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3 Key Movements Over-50's Should Do Daily!

Jun 19, 2024
If you are over 50 there are three


that you




to improve your strength and mobility and in this video I will show you what those


are and why they are so important if you don't know. who I am, my name is will harow and I am the physio specialist for over 50s here at HT physio INF farum and today we are going to reveal three moves that people over 50


do every day to improve their health now that I have Chosen these three movements because they all deal with areas of the body that become weak, stiff and tight in people over 50 and simply doing these movements a couple of times a day is usually enough to reverse that process.
3 key movements over 50 s should do daily
I now understand that the over 50 category has a wide range of abilities, so for each movement what I have tried to do is divide the movement into an easy component, an intermediate one, and a more difficult component for our over 50s. more advanced, but that being said, these moves are not going to be right for everyone, this is just general information, so make sure to have it reviewed by your healthcare professional to see if it applies to you and definitely avoid any of the moves that cause pain. Now that that's said, let's take a look at three movements so you can practice them at home.
3 key movements over 50 s should do daily

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3 key movements over 50 s should do daily...

The first movement that people over 50 should do


is the squat and this is one of my favorite exercises for mobility in the back of the legs. hips knees and ankles so I'm going to show you the different difficulty levels of this move now, so all you need for it to work is something to hold on to, like a kitchen counter or the back of a chair , something that doesn't move when you start pulling on it so I'm going to use my bed here, what we're going to do is put two hands on the bed like this, leaning forward slightly and then all we're going to do while holding on is to sit backwards. as if we were going to sit in a chair and try to fold the back and sit back down towards the floor.
3 key movements over 50 s should do daily
Now you'll see this is like a stretch for a lot of different parts of my body, so when I'm going to come back like this. I'm stretching my lower back as I begin to bend. What I'm doing now is I'm stretching the bottom of my hips until they're flexed so that my knees are coming towards me and my glutes are I'm stretching and now I'm starting to stretch my quads and I'm also stretching my calf muscles at the back. posterior, so it's such a nice combination movement that you're going to work a lot of different parts of the body doing this, but I appreciate it.
3 key movements over 50 s should do daily
Not everyone is going to be able to do this, so what we're going to do instead, if you can't do this move, we're going to break it down into a few chunks, so the first thing we can try to do is just this part where we just hold on to something and lean back and this will give us a nice stretch in the lower back, so if that's where you need to start, it's absolutely fine to do it and it's definitely valid. You will work your hips slightly if you feel you can lower your body further towards your knees, that will increase the stretch and this would be where you would start if you don't have good knees, so if your knees hurt you can do it.
Look, I'm only slightly bending my knees, but now I'm getting the full benefit in my hips and back. If you find out you have back problems and you don't like doing this, what can you do? You can keep your back really straight and just practice these types of movements, so this is like a vertical squat again, another brilliant move from Bri. There is nothing wrong with doing this if you have back problems and still want to do it. Work your hips and knees and that will also help your ankles. Now what I like to do or tell people to do is just play with these movements, probably for 2 or 3 minutes a day, just getting into that position and holding it.
Really rounding your back and getting your butt as close to the ground as possible is a lovely way to stretch your entire body and maintain mobility in these key areas, so the next exercise I'm going to show you how to do is called the overhand reach. head and this is a great exercise to improve shoulder mobility and mobility of the thoracic spine or mid back, so doing it a couple of times a day is key for these specific areas of the body, so The exercise is quite simple, you only need a wall. First I will show you the simple way to do it and then we will move on to more progressive ways, so many people over 50 do not have great mobility in their shoulders, so what we are going to do is "We are going to work on improving this movement called a pushup, okay, so we'll stand in front of a wall with one hand on the wall like this with good posture and you'll start by just walking your fingers up the wall as high as possible.
You can continue now for many people, this exercise by. It alone will be enough and will improve the mobility of your shoulders, so if you feel stiffness here, just stop here, hold the position for a second, you may want to try leaning slightly towards the wall as long as it is painless and safe for you. do it and then come back down like this, so it's good to just improve your shoulder mobility, if it's really stiff now, if it's incredibly stiff, you might only be able to get your shoulder back up to here, which is fine, just stop here for a minute, hold it, maybe just lean into stiffness and then come back down and repeat a few times in a row, but if you're a little more advanced and you can easily reach your hand up here, what we're going to do next is walk closer to the wall until your nose touches the wall, then your nose touches the wall like this, even with good posture, you want to get pretty close to the wall and then all we're going to try to do is maintain that posture and lift the arm off the wall without raising your nose and then lowering it back down.
This is a great exercise to build shoulder strength and stability in that last movement. We will also work on thoracic spine control, but the key here is to keep the neck relaxed. We do this by keeping our nose gently pressed against the wall and then simply raising our arm, holding it for a second and then lowering it again. I'll show you the other side so again your nose stays on the wall we raise your arm as high as possible we maintain good posture what we want to do is just squeeze your butt as well right before you raise your arm so squeeze your glutes and then lift them up, You can probably see that this arm is a little bit stiffer for me, that's because this arm is the one right now and it hurts a little bit with some of my own exercises, so let's just work on this one a little bit. more until it starts to loosen and until you can regain control over that joint, so it's a great exercise to do, spend a couple of minutes on each side and that will really improve the mechanics and stiffness of your shoulder. upper extremities and, as a result, we will give you healthier shoulders, then the final movement that people over 50 should do daily is hip rotation.
Now, as we age, the hips become stiffer, the ligaments become tighter around the hips and we do lose cartilage in the process of arthritis. You can lose the ability to rotate your hips and then those can be the first signs that something is wrong with someone's hip joint, so if we want to avoid unhealthy hips as we age, this is a key exercise. to do daily, it is very, very simple. We are going to do it lying on our back like this and what you are going to do is stretch one leg and leave the one you want to work bent like this then we are going to bring the leg to 90° like this We have a 90° angle between the thigh bone and your body .
The exercise consists of two stages and is very, very simple. The first thing we are going to do is rotate the leg, bringing the shin along the body. as much as we can until we get to the Natural end and then we'll go the other direction, go back to neutral and then rotate out. Now you can see I basically have a line going down my leg like this so my leg isn't moving it's just rotating and what's doing the rotation is actually in my hip so even though it's the shin that seems to move , all movement occurs from the hip joint, this is like the pivot point and these two directions. of rotation, you may discover or be surprised to find that one of them on one side is very stiff and the other moves quite well and that is the first sign that the stiffness is increasing, but if you start working on it slowly This way, you will simply continue. from one to another, as long as it is painless to do so, it will improve over time.
For many people, this can be quite tiring because what we are doing is working muscles or isolating muscles that are not used to being isolated. but if we do it consistently they will get stronger, so that's that side, let's take a look at the other side, so we bend the leg up like this, the line of force goes down and then that's like your pivot point, so you're rotating. Cross over like this and then you go to the other side like this and you can see that the movement there to me feels a little bit stiffer, which means I should probably spend more time working on the medial rotation, which is turning the thigh inward from that way and then going back to the external, which I'm pretty good at now, as a side note, you might find that most guys tend to be pretty stiff when doing medial rotation and that's because the reversal Hip rotation is more common in men and women tend to be a little better at hip rotation, but both sexes should practice this for at least a couple of minutes a day just to keep hip mobility good.
It doesn't take much practice to start seeing improvements, but the benefits to your mobility and your walking and your strength are definitely worth it, so those are the three moves people over 50 should do daily. I often give these movements to my clients and if they do them over time, what it does is improve their mobility, helps them move with less pain and better strength and leads to better overall health, so if You try them I hope they help you leave a comment below let me know how it went if you tried them and if you want more from me you can.
Buy a copy of my book, it's called Prosper Beyond 50 and you can find it on Amazon using the link below anyway. Thanks so much for looking. I appreciate your time and watching these videos and I'll see you in the next one.

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