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My Quest To Become God On This Server

Jun 10, 2024
The secret surface was full of weak players who normally wouldn't stand a chance against those guys, but luckily for us, Captain Sparkles had an ace up his sleeve, so We all turned to him and he pulled out Captain, what is that? Captain, let me give you everything. weapons Captain Sparkles had access to weapons that only he could summon. Thank you Captain, first of all, we need to take back the White House, who is with me. Unacceptable. We had about 2 hours to claim the White House and restore the captain before he had to do it. log out, so while we were planning how to do it, we thought we should keep it in a safe place, we may have to protect it from all sides and we were heading somewhere where we were heading towards their base force and their base force had a lot of houses and you know it was his base, so it was like he was the king, but we recently nuked him, so I guess in some ways you could say that his kingdom had fallen, so we were flying through it and it was supposed to be the Fallen Kingdom. and we see that halfway there Mystic has built


welcome to the Fallen Kingdom.
my quest to become god on this server
Wow, he had never been in the Kingdom with weapons before. I mean, honestly, who needs the White House when we can have


to not alarm anyone except someone who isn't. on our VC is currently watching We moved and my heart started to race but then I saw who stopped me I spoke up my ex Ally SL God just showed up naked on our doorstep this was very suspicious so we had to go around him with weapons, look, I don't know. I know a lot, okay, all I know is that the White House is upside down and crashed in the middle of Spawn right now.
my quest to become god on this server

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my quest to become god on this server...

I managed to escape alive. Oh, I'm really terrified. What is it that killed our only now? All we knew was that he was running away from someone coming towards us and he was scared. You think I should stay here until we hear the report. Maybe you need a bodyguard. Mr. Sparkle, the three of us are going to go get a scouting report. Okay, come on, good luck. but the moment they left, P started saying that Prince was at the base and the bomb started falling from the ceiling. The captain went to the Tower and then jumped in slow motion.
my quest to become god on this server
Prince broke through the roofs and we tried to stop him with our weapons. As the captain fled, we discovered a horrible truth. Our weapons barely caused any damage. Mr. Cube died protecting the captain and me. Guns don't do anything. Guns don't do anything. The GS doesn't work. Captain answers, answers, he didn't have one. elytra, so I went back to the church to regroup with the captain captain, you know, I got married in this church, careful who's below us, it's us, hey, hey, okay, someone leads the captain like a bunker or something , come on, come on, I tried to follow them.
my quest to become god on this server
When I returned I saw that someone had died inside the church, so I looted his body and got some elytra. The captain was killed immediately and a mysterious player appeared, so I slipped away. I gave it to the captain and we left it in a safe place where we decided on a plan: we would use it as bait to draw the enemies away from the White House, where someone would take it back, fly it here, we would return it to the Captain and win that the ship's gravity would disappear for a while. second, which means we're all going to fall, the White House is falling, it's going to land on me, on you, holy man, it's the White House, the losers, how do I get on this thing, you go up, you go up, I climbed up the white house but the physics was so weird up there and I slipped I fell off the White House I closed it completely oh my god how far from Spawn Pilots ETA how do I move on I spoke where is what we're trying to get to by the The way we want it to spawn where it rightfully belongs to everyone else here is good, we're the real ones, but this Tranquility didn't last long because wait, wait, May just got blown up by an invisible sky pirate and started to accidentally invade an I. shotgun in the middle Mystic sorry in the middle I kept this spell withdrawn in a corner while Absolute Carnage broke out eat the G like your life depended on a c because it does.
I tried the shotgun again and again but the bullets couldn't penetrate his frame armor and we all fled to the balcony, I took a few hits at M because I knew he wouldn't resist the chance to kill me, but I let him into this corner and I trapped him with cobwebs to keep him away from the captain. They shot a jumper still alive and he tried. he pulls them off the edge and one minute finishes the job condemning him to fall. Minute we go, bacon, followed and naked, but in the end I also fell, I hit a floor full of corpses and I started taking things and I saw that Jahoo was also here, but we were not.
He's not alone, maybe he landed in the water with us. I can't fight him, man, I have like four hearts. I'm at 11 hearts, oh my god, I've never been like this. Please land this thing. The three of us, one for a while, but I finally realized it wasn't going to happen, so I ran away. I stayed on the ground looking at the sky, maybe angels, it's very beautiful and then it appears out of nowhere and kills me when I come back, we realized our 2 hours. They're almost over and we need to come to an agreement on how to end this conflict the rebel leader has something to say what do you have to say bacon oh I don't know he was coming show okay I'll sacrifice myself and then Mr.
Cube should be brought back it was really tragic. We deliberated for a while oh, something very scary, yes, funny, yes, firing squad, firing squad, but I think we all knew how it had to happen if he falls in the Kingdom. Could, could. fall in the kingdom yeah, take it, take it, give it a fall in the Kingdom, my friends built this glorious plane with blocks lying around and they came at me like an Uber, wo, down there in the water, run away, we're not in the water, man both. friends and enemies jumped as we headed towards the Fallen King.
I think we are going down too far. uh Mayday, up, okay, someone please hand over to the captain. The castle came into view but he spoke he was losing control and almost hit the Fallen Kingdom Spire and turned red as per the plan he just fell Ash slipped I jumped off as everyone flew into the sky and we prepared for the captain's execution oh boy, this is about to be beautiful, I'm doing it, this crazy guy, please stop. Shooting to the next kingdom, you know, we're live, this is crazy, bro, when is the captain going to jump?
I thought he could bring peace, but maybe he was very wrong. The captain took all my energy to get here, captain, he was just as angelic. in death as he was in life, rest in peace Captain Sparkles as to his dying wish, Mr. Cube was resurrected from the dead and Red resigned and we had to hold a final election like, do you want to lead this? Please, it's okay, we'll just leave. on the line Peter pentar who's your vote voting for a minute mt1 mate zero squid okay do number two is your oh my god mapic who are you voting for I'm voting for M okay actually I'm voting for squid what are you better dude what ashwag is this is crazy take it waffles who we voted for obviously calamari who we voted for this is difficult but after arguing with red I think I'm going to have to vote by the time the votes are counted and It was pretty clear that in the When Tech was going to win, it was over then, but there is a benefit to being friends with the


I voted for Squido last time, but I didn't want to be president when I ran. I only did it because we needed a candidate and I only went with it because it was fun and if having fun was my goal, this was the most fun. I had never had in the LIF yet SMP, maybe even the most fun I have had in Minecraft, meeting Captain Sparkles, blowing up the white house, crashing into Fallen Kingdom and shooting people with guns, it was the most unforgettable experience, so that d H my Phil and I were happy so when the show asked me if I wanted to be president I said no he was a nice big squid I guess I have to say wait a minute sorry okay since Who you vote for, speak up. here who do you vote for widow eight five zero oh man can I call L with the minute Tech?
I don't accept that please that's all then I'm going to vote for squ really yes he voted for you but it didn't matter and he knew that snake is a crazy snake. First place with 21 votes per minute. You are the president. Hello, do you give me three or give me one policy? I don't know, yes, when the elections were over, I said goodbye to my friends. and Ash pushed me aside for some epic law, it's like a massive epic tradition, follow me, follow me, follow me, okay, I have an extra difficult problem starting today. perspective on him, but this is incredibly difficult, why do you keep looking at me?
Yeah, it was nice to enjoy the piece while it lasted and then I went to Australia, I'm in Australia, yeah, I'm having a lot of fun in Australia. Okay, I'm back, man, I missed the entire minute of Tech's presidency, damn, that's crazy. I wonder who was chosen is the new God after the minute. Hello, I have a game prepared for you, Squidward, remember that time you betrayed me? No, how many hearts do you have? I'll do it later subscribe if you want to see that I guess bye.

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