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Pro Paintball Match | Hurricanes vs Virst Factory Lodz and Impact vs. Joy Division : World Cup

May 18, 2024
say, I will say that one of the things that I noticed in Europe is that they don't start with their barrels touching a little bit just in that general area. and then this is uh drula with a good move towards the Joy


wedge and uh Fabian on the d side this time was the only body there trying to do something against him, the


. Pock it up, they don't want to lose those looks from external bodies. like, oh, Mark B, yeah, so Bolo had some good turns in the first


. field in their next game against Infamous by not changing anything, so I was actually talking to Mark last night telling them that they have to be careful, that they have to play the game for the team so far, they can't expect that they can force things all the time , five against three, I mean, yes, five against three. three Advantage here for the Hurricanes versus bagging both cans Logistics Tower I will say that the verse can do that in Europe they are so good with their weapons that they move so well many times that, you know, We are crossing 50 before anyone does something bad, death to the hurricane in the back Center four three Hurricane advantage, but Ryan you have to go into a big battle like this thinking okay, what works in Europe won't necessarily work here in another.
pro paintball match hurricanes vs virst factory lodz and impact vs joy division world cup
Bad hurricane, sorry guys, three on three now went from a five on three


, man, I can't wait until you talk to Bianca about this point, oh and the hurricanes, another body, five on three, to a three on two. Advantage now for something other than hurricanes. They've been good all year again, doing every Sunday and another misplaced death. They're losing a decent amount of guys from their bunkers in this event here, there's an obvious lack of focus in the group here for sure. I don't know what it is and I'm sure Mike will have an answer for that, but they just don't seem to be very focused and if I had to and this is an outside perspective, the outside perspective always is.
pro paintball match hurricanes vs virst factory lodz and impact vs joy division world cup

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pro paintball match hurricanes vs virst factory lodz and impact vs joy division world cup...

All the other teams here were able to find a group of the best to practice against, they only practice against the level. Every other team here came out and practiced on Wednesday in that format, which gave them a little bit more of an advantage, so I think the Hurricanes just came. in this at sort of a disadvantage over everyone else, so it's taken them longer to make the adjustments that everyone else has already made, yeah, and then the question is can you make those adjustments fast enough? Yeah, the reason I said focus is when you see a team that doesn't get penalized and then they show up at an event and you see penalties, you see guys that, unusually, get shot from places yeah, that's focus, yeah, that's you, no you're not mentally prepared to play the game well at your point when you can. when I look at a team if a player plays at a certain level for a long period of time, for the Hurricanes it's all year, yeah, and then he gets to last year, yeah, 14th in the World Cup last year, but even in rookie year, great. and then all of a sudden they show up and I don't see that level of play.
pro paintball match hurricanes vs virst factory lodz and impact vs joy division world cup
Something happened when they got everyone healthy, you know, I mean, it's just yeah, what's the right thing to do? So it's hard to stay consistent. Although man, that's why I give props to teams that are very consistent, it's very difficult to make an


, it makes the Corner Snake, the guys, the toy


keep it to themselves, it's still dry, the division is going to get out of that back part. The center does it cleanly and here comes Fabián, not even there, yes, everyone. the outlet is doing it better than anyone else. I think on this side he is filling out wildly.
pro paintball match hurricanes vs virst factory lodz and impact vs joy division world cup
He's one of those guys that I don't know the situation in life, but I would love to see him on an American team. You know, give it a season to see how. I could do it here I think he would do pretty well, yeah, because he filled that corner from the snake side from behind. Center the can in the center. Tower of the central brick as if he had no problem leaving here. Put him on survival island. The lion chooses which is the nxl. I think I think he'd actually do pretty good going up to the top and when he made the move, the guy in the can is shooting in.
The guy on the brick is shooting in. Nobody is putting. Any of these guys come in and just go all the way, yeah, we're going to force them to make their shots right. The cross field extends here to


as they have both back points on the D side and the snake here comes Zach yakim he goes. to launch towards the wedge thinking about going up a little more, going to Or try to cross the gap okay good zone control here from Joy Division Joy needed that to be a good control for them this is a good point for Joy five div five alive have that corner bunker with Fabián they have the center brick that just shot that guy going up the middle impact trapped with four guys on the baseline if Joy Division can now move towards the snake and come out to the Dorito side, they got in a very good position to win this point, it's very difficult to live on those two cans and Rich when you're on a team like Impact.
I have said this many times and I will continue to say it. Because the truth is, you can't waste a high-body situation and Ryan, that probably pisses you off right when you go up and you're in a high-body situation and you have a lead and guys are making mistakes, especially when you're playing against a team of six. top. times this week, six times we've been up and lost, yes, very nice, I made a comment about the guys needing to get out. I like this a lot better, yeah, put your guy in the middle of the field, this guy needs to go up.
Get next to him, the player at the break gate, here he has to get up on the wedge, let him know. Hey, he moves your gun this way so I can protect him from that. See, that's why I prefer to have it. get out and protect yourself well, but then the outside, once those weapons on the edges get in the middle, now your guys coming out on the edges can walk well, it's Brandon Cornell with the Reed, he gets that kill, but he actually gets a shot, it could have been a That could have been a ricochet shot from f I don't know who just shot Cornell but oh but a bomb explodes on Joy Joy losing a ton of bodies and the bomb was actually D danille there on the D side eating people. up that's a bomb a lot of times when Doton hits that 50 it's so weird seeing him do that it's so weird that Dalton is the hero he's finally finally getting his shine yeah that's really cute I'm glad you brought your uh sarcasm Salty as a veteran here, you know, I've been here once or twice, I know how to get along, Dalon is so good as soon as you know he breaks the Dorito, he goes all the way, so what were we?
We talked before and he's just there, there are players in the league that no matter what team they play, if you don't have one or two guys constantly pushing them, they're going to go down and win the game, let's listen. what Dave Baines has to say here in the pits, wait for the BLX crossover Nick, once they saw the baby, he said the red went straight to the blue, laying on the ground and looking at the blue cut. Xbox was looking into the red. He understands yes. Listen, I heard just give me time, hurricanes, five in the pocket, it seems like five alive for the verse and the verse goes to the center of the field to the center.
Dside wing, great position there, now he's in a good position to close. Take down any Hurricanes player that tries to come out of the snake side, let's see what he can get yeah, so the player that went verst and into the Dorito 1 allowed that player to get up, yeah right, because you you retired Center the gu gun to the Dorito side, now that you have that seam you can go all the way up and the safest fill is from that Dorito side to the corner of the Doro side, it's a small gap, there's only one or two spots. that can shoot so to me that's the first spot you want to get to on that side the player that's there on the dro getting the check looks like he's fine four on five Advantage here for First with field position also just down or up by a point here against New Orleans New Orleans with two in the center back, that still makes me very nervous with them, the best teams are putting more and more pressure on the center back and the longer you sit there with two players , the more possibilities you have for some. random ball bouncing there taking you out I haven't noticed any bounced shots, there are a few I'm hearing about online.
I haven't seen them either, but what I'm hearing online is that there are some bounced shots out there. I just think you're trying to take shots away from a player who is really good and he's stealing a player's shots away from him. He shoots the ball up in the air and it just falls. It's called a trajectory and it doesn't bounce correctly. look at those strawberries, the 50 hurricanes on Dorito's side in a tough situation, they're playing like they're up two or three points by blocking these spots, but they're actually down by one, they finally get to that corner and get out of the middle of back for that can so four in the back now for the Hurricanes, but the version is in that 50 Dorito the 50 Ala the snake in and now the snake two look for these guys in the cans to put a lot of pressure. on them if they can come up the snake side yeah the hurricanes cross the back line to a point looking at Ell Stater eye in the sky here controlling the real estate and looking really good man they took the lead clock off , they look like the most experienced the most experienced team, which they are not right, it shouldn't be like that, this is a big difference in the Hurricanes team from one event to the next, yes, and we are not trying to beat the Hurricanes , but again, if I've seen you jump an 8-foot bar and now you can't jump a 6-foot bar, I ask you guys what's going on.
I've seen them jump over the safe foot bar before and we have to be fair, like we've been saying all year, how amazing they're doing it, how great they're doing it for a new team, how controlled they are, it's a simple equation. I just got a random guy. It's up to me right now, maybe a dad from somewhere and he said, Hey, so you understand things about my son. I say that's not how it works when you play well. I'm forced to talk about how well you're playing and when. you are playing wrong. I'm forced to talk about how badly you took a picture of this guy because I want him off the property.
He says you can't do that. I say H, yes, I can't. stuff up here, man, losing Mike Brown from Dorito 2 there, oh, he comes out of the back center, yeah, Mike's probably going to screw this up, he's coming through, maybe trying to teach his guys a lesson, maybe I'll tell you what. although for this it's a great look for Verst, you know, Verst shows up and I wouldn't say he smokes notorious, but it was a pretty solid win for them, no, they beat us, well, they smoked, they beat them and then, but then Infamous smoked them. and now they are playing against the Hurricanes, a very difficult team for anyone to beat.
When I talk to the best teams in the


and we talk about the Hurricanes, all they say is good things about how well they have played and now versus up. a couple that looks very good, I'm dying to practice, so again they are good fits, so I will also tell you from my experience watching the outbreak in Europe that they get better and better as the tournament goes on, that's good, that is what is needed here. cut man absolutely fine we're in the pits right now with verse so let's listen to some Polish you're not going to understand anything that's being said but listen carefully he said good job he likes Matt Rich and Ry are doing great job up there. in the booth, a tough kill here for Joy to start things off as Fabian is going to die from that back center almost the moment he looked around, looked straight at a ball and here comes Emon's impact, pass the 50 yard line very fast.
Joy gets A that d, even though it hits mid-to-late on the Joy side of the field, they take a final fall penalty, yeah, penalty assessed here, maybe Reer takes out Matt Jackson and, uh, but he misses a couple of bodies, oh nice move though up on Side D, then he gets shot, so it's getting a little chaotic here the body falls all over the place in two, yeah definitely, two left, two left alive, safe for joy and I think two right now for impact, small replenishment for impact as it comes out. wide But here comes the joy of the impact, yes, Joy pushing up the field with Carl Samson entering the outside snake two, they also push towards D1, the impact is already in D2, the corner of the D2 snake for the impact, so it's two against two here, they really should have asked for the impact to change. their t-shirts, i agree, yes it's ridiculous, just an avalanche of gold t-shirts, two against one.
Advantage now for impact as Joy Division lose their attacker on Dre's side that's a big point yeah yeah if Joy could have won this point and tied it it would have been huge Unfortunately they lost that guy and they're fine Carl is trying to make something happen here Carl is going to fully commit, he fired his zuper HT gun, soHe's coming to trade and that leaves Dton Vanderbel, I think, as the only body left. Alive, it was Dalton, so hey, in this format you only need to keep one body alive to ring the bell, so they will award the points and affect another one, so Joy has some work to do and let's hear from the pits here. drla talking to coach D Baines, it doesn't matter, I shot the snake guy when he had your good work, cut in your that was a 23, we won good, he was in your, I got on the wire, I didn't see anyone there .
Good job, a grip Trevor already went backup, the guy at the same time, so that's Tyler Panelio, uh, great kid, really athletic man, played with him, played about 10 men with him in the Factory cap , is a talent. Nick Ripple got a shot off the fast break, but so did the Hurricanes. uh, shooting the tower on Dorito's side from the fast break, yeah, Ripple has come out three times in this


and he's been shot two of the three times, so the one time he went in there he did a great job, but he they lost twice.
They may want to start keeping him inside and having him use that time to get outside instead of that speed. It's very difficult when I'm here not to say my codes. The guy was shot by Rosco. Yes, I'm glad you recognize that. That's because some people don't, it's like, he's at Apple and then, uh, California is open, obviously, uh duh, and I'm like, dude, no one knows anything you're saying right now, so I watch so many sports. ghost when I'm at home re-watching movies and games. I hear you talk a lot about that, so I try, if you hear me fumble.
I'm trying to find that I'm doing very well. I appreciate you not using code jargon, yes, because people at home don't understand what your codes are. I think it's impossible, but I think it's if we could somehow standardize the names of the bunkers so that people back home constantly knew which bunkers we were talking about, but it's very difficult. D1 D2 not Apple Godzilla California Austin, they're already standardized so the China guy, yeah China, what I'd like to do and I've been saying it for years. I would love for you to put it on, whether it's a sticker or a stencil. just put S1 on snake one and S2 on snake two in the bunker so when you're watching this say S2 and then people at home can see that would be cool, why don't you make anyone listen to Matt?
It seems really simple. oh B loses his first attacking side and the Hurricanes are now on his side of the field trying to win this point down by two points I need to come into this match looking for release here goes the first player gets caught the first player makes a read catches the hurricane player but the hurricanes still have three alive it's a three two against one three against one here the hurricane is going to win this point yes and it's over and what Steuart just did is what I expected to be multiple points in a row to see him take advantage of the weapons that are out there, go through the midfield, yeah this is a midfield that like old Nick Laval or Stuart R, there are a lot of guys that should be able to exploit this in the field, uh spika did it.
Yesterday very well he went through the middle shot like three guys, Rodríguez for his team a couple of times, yes, but you have to have a little common sense, you know, René has been playing a little passive when he gets there, we kind of talked about that after the last match, you know we're playing the Russians tomorrow for the tournament, you know you come in, we won that match, you know we may have a chance depending on what happens here, but you know, the reality of the event for us is yes. We can play well and move forward very well, but I just want us to improve, that should be the goal, yes, because only one team is going to win.
Well, the rookie pro team. I know it's like it's big, you know having realistic goals is really important in life because again, you can't start out and say, Oh, I'm going to deadlift 800 pounds like that's not how it works, you don't know. What I will say though is that if you want to earn more points, you should play more against Harris Hussein on the break right now. Joy Division doubles that back center, they get a body attacking the middle five alive but also five alive right now to hit with a two point lead to protect with 7 20 left, they also try to slide a body off that back center , he makes it clean as the dry division continues to push towards the middle of the field knowing that they need it, they have to push the The problem is a bit here.
I love that Fabian has now released him, yes they caught him a little sloppy there but I like the fact that you know he's been playing the snake but he knows he needs to win so he switches and tries to go down the middle and Dro's side he just had his gun pointed the wrong way, yeah, he hit his ex the first time there, it was probably a good kill for Joy, although when they take out Dalton in a four on four situation, you know, when Joy gets five and they live , they play well, they play well.
I've just played so few that I don't think they understand how important it is to play five on five, it's literally probably the most important thing to your success, so no one on the D side here to impact, uh, Joy has a body out. and to D3, so it could be crucial here and Cornell Brandon Cornell knows it, so he goes over to the can and looks for it to try to make a move on those Doritos and the impact is to call Godzilla, which is his code, I think , for the guy in the center of the field, so Corell understands that he is there.
Joy Division arrives next to 50 Doro, which could help him. Zach will receive a lot of pressure in that center tower from those 50 JCs who will also receive some. counter pressure there in the snake insertion impact both also have both cans both facing the sides of the snake the impact has four players three facing the side of the snake one facing the d side less than six minutes to go now here what's stopping the Dorito guy from leaving himself a good question to stop there's a giant brick next to him well yeah Zach is looking in that direction that's the only weapon play with this giant brick the first time he left, he shoots Zach, yeah, exactly what he needed.
He was expecting the same thing, so the impact was now reduced to three dunks both. the cans look this way and now JC is forced to look at Dro the snake side from the snake side because he lost Zach and that's the cross can and those cans get so small when they start penetrating the field , the only thing that maintains the impact. In this game right now is the fact that Joy Division has not come out on the side of the snake. Brandon just caught the gorilla he can do it too and that bunker is blowing up.
He's getting too small for Brandon Cornell right now. Yes, another impact player is on the move. I would like to see the impact player in the middle of the field break free in the middle and enter the impact side of the field to put even more pressure on the impact with a two-point shot. lead by burning a little bit of clock here yeah that's a good point for Joy and like you said right Joy takes out five guys alive they can date anyone but they have to prioritize taking out five guys alive because they play so well when They do, yes.
It's good to see him go back in the game, the pocket a little bit outside of the break because it's not like in Europe, that's not the way they play and they come in very quickly and as you know it's always been like that, they have four groups. Yes, yes, it's a little different, big and limited paint, yes, so you can't stay in a space for 12 to 15 seconds, you shoot and try the split now with the snake 50, let's see if it can take advantage of the impact of its first Shooting. very good at the shootout, well, 50 Dorito and 50 snakes and Carl Samson is going to push the topic, they lose a body on that D side, but Carl Samson eats Cornell and will try to shoot JC, who will try to stay alive must be careful not to get a penalty here in this situation and no penalty is applied oh no Miner there are enough bodies to pull Joy for a minor though hopefully they will still get the point yeah they will get it because there It was yeah two plays, yeah, two players were left alive and I mean, they went to pull the player on the D side to rip off the barrel, just making sure that even if they pulled out the player who came in to ring the bell, that guy with the barrel off would do it.
I went in and rang the bell anyway, it would have taken up a little more time, so if I had been hit, I hope they take out that guy coming in and ring the bell, yeah right, I hate penalties at the end of the game. especially the miners, how is this? It doesn't really affect him. Thats false. Well more or less. It's like that. We're doing this for theater. My arm has actually tightened up a little bit, so I want, I want to keep going. and throw, yes, throw one and, which is really what they could do well, yes, so let's go to Goron right now, the trainer is a great man, don't team up if you get into a team fight, try not to do it with Joy Division, some big guys at that. team, although he is such a sweet guy, he is a sweetheart for being a giant.
Point here for Hurricane Ripple getting a check there on the snake side for the Hurricanes, he looks fine and again burst into the middle of the field first. I love that yeah they got nothing to lose right they got the real estate five on five hurricanes in their pocket they got Ripple on the snake insert and I think Brigil on the Tower on the Snak side yeah Nicks it looks like They've gone to their uh, my God, I'm sorry, May is on this side several times and every time he comes in he looks like he's really uncomfortable, yeah, he's already on the run, or uh, right now, it's 410 to get here versus that one point advantage, yes, the longer.
This is going well for B, in fact, and ideally minutes knowing that the Hurricanes have to push these weapons down, there are less than four minutes left, the Hurricanes will have to start taking some risks here shortly and this is what that we always talk about when you are It's a kind of passive or defensive team and you have few points and you have to change from defense, which is your strong point, to offense, to have done enough repetitions in practice to be able to change and do that in what you're not so good at. do it, yeah, that's a good point, again, that's why you have to practice the right way, you know, make sure you do the right types of exercises, the right ones and have the right learning moments, especially when your team is trying to break up. up and be good enough to win a tournament, you have to play as many scenarios as possible, the battle goes down right now in the middle here, shading towards that D side and it's going to be a trade again, the Hurricanes have to start taking risks a bit. he goes by and gets his man, that guy had to die if the hurricanes were going to try to get into the field, so they still have four bodies left alive, but they're like back in the field, still kinda here, but they're just . down by one, so 308 is enough time to try to advance up the field, but they make the move on the D side to get out to D2, but I mean, compared to D3, they have the two-length gate, the Gap stop as a stop.
Gap safety guns in the back, yeah, and uh, Ripple needs a switch from defense here to offense, right, he's been playing defense inside in the insert all game, well, you're looking here on your screen , see see, it is a point where they have more real estate. They force the Hurricanes to risk that body to get that body over the middle. I like that play. Ripple made a strong bounce there, they're reviewing it, yeah, so I mean, it's getting closer to the time where Ripple will have to commit to Camp. He will have to compromise, yes he isn't and it won't get any easier as the verse continues to move up the field they will put more and more pressure on and it will get harder and harder to get out of that pocket.
Yes, and PT needed to do what they just did a long time ago, yes, over and over again, what we talk about is when you are a passive team and you have to go from being passive to aggressive, sometimes that moment is very challenging , but when you know So you know, damage always has a grudge, we call them a passive team, they are not and not what we say is that they play smart, it's that tactical brilliance, so damage won't waste time on this situation and will hide. in the back and they spend too much time thinking about the move, they thought, okay, look, there are 2 minutes left at some point, I have to commit and make this move and it's there, but that's again with the Hurricanes, you know , that was a question. this event, how good are the Hurricanes right now, you know, I mean, are they ready to win a tournament? or you know, I know coming to the event, but that's, it's very difficult the third bounce of the point so far, yeah, I don't know.
You know what it's like to paint versus shoot, it's better to be lucky than good guys. I'll take three lives on each point, hell yeah man it would have been. I could have been good at


if I had three or four lives at each point, so we're kind of like that. giving the Hurricanes some nonsense, but you know this could be what Mike wants, could be uh,Hey, let's get it down to, you know, uh, 20 seconds and then let's make our effort, let's tie it, let's go to overtime, you know, feel safe. in your soldiers to be able to go out and win that overtime point, but wow, Mike has a lot of balls, yeah, I mean, I'm just trying to do it, I don't have that many guys, we're just going to win, that's our job, we have to paint it . both ways, so it could be like this, I could be thinking this, I could be thinking I like it uh Ripple now moving forward uh P gets caught in the middle Ripple is coming in on the other side of the field and that's going to be huge, he's got the cross-court shot in the 50th. he has the cross shot in the first.
He throws on that D side through a bell and will kill at the Camp. Oh he missed that whoever R is is decimating this tournament's Hurricane chances because this was the do or die moment for the Hurricanes, he wins every battle on the opposite side and I would have lost a lot of money betting on this game , okay, on the Hurricanes this weekend, really yeah, it's just that the Hurricanes didn't do well. in the World Cup last year, so maybe with the four, you know, if you combine the fact, okay 14th place last year in the cup, which was a whole year ago, and then he was so consistent this year, which made every Sunday come, maybe a little pressure. for him you also know they can't handle the pressure that's what I'm hearing right that's not all it's just that sometimes it takes a while to acclimatize it's like the altitude right you know people who are rich you've been traveling to them before until you actually pass over 10,000 feet and you have 40 pounds on your back and you're going to try to make it through that 12 to 13,000 foot pass, you have no idea how your body and your mind are going to react well to that situation and they were comparing hurricanes to damage and the hurricanes are a damage, Este team, but they haven't been doing it for as long as the damage is right, the damage went 10 years without winning, yes, 10 years after being the best team in the


10 years ago, The last two years have been incredible, but this again is just a testament to how difficult it is.
This level impacts Big Bite until reaching 50 Wings on the d side, they kill Joy, two against three. Advantage here to impact with a point advantage five on four on the field, now the diffuse movements move up to keep an eye on Zach there in the center so confusing and Zach can control practically the entire field from that wing on the D side and the brick here on the side of the snake Fabian going to the field up to the snake that man is wild sorry Rich, we are laughing because Fabian he like malloys his way to the position, he shouldn't do CRA, that's what we talk about , it's the most logical way to get to the snake exit practice, we think what you do is run towards the center of the field and they run back around your guy towards the corner like an AR bow, they expose you to all the weapons on the field in the process, if you can run over, touch Dorito and then go back and enter this corner.
Jo Vision tries to get through the middle. and he is trapped by blurring in that Gap we talked about. I mean, we're giving Faan a little bit, but he did a cleanup, you know, and he and he keep doing it, yeah, yeah, but Joy loses that body in the center. It's not helping his chances here, so they're down by one, 3 minutes on the clock, they've got a double stack of bodies here on the snake side. Fabian out, Carl Samson in the insert looks like he wants to make a move, huh, he didn't. They're not going to help in their opportunity they lost that body inside I'll tell you as a coach right here I'm looking at the stance I'm looking are you looking to go and win the point are you looking to sit here and try to win a shootout and I'm going to blow it up if you don't I see standing ready to go get something.
Fabian is going after that right now, so Fabian has now gotten into Serpent 2 and has to worry about it inside. shot even though he's about to be safe, okay, he managed to get through that important gap because the impact has had that body in that environment for a while, so Fabian is in a place where he can start moving, maybe try to produce some offense. Carl Samson trying to close that inside Lane and win a shootout from there and then Fabian a little bit more of what can you say, hey, he's trying to win the point, he has to be good, so at that point it's the Dorito, it's the guy on the Dorito, can you recognize that? your player is here, he's working hard to try to win the point, you have to get involved and then they can see the point so well and they wasted 45 seconds and pissed off Ryan Gray, all in one point, so we just duly scored, yeah, Yeah. that happens like I want to go down and yell at him you should want like we can have a time out please during that during the change there I'm looking into his hole trying to see Mike like he's someone strangle is there any energy down there other than "okay guys this is what we have" and Mike and I are so different in that sense like I'm a passionate guy and he is also passionate in his own way passion no you're right you guys are completely different please , expand on that it's definitely not like he's not very smart, I mean there's just a lot of differences between the two of us.
You knew what you were getting into when you showed up. here with absolutely yes, sure, welcome to the show, no, but sure, but that's the thing, like training teams have styles, players have styles, coaches have styles, but commentators have styles, yes, but There is a situation where yes, I mean the Hurricanes, you are their world. The cup is at stake right now, you are losing to two teams, you should be getting over the breaks and you already lost one, so you can't disrespect them, no, but the Hurricanes have made it so that every Sunday they face the best . in the world and to be clear this is really good for me perversely beating the Hurricanes is good for me because I am in the same group but the reality is that because I am a fan I want the team that is supposed to do what it should supposed to do to get it right and when I saw this design I thought, "Oh man, impact damage, the Hurricanes are going to be really hard to beat on these fields because they play this style of


so well, how many people would do it?" ".
I lost money on the famous Austin Hurricanes game. This guy I will absolutely never stop betting against. I wonder what the legitimate odds of that would have been if we had done that. You would have made a lot of money. Yeah, I like it, there's just no way we're even in the conversation about that, well you know, they're betting on paintball now, it's legal in Colorado, even though I don't live there, it's paintball and sometimes it gets crazy, that's why it's it's fun to watch hurricanes in their entirety they lose one going down the middle they get two alive I mean they have to go all out send 31 seconds they need two it's like hey what kind of stagger attack do you have in the bag? now they're going to lose bodies here and no one will really come out to see they still have five bodies alive.
I've seen hurricanes in this situation and they are one of those teams that will leave living bodies outside. there, the moment the clock expires, it drives you a little crazy to run the verse to get that extra point, increase that margin a little bit. Wow, there are three players converging at the buzzer, the fourth guy in the back just staring at it, looking great. the referee to see who won the race, that's right, I had five alive at that point, Maddie, dominant man and they look great, yeah, you know, we have a five2 game here, but still, we're playing against a team which, on paper, they should lose to, but that's it.
It's not how it works, oh, they got him the magazine, oh, they downloaded the G PK magazine, you know, and well in verse, making the appropriate adjustments from his type of defeat yesterday to Infamous, to better understand the field game, a little bit more in the pocket, get out there when you can, but don't force things, yeah, and they really did it quite massively, they seemed absolutely mature, they seemed like a team that's been doing this for a long time and I know they've done it. In fact, they were very successful in Europe, very, very much. successful there and, you know, look, the Droid division has been around for 20 years, the Tonsons have been around for 35 years, kind of crazy and that's not an exaggeration, the teams around, I think since '89 um, but first I want to say , I just found out about the two of them. years ago, so big respect to them, obviously Hurricane has some work to do here, they have another game, they could go two and two and have a four-on-four opportunity, and both teams dropped a player in the rest, Fabian in the snake for Infamous, I mean.
Sorry to Joy Division, it's a good death to joy to take Brandon Cornell off the field because that guy has been Brandon's handy tool always in the game, so when you shoot Brandon, the impact drops another body while Joy Division also comes out to D2 M. I love the play here to go ahead and put Fabian in this on the snake off the break instead of asking him to make that 100 yard run around the yeah clearly no one can shoot him you might as well having to take a valuable bunker from the breaker, yes, whatever force field he has if Capital, although no one is stopping him from moving forward and he is stopping himself, yes, he has a legitimate force field, not me, he is still doing Let these points be the Viking force field, well, when you know it. descended from Ragnar the brother, yes, when all your grandparents are in Valhalla, Odin shines on Fabian, here in this, sure, Fabian gets a kill in the center, what a shot, now he's pushing the other one, oh, he pushed too hard on that dur, oh. got the kill which should be a penalty for the impact player just come out JC here and they're going to get this one yeah they're going to have a few seconds unless JC does something crazy or there's some crazy penalty yeah because they have too many . bodies on Joy and then Joy is going to JUMP in 40 seconds, they had a chance, yeah that's 43 faan, right down the middle, no one can shoot her.
So back to the verse. I, uh, the first event this year, we were in the Netherlands and people were telling me about this team to see, you should check them out, go see them and you know, every time a couple of people tell you, okay , maybe yes, yes, but several people told me, just go watch them, that's how they play the style in which they do what they do is a little different and I saw them play their first two games. I had never heard of them and I was incredibly impressed, I mean, they just move well, they work well together, oh let's listen. very quickly to the pads, he's a big boy, his family is definitely B.
He went from screaming to being very calm in two seconds. I thought he was going to pull out an axe. He's not a Warhammer guy, for sure. Warhammer, that big guy you always have. a hammer because that way if you have to K I want to hear this in Swedish when the swets start yelling at each other it sounds really fun H breaks a pasta yes, he's telling him to show something change in the Box I guess I like great trainers and I like big referees, they don't argue much because you're a big coach, no, no, I would hate to be a small coach no matter how much I yell at my boys, they get hit, they get hit.
I'm not the biggest guy but it's never stopped me from shouting you have big lungs you have a big presence yes you have a big personality Ryan you know that helps a lot a lot of charisma unlike that guy Mike Bianca why do they get along, don't they get along good? So, well, I mean, it's weird that you guys have a show and you have to come back to it. Ryan, go back to him. Yeah, it's because, when I looked around the league, I wanted to find someone I hated. so we can discuss CU I enjoy arguing I wanted to find the guy I could argue with more could be h now it makes sense I didn't understand it before but now I understand it Mike Bianc that guy Bianca is like I kill Mike Bianca 50 we have the other side, hey, this guy has dialed the Goron dial right now, it's like he's masterfully controlling that P, that's how it's supposed to be done right there, with an intense voice and he's been in this moment several times in Europe, you know they won . the first event was okay and then he played in the all marbles final against the tontons and Drew, well you know, Impact of yesteryear may not have a chance, but Impact has been struggling a little here and there, so they may have done it. a little mistake here and there, they could make one of those mistakes here and allow Joy to take advantage of that draw.
In this game, we would love nothing more than to go to overtime before lunch and I'll tell you what's so exciting. For the fans, I hope it's last year, most of the European teams came and weren't really there, weren't really in the conversation and now they're playing well. He has a fighting chance against Joy Division. You know they had a tough day. yesterday fighting here with one of the best teams in the world 15 two wins, of course, it's two and 0 losses, you know, very good AC Dallas team, sorry, AC diesel team, but, as a fan, it's incredible to see these guys comeand create a little parody, well let's look at the flip side here when we pit with Impact the Legends and to make those guys take a double timeout, yeah, they clearly took a timeout, they took a double timeout.
Wait, right? Let's talk about it a little more. Ty, look at the kills, yeah, look at the kills, you gotta get that quick read in these situations, that's what Dave basically tells him, so the impact is in and out, yeah, panelio, coming out, it's a lot of confidence. that they have in this young player. squad yeah Trevor reer Cornell zupa Jackson yeah gotta get Jackson out there oh they shoot baby and that's a big kill here 39 seconds to go Joy Division down by a length they throw to the center yeah four on five Advantage here for the impact as the impact comes out to the snake insert and the center brick three in the back impact hard to beat with five live bodies out there Three on five advantage now for the impact as Joy Division can use the advantage from the three on four attack for impact as they lose their first player another body Leaving right now, although yes, there are only two players left alive for Joy, they shoot Dera, so only three on two, situation time, removing the clock just 13 seconds, they got a cardal launch.
S A paintballs, stay alive in your place, please Joy, don't be. I'm alive in your place at the end of this don't do that too late, oh god dude I would, it would be a slap in the face all around, you can't be alive in your place when you're down by one, what are you doing? I know a little black man right now in Sweden who's losing his mind worm going worm he's going crazy from time to time I'm not his coach and I want to go there and have someone, yeah, nobody stop what's happening to you, that's one of your newest guys watch guys Joy Division you're going to come back and listen to this never ever if we play this a thousand times you should be alive in your bunker it's like you're missing everything you miss pick your cliché you miss % of the shots you don't do it whatever, you can't be alive in your bunker when you're down by one, just literally get up and run down the field, who knows, maybe with a hit from God or Odin for the Swedes, you get a shot. that guy gets a major, he gets both bodies, you never know what's going to happen, but when you hide in your spots, when time expires, you have a 0% chance of winning, they have to fix that isn't it and you put a guy. in the middle of the field you take out the outside gun, why is this guy still standing on the snake side? like come out here on the snake, come out, you know, the guy on the Dorito side pushes up a place where no one can keep him from reaching 50, you have to respect Joy for giving him a fight here. against the impact but the impact knocking down Joy Division I'm going to take a quick lunch break coming back here later with xfactor taking on the level Extreme New York taking on the aftermath turned gray thank you very much yes, thank you R see how the trainers show yes, look at the coach show Mike Bianca and Ryan Gray will argue for your pleasure and we'll be back here with more of the biggest battle of the year.
The 2023 Nxl World Cup will be held for sports at Matty Marshall. See you in a few.

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