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SNIPER ELITE : Superhit English Movie || Action Full Length Hollywood English Movie

Apr 26, 2024
triggers and what's the code Mike don't tell the bastards that thing Mike Go to hell sick, they can hurt me right? Mike, because I've been here too many times. Mike, come on, tell me, Mike, come on, look, that's right, they can't hurt you, Jonesy, I don't feel anything. They can't hurt you in any way you're the right man I'm the right man Chelsea Josie can you hear me? Oh damn, I'm starting to lose patience with you, you don't even amuse me anymore. I'm going to rip out your heart. I didn't have a cardiologist. You proceed, it's okay.
sniper elite superhit english movie action full length hollywood english movie
I'll give you the triggers. I'll give you the triggers. tell me where they are and you will give me the code no I will not take you to both of them I will give you the triggers you let us go I am not going to leave him here with that animal no way deal thank you set up there are four of them foreigners get the money map of the prison the guard schedule is the same plan they use to escape your cousin totally guaranteed how much about you how much you have excellent stay with them I'm going to call Captain Fawn and have each and every one of them deported, yes, it's the sister of Mike Weston.
sniper elite superhit english movie action full length hollywood english movie

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sniper elite superhit english movie action full length hollywood english movie...

Look, I think we can avoid an ugly situation if your local police escort them. Oh no, wolf, we'll take them to the airport immediately. Thank you. More or less thank you. Great, now that we have the plans, can you get us some weapons? You have no weapons. Oh please, empty your pockets of all valuables. Jewelry. Oh, and watches too. Foreign people. She said yes, come on now, how the hell did they find us? Good boy coming out Good boy coming out Holy Sergeant I saw you take care of some out there and we appreciate it, but now we have weapons and we're not going with you come on Reaver I have a ship hanging there I'm not trying to hold you down I swear did you hear me kill a wolf the situation here is much worse than i thought you're an idiot does he give a damn?
sniper elite superhit english movie action full length hollywood english movie
I'm on the airplane. The police did not show the soldiers. Looked Sergeant. I'm going to let you in on a little something. Mike Weston is expendable, sir. They are escaping bringing reinforcements. Hey, do you have one? I'm going with you, no. So, honey, man, take it, okay, oh, one thing, oh, I owed you that I'm going to rip your face off. God like there isn't enough testosterone in this place. He is already a foreigner, hey, hey, are you a dog? What's up, trash, you're a big bastard, you don't understand the word I'm saying, oh, hey, Jonesy, can you hear me?
sniper elite superhit english movie action full length hollywood english movie
Mike, this is it, we're talking, I'm out of here, yeah, you don't understand. I have to do anything, just follow my example. No, you make your move. I won't slow you down six miles to gain six miles. I'll take it if I have to know how far the prison is six miles, maybe seven, stop these things. We travel the rest of the way on foot. We're too close to the prison to be in this river. Who puts you in charge? If you want to get out of this alive, we have to start functioning like a young soldier.
I knew this was going to happen, the big men had to take control, they should have shot him in the warehouse, okay, we'll vote, we'll vote, we don't need to vote, okay, let's go overseas through the hole, you'll have to take these. Get out, so be it, I fell down a hole with the handcuffs on, can you now, Jonesy, go, wow, my hands up, it's late again? foreigner foreigner Keep the fire They're all dead correct it glad to be out on bail hey, you were coming, you know what to say about your life flashes before your eyes I saw it all man, a loser, where's the cat?
Take a deep breath, follow me, foreigner, Mike, I'm trying to save us, give me the box, shoot it, shoot it, it's them, but there's no cat, I'd say. We wait, we wait, maybe she will die, maybe we will wait and find out where she is down there, maybe they will find us. We dug overnight, disappeared, and figured it out now. I vote, we hope, yes, me too. I believe what I'm hearing. And if? We go in and we can't find her, not that we're getting a second chance, hey man, I was totally right about the boats, come on man, just because your massage doesn't make it bad.
I don't know about the church. being the voice of reason, man, yeah, it's not attractive to them at all, he's right, let's get into it, he would have let us go, you know, let us go, do you think he would let us leave as soon as he gets the code? You're dead, maybe that's a good cheap shot Mike, why did you give him the triggers? Who gives who has the triggers? Hey, our wolf colonel cares about you or me. No, this has nothing to do with the wolf, this has to do with doing the right thing.
What I think about is all the people you're going to kill with those triggers personally, I don't give a damn if it blows up this whole country because I'm not going to be here, it's not even close to having weapons-grade plutonium and without it the triggers are useless. Listen to yourself man, listen to yourself, say it over and over again maybe you'll start to believe it or maybe I'm not thinking too clearly right now, but I'll tell you what, Parker, you're a George, you gave me my name. I would never have given you up, it doesn't matter, yeah, I gave you a monkey.
I once had a good friend named Mike West and you dropped the ball because they took me alive. You know I walked by and screwed you over, Mikey, it should have been you. here for the last year no I you don't think I know don't you think I thought about it every night for the last year? you're right it should have been me it should have been me someday I took a shower Where's breakfast? Please, gentleman, what a beautiful day outside. I invite you to take a walk. Hi Josh, he gave me the code. Oh yeah, okay.
Hey guys, you have a plan with your search. We better do it quickly. American Girl, I'm my boy's sister Mike my patrol they found your friends from Tahiti now the choice is yours this or this 11 15 60. foreigner fifteen sixty that's your code your birthday you will open it for me foreigner wait wait oh one oh eight 35. Elvis's birthday oh come Well, there is nothing to be ashamed of you, your friends, your sister, all of you will not have died in vain, come on, okay, everyone face it, this is a generally weak laboratory under attack, sending law enforcement now overseas yeah will you ever take that bullet oh yeah good time for backup you read my mind foreigner right now i got the good thing come here are you going abroad ready foreigner foreign operation no man operation no man I'm Trigger Happy Pete I'm Trigger Happy I gotta fly tickets get it down thanks guys okay come on in, hurry up, hurry up, uh, hurry up, come on, hurry up, hurry up, get it back.
Hell no, I'm not taking nuclear triggers. Jones was here, those are the triggers. Go abroad right here, come on, I don't know. Hey guys, okay. board, we've been thinking a bit, yeah, it's too unproductive to be with you, it's about time we did some of our Lives, man, so we decided not to go to Hawaii with you, I sure can't change my mind, no, sir , no, they are right, Mike, you should find your own destiny, good luck guys, hello guys, foreigners, foreigners, now my window, foreigners, thank you, foreigners.

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