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Police Wolfoo vs Police Bufo - Wolfoo Wants to Be a Good Police | Police Cartoon | Wolfoo Channel

Jun 02, 2024
Come on who is the best cop wow for today would you try to be a


officer are you ready? I'm the best cop you should have each other yes h h I can do everything alone eh H huh huh huh oh him oh stop oh no oh no oh pH thanks


wol I just helped you look at me eh let me do it to you thank you both I just helped you again oh huh h huh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh for uh you both did a


job but Next time we fire a dog, doctor, we need help um oh ah oh, doctor can fight, oh yeah, it's better, okay, let's go yeah oh eh he's there yeah oh woo come on cool I want to help you guys no no doctor so weak yeah. can you handle these things yes oh huh M come on yes oh oh come on yes stop stop W stop oh we have to break the door yeah oh come on yeah oh yeah um woo what happened so hurt help me doctor yeah ah yeah okay ah M that's it, look oh thank you thank you ah oh Lucy you're important too doctor yes, the best cop, let's change Rose I won't let you win this time, whatever it is, I'll win anyway stop, stop, yeah, hey, no, uh, uh, hm H just give up now, you'll never be able to catch me.
police wolfoo vs police bufo   wolfoo wants to be a good police police cartoon wolfoo channel
What is the problem? Wooh, being a police officer is not easy at all. Let me show you how to confront thieves. The police have made constant efforts. Can you help me with the training? I want to be a cool cop. Uh, now you ready to catch the thief, yeah, yeah, hey, hey, huh, I'll be the best cop ever, huh, oh, baby master, wow, no, I want to be a cop, huh, my dad is police officer, so I should be, so what? I even taught you how to be a police officer since you were a baby oh mhm a eh h m oh oh oh try it then eh uh I'll do it again this time we'll do it I'll be the Cop no eh h eh that was It's not true, eh, show off, but you guys shouldn't fight now, the team is ruined, no one can be the police officer. uh, you should take turns playing.
police wolfoo vs police bufo   wolfoo wants to be a good police police cartoon wolfoo channel

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police wolfoo vs police bufo wolfoo wants to be a good police police cartoon wolfoo channel...

Sorry, sorry for lying, ah, let's bring this to my house. so my mommy can fix it oh yes, yes, wo, hey, hey, stop, uh, 24 hours being a traffic cop, mhm oh, no, stop, stop, no, eh, uh, oh H hm ooh, green is go, red, it's stop, yellow, it's slower, yes, yes, yes, h, it's yellow light we have to slow down no, it means go faster eh um no don't stop oh no the yellow light is for slowing down you almost hit sloy Sorry see yes yes yes uh huh but there is no red light oh h Hello H um um In this case, the train has priority to go first, so we should give it away.
police wolfoo vs police bufo   wolfoo wants to be a good police police cartoon wolfoo channel
We must stay behind this barrier to avoid danger. Mhm, the police car is stuck. Hey oh me, let's see who can catch the monster car first. M, the police car is the best eh eh oh oh oh m eh eh oh what happened Panda no one can catch me ah aha aha wow help me help me help me help me help me uh H uhhuh oh huh uh-huh oh yeah hooray help me eh please help me oh yeah oh huh H go go go hooray huh oh uh M wow for all of them they are so cool the ambulance or the police plane ooh wow new toy let's play yeah let's catch it oh ah H you're here h Huh yeah wow I don't like it this is not


at all I pray for this m h uhhuh okay I'll show you that the ambulance can be cool too oh wow oh help me oh oh oo aha oh thank you bye eh hi Lucy come on the ambulance is so cool oh huh oh there's also a cat trapped there H oh oh loing we need help eh o wow everyone is fine right hey eh the treasure thief wow roll your roll the guard's mission is to catch the thief and wolof your task is to get three objects from the museum Can we change gears ? uh, follow the rules, uh, uh, okay, I'll show them that they are terrible guards, wow, I can get that easily from Pano, uh, hey, you're supposed to stay here and protect instead of fighting me, yeah, uh, hey eh, eh, eh.
police wolfoo vs police bufo   wolfoo wants to be a good police police cartoon wolfoo channel
This is not good, let's go H oh ah huh ah there's no way we can escape this time oo wow huh oh oh huh Ho oh oh I know how to protect the treasure chest uh I can get through it hanging from the ceiling oo come here eh go this way I'll be there that's P's idea pretty smart eh eh uh or you did it very well thank you attach mommy h huh m h oh you're under arrest, let's go mommy to a forest no, I want mommy to play with me come on can you play with me a hey can you play with me now no o m hey let's talk about it together wo Come on mommy eh yes hooray don't hide mommy I'll catch you right away h oh wow o wow oh m h h Huh why can't I find her oh oh no sh h huh oh oh mommy mommy


to spend time with you she too he needs to rest oh come on Lucy let's wait for mommy to get home a stop, stop H oh no, don't do it you're worried the police will be here H oh ah oh no hey, it's mine, are you rested wow oh, an officer, what? can you help someone in trouble at sea?
Of course we have a cop, this ship to do that Maha help me help oh uhuh if Rhino takes a fight you can catch him yes all the helicopters are always ready for the situation oh oh wow aha woo oh no eh eh help me help yes mhm we have all types of vehicles so don't worry yes I

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