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r/kidsarestupid | "why are kids like this...?"

Apr 18, 2024
This child wants to get on the bus but it is the bus that appears on television. Ah, why can't I go up? Please, to be fair to the kid, if it's the magic bus, I don't blame him. Everyone wants to get on the magic bus. bus Hello everyone, my name is Jake and welcome to Stupid Kids, where we're going to see


being really stupid. You know, some


can't even drive well. In fact, some of them in


video can, you'll see, but. most of them can't, so we called them stupid. That's more or less like in the video.
r kidsarestupid why are kids like this
Enjoy the girl who went like Pennywise after putting hair removal cream on her head. Oh no, well, she looks much happier in the second photo and she arrives just in time. for halloween so maybe it's not so bad space is so big space is about 50 suns wow


is a book they wrote in second grade called the universe it's amazing how much we've learned since then my brother is looking for a nerf dart hmm wherever it is, it has to be behind the bed, this is where the nerf darts go. I just realized that wherever you look for them, he is always right behind you.
r kidsarestupid why are kids like this

More Interesting Facts About,

r kidsarestupid why are kids like this...

An 11-year-old boy stole a school bus and apparently drives like a pro. This is one of the angles. oh oh, that's actually very dangerous, yes, people have to get out of there, how could people just him? How did he manage to steal it and how does he know how to drive it? This is Opie's son trying to box and you managed to get it. he recorded himself oh, the reaction is great, he just sat there laughing with his head up, he loves it years ago, a kid at school used to throw parties all the time since his parents were always away on the weekends week.
r kidsarestupid why are kids like this
It was great being 16 and always having a place where we went and got drunk until someone pooped in their kettle and we were never invited back, oh apparently poop when boiled creates a bunch of nasty foam that leaks out of the kettle , it takes over the kitchen and leaves a stench for weeks, that's who does that, who watches. in a teapot and says, you know what I'm going to poop in that, even if you're drunk like you could be really, really drunk, I still wouldn't look at a teapot and say, oh, I want to poop in that like gross, no.
r kidsarestupid why are kids like this
Yes, I don't want you in my house anymore. My sister was crying because they cut her sandwich. We were leaving and I went in to drag her to the car and I surprised her eating the sandwich. She didn't want it cut. but I'm still going to eat it because I'm hungry, okay, oh look, it's one of these, you can flatten the pins, here we go, just push them all in, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, he definitely died, this kid wanted some eggos, oh, is that on? the freezer is a refrigerator or a freezer, I don't know, it's a huge refrigerator or freezer, whatever, my little brother was in my room while I was in the bathroom, he checked my phone and I guess he ended up on Snapchat.
It was a filter he landed on and kept telling me the camera is broken you need to get a new one oh yeah this is what you look like bro the mirror just distorts your real appearance this is the real you oh we got another one . Snapchat, you feel like in this day and age, I don't know why I find it so funny that that kid probably has nightmares now because he has a long nose that's actually your real nose, oh and here's another angle of the 11 year old kid who was. On a joy ride apparently just going down I don't understand how he stopped, although he surely doesn't know how to press the brake properly.
I want to be fair, if he knows how to accelerate, he probably knows how to brake and turn. Is he that good at driving? There are so many police cars. Why are there so many? Uh oh, that's how he stopped there, he went straight to a tree, uh-oh, was he okay? I think he was fine, yeah, they just took him out. It was like he's okay, you're going straight to juvie. When I was five years old, I saw my friend exclaim out loud, "I'm going to hell" as she went down a slide in front of her mother.
Her mother probably wasn't very happy with those seven. years I don't want asparagus I uh it's not asparagus it's green licorice mmm she took another bite you can really be a parent based on lies can't you? you can make pretty much anything you wanted oh yeah, no broccoli, that's not broccoli, it's not a vegetable, it's green trees with sugar inside mmm and the kids just eat it, it's like telling them okay, we have a psa here and it's a bad time to be parents, so it'll be good and they'll quit. your toddler uses it. I received a package today that says live animal, so I open it and what do you know?
I bought a whole turtle that grows. That turtle is very happy. He's kind of relaxing. It's like you already know what I do. It doesn't matter, I'll live to be a hundred, George, this kid was told his wig was permanent without even realizing it, you know you could probably cut it off with scissors or a razor, no, he said, oh, now I'm stuck with the zephyr forever. oh, we have a nice wedding here, throw the thing to the bridesmaids oh, a backflip oh oh yeah, maybe look behind you before you do a backflip, at least you've learned that lesson when working with kids before I tell you what it's like. happened, I need you all to imagine me keeping a straight face the entire time, the boy was serious too, so after I asked this four year old how his day was going, this boy spent a full five minutes, which is basically 20 years in a child. time telling me how he tried to poop but he couldn't because the poop got stuck to him the poop got stuck to his butt because that's where he lives and he didn't want to leave his house on his butt yes yes you have to keep a straight face during that that's hard oh no, I just remembered that when I was about seven years old my grandmother died and when my mother was crying she told me this, I thought the best way to comfort her is to tell her that.
It's okay because one grandma is enough to make a lot of tasty cakes so we didn't really need another one so I sounded like a heartless brat and made my mom cry even more I thought she was really sorry but I wanted to cheer up my mom Upstairs, I was a kid so stupid, oh god, you really were. They're right, although that's possibly the worst thing you could say in kindergarten. I had a boy who was very good at math and I was very good at drawing. One day we decided to exchange. DNA so we could have the other person's ability when it was bedtime in kindergarten.
The boy and I exchanged snot. Oh, we literally picked each other's snot out of each other's noses and ate each other's snot in hopes of exchanging DNA when I told Mom she wasn't too happy. She just says that people thought we could reopen the schools and then they would reopen the schools and this is what kids do, they eat each other's snot. You really thought schools were oh yeah the kids will be fine they will follow procedures mmm you want to eat my snot when I was a kid I loved going to Dick's Sporting Goods Store with my dad one time we passed by there and I was like oh, I love cocks in a super enthusiastic and mocking tone, my dad and his girlfriend couldn't stop laughing and I kept saying it because I thought it was funny just because of how I said it man, I was stupid.
Okay, today we are going to learn how to use a hose. Okay, what are we doing? No, you got it, come on, come on, you got this. you have to hold it with one hand and then do it with the other, okay, no, oh, it's like what's happening, why doesn't it work? Come on, try again, you got this, just hold it with one hand and put your other hand on it, okay? he just doesn't understand oh my god lol so I took this photo of the beautiful sky and the reflection and I show it to Dustin and he zooms in on the background oh no, slurp, slurp, why would you caption it with earrings?
He's alive, uh, confession. I took a bite out of my sand dollar when I was little and now I just realized what I did oh ah, you shouldn't have watched this video. A lost child in our Tampines center searched for his mother in the mold directory on the touch screen. Mom, where is she? That's a great cerebral moment, maybe not, but it's a sure bet that Leo can't wear his shoes today because they're not fast anymore and he needs new ones. She says yes, these are slowing down. I'm no longer the fastest kid in school. Oh yeah, we better get the more expensive ones, so I was just told cats did this.
Oh yeah, they look like cat tracks to me. They didn't stand on their heels to look like cats or something, I don't think? Is that how it works. Monster is actually so good that my friend bought me Monster because I'm 13 and it got me really high. He was laughing at me and doing stupid things all over the place and my English teacher asked me why I'm so red. come on I'm high leave me alone okay Tyson with your fortnite pic yeah maybe there ain't no monster for you ah yeah best president April Ham Lincoln he was my favorite I mean you got an advantage, so you must have done well.
Did you know you can put a Starburst around a cup and put a rubber band on it? Yes, you can do that, congratulations, I don't know what the purpose of that is, but yes, you learn new things every day. I guess maybe I should get a job. in five-minute crafts, you know, mindless inventions, perfect for kindergarten. I shared a table with another child because we were the end of the alphabet. I convinced him that by sheer will I could set his pants on fire with my mind. I would use this it always started to bother me, geez, that's actually kind of evil, but I guess if it works, it works bad, but if it works, it works good.
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