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Dumb Sports That Actually Exist!

May 14, 2024
he's the


est sport in the world that



s, like T-Rex racing, who decides to dress up as a T-Rex and then go racing. I'm going to root for the blue T-Rex, oh well that didn't last long and this person now. on a lead it's moving forward we just broke a T-Rex race record this is called dutch channel jumping you climb a pole oh my god that's really kinda crazy bro i saw this this is sick , look at him, see, oh, oh, him. He didn't make it harder but it seems like the first guy made it look easy.
dumb sports that actually exist
This is a balloon World Cup, what the hell am I watching move around the car? Oh my gosh this is really crazy you know this is


kind of crazy oh red wins I love that these guys are wearing helmets even though they are just hitting a balloon could you try this? oh my god, oh my god, it's okay, I don't think he'll eat it on the side of a mountain you have. be like a good crazy parachute jumper achieve that would be fun jump rope competition my can't even see the jump rope he goes so fast the jump rope doesn't


like who really counts how many times he jumped for this you would have to get a camera in slow motion and slowing down the footage just to count how many times he jumped.
dumb sports that actually exist

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dumb sports that actually exist...

I've seen some YouTubers do this, you snorkel in very shallow swamp water, like it looks horrible, imagine drinking. some of that guy in the water is covered in grapes what the hell i love it he's in full snorkel gear even with paddles on have you heard of shooting peas? It seems like this guy is taking this very seriously. It's not a bad blow. Not a bad hit at all. The guy is dressed in his fanciest shirt just to shoot some peas. This guy has a full gun to shoot and this room only has a straw to iron extreme.
dumb sports that actually exist
I don't even know anymore. In Germany you head down the river and you have to do it. ironing this person is climbing a wall and ironing no there is absolutely no way how come they don't drop everything now that they are doing it backwards? Are you kidding me with all these people getting into what really counts as a successful line like surely all those clothes? It's ruined slippery stairs, what am I watching? Dude, Japanese game shows, they just do it different, it's like between us, but they're all climbing up a really slippery look, oh my god, if one of them falls, they all get ko'd.
dumb sports that actually exist
Olympic hay toss. no, oh, that was great, oh no, no, nice, hey, these girls are talented, you know, oh, go on, go on, gosh, no, that actually looks really hard, I don't think I can do it, they're crushing it . This is the Tuck Tuck Polo Championship, a legit thing in Sri Lanka, where you are in Tuk Tuks, there is a different driver than the player, so you get your skills in both driving and playing, and at least you have a goal, I think That's what it's called. This actually seems very difficult, do you know what would happen if I played this sport?
It would definitely be The Conductor, plot the map, buddy, buddy, buddy, you won't catch the map, you won't catch the mat, there's no way Harry Potter, oh, there you go, I pause the video, it looks like he's done it. fact, oh no, this is the worst sport in the world. I'm horrible on the ice and I kick a bowling ball, that's very painful. Tag Chase dude, I've seen this, he's actually so sick. like a parkour course where you try to play tag but they're really so sick of running away from each other that was so cool right?
I wish everyone could experience this, oh, someone is coming, whoa, the wind must be crazy, whoa, when you arrive. up, how do you get down safely? They're out of place, man, they're spec in the distance, oh, going, looks like they're Pogo, going to a lake, crazy, whoa, okay, okay, you know, what impresses me the most is the fact that your hat is still on your head, it actually broke, although have you ever been zorbing oh no, not wet zorbing, why are they filling it with water, here we go, why would you want to be filled with water there?
Maybe it helps make it not so sticky. and painful, it's like going to a golf course, okay, a little bit of water, so you turn gently. I don't know if I want to try it, it seems a little scary. Thumbnail The community gathered for a unique basketball game, basketball, basketball, hilarious, how do you do it? You stop the donkeys from moving, both donkeys stop moving, so they just jumped up and tried to pull them. This is the most fun sport I've ever seen in my life, oh my God, it's not a sport that's torture, really nice, but that guy definitely lost a girlfriend, oh my God, they've gone from flying the plane to getting on what Oh, what, who in their right mind decides that's something they want to do.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it's awesome, but so scary, a pillow fight, wait, I feel like it's actually Savage, you know, oh, it's lost momentum. I think the green guy is winning. The green boy is winning. No way the red boy gets up. Hello champion, this is the Wife Carrying competition. What smallest wife in the world? For this holy moly, they're actually rapping no offense if me. I feel like the older your wife is, the harder it will be, you'll have to go swimming, oh, her face is submerged in the water, oh, this is brilliant, no, this is really amazing.
I love that women have to have helmets, they even carry them on their shoulders. I think that's just bragging Battle of the Oranges, oh my god, genuine Orange War, what the hell caused the game to be defeated? How can anyone win? What is the OBJETIVE? Why does everyone wear those clothes? I have so many questions talking about how it's a mix of soccer and hockey. Are you bouncing the ball? It's OK? People are watching. Oh my God, they're fighting. This is the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life. Oh my God. In fact, I'm so impressed.
I don't know if it existed. What the hell? hold your opponent's toes, oh my god, imagine fighting with someone else's foot, it's like a hand fight, but with your foot we look so painful, ah, he even painted his foot with French colors, no , that's really funny, what do you do for fun? Oh, I only do foot wrestling competitions. What's it for? Oh wow, oh my god, this is sick, okay, that's actually so sick, oh my god, they're actually so good that they can't even juggle normally. These guys juggle while throwing any juggle. That's actually what you're going to tell. yo are ant races or something, look at them, go, oh, someone left, that's not good, their ostrich is out without them, wait for the ostrich to win only YOLO, oh, quickly, take your eyes off, no, okay, we have a lot of people in orange jackets on a giant volcano. it's like surfing on a volcano ok actually i look so sick to be fair geez louise ok you gotta have some balls to do this it goes really fast holy cow chess boxing so whoever wins first Whether it's the boxing match or the chess match, I think he wins. everything, so if you are very strong you obviously want to hit the other person very hard, if you are very smart you could beat him very quickly in chess, this is crazy, man.
I thought about mixing those two things. Lumberjack World Finals. I've seen people climb things pretty fast, but let's take a look, two, one, lumberjack, oh, yo, they're literally human tree climbers, look at it, see, they make it look so easy, oh, you might as well go back down, oh, wow, was it that fast? apparently it's called dragon bow competition, you're basically trying to push and row better than the other side, if you're stronger you'll start moving forward, the guys on the left are crushing it, surely that team will win, they're getting closer and more close, come on, it must be very powerful to do that sport, what is this?
It's like a giant neck trapped in a giant tube, these things are putting these things together, okay I have to say here in the UK we have some strange


, apparently this is a rolling cheese. competition, but you have to get to the bottom faster than that cheese that was rolling to the side, there these people are turned on, oh, no, friend, this seems hard, brother, look at that mom, what a holy cow, look how fast they go down, geez, louise. oh oh this looks cool in a gym or was it scuba practice oh come on look at the timing oh that's so cool what bad delays in real life oh my god oh my god there's no way , there's no way you were going to get me into that. armor with someone who actually throws an ax at me.
I guess once you hit the ground you've lost because he could just hit you over the head with an ax, oh my god man, people who are that good at football are just mental, what the hell me? I can't even do like five Keepy Uppies these people are the best how do they keep it? No, actually it's a cool sport I've seen so far. I'm invested, I'm invested, come on, yeah, oh, but a mountain bike, oh God. Oh my god, the latest in mountain biking like um whoa chill oh my god, I mean this is the coolest route I've ever seen, look how high they are, I think I'll stick with regular mountain biking, what is this? firefighter competition, drink a lot of water, oh man, there are so many of them on the team, holy shit, those guys must have crazy shoulders, look at them throwing up, he's the people you want coming to your house if you ever have a fire . a 12 meter Turkish ball like at the end of the drop, wow, so simple, right, yeah, no, when the ball is greased from top to bottom, what is this guy Brad that looks so tough?
Surely there's no way for anyone to get to the end, look, it's covered. in peanut butter, oh my god, 32 wheels in their suits said: I'm going to turn into anything, so I'm going to turn into a human skateboard, oh my god, how do you stop? Where are the brakes? What happens if a car comes towards you? Did you know? let him have fun, he clearly loves to skateboard and goes fast, oh wow that's cool, climbing rocks literally like 45+ degrees over the wall, oh my god if you fall you'll go so far down too, she broke it, it is bad? that I want someone to fail only for them to land in the water this canoe trip seemed crazy what oh my gosh you're kind of sick you know get ready three two one yeah that's really sick um no who You come up with these ideas, hey. you turn so light your hair are you black?
Does anyone have any breath left? Oh, interesting sport, how is it who has the best balance on a see-saw? Oh wow, they're actually crazy, that kid at the end is vibing, bro, it's okay, she's so good. to jump up and down no, I didn't try that, that's amazing, oh, I always wanted to try that, this seems really hard, although how is it so good?, oh, okay, it's a triple backflip professional but he made a rainbow with it's like skiing isn't hard enough this is an olympic sport it's ballet skiing and it was actually an olympic sport whoa that's crazy you know what makes sense it's cool that they're using these as ski poles for jumping and stuff What the hell, that's so cool, it's like volleyball, but in the water and you can jump, wait for the end.
Okay, okay, okay, what's going to happen? What is going to happen? A ship is coming. Oh, you're not. Sports were crazy. Take a look at even more things you've never seen before. These are really fun, so click quickly before it disappears. I will see you there.

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