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I Built a Secret Room, Inside a Secret Room, Inside a Secret Room!

Apr 04, 2024





within a



within a secret room and today I invited Zealous to see if we can find them all. Hey, I suck at secret rooms, so you have one hour to find them all. What happens if I don't? Come out in an hour you can starve can I take this off? can you bye this is extremely extremely intimidating can you hear me? This is your conscious speech oh oh there it is, you go how did it know you're looking at me? TRUE? I'm definitely looking at you, damn he's going crazy right now, this room you'll regret putting me in bro, it won't look the same once it's over, where would a secret room be?
i built a secret room inside a secret room inside a secret room
Don't be sad, I wonder what it's supposed to be. I mean, if you stick your face in the cake I'll give you a clue what the magic word is there's no idea I knew it oh my god there's a cup oh hey thanks for the key in the cup although just a second that's okay we've got it one key, ah, I see, get this out of here, why is the room filling with smoke? It smells terrible, oh okay, let's see, so we have the key, it probably doesn't open any, oh wait, just kidding, it's wide open, there's a lot of smoke in here. hello this is narnia no way congratulations you found the first secret room there are so many wardrobes that just came out of narnia they are all filled to the brim with peanuts but first i have to figure out where i'm supposed to go next Oh, brother, oh.
i built a secret room inside a secret room inside a secret room

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i built a secret room inside a secret room inside a secret room...

Hey, thanks for finding me, it smells terrible in here, I farted in there, so there are flowers and oranges, why are there so many cheerios? Where's the milk, brother? I'm just as confused as you, so yeah, buddy, I don't think so. wait a second what would I do in this situation if oh my gosh I think you just have to go through every cabinet here buddy by the way you have 47 minutes so you better speed it up okay I gotta hurry up I guess it's time we just Come on, why are there so many oranges? Did you check that thing over there?
i built a secret room inside a secret room inside a secret room
Not this thing, oh hey, socks and a new flashlight, oh we found the black light, no way, come look at this, it says an ax here, where the hell can I get an ax? oh I found the ax, yeah they found it, let's get dangerous, hey Jeff I'm going to tear down this wall. Okay, okay, good luck. Oh, oh Dallas, you've wasted about 20 minutes, you better hurry, come on, you're so close, come on, yeah. Yeah, ah, let's go, I broke this glass, oh my god, I just wanted to try, oh brother, okay, I just passed by here I feel like an old man, how can I get through?
i built a secret room inside a secret room inside a secret room
I'm so excited for what's about to happen, here we go. What is this? I feel like I'm in Hawaii. Oh my god, I'm a friend. What are you wearing? Don't know. I just woke up like this. I really don't want to be here. Can I stay empty? oh my gosh have a good spring here you want pineapple juice you sure enjoy it hey it looks like you're having fun in there it's a real Hawaiian punch bro don't worry it won't be for long okay let's see what's up here, there's duct tape here, oh Okay, I gotta figure out what the hell is going on here.
What is this? This is like coconut milk. Oh no, try it, I don't know, friend. If you make a cannonball, I'll give you another hint if you want me to throw a cannonball in a bathtub. You've got half an hour left, man, you gotta hurry, so if you want that clue, you better do it. I'm not going to shoot last time, you didn't give me a clue, oh my god, should I move? Yeah, sure, okay. yeah you can move that way I don't think there's anything here oh geez that's what I hit it was a door oh that hurts so much buddy my knuckles are still red I'm so sorry like I'm destroying your at home right now oh i don't care like i said i just woke up here i don't know where i am guys comment below if you think ryan is in danger oh hey you guys play chess here i'll help you thanks why am I looking in the bathroom right now?
Monkey Butt Anti-Friction Powder. I'll do anything for a lead right now. Take off the microphone and throw all the aroma into the bathtub. Here we go, how do you send a cannonball into this without dying? Send it. brother, send it, oh my god, this is really, really cold, okay, here's your hand, there's another door in this room, but it's invisible, thank you, that's really very good, oh my god, that's not right, No, that's something you already found. It's not like that so I'm looking for an invisible door I'm so confused guys do you have any clue?
I feel like everyone is looking at me. I'm probably so stupid. He's having a hard time with this. Is this bathroom? Real. What is real. And what not. a drink, should this serve? What the hell? I have never felt more uncomfortable in my life. There are a lot of cockroaches. Oh, they've all pooped. They are pooping everywhere. My God! What the hell is good? I have keys. Now that's cool, guys, what do we do with the keys? Time is running out. Okay, where do I take these keys? They just have to find out. Find the invisible door.
There's a cockroach on my hand. Give me another clue. You're my only hope, if you put a cockroach on your head, I'll tell you where the invisible door is, easy, easy, buddy, it's huge, put it on your head, buddy, you have 15 minutes, no, no, no, I can't , friend, he's not going to do it. biting you it's just mental oh my god on camera just seeing it is believing it i hate you jeff get in there oh look at that jeff i don't like this bro do you want that clue send it bro oh he's good everything okay, okay, put the cockroach back in the sink, oh my gosh, go behind the tiki bar, yeah, you're a foot from the secret room, I'm a foot from the secret room, okay, there it is, hello, let's go, oh, that wasn't it. work I'm sorry wait oh he's using the juice jug there's someone out there oh hey there's someone on the other side I'm going to save you I'm so close to freedom play the tiki oh my god hey oh get out of the way david hey buddy I want some bananas just one of them runs out of bananas he's going to get mad at you again I need you to calm down you have nine minutes and 30 seconds here oh my god david david oh oh it's a coke where is it? another I don't know what to do if you can defeat the gorilla in a wrestling match I'll give you the code okay, I'm coming for you gorilla beat him up zos I'm supposed to fight you oh god oh god oh god, I defeated the gorilla give me the code, okay, the code is two five eight six you have three minutes, hurry up, two five eight six, okay, ah, I can't do it without these gloves, hurry up, brother, give me a hug, brother, oh Hi, do you have some merch, oh sick, that's team merch Chris, we gotta go 20 seconds, hurry up, turn it around, come on, don't step on it, watch out, watch out buddy, it's so foggy in here I can't see you get out of the way. 10 seconds, come on, come on, come out, come out, come out, run, oh sweet son, brother, that was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life, oh Jeff, man, you had you, man, you lasted three seconds and you barely made it Seriously, yes.
Dude, oh my god, come on bro, that's where you win the Six Flags tickets and we're leaving right now, come on, come on, dude, come on.

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