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What If You Detonated All Nuclear Bombs at Once?

Apr 29, 2024
Hey guys,


's up? I'm Charlie and today we'll see


would happen if we


all the





. I'm sure we all have a lot of really burning questions, for example, what would happen if gravity suddenly stopped and what would happen if we poured a glass of water on the sun? In this video we will answer those questions along with many more. If you want to cure your brain's curiosity, watch this video, but first, why not subscribe and hit the button? Notification Bell: Okay, if you clicked on this video. I'm sure the burning question on your mind is: what would happen if we


all the





what if you detonated all nuclear bombs at once
Well, the answer to this question is: it wouldn't be good. You see, right now there are more than 15,000. There are 4,500 cities on Earth and it would only take three nuclear weapons to destroy each one. This means that it would only take 13,500 nuclear weapons to destroy all the cities on Earth and this would also leave an additional 1,500 nuclear weapons unused, but most people don't do that. you really get the power of one, let alone 15,000, well to put that into perspective, that's about three billion tons of TNT. A ton of TNT is about the size of an average human being, so imagine that multiplied by 3 billion 15,000 nuclear weapons is also 15 times. the energy of the crack in our volcano this was the worst volcanic eruption in history, but what would happen if these 15,000 uc exploded at the same time?
what if you detonated all nuclear bombs at once

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what if you detonated all nuclear bombs at once...

Well, these nuclear weapons would basically form a fireball that would surround the entire world. The fireball would be about 50 kilometers wide and would wipe out everything in a 3,000 kilometer radius. Believe it or not, no matter where in the world you were, you would actually hear the explosion, even if you weren't an island in the middle of the ocean. , you would listen to it too. there would be a pressure wave circling the world for weeks, that's right, the pressure wave would actually circle the world, meaning everyone would experience it at different times, not only would there be the infamous mushroom cloud that emerges after a nuclear bomb, but instead of the relatively small mushroom cloud we are used to seeing, it would extend into space and aliens flying by would wonder why there is suddenly a mushroom sprouting from the earth, not only that, if you live in South America, sorry, but you will probably notice The fire is because the nuclear fireball would spread to the Amazon rainforest very quickly, this would create the most largest known to man and would burn down the entire continent of South Africa, and even if you weren't near the nuclear bomb, you would likely win.
what if you detonated all nuclear bombs at once
We will not get out of this alive because eventually the radiation from these 15k nuclear weapons would wipe out everyone and everything, the radius of the explosion would be hundreds of kilometers around, which would make these areas habitable and because the climate and winds can accentuate radiation if this means. nowhere is safe maybe a few secret government owned nuclear bunkers would be nice, but if the 15,000 Youk exploded close enough to them they would also be annihilated, that's right, not even the most powerful and richest in the world would be able to escape if all the weapons nuclear will explode. right away, so now you know why people were so scared when Kim Jong-un threatened to send a nuclear bomb, of course a nuclear bomb wouldn't be that bad, but it would still be pretty bad, but all the 15,000 young people in the world they come. shutting down immediately would mean the end of the world now to our next question what would happen if gravity suddenly stopped?
what if you detonated all nuclear bombs at once
It seems crazy to think because gravity has been around forever, of course, Isaac Newton realized the theory of gravity when an apple fell on his head, but gravity is what keeps us from floating into outer space. Well, if gravity suddenly stopped, then anything not actually attached to the Earth would float, things like large buildings built on Earth would probably remain intact, but all humans and even small trees and animals would float in space. , but if the planet itself is held together by gravity, that means that gradually pieces of land would float into space and within a few hundred years most of the Earth would no longer be on Earth.
It would be floating through space with everything else. This situation would also mean that all humans would be eliminated. That's because all humans and animals would be swept into outer space, and of course there's no oxygen to breathe up there, so we'd all die. The next question we have is what would happen if we poured a glass of water on the Sun? It seems silly to pour water on the hottest thing in the universe, but what would happen when the Sun really went out? Would it have any impact? Well, I think so. Needless to say, nothing would happen if you poured a small glass of water on the Sun, but what would happen if we had a large enough glass that could hold enough water to extinguish the Sun?
You have to remember that the Sun measures about 2.5 billion square miles. Fire pit water only puts out fires because fire cannot burn through the water layer, but you must remember that there is no air in space and water cannot stop the thermonuclear reactions that cause the Sun to burn in First of all, so even if you had a glass of water ten times the size of the Sun, all the water and it would just burn, there is no limit to the amount of water you can pour on the Sun, it will just burn and be devoured by the Sun.
Sun pouring all this water in an amazing way. in the Sun it would actually make it burn even more the sound would be much brighter if we poured a huge glass of water into it that is because in water there are vapors such as hydrogen and oxygen that is because in water there are atoms of hydrogen and oxygen these then Hydrogen being absorbed by the Sun actually helps thermonuclear reactions and adding oxygen to the Sun would create a new star, so pouring a giant glass of water on the Sun doesn't put it out, it makes the Sun burn even brighter. and also creates a new star.
Sun, the next hypothetical question on our list is what would happen if the moon disappeared? Have you ever wondered what the moon is really for? Obviously, it illuminates the night sky so we can see at night, but would anything else happen if the moon Well, the first thing we would notice is that our planet would begin to rotate at twice the normal speed, this would mean that the Sun rotates around us much faster and would cause there to be only eight hours in a day instead of 24. This also means that we would have about a thousand days a year instead of 365.
Also, if there were no moon, we would have a very dramatic climate change, we would have very different seasons and the world would get much hotter because we wouldn't have the gravitational pull of the moon, this would mean various things would happen in the core of the Earth, this would cause things like earthquakes and volcanoes on Earth, so next time If you look at the moon and think about what you are doing, you can remember that the world would be a much worse place without the moon and, finally, the last question on our list is what would happen if the Earth lost all its oxygen for five seconds?
Now oxygen is obviously very important, it's what plants produce through photosynthesis to help humans breathe, but you would lose oxygen for only five seconds. The latter really have such a big impact on Earth. Try holding your breath for five seconds. If you can do it, you'll find that losing oxygen isn't that bad for five seconds, but that's only when it comes to breathing. About all the other things that oxygen does for us firstly, oxygen protects us from ultraviolet radiation, this means that if there was no oxygen we would all get terrible sunburns instantly, plus water is one third oxygen, everyone knows that water is water, so if there wasn't any. that oxygen in the water then all the water in the world would evaporate also if you live in a city built with concrete then say goodbye that is because oxygen binds the concrete and keeps it together if there was no oxygen in the world then all of these buildings of concrete would collapse too because oxygen produces particles to scatter light, this would mean the sky would be black, that's right, we would have a 24/7 night sky, so even if we lost all the oxygen during five seconds and then come back The world would still end, that's because all our buildings would be destroyed and all our water would dry up, not just because we'd all get terrible sunburns and BP would recover from a very scary black sky, so guys , those were the ones that burned the most.
If you have questions, I'm sure you wanted to know the answers. If you have more what-if questions you've always wondered, comment below. I'll try to do some research and find out what would happen to his what. -if you ask, but in the meantime, check out the poll in the top right corner and you can see the most amazing questions on this list to watch, check out some more videos on the screen right now, leave a like if you enjoyed it and if you haven't yet You have done it. What are you waiting for? Subscribe to the Top 10.

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