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Military coup attempt in Bolivia – President Arce warns of 'irregular' military action | DW News

Jun 29, 2024
We begin with breaking


from Bolivia, where a



appears to be underway. Local media showing images of a


vehicle ramming the Presidential Palace. You see that happened just a few moments ago. Soldiers reportedly took over the seat of government at the Capitol. Leath and President Luis AR denounced what he calls


movements of the army, asked that democracy be respected in the South American country, now his predecessor, former


Evo Morales, also denounced the


s and called for resistance, María Nell Plada, Minister of the presidency sent. We took a video from your office in the Presidential Palace.
military coup attempt in bolivia president arce warns of irregular military action dw news
Take a look. I want to denounce an


ed kuat in Bolivia before the Bolivian people and the international community. I am in the Presidential Palace. I am Mariana de la Pra, the Minister of the Presidency. As we can, see here is the morillo square taken by tanks and military troops, we understand that this is a f


of the army, only that all the people in the square have been evacuated and the soldiers do not let anyone be in this situation it is completely


, as you can see, they have taken the control. the four corners and the established military control troops are inside and we also see troops in front of the Presidential Palace, that is what is happening here right now, it is June 26, local time, it is 1523.
military coup attempt in bolivia president arce warns of irregular military action dw news

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military coup attempt in bolivia president arce warns of irregular military action dw news...

I repeat, Plaza Moro has been taken over by the military, so what we're seeing there is happening, you know, in the last hour or so. I want to go now to journalist Meline Agilar from the Bolivian city of Laas Meline, just bring us a date, tell us what you know, tell us what. It's happening in Bolivia it's okay thank you yes we have a situation in Bolivia everything happened it started two days ago when the commander general of the army was um after giving a statement about Evo Morales saying that he can no longer be


he was a weight of his position in the military army, so right next to ER just after that, the day after yesterday, even though it was already filed, he was still in charge of the military services, so today, following his order, all military forces They went to the director. square muo square and this was recorded as an unusual movement of the Bolivian military services so even the Minister of Government tried to understand what was happening then this person Sun, the former Commander General, yes, he got out of one of these vehicles and he had a meeting with the president of Bolivia Luis AR, they had a meeting and it seems that the Suniga, this Suniga soldier did not want to follow the order to remove these people from the square, they were not following President Mar, we already understood it.
military coup attempt in bolivia president arce warns of irregular military action dw news
We are receiving reports that on live television there in Bolivia it was shown that the president, in the hallway of the Presidential Palace, met the commanding general of the army and they stood face to face, the president ordered the commanding general to have your troops to return to their barracks and leave the city, can you confirm? I mean, okay, that happened and the commanding general of the army refused to follow the president's orders. Yes, that's exactly what happened. The president told the commanding general. move these people, I'm ordering you to do that and he just stood there and then the president asked him if you weren't going to follow my order and he said no, so angry that the president just came back but after a while he really they moved. the main square, but the military is still in that square, so it seemed like it was a confrontation between the president and the commanding general, but I explained mine to the people around the world, you know, who were tuning in, already You know, people have no idea what's going on.
military coup attempt in bolivia president arce warns of irregular military action dw news
Within Bolivia, this is something unexpected. I mean, you are surprised by what has been happening that would take the country to the brink. Well, we are coming out of an economic crisis. We don't have gasoline. There are no dollars. And prices are rising. So it's an economic crisis and people are scared. For example, it was announced that today there will be a blockade of the main products throughout the country, but yesterday they finally came to a conclusion, so it would not be a problem today however people were already scared but we were not expecting something like that we did not expect a military movement so yes we are in crisis but we did not expect this type of event yes, yes, I mean, certainly um a a a a shock and the images that we are receiving there we certainly wish you and everyone present in the laas everything all the best and please stay safe journalist meline agila reporting on what appears to be an




in Bolivia meline thank you yes, that's what it has been.
It hasn't been confirmed but it seems to be fine, thank you.

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