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Making EVERYONE Ignore Tiana For 24 HOURS Prank!!

Jun 09, 2021
The last time something like this happened to her, she complained for days and we want to address it now. I have to film this video. I don't want to get involved in this. I'll say it's my idea. There is no where. she right now wants to


Tiana for 24


normally when you do it with that video he


s her for 24


but she loves me. I want to get involved in our movie, 27 Degrees, You Haven't Missed Island, I know you want to. print want or get it back I know it's been a tough week of jokes font yada let's play some of that as emotional music for Isla here's the Oscar presentation it's a vlog that's what we're going to say okay we're here I'll be in the hallway outside , we'll do the intro, so I'll do an intro for the TT team, but it's not the intro for that one, it's the intro for you, basically, I understand.
making everyone ignore tiana for 24 hours prank
I'm going to play some more emotional music, so basically. The channel thinks that's the intro when however this will be the intro so it would make even more of a joke out of the performance but awesome okay guys so 24 hours ignorant you're not Allah's idea come on let's audit together, come on, let's do this, let's finish. That's fine, but make sure you confess your idea. There we go three, two, one. I make the TT team. I hope you're staying safe, so today we're doing a random vlog around the house. Random things. It is a hot day.
making everyone ignore tiana for 24 hours prank

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making everyone ignore tiana for 24 hours prank...

The BBC is on guard and play move Charlie having a bit of fun so that's what we're going to do guys, it's been a while since I did an introduction. I hope dad's team is there, listen, I have a surprise for either of you today, so basically. She has been doing very well lately with my homework and tidying up the entire room in the morning. She has done very well. They are going to give us 50,000 to Isla. It's been incredible. In fact, she has done very well. Bowden Island, well done. I mean, guys, this is it. how much this room has been tidied with tabs, it deserves a lot, but it has been doing this every morning lately, vacuuming and getting on with school work, it has been excellent, really, very good, I have fifty thousand barricades, Isla, always, robots , robots, robots, that is. right, that's a big income, good news, yeah, this thousand grand, I think we should give her six there, huh, she's been doing all the homework, boy, you know, I'm fine, yeah, I have all the time, all the time , excellent Bordeaux, give me your hand.
making everyone ignore tiana for 24 hours prank
I've done a good job. I love water, good girl, you know, Isla, I have some. Oh, Mike, these are my favorite magnums. Okay, nobody. Bob Lee is there. Let's try a magnum. Did you use that Odin oiz? You did that? I told you guys. Why did I say now that this is where phase one of Chiana's temper kick is? You know, she hates things like this, she hates beings like this. I'm telling you now, she knows it's a challenge that she knows we ignore in her book, she still doesn't do it. as you know even though she knows it's a challenge it's fun she just hates it guys this is phase one complete we got a few more phases books let's make it bigger oh my god just hitting everything guys that one It's phase two complete, she's growing. too crazy, just me, her friends are united, you united with her friends, she will have to do a task, yes, do you have homework to do too?
making everyone ignore tiana for 24 hours prank
I have an idea, phase three, you could go down and do the homework with Tiana and ignore her why. she's doing it but you can make a noise that aggravates a pie on the table later you could block this on the calculator yeah so you can make noise today we're talking about no what's that oppa? I'm going to hide a microphone in the room when they do their homework from outside nothing sir from outside page six divided by two times 98 like 37 one more no, I did it wrong well tonight / - no, please, the country is also so funny it's not a developer oh it's off no matter ba 4 equals 125 spinach it came in thank you that's really confusing for my starter band here I have gold wire do you know what the sales are?
Oh wait, highlighters, highlighters, let's try to do this, so I'm painting my pet robot so you can write. paper and it will rub off this is your a little crazy doing homework the viola light it through the eyelids school books everywhere she fruit everywhere has gone crazy I thought you should go crazy but listen I see a new gerber drink yeah, she's had enough with Yanam even though she knows he's a challenge, she knows he's a challenge, obviously guys, is it a challenge or not, it's 55 degrees, it's 91,000 fucking degrees, no, in fact, it's a thousand degrees today.
I was doing that little piece of Foreman and now I've noticed. Oh. to know what I know what you're thinking Maltesers melt you know thinking no, I'm fine, do you know what I'm going to do? a thank you message from mom to mom because she forgot she has no manners no she has no manners for all the people who send emails on instagram they just cut me off you can't send emails on instagram let me start over all the people who send emails and leave comments on Instagram today you guys with some tips on hair products for Tiana's hair, the scalp is not dry, just It's an honor that the hair is very dry and I have received some emails and amazing posts on Instagram.
I can't answer


, obviously, because there are so many, so I apologize, but I'm very grateful for all the comments, thank you. I know the meaning keeps coming is phase four of this. I am enjoying these phases. I think it's phase four. Good. I need someone to put air conditioning in this body because I don't want to melt anymore, guys, because I'm just in the text. to say actually I'll still be with us within the next 20 minutes you know what mattress your mattress we have new mattress come in hello let's go down to this big hell Oh my God listen to you enough lollipop flipper you scared me today what's behind it?
Lucius, she's getting bigger, let's scare you, baby, forget about that pole now, actually, where is she? Although right now, okay, hey, open that door to a little less Pluto, that's bad, he's freaking out, I've been horrible, you can't carry a lot, this is nice, so with us tonight, what phase is? It's certain that we will do one more phase, so that is phase five, the last one. We'll think about what you can do. You know what I said at the beginning. It's your idea your video but I'll join in I'm getting involved Tony look I'm going to raise our bayonets hide and elusive through the school box when she blew up the school book this is good I'm very excited I'm looking forward to what I'm going to do to tell you listen to this we are doing a bedroom makeover for you this is a king size mattress so fix a cuban sounds like someone i know this is satisfactory very satisfied listen to this how did it feel?
There's a lot more to come the post for your new dorm high school look for it oh you're welcome you're welcome everything you deserve it's decorated with your big king size bed it's really good oh yeah the mattress the evil Charlie, the awesome guy, I always enjoyed him, it would be great if Tiana could have spent time with us today. I've been informed, you know, to be fair, I know I've missed your company when she does it all the time. This is a pretty normal day. You've done worse things to me all day. I've been suffering worse for me for 25 years I've had you for 25 years Brian give me every day she's getting on the spike I think we should move on to phase seven five six seven guys so we do a few more phases today what? one day I can't wait for you to officially move into the house with your new room I can't wait, I'm looking forward to it, it's going to be amazing, oh god, you know what I feel like doing for a walk, do you feel like going for a walk? walk, wait, here we go.
I feel like going for a walk. Why did you say I'm the worst? Because you are. You have broken the promise we made to each other this morning in this honor that you would admit that it was. your idea now, as you are, you call me to ask user ammo, we could listen, we can go back to the weather, it was the only one you know, ignoring, you don't even try and crackling, you know, crazy, I tell you what I'll give you one. one of the best trips of all time this was a joke on all of them guys and I hate things like that you guys are only one up not you yeah so yeah I'll back you up so yeah guys no You guys enjoyed this video, but you might still like it. the video and yes

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