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Girl Gets A Job At A Village But The Job Is To Make Babies

Mar 30, 2024
A woman takes a summer job in a remote town to find some peace, unaware that people want more from her than her professional skills. A hooded man walks through a forest and soon reaches a road where a bus is waiting for him. Upon seeing him, the driver


into the vehicle and together they drive away. Elsewhere, Irina throws objects from her apartment. She also finds out that she was not accepted into the summer job she applied for. The next day, her teacher notices that Irina can't concentrate, so he calls her and asks what the production costs are.
girl gets a job at a village but the job is to make babies
Bitterly, she states that she doesn't care, since companies focus more on costs than on keeping people happy. She thinks that her society steals their freedom with the promise of enjoying their last breath as pensioners without guaranteeing that they will survive that long. Her rant puts tension in her class. Later, Irina's friend Miia tells her to stop blaming herself for her misfortunes. Instead, she should focus on her summer job, but Irina reveals that the company rejected her and she kicked out her ex-boyfriend, so she has to find another way to pay the rent. After school, Irina goes for a run, unaware that a stranger is watching her.
girl gets a job at a village but the job is to make babies

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girl gets a job at a village but the job is to make babies...

Later he watches her in her apartment, but when she looks, he is no longer there. While Irina is showering, someone rings her doorbell. When she checks, she only finds a letter outside. Soon, Irina boards the bus heading to Kyrsyä after receiving an invitation to the town to escape the busy life. While she waits, she talks on the phone with Miia, who thinks the trip is ridiculous. Irina defends that it is a summer job in which she will receive tutoring while she works for a textile manufacturer. During this, the strange man is also on the bus, watching her.
girl gets a job at a village but the job is to make babies
Irina falls asleep during the trip and wakes up upon arrival. Outside, the driver congratulates the stranger on his "nice catch." When Irina leaves, the stranger introduces himself as Pertti. He is also heading to Kyrsyä, which is a ten kilometer walk away, so the two walk together. On the way, she expresses that she couldn't find anything about the place on the Internet. Pertti assures him that she will not go to any mountain town. They chose to hunt and grow their food to be friendly to Mother Nature. If Irina wants peace, she shouldn't also disturb nature. They soon arrive at the


where Maija and her daughter, Maaria, greet them.
girl gets a job at a village but the job is to make babies
The mother shares that Maaria also lived in the city but she returned after getting tired of the big world. Another


r, Siiri, invites Irina to eat, but she asks him to put away her belongings first. Maaria's grandmother complains that Irina doesn't know that in Rome she has to do what the Romans do. Maaria assures the old woman that it will only take a few minutes before she takes the guest to her room. Still, Grandma complains that the big world didn't do the young


any good, but Siiri assures her that her guest will learn. Inside, Maaria takes Irina to the room they will share.
She advises the woman to listen to the elders, since they have lived longer and know how to behave. Irina maintains that the world is constantly changing, but her partner claims that it is not like that there. Soon, Irina joins the villagers for food. Before eating, Grandma leads the prayer, giving thanks for how they are free from men who defy their creator and the oppression of the world. They also appreciate the opportunity to live as a family, since they have accepted that they do not need what they cannot do. After the meal, Irina walks with Maaria and noticed that she liked that her prayer focused on being grateful instead of Jesus.
Maaria comments that most people today cannot appreciate anything without satisfying their ego. She walks Irina through the town and points out another house where a man named Mauno lives, although she claims that he prefers to be alone. Maaria also takes her to the goats, from which they get wool for crafting. Irina likes the idea of ​​working practically instead of studying theories and marketing at school. Later, Irina leaves when she hears noises coming from Mauno's house. This scares her, so she goes back to her room. In the morning, Irina checks her phone but discovers that she can't get a signal in the town.
During breakfast, Siiri suddenly asks about her family. Irina shares that her parents divorced six years ago because they no longer loved each other, but her grandmother insists that love does not end; she just changes. Irina adds that her father has two children with her new wife, so her grandmother comments that her family must be fertile. When Irina tells them that she is not in a relationship, Pertti explains to the elders that many young people study before having children, just like the previous one who worked there, Hanna. Curious, Irina asks about her, but Maija says that they don't know where she is after she left.
Since her summer job starts later that week, Irina is tasked with helping Pertti pick mushrooms. Before leaving, she sees a young woman cradling a baby. Pertti explains that the woman, Hilja, has not recovered after her baby fell ill. The two then go to the forest, where Pertti teaches him which mushrooms are poisonous. Suddenly, Irina hears a horn in the distance and Pertti explains that it is from her hunters. He shares that the horn attracts animals to


them easier to hunt. Irina scoffs at the idea of ​​charming animals before killing them, but Pertti maintains that she is more compassionate.
That afternoon, Irina joins Maaria in the sauna, where her partner confesses that she left the city after suffering a miscarriage. She was afraid of becoming corrupt, so she returned to the village. Maaria learned that city people cannot coexist with nature and Irina agrees since most do not appreciate what surrounds them. Maaria then questions why Irina accepted her invitation, so she admits that she needed to escape and think things through. She starts ranting about her ex-boyfriend, but Maaria shushes her while Mauno


excited about that kind of talk. Curious, Irina wonders about Mauno and Maaria admits that he is handsome.


s him think that Maaria is in a relationship with him, and the woman runs away embarrassed. As they return, they hear growling from Mauno's cabin, so Maaria tells Irina to go home alone before entering the cabin. Just then, the hunters finally return and Irina sees them happily gutting a raccoon. This bothers her. The next day, Irina dreams that she is in the forest, cradling a baby while hunters approach her holding her weapons. Suddenly, blood leaks from the baby's clothes, so she checks and finds the dead raccoon in her arms. That morning, Irina swims in the pond but she finds two men watching her.
Fortunately, they leave her alone. Meanwhile, Maija, Siiri, Pertti and Grandma are in her chapel. Maija worries about her daughter, but Siiri reminds her that Maaria has a big sin to overcome. Maija defends that her grandson would have suffered more if he were still alive. When Siiri doubts it, her mother challenges her to consult with someone named Inkeri. Suddenly, Pertti predicts that her "migrant bird" will be forced to do something, but a bull will defend her. Then the bird will decide to leave and a bear will help her decide. He declares that Irina will guide them toward change, but Grandma is worried about inviting outsiders to town.
Maija assures her that they've learned not to talk about


so suddenly since it scared Hanna. Instead, they will have Severi charm Irina so that she decides to stay. Later, Maaria points Irina toward Severi and Jalmari, whom the newcomer recognizes as the men who observed her at the pond. Changing the subject, Irina wonders why Pertti didn't join the men during the hunt for her, so Maaria explains that they all have her tasks, like how she teaches the village youth. Irina finds this strange since there are no children near her. The men approach them and Severi comments that he is glad to see Irina, since women nowadays are not willing to do women's jobs.
Irina asks what she means and Jalmari replies that it's about having children. Severi quickly punches him for saying that. Irina disagrees with this, but Severi insists it's the truth. Before things get worse, Pertti urges the men to leave them alone. After they leave, Maaria expresses her affection for Severi, so Irina sarcastically comments that her partner should join him. That night, while Irina reads in her room, she is bothered by how the lamps turn on and off. Maaria explains that her electricity is not constant there, but her electrician is doing the best she can. When Irina still complains that it's not enough, Maaria wonders what they do in the city when they face problems.
Irina points out that they are educated and motivated, but when someone can't do their job well, they find someone else who can. Maaria thinks they will do well if they love their jobs, but her partner maintains that most people don't like what they do for a living. The guest complains about people who expect society to provide for them because she believes that everyone is responsible for themselves. This makes Maaria wonder about those who cannot survive without help. Irina clarifies that there are treatments for their condition, but if they do not recover they are hospitalized, so that they do not stray among the others.
Later that night, Irina dreams of a pale-faced young woman who is missing an eye. She follows her to the attic, where the woman introduces herself as Kerttu. She points to the nearby barn where her mother is and asks Irina to help her. Kerttu then touches the other woman's cheeks and suddenly reaches for her throat, threatening to kill her like her mother did if she doesn't help her. The next day, Irina notices Severi and Jalmari leaving the barn where Kerttu said her mother is, so she sneaks in. Inside, she finds the place empty. The two men suddenly return, so Irina asks them where Kerttu's mother is.
The men laugh as they reveal that Kerttu is dead, but she didn't move on due to unresolved issues. Severi adds that Kerttu drowned after her mother got tired of her, so her soul wants to teach her mother a lesson. Undeterred, Irina asks where Kerttu's mother is, but Severi corners her. Luckily, Siiri steps in to take Irina to her summer job. Later, the women begin rolling pom-poms, which Irina believes is an activity suitable for kindergarteners and mental institution patients. Siiri points out that her work is beautiful, as they unite the threads as nature unites men and women.
This leads the women and Pertti to sing about their belief that the love born of Kyrsyä unites the soul to its true essence. Frightened, Irina storms off. As the others follow her, Irina calls them fools for thinking she would spend the summer making pompoms. While she rants, she doesn't notice the noise from Mauno's barn. Suddenly, someone comes out of the cabin and Irina is surprised to finally encounter Mauno, who attacks her while the others simply watch. Severi and Jamlari arrive and take Mauno away from his guest. Frightened, Irina crawls to the ax Severi dropped, but Mauno breaks free of the men and grabs her again.
As the man tries to remove her clothes, Maaria draws her attention and reveals herself to him to distract him. Mauno chases after Maaria while the shocked Irina cries. Maija explains that Mauno was a strong child, so he has been producing electricity through forced labor. She keeps him busy and out of trouble. Seeing that she is not bothered by what happened, Irina calls them sick and decides to leave. However, Pertti reveals that the next bus doesn't leave until tomorrow, so Irina has no choice but to wait. Later, Maaria finds Irina trying to use her phone again, but with no luck.
She gives her tea, but Irina asks her to leave her alone. When Maaria notices that they don't leave sad people alone, the woman sarcastically points out that in her place they lock up people with mental disabilities. Maaria reminds her how horrible the men in the city are, but Irina still wants to go home. As they return to the house, they find Severi and Jalmari fighting on the floor. Seeing this, Irina wonders if they are secret lovers, but Maaria defends that they simply love each other because they are all family. Suddenly, Irina feels dizzy as the villagers gather around her, including the bus driver.
After mixing something into her tea, Maaria clings to Irina and promises her that she will be loved in the village. Finally, Irina breaks down and Pertti declares that Severi will give her a baby so Kyrsyä can have a fresh start. Later, Irina dresses in white because she is forced to marry Severi. She shouts that she didn't go to Kyrsyä to get married, but Severi reminds her that she came to work and that a woman's job is to have children. Hearing this, Irina calls the villagers inhuman for making her do this and how they treat Mauno. Severi becomes angry with her rant, so he approaches the woman, but Siiri reminds him that he should not touch her until they are married.
Severi argues that they should have already prepared his


friend, so he tries to grab Irina. This leads Siiri to hit him in the head, causing everyone else in the room to stand up. Remembering Pertti's prediction about the bull defending the bird, Siiri realizes that he just did that for Irina; therefore, the younger woman must choose to stay or go. Because of this, they let her go, so Irina runs off, past Hilja, whose baby she is actuallya doll. As Severi screams angrily, Irina grabs her cardigan outside of her and then finds Maaria wiping away the blood while Mauno is chained next to her.
Horrified, the woman runs into the forest. Without shoes, Irina hurries away while Severi and her friends look for her. After getting far, Irina finds her phone in her cardigan and tries to call for help. However, she hears Severi approaching and runs away. As she chases after her, Jalmari mocks Severi for not getting her girlfriend because she doesn't pray. Severi hits his friend for this, just as the other men report where Irina is going. Elsewhere, the woman is knocked unconscious by a hooded figure. While she is unconscious, she dreams of the villagers watching Mauno kill another Irina.
When she wakes up, she finds a blind woman who she believes is Hanna. Irina realizes that the woman is Kerttu's mother, Inkeri, who had her eyes torn out and put in a jar around her neck. Irina asks if she killed her daughter, so Inkeri defends that Kerttu was born with many anomalies, which they accepted until she began to look down on her lifestyle. Kerttu came up with ideas after Maaria returned and taught him about the society. There came a point where Kerttu just wanted to improve her village but didn't care about them, so Inkeri did what she needed.
However, the villagers thought it was wrong to waste lives like she did. Suddenly, they hear Jalmari and Severi near her, so Irina lies that she is Hanna and the villagers accuse her of hiding Severi's new girlfriend. When Inkeri argues that she will not harm her, Irina promises to help the woman return to the village if she helps her. Finally, the men arrive and tell Inkeri that Irina could send the police to Kyrsyä. Inkeri claims that Irina hasn't been there and then begs Severi to take her back to the village. She insists that her daughter wanted to destroy the town, but the men refuse because nature has not eaten her eyes.
They believe that the eyes are the window to the soul; Therefore, if nature does not want to consume its own, then it remains impure. To prove her worth, Inkeri leaves her wrinkled eyes on the ground, which a rodent approaches. However, she doesn't eat them, so the men walk away. The rodent climbs onto Irina's hand, who is hiding in Inkeri's tent. This makes her shudder, which the men hear. Before they can investigate, Inkeri eats her own eyes to prove that nature can still forgive her. Disgusted, Severi simply orders the woman to bring Irina back and then they will discuss whether they can welcome her home.
After they leave, Inkeri insists on finding Irina, unaware that he is already talking to her. Irina wonders why she would help the villagers, so Inkeri insists that she will forgive her because they still love her. Irina then asks what will happen to Severi's girlfriend after she gives him a child, so Inkeri assumes that she will have her tongue cut out so she can't report it to the villagers. Having an idea, Irina suggests that the bride head to the road, so Inkeri agrees to take her there to find her wife. Suddenly, Irina's phone rings as Miia calls her.
She answers the call as she poses as Hanna and tells what happened to her in Kyrsyä. However, this doesn't fool Inkeri, so he approaches the scared woman and realizes who she is. The confused Miia becomes suspicious of what is happening just as Inkeri grabs Irina and cuts out her tongue.

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