s most successful manager

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the untold story of premier league s most successful manager...

The shoes come and then the shoes stop and then he comes and he's so red and you shoot the ball. You, as a 17-year-old, see this figure who was so focused on discipline and quality, the real reason for losing his temper is this. Because of expectations, people say I'm ruthless. I think I'm doing my job for Manchester United. It's amazing, but it was good because we learned, but it wasn't just fear that Fergie used to get the best of it. For me, the father figure of his players was simply someone who, both on and off the court, you always turned to and found terrifying.
the untold story of premier league s most successful manager
No, he is one of the kindest people I have ever met in my life. Don't know. He just knew how to deal with people, he knew how to treat people to get the best out of them, which was his main goal. He knew every player, he knew the ins and outs of every player, he knew how to talk to the player. to get a reaction from them, they know they can trust me, they can come to me, it's the way it protects the players. I don't think you've ever seen him come out in an interview afterwards and try out any of his players. but you also have to stay on the right side of him, you also have to do what he expected you to do.
the untold story of premier league s most successful manager
He smiles, but he can also be angry, so let's do the right thing and this ability that he had to handle players didn't come out of nowhere. 1978 at only 36 years old Alex Ferguson joins abedine 4 years after retiring as a player um, he had been a decent player, I didn't earn much as a player, but I had this great desire for him, I reached 32, but without experience managing in the first division, Ferguson's ability to obtain results did not come immediately. I thought this would be easy. I watched my first away game 52 and it was this loss that made Fergie realize something crucial and then I realized that if I didn't get a winning mentality, a toughness in my prayers, I would never survive, he is the best The world's biggest sports psychologist, ever seen, who understood what it took to win football games, might have been the world's biggest bully.
Call him a bully, no, we call him someone who pushed us to different levels, we get to you, you go crazy sometimes, but yeah, genius, absolutely genius, it takes you away from thinking about winning and making sure you win, and that's what he did. . Ferguson did the unthinkable. helped abedine win the


title if you beat R and Celtic you know you're in business we beat Celtic during week 1980 there was a change this was the first time in 15 years that neither Rangers won the


or Celtic, so that gives you a good indication of how difficult it was.
You know the record he had in Abidine when Glasgow Rangers in Glasgow Celic are so dominant in that league that he took Binine from an unsuccessful Scottish club to really challenge the power. of Rangers and Celtic and the success did not end there. Abedine did something unimaginable. They beat Real Madrid in the 1983 Champions Cup final. Our success at Abine is nothing short of a miracle. Actually some people tell me. Did you really beat Real Madrid seriously? Yes, we actually did, that's quite surprising, but it was at this point that Ferguson made a big decision. 1986. Six. Sir Alex Ferguson was appointed manager at Old Trafford.
We haven't won the week in 20 years. It is a great challenge for the Manchester United players. and we will be until it is achieved and my family did not want to go, but I knew I had to go, I had to have the challenge and it was always time to move on at some point and I could have chosen a better Club. This was the ideal club for me, there is no doubt that I will not change, you will all have to change for him, the objective was obvious, there is only one club to beat to win the league and that is Liverpool.
I knew if you beat Liverpool you're on the right track, Fergie, you and I know, he's a series winner, but things weren't exactly prosperous at first, zero trophies in his first three seasons, you gotta treat Wiing as part of progress, a defeat. It triggered something inside you that did something about it, it's part of your life and when it happens you find yourself and we always try to find the reason why we lost that game and that purpose and determinations is that the fans wanted it or not. The United chairman had different opinions, we knew how hard Alec Ferguson was working and we felt that with that kind of effort, that kind of determination that eventually he would be able to change things, he knew what he was trying to do. achieve and I just needed that.
Timely and clearly paying off, Manchester United are the inaugural winners of the Premier League. Manchester United won the Premier League back-to-back in '93 and '94. I think '92 and '93 won that title. I think that really helped. club, uh, to go on and have all the success that they've had in BS for the last 26 years, that 26e spell was finally broken. Do you think you can form a dynasty here the same way samat Busby did while they? I'm hungry because without hunger you can never achieve anything. I will not take my foot off the pedal which is not my nature and I will certainly look to my players to guide me.
The catalyst for this success was new signing Eric Cantona. T he did for Manchester United how professional he was, how he did extra shifts before training after training. His mentality and professionalism stood out to me, but in 1995 something happened that changed everything: the Cyon magistrate sentenced Eric Canard to 2 weeks in prison for his assault. over the Crystal Palace supporter, Ferguson was forced to make a difficult decision. He wasn't the first to think that he had ruined it. No, there was something I said. I need to do something. I need to support him because the world is after him.
We decided to. to find suspend her for 4 months Manchester United today suspended Eric CER all he wanted was attention Eric, you know he wanted attention. He loves to talk football, but not all the players were happy with the way he handled things. I have never seen it. go to Eric Cana for example some of the players would resent him not having to go to Canona and the manager would almost cut them loose because they are all different characters so some people need an arm around them. people need the hairdresser, the manager knew that in the long run he would be good, that he would produce the products at the right time, yes, his man's management was second to none, the fact that he has a different approach with people, that shows how good that it is.
Whether he has special treatment in his work or not, there is no denying that his methods resulted in immense success in the 90s. Canar had reinforcements called the class of '92. You could see from the beginning that there was talent and part of the football that we were. Playing was amazing, we knew we had a pretty good team because we were successful, you knew where you were, if you didn't try hard he would have you and that was it, even when you were a teenager. Of course, yes, when you're a teenager, yes, like I say, you have to have a coach that is willing to give you a chance, give young players a chance and he, he, he, he couldn't wait to give us a chance and Hopefully, we pay you. come back, so giving young people a chance is a fantastic thing and they very rarely let you down.
These WS never made me lose five league titles, including a historic treble, they made it clear to everyone that Liverpool were no longer the best. Alex Ferguson surely will soon be. Sir Alex Ferguson has realized the dream, but little did he know that there would soon be another coach who would give him the ultimate proof of it. However, I arrived on the 96th, the first of October. Arsenal was pretty normal for a period of time before it suddenly became small on Mar. viira it was all Wenger, everyone knew that you have to sacrifice your life for his job.
Alex Ferguson was thinking who is this guy that comes along and thinks he's going to come up and start doing something like that. Venger has been to Japan and doesn't know any English. football, he was the guy to beat, he was done. I thought it was a good opportunity to show that it is not only in England where you know how to play football. Wenger kept his word. Arsenal took three of the next eight available. The league titles we were starting to get closer, it was a brilliant rivalry, that rivalry was like three titles, four titles and then the things off the pitch and then for us to be the coaches, it was a proper rivalry, it is a rivalry, so They press against each other. push each other players push each other to make things worse the Gunners made hi


in 2004 by becoming Invincible, everyone loves Arsenal look at the football they are playing L everyone praises them and it hurts us every day Fergie knew that only his team could end their reign of terror and in October they did exactly that but it was a good night for the club and as you say just onwards and upwards from here hopefully yeah it's a good start For us, hopefully we can get a run going now that Arsenal have it.
They have since failed to capture the coveted Premier League trophy, but this quest to win the war against them came at a huge cost. The scenario with r was a video he made for MV in which the club did not want to go out, the coach thought it was not right, it was a lack of respectful respect etc. to the team for one reason or another he decided to go criticize his teammates what does he want Tell him that the team played well, I said, listen, poor team, it was poor, but this idea occurred to me while rambling and rambling again, the usual nonsense.
I had a chance to watch it with the players before I left and um and it was good, it was building up, it was building up, things were happening where you could see that this moment was going to come the next day. told the players that Ry King would never return to May United again he was the captain of May United because he absolutely overstepped his mark he absolutely overstepped his mark and there was nothing else we could do Fergie acted as Keen of the team after criticizing his teammates in a appearance on mutv No, um, I wouldn't forgive Fon for that if I want to analyze it.
I think we both really loved each other and wanted to do the best for Man United. There was great respect between us, unfortunately, that was probably lost in the end. Roy Keane was He wasn't the only player who got into a fight with the flying boot player who hit David Beckham and I think the manager got in his face, it was something for um for not tracking down Beck, he said something in response and I think It was an accident, that's an incident that was strange if I tried 100 times and a million times it couldn't happen again, he fell in love with Victoria, that changed everything I think, and being a football man, you know , I had to think about my own control with the club.
And where we were going with that, you get on the wrong side of him, it's not nice, it's not bad at all to see, Fergie sold Beckham to Real Madrid later that year and when Keane moved to Celtic United he started to have no titles For three seasons, many began to wonder if this was the end of Fergy's dominance, but it is here that we discover that Ferguson is not afraid of adversity, if anything, it makes him stronger, his relentless need for success and their desire to do better and to make sure that We do not stand still.
I like to see myself in the players and, of course, when I lost the match, you know how I reacted. He was everywhere, that force of energy, ambition and drive that lifted the entire club, breaking through at the perfect moment. There was a certain winger called Cristiano Ronaldo CR7 and Ferguson shared the same ambition to succeed, which Ronaldo will still happen, it was a match made in heaven. United won three league titles in a row and another Champions League to add to the cabinet, still motivated togain. trophies to go to training at 62 years old 63 64 65 you say that Ang is still there, we still win, we win more titles, he still wants the team to play well every weekend.
I think right now it's the best move in the world, but in 2011 Ferguson did it. something even more special for the club The Devils will break Liverpool's record of 18 Premier League titles Liverpool will really knock it off its perch for the time being 12 Premier League titles can you believe it? No I can not. Manchester United officially had more league titles. than Arch Rivals Liverpool, but as we learned time and time again adversity in Ferg's career was always just around the corner, the expectation now is a completely different ballgame than youWe know that every season we come in with the expectation of win the league with a new owner.
Man City sought to do what Arsenal could not. Dethroning Ferg is attached. We have a neighbor and sometimes the neighbors are noisy. We can not do anything. about them and since next year you know we are young enough to do it again, you have seen Liverpool, you have seen enough Arsenal challenges, you have seen Chelsea challenges, does this revitalize you now this new rivalry, so we accept ? challenges that we are good at and have been doing for a long time, so what better way to defend your throne than to sign Arsenal's main man, Robin van persy, he will finally leave Arsenal after agreeing to join Manchester United, but the The fact is that Arsal never offered me a deal, so I looked around and then towards the end of that process I had two options with City and Manchester United, and Manchester United gave me the best feeling, Mr Alis, It gave me the best feeling. wanted to win Manchester United commanding position Liverpool uh crawling Falling Away Manchester City 12 points behind Manchester United can close the gap J 11 games together absolutely not Manchester United now wow, so far ahead Manu and Sir Alex come out the only way they you would hope Mr Alex will come out with a win in the end Robin van persy fit into the team like a glove winning the Golden Boot with ease while Ferguson secured his 13th league title.
I had to wait so long since my first title and it is a great sensation. It's a thank you to Manchester United, not just the directors, not just the medical staff, the coaching staff, the players, the fans, it's all of you, thank you, thank you, when you retire, what would you like them to say? about Alex Ferguson? Would be happy. that they recognized the work in the club and I hope that a contribution is to recognize it your attitude should be I have my chance I am going to win this world I am going to be successful

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