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Necrons vs Astra Militarum - Arks of Omen Warhammer 40k Battle Report

Mar 22, 2024
type of faq typo. See anything, I think it is. because he's like the megamancer he can be with anyone as a diagnostic agent so unless we're missing a faq he also doesn't say oh he literally says dynastic agent yeah yeah so Jubal just jumped into the chat and he said that like well, maybe this is confusing, no, no, I think he's in South Tech colors and I think he comes from South Tech in the Lord, but in the book we're good, oh Drutavian eternity, Reaper says that oricon was in previous editions, now it's a dynastic agent we got there great, thanks don't worry, I appreciate the chat again.
necrons vs astra militarum   arks of omen warhammer 40k battle report
I came in today. I thought I wanted to run it, but I'm still running the lock, but apparently I can't, you're good, that's a good question because we had to check it too yeah, I thought oh no, I knew that, I missed it that's me, that's you, these are them and we have a war zone for you, let's take a look at the industrial power of the Empire it must be defended at all costs, both aliens and heretics will try to take it from themselves and today the


arrive from their cursed dream eager to destroy the backbone of this world that has given so much and already has numbers that swell every year with recruits ready to fight and die for the emperor this year its chance to prove its worth comes early with the arrival of these mechanical monstrosities and the guard is ready to defend Humanity okay let's roll uh silver tide versus honestly a different type of silver tide very recognized today we have this beautiful board that we are going to continue playing we will discuss what obscures what does not as soon as we talk about the today's mission what are we playing document I don't know what we're playing Adrian no one told me yeah let's see if Melanie opens the book no one gave her her abandoned shrines that's exactly what I opened the book man look at you abandoned shrines so elegant this is a grab one two hold on more um and the bonus is we see no man's land so yeah we can't we can't start. no man's land, there is no pre-game movement, which is a joke on you John, I don't have it anymore and the bonus has to do with the central objective, you need to kill something outside the center, or you need to take control of the center , so that's all. about capturing these abandonments and sanctuaries, which is quite appropriate here, this is I don't quite know what this male hot dog burger is.
necrons vs astra militarum   arks of omen warhammer 40k battle report

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necrons vs astra militarum arks of omen warhammer 40k battle report...

I was going to say Taquito Taquito Taquito, that's a good one, oh, that's really deep, it's like a cross section. Not that, it's like when you roll up the Taquito it's like it's definitely cute. I like this, yeah, if you're a layman and you don't know what keto deployment means, that's the dawn of war style, so we each deploy up to 10 inches up, we have five targets here, we have one on each of our rear deployment zones, we have three in the center, here and there, the terrain today we have some dents, we don't play with dents enough, so We have a forest on each side of the middle board uh we have some boxes in the side and then on one of the flanks in the middle everything else is going to be a five inch high breakable obscurable ruin uh nothing has bases today so it's going to if we want to play we'll just declare it if you want to be behind you can be totally blacked out uh today is going to be an amazing game and we have some supporting cast just for you what do I have today? docmail Adrian, you're taking The Treasure of the Aeons ancient machinery and knocking them down looking excellent the necron secondaries got a slap on the wrist yet incredible treasure Beyond John would you like to select three targets in the middle of the board uh here here on that one you did it like this ? any of the three intermediate objectives in the middle, if I control them, I will get a number of points depending on how many of them I control, so if I have one, I will get two, if I have two, I will get three.
necrons vs astra militarum   arks of omen warhammer 40k battle report
I'm going to keep the three, it will be four points, the amazing old machinery is something similar. I need to perform an action on a target outside my deployment zone and if you are canoptic or obsec, or sorry if your opsec ends automatically. at the end of the turn and awards four victory points. I have to control at the beginning of the shift, so John is very upset that he could make this difficult for me. Necrons usually walk on people, so I think this could be a really cool showdown, bring it down, uh, John has a lot of tanks, a lot of vehicles, I'm not the best at killing them, but we have a lot of stuff and we're going to have to deal with these. guys anyway, so bring it.
necrons vs astra militarum   arks of omen warhammer 40k battle report
Find out what Jonathan has today. John is digging RBD boots into the ground with flexible command. Yes, RBD. He was thinking about killing things on the targets, but no. RBD is much more consistent. You have large masses of things, so it will be difficult to kill you. It's really safe with all my infantry and action makers. Note that I can move forward and perform actions with an order, so it should be pretty easy when I disembark, move, and disembark outside of the Transport. Exactly, transportation is a big problem for those boots. On the ground, this is also in RBD's mentality of participating on basically all fronts.
I want to be in different sectors with my infantry, I can't score on the first turn, so keep in mind that in flex command, this guy, Auto 15, literally just has to do it. be close to an officer today I am leading many officers my local gate is an officer I have a tank commander I have leontes I have a platoon squad with Vox then and I have a commissar so I have many officers it should be a piece of cake, not to lose the time, yes, I like it and with that we look for the previous year's run, uh, whoever gets the most points has to go first.
I've got a yellow die, John with the white die, and let's see how it goes, oh. good luck no, I don't know what that means ah, well, with that good luck, have fun, let's do this. I guess you have to get out now. I have to go out. I was totally fine with being able to shoot a little more. Maybe an extra round, but at least this way you're in front of me, it's fun. I'll definitely give you some objectives with that, we'll just get a command point at the start of the turn and, uh, let's take a look.
I have my protocols that I need to declare, I have the uh to start with, it's the Eternal Guardian protocol, this is what Nihar Lock specializes in, if I go second I'll get cover, etcetera, etcetera, so let's start with that and then the one we're going to have for the entire game is just ignoring coverage. It is the one that has to ignore the coverage within the medium range. I think I could make extra AP on six with two moons. but it's actually to ignore the cover, uh, with that, uh, let's see, let's move on to the command phase, we have a number of things, my will will be done from Mr.
Catacomb's command barge and it will be done in this mass of


, uh, Warriors and This mass of Necron Warriors is easy, cool, so we have some Chrono Man response Buffs to pass out. I'm going to go ahead and hand out one from here to the big Beetle unit and one from Oricon to this big Warrior unit. right here, we'll do that for the command phase, we'll definitely remember to do the Cesaris upgrades at the end of the movement phase. Oh, and I was just about to ask you, yeah, yeah, end of fast move, so I'm going to start moving. maybe we can answer some questions from these lovely people who joined us tonight, yes, first we have to thank burly Mr Jam for giving us five memberships and also giving away five members.
Thank you all so much and let's get into some super chats. Thanks super Reedy, hey guys, so you thought the necrons had a pyramid scheme, wait until you get a load of the Astra MLM Atara, okay that's great. I'm just sad that Zach isn't here tonight to appreciate it. He loves mlms. Nobody is more fanatic than him. I do not know what that means. No, no, what does that imply? He's just fascinated by them. Oh, okay, if you're not familiar, MLM is multi-level marketing, basically, it's a pyramid scheme, right, it's like the. fancy term, yeah, um, so they get you, that's how they get you, you can't tell me that grad school wasn't a pyramid, academics is definitely 100 100 uh, I think I want to grab this intermediate goal and warriors are famous for their slowness, so I think I'm Actually, let's pre-release these These Fine bugs and jump here uh, so here we're looking for a trailer here, oh, it's a big five, oh, this is good, that It will do, mistakes are good, but you're okay, thanks. malikith The King of Eternity good list of thoughts so black Templars Grim h.m hellbreak primaris Lieutenant 20 PCS with four PF and CG Seal two by five infiltrator six BG with sacred orb 10 Terminators with SS th heinemann icon cool that's the list this is cool list um I don't know if you want a six mana sword guard I think there are minimal benefits.
I would probably keep it at five to avoid big explosions and a lot of coherence um but that's the only thing that caught my attention, honestly, I like it. the big block Terminator, I think it's awesome and it's going to do well, I think what's coming in The Meta is pretty interesting, honestly yeah, I really like it, just check out those Blade Cars, that's the only thing I think , Templar. It's super interesting right now again now that AOC is gone, they will be very happy that they are involved, not litanies, their promise, let's go ahead and release a trailer on these good people, here we can do it at the table.
Go ahead, we're doing well. So four, these guys don't have any extra movement because we're not next to our overload, so let's just go five and nine, I think let's see that's 10, sorry, 10 out, so it should be 12 away, a nine. should put. We are barely on the target because the targets are a bit wide. I think we're going to oh God these are the only guys that aren't involved oh no John and that's math for you and that's math for you that's literally just math um this is rogal Dorn uh just sitting there uh it's like a little bit. it's a small door Robo a little small Dorn a small door I'll be honest John I'm not the biggest fan I'm really not I think they could actually just sit around for a tour and we're just going to sacrifice some beetles classic sacrifice classic beetles sacrifice classic it's a three men is a three men oh that's why we take these I hate it we say you know what I'm not going to put my you're going to make hamburgers in the water and then I'll be the big fish that comes and bites them it'll be great oh I had another command phase improvement.
Now I realize this is the uh, random canoptic. meter and this will be plus one, three rolls of animation for uh, I guess the warrior squad will be a little quiet on the first turn, cool, cool, and with that we just move forward in the world, well, we could take another Super Chat. thanks Apollo Brown hello Titans, good to see you back melvio I want to ask what is the best way to execute the attackers is the Loading List chapter maybe Etc. I really like your design. I'm excited about the total changes in your points. That's a great question.
Thank you so much. We're happy to be back, so let's see, let's talk about the bullies, John. uh, they want to publish aggressors open to the general concept and also the chapter. Okay, that was my question. Yes, honestly, there are many options. I really like progressives right now. I think I've always been a big fan of aggressive, yeah exactly, I can think of a chapter that you're a big fan of too, yeah, you know, I like salamanders and I can't think of a better chapter to pick up. aggressors themselves than salamanders taking flame aggressors is so valued that their damage output is crazy um yeah seriously I don't know I don't even know what the best option is.
I guess the imperial fists get a lot of mileage because the bolters their bolters ignore cover so that's good, I think for the ultramarines they are also good because of the help of the Super Friends in OverWatch, yeah in that case you're taking bolters probably because of all the repetitions, I guess so, bolters in a strange way. point right now because there used to be a point difference between flamers and bolters so now it's like what does your chapter do better with one of the others, yeah, which is a good problem to have or a good decision absolutely, but I think yes, the number. one would say salamators so with this in mind what would a list style of aggressors look like?
Do you think John? Good question. I guess I think you take all the aggressors you can on a list of salamanders. You take all the things that uh Buffs give them. Things like uh, what's his name? uh Vulcan, his position where you get reps to totally wound with your flamethrowers and the most of your chapter, is really amazing. If we had more flame attackers, I would include them in our salamander army. um yeah, and then you'll do your classic like Apothecary, you'll have some fusers on your eradicators, you might want to do some Terminators with a Thunder Hammer Storm Shield, as well as classic salamander stuff, um, but if you know if you run. many aggressors and that is your unitsupport, thanks as always, I really appreciate it, well this was quite a bit. the broadcast, a very tough game, super fun, a huge fight on both sides, honestly it's been an absolute pleasure, of course, we have a lot of things coming out tomorrow, we have some shorts.
Saturday, of course, is the reservation day. for the world leaders, I'm so excited to play against the world leaders against the Ducati, it will be a lot of fun. I can't wish I could say more, I can't, uh, and there will be a lot more content on those new releases, very, very. soon, of course, if you remember or if a new member participates in the speech so you can vote, which one we will do in next Tuesday's game to determine who could play against a new army of world leaders, it will be fantastic again, thanks guys. as always for hanging out with us it's an absolute pleasure that you make all this possible Taco Bell thanks for a beautiful job producing thanks John thanks for a nice time playing Adrian a lovely host thanks for guiding us through this glorious broadcast.
Quite a wonderful trip today and thanks to everyone at home, so thank you very much for joining us. I see you Super Chat uh let's move on and face it thanks, say Chanel Thalian for the first time live, you arrived right on time, it was hard to get in. time from France oh wait Adrian so how do I say this name oh I don't see this name correctly blank second Point blank you offended this person let's take a look I hope I can say it send a shout Italian I like it uh good job everyone thank you and benue, thank you very much everyone, we will see you next time at the table abroad.

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