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Shaman Durek Reveals How to Talk with Spirits and Live an Abundant Life | The Higher Self #125

Apr 18, 2024
so I'm walking in Costa Rica and I'm listening to this book that was one of the most profound experiences in my spiritual journey. It's a book called Spirit hacking and the author is here with us Shaman DK, get ready, you guys are in for a treat, how are you? excellent thank you thank you for inviting me it's a pleasure I'm very happy to have you here right now yeah um so tell me something in 30 seconds or less do you know why you think it's important for people to listen to you in this conversation today because I think there are a lot of things that They confuse people within the spiritual world because there is a lot of information circulating and I believe that there is an aspect of our being that seeks to simplify information to make it more tangible, easier and accessible in order to make the things we choose in


come true.
shaman durek reveals how to talk with spirits and live an abundant life the higher self 125
I love it, I love it MH, how did this journey start for you? Well, I was my journey, I mean, it's a long story, so I don't think a whole podcast was necessary, but basically my journey started when I was 5 years old and I started seeing


. I started hearing voices and hearing people's thoughts and feelings and hearing things in nature and things that spoke to me and whispered to me at night and later. um, they would hold me down in bed or they would tell me that when you're a kid you're afraid that there's something under the bed or something in the closet and I was afraid that the monster was in the closet that I kept.
shaman durek reveals how to talk with spirits and live an abundant life the higher self 125

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shaman durek reveals how to talk with spirits and live an abundant life the higher self 125...

Seeing this creature in my closet and then one morning I decided that that night I was going to go confront it and I went to the closet and


ed to it and it told me what it was and where it came from and and um and Then I asked my parents and they told me yes, because you are a great grandmother and grandfather and everyone in the family has been these powerful


s, these healers that have come from our culture in the Menday tribe and in the Rubin culture and your grandmother used to have this house and she used to bring people there to make them healings and this is where your powers come from and she said that one day she was going to have a son who would have these powers and I guess you're getting into them, you know, um, but it wasn't a very supportive way because my grandfather took us away from our traditions and went to Venice for seven days, where half the family was divided and half of one side of the family was into spiritualism, which is what we call it and the other half was religion, religion, truth, so it was really interesting because I had to find my way through it as a kid growing up in the suburbs of Foster City and also in Hawaii and I realized that I knew things about things that people around me didn't know well and I saw things and I understood how you know.
shaman durek reveals how to talk with spirits and live an abundant life the higher self 125
I remember one time, my teacher was a little Agro with the class when she was in first grade and she said at the end of class. I went out and came back in and told her that just because you argued with your husband last night doesn't mean you have to take it out on all of us and she asked me how do you know I argued? with my husband I said the


told me M and then it developed and I knew my family members started training me and teaching me how to use my powers and um and then I decided I started traveling around the world. and meeting different people to understand religion, understand people's relationship with God, spirit and Source, however, whatever people believe, you know and in


ic understanding and the ability to nurture those qualities , you have a lot to study when it comes to Sociology. anthropology, understanding why people breathe the way they do, how they blink, how one person moves this way and another person moves this way, and looking at the understanding and ecology of the dynamics human and recognize how that is reflected in the spiritual. plane on the emotional plane how it connects with our intellect and how we think and provide words and dialogue communication how we perceive information and the level of perception at which we are able to perceive everything is marked by the different functionings of each individual selectively based in their upbringing, their social environment, that is, the different things that they were exposed to and not trying to put it in one box, but seeing each person as their own Universe, their own beautiful landscape and design created by the fact of be here in this. at which time there will only be one of them, so as a shaman it is important for me to remove judgment from understanding human development and be able to see it from the spiritual, but also from the multidimensional layers of Life instead of just looking at what see what most people look at is face value yeah, yeah, I'm sure you know you said a lot, so I want to caution the audience that you know to allow a little bit of trust in this. conversation because I can remember that if you had said everything that you just said just five years ago, I would have done it, I would have checked it because I would have been like, what is this guy


ing about?
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And it was because at that moment they kneed me. Deep down I feel, it was a perfect part of my journey. I had a very deep religious background, you know, and I'm sitting here today with a smile on my face because when you say things like, I understand things about


and seeing things that humans just don't like in many ways. I feel that way now too, but I only managed to overcome it as a deep challenge, questioning and understanding my path and seeing it sh and dur as everything perfect mhm, I even can. You remember you know I was so engaged at one point that I called you and we had an MH session and you know we start talking and within 2 minutes I'm on the floor retching and you call some kind of I never By the way, I even asked you about what that was all about, but I'm on the floor gagging and I'm pulling something out of my throat or whatever and, um, just for personal reasons, do you remember, do you remember that session, of course, yeah, you fell?
Get up from the chair, yeah, that's right, yeah, what was that? In our


s, we are spiritual beings that absorb different forms of energy all the time, it could be in our conversation with someone or a place we go to and, um, so we call it. There are several ways to look at it from a spiritual point of view, which are energies and entities that you have called upon to support certain belief structures, ideas, concepts and emotion formations that you wish to be right. and then we look at it more on a scientific level, we can look at it as a negative cellular memory block, it's the parts that your cells and your body have been exposed to that are creating a negative frequency in your system that has been preventing you from your system can run at a level of optimization where it could be running, yeah, sure.
I could see that because it was very, very shortly after that that I honestly left the real estate industry and started hosting, you know? In the sessions that I now organize it is as if everything has changed, of course, everything has changed, yes, so if you explained it to me, in simple terms, do you know what are some of the misconceptions that are taught when it comes to spirituality, do you know? did you know? are some of the things that people can be confused about, you know, you know, maybe they love going to church and maybe they hear that I don't and they think, what's up with that? and maybe they are questioning everything.
Of that, where would be a good place to start? Well, if we understand, let's basically start with the church. If we understand that the church is an organization that brings people together for the enrichment and celebration of learning and acquiring knowledge about the Scriptures. and also being able to gather together in a way to celebrate God, right? You have music. I mean, that's what I love about church. You know, what we have to understand is what kind of planet we


on and what we don't live on. a planet that operates on the understanding of creating a civilization for the S uh for the sacredness of um sustainability of our species we live on a planet that basically wants to have dominion over things for the sake of power, so in shamanism we look and Understand that whatever God you believe in, then you are bound to those energies um, so in religion the God is based on Duality, and in shamanism we say that anything that is in Duality creates chaos because Duality is the exchange of whether you do this or you are punished or you do this or you will be rewarded, get that right now if you look at the human dynamics of how we develop as children on this planet, a child who comes to Earth already has Divine wisdom within of him that has already been given to him and that has been given to him.
It has already been established by the beings of light of love and Consciousness and the divine Spirit by creation and God to bring that knowledge correctly, but then they come to a world that has been established in a plan that says: do what I say you do. you believe what I say you believe and if I don't take away your love you're going to hell you're going to go to hell you're going to have it's the same thing it's me I take away your love or I give you love, so most human beings don't even know They know themselves because they operate with the idea of ​​mastery now.
Dominion means what Dominion means your husband could be the person who has dominion over you, could be. a friend could be society could be your school teacher could be anyone you have chosen to give power over the idea of ​​how good a person you are how worthy you are what you are capable of what kind of person you are in terms of how much love you're allowed to have, how successful you're allowed to be, so whoever has dominion over you when people say, oh, I have anxiety and I have stress, and which is great, um you.
I know how to see it when you have anxiety and stress you only have anxiety and stress because you have some hold on your


that you are trying to meet the expectations that your soul knows you to you can't because you should You don't even need to meet the expectation of anything exactly because you are all that is right and therefore if you believe that God would punish you and you believe that God would send you to hell subconsciously and now this is just a basic science, your Consciousness is is governed by the conscious, the unconscious, the subconscious and the super subconscious and then you have your peripherals and then your um and the way you dilate information through your eyes and the sounds and the things you hear and then you take references based on frequency and energy and how you choose relate based on what you experienced as a child and the journey of your soul just when you are operating in the Awareness that your creator has the ability to destroy you, you subconsciously create what is called a replica marker in your subconscious mind. it means that you now replicate the energy, that's something most people don't talk about, it's replication, then they replicate the energy, then you become that very thing that you are afraid of, then naturally you start to fall apart , you start looking for ways to punish your


, you start looking for ways to eventually send yourself to heaven or send you to hell, yeah, so you're living on what we call a scale one day you could be in hell and one day you could be in heaven and that's all. consciously and that's why people suffer because people suffer because they dream that suffering manifests itself yes, the idea of ​​what God ultimately wants for us is for us to be excellent dreamers because when you can dream more than what the world wants that you dream, it's the nightmare, the world wants you to have a nightmare, that's why you have more horror movies in Hollywood, you have more news that publishes more things to keep you scared, because as long as your brain can perceive that the world is falling apart, you are contributing to the world. falling apart, but if you can dream bigger than what you see, that is the power, that is right and that is when we, as a collective, can create Heaven here on Earth, that is right, that is the true atonement of divine wisdom and knowledge, which is Being able to create heaven on Earth as you see it as I see it and everyone else sees it as it was in heaven.
That's right, are you ready to discover your true power potential and purpose? Isn't it January 20? I will be hosting a Live Two. one day virtual experience called discover the first day I will help you discover the root of what is preventing you from having a life full of love, fulfillment and abundance the second day I will show you how to heal old wounds by making drastic changes and start living the life you you have always wanted this is more than an event it is the beginning of your journey towards awakening your


self join me on Danny Mor /dc discover and then you will know it is very interesting to me because this has an impact on everything this has an impact on your relationship with your partner this has an impact on your finances this has an impact on your health everything everything absolutely everything I want I want to share with you how true what you just said was in my life and I am very grateful for it because then I could see, you know, I recently did a test, it's called Carol's Food Intolerance Test and I used to carry 50 extra pounds, 50 or 60 pounds. sort of and you know, I've really been talking like you know what food is good for me what food is not good for me is vegan good for me is animal good for me you know, etcetera, which I would love to talk to you about that in a second anyway my i i i prick the ear i take this blood test, I send the blood in the blood comes back and they say it's fine, the only thing thatYou should not avoid dairy for your blood, since dairy is quite bad for you, you do not like dairy and secondary foods.
It's cane sugar, it could be coconut sugar, it could be, you know, you know the fruit, whatever, but cane sugar, do you want me to tell you the craziest thing, the craziest thing that I realized at that time? moment was when I was, you know, six, seven years ago. My spiritual journey started and I was carrying all this weight, what I used to do without realizing it is I used to take six or seven Oreo cookies, literally crumble them, put them in a cup and then add dairy to it. He would milk and take the cup pourer and literally just go and put it in my mouth.
Wow, and I did it two or three times and this was something I did to myself knowing that milk is bad, cookies are bad, but look. how powerful it is that subconsciously it was giving me that very thing that my blood didn't agree with without even knowing it, but knowing who exactly I am and that's why I do the work that I do because how many people are doing something like that. that with their money they sabotage themselves, their money with their relationships they sabotage themselves and the partners they are with and as a result the body is just a reflection of what is happening inside, yes, but in that situation, um, what we have to do.
What I understand is that what you are doing is taking back your power in that situation because when you are a human being living on planet Earth you have things that you have to do and if you don't do them there are consequences and therefore there is a part of your mind that feels like I have to do these things or when people drink or smoke or do any of these things that are outside of them they do it as a form of power grab, it's called power grab, it's called "get." to do this, I know I'm not supposed to do it, but I have to make the decision to do it and that's power, you know, and that's because the world is not set up at a level where we operate freely in a Consciousness where For example, let's use relationships because I'm very good at relationships helping people understand their relationships.
Most human beings will come to me and tell me I want to find a relationship. Shaman Durk, why haven't I met the person I love? Twin Flame or whatever people interpret as this supreme person, right? And I always tell them no, you don't want a partner, you don't want a relationship, they say, what do you mean? I said that a relationship means that you are willing to do it. expose and be transparent and open yourself to evolution. That's right, you're not in a relationship just because you want to feel that lonely place. You are in a relationship so that someone appears who can see you clearly. and to be able to show you the places where you are not evolving correctly and many times people interpret spirituality as something they have to do because they feel that that makes them spiritual, but spirituality means Evolution.
I'm very glad you do it. I said that because for me spirituality means like the discovery of my truest self or the truest self, let's add to that that it is not your truest self because there is no such thing, it is the self that is willing to remain in evolution has It has to be okay because the true self will always adapt and evolve, it will never stop adapting and evolving. The moment you try to be perfect is when you stop evolving correctly and that's why people say: How come you hear spirits and I don't hear spirits?
It's CU, you, you. you don't want to listen to what the spirits have to say because you have an agenda and it doesn't match your agenda so you don't want to listen to it or you don't want to listen to the spirits what they have to say because you think you should have it all figured out so listening to the Spirit means that I'm not good enough and then you get into that cycle, if you were open to listening to the Spirit, you're open to understanding, to receiving instruction, to receiving counsel. getting the level of wisdom that comes from the Divine that is so beautiful when it is given to you because you have all these ideas that you think represent you and then when Spirit comes in and shows you, you have to simplify it so that it is not as difficult as you are. achieving and that the information actually takes you to a better place than the place you really think you could be because you didn't listen to your advice, we all have the right advice and that's why when we look at it from the perspective of the development of humanity , most human beings operate under the idea that I have to be perfect to be loved and that actually limits their evolution.
Yes, something hit me. I'll tell you about that later, but yeah, wow. Give me a minute. I just realized something right now that's cool, so the next thing I want to talk to you about is you know the more and more people know, the more you know they work. You heal the closer you get to love, the closer you get to Oneness, the more you start to unlock your own spiritual gifts and I truly believe there is a shaman in all of us, you absolutely know there is a way to connect. and listen to the Divine, each of us has that number one, where one begins and then number two, how was your journey, because I know that could be a very scary part too, you know, uh uh, if you don't are. ready for this, it was for me, I was like, I remember even having to say, okay, let's slow down because I'm going to, I have to go to sleep, you know what to say, where does one start when you want to say completely, like, wow, this.
It's an interesting conversation as I want to hear about the Divine. Where do you start well? The first understanding, you know, is to be able to feel comfortable without being right because a lot of what human beings do in life is take a lot of time. the information they have collected throughout their lives and use it as a shield or protection of their identity their self-righteous identity governed by what they believed about their parents or their upbringing or what they believe about their sexuality or what they believe about being Whatever it is, it's all complicated information that is collected in order to feel safe and the idea of ​​safety and security means only one thing: it means that your need to feel safe is your need to comply with opinions and judgments. from other people around you security is not real there is no security either you are in a balanced state as a human being or you are operating in your true um uh how do we say awareness and truth of who you are because You don't tiptoe around the emotions of other people or try to live up to the standards you think other people impose on you.
Most people don't live their life, they live life for other people to meet the needs of their community, their people, their family, their friends and people around them, so the first key is to ask yourself if the things you I choose to believe I believe it because I need to be right or if this information that I believe really supports me to be happy to feel free to feel loved to feel nourished to feel empowered to feel any of these things and the first thing you can always ask yourself is if you You connect with your fear, like for example someone tells me: I haven't had relationships for a long time. a lot of time or money or whatever that means that you are afraid because nothing can come to you if you are afraid and the spirit never limits you from anything and the beings of Darkness only support you in your nightmare that I have asked them to support you, so if you are afraid of being in love, then a spirit of mine under the world will come and support you because you are the child of God and everything you ask for must.
The angels are not going to do it because their job is to expand you and take you to


states of consciousness. elevated, so there is everything for everyone, but the conscience of a human being, everything that goes through your head and that depresses you, makes you feel bad. You don't feel good, nothing that anyone has told you or told you that doesn't show you how incredibly powerful, what a brilliant genius, how you are the most amazing and powerful being on the planet, it has to be said that it is a lie. right, so everything in your head that says if you are good enough, that is a lie, will I be good enough to get this job?, that is a lie, anything that makes you feel the opposite of being the most incredible person is a lie, so that's the first place you start. because the Spirit can't interact with you if you keep playing at taking the energies of those lies and trying to fight and argue over them because that's what people do, they'll say well it's hard to make money and I'll say um well the spirit says money is easy for you to get it you say it's not difficult because when I was a child my father didn't have money come stories that will give you will give you all kinds of um things from the reason why I said what team are you on?
Are you on the rich team? Are you on the happy team? because everything that comes out of your mouth is like you're trying to stand up for the very thing that you're trying to get out of, that's true, yeah, how exactly are you standing up for what you're trying to get out of right? so it's you who creates it right, yeah, so it's like it's like it's like it's like it's like the energy of Someone's in a cage, right? I think it was Mandela who said that this is that someone who chooses to be imprisoned within themselves, you can give them the key and they will not take the key to open the door because they want to be right and justify the fact that they are imprisoned because human beings They love to be fair about things that aren't really worth supporting, so the first key to getting to understand the level of simplicity is wait a second, why am I arguing with my spouse, because I want to be right, not you're arguing because you guys want to share this loving conversation about intellect and evolution, you just want to be right, that's right, so wherever you go, you'll find a thought that you're putting that into. you put a lot of energy into it when you say like you hear a voice in your head saying oh you're fat and then you keep trying to find more reasons why you're fat you're just wrong it's okay to be wrong and when you choose to be wrong what does is equalize your ego because your ego doesn't want to be there for you use your ego to make you bad for feeling good your ego wants to build you up your ego wants to build you up people do it you always say get rid of your ego get rid of your ego and I say no no no I have the biggest ego in the world and I want it to get even bigger because what the ego does is build me up so that no one can come and tell me anything that is negative because I know that I am beautiful, I know that I am wonderful, the ego that people don't want to have is the one who says: I have to have this ego to put you down, so I'm going to put you down to improve myself.
There is no one like me in the world. There is no one like you in the world. So why not let your ego strengthen you so that you are protected in your own sovereignty? Yes, then you can have a relationship with the spirit, so when the Spirit tells you something or someone comes from the street and decides to project onto you the things that they feel for themselves inside, because no one, if I tell you, you are such a being. amazing and powerful. The only reason I can tell you that is because that power code lives in me too, but if I tell you something negative, that doesn't mean that's who you are, it just means that's what I feel inside and I want it. project it so that you accept it and that comes from emotional intelligence, so when we operate with the awareness that anything we think, feel or hear from another person that does not define the qualities of our greatness should be disqualified, period, that is everything, so that way you are listening to the spirit because the spirit will never speak badly to you the spirit will never belittle you higher beings by I mean they will never tell you that you are a bad person you are not good enough at any of these things because they do not live in one dimension that even exists, is that even a possibility is not exactly right, right, right and that's why I always find it funny when people come up to me, oh God, GNA, hit me, what are you, are you?
We are responding to a god that the system created, that is correct because how can an omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, beautiful, loving, loving, loving being operate in duality while recognizing Bliss and, indeed, how could have a name, a sex or anything else? It is simply not possible and scientifically based on the understanding of the micro and the macro, the understanding of the Divinity of Truth, which is current scientific knowledge, you cannot have a macro and a micro existing in the same sphere. because it would be chaotically impossible, it would create what is called a chaotic break because the macro would see the complete and complete understanding, there would be no need for the micro to exist, so it cannot be said that it is possible for someone to exist in love and then operate according to the intention.
The only thing I know is love, but in my realm of love I can also represent this, it's like you're basically saying that God, God thinks like a human being, that's right, so there's nothing to evolve towards, that's right. , there is no evolution, so that's absolutely it. That's right, if you've been listening to my podcast for a while, you'll know that I firmly believe and advocate for plant medicine and its ability to awaken and heal the Mind, Body and Soul is a belief that is deeply rooted in my own personal experience with plants. aasa mushrooms and psilocybin and many of you for years have alwaysasked, you know, Danny, where I'm going, who can I trust and there's There's only one place I would recommend or put my name behind and that's Reunion Reunion is a place where you can free yourself from anything that's holding you back from living the life of your dreams.
It is a beautiful beach front property that is located in Costa Rica and What I love about it is that it is not for profit and the only thing they focus on is the preservation and safe use of these wonderful medicines and only I feel comfortable putting my name behind it because I am a personal friend and I have traveled with some of the facilitation team members. I am honored to have aligned with them to create the superior self-scholarship fund. It is a fund whose purpose is to help people who do not have the means to experience these medications and but I have the desire to do so and every time one of you books a retreat with meeting, $100 of each reservation will go to this fund and we will share this money with people monthly and for free, so help me help others by using code Danny's reunion when you go to sign up to experience your own LIF transformational journey to learn more go to reunion and get ready, so as a child, I was studying my shamanism with members of the F family teaching me how to access my powers to speak with Spirit and connect with those deeper places, but I also studied religion.
I became very devout in the Bible studying the Scriptures Matthew 1:2, what does that mean? What is the book of Corinthians? Book of Leviticus where it came from I went and moved to Israel I lived and walked the path where Jesus walked I went to Egypt and I lived in Egypt I went to all the places they talked about in the Bible and I met and lived in religious places families Me I moved to Israel and lived with a religious family I went to synagogue every day I studied the Torah I learned to speak Hebrew I wanted to understand the Arabic language I wanted to understand the depths What is Buddhism?
What is it about? Why do you have a Gohan and why do you know what is Namo and what is the depth and what is the Bhagavad Gita and what is the ugad Gita and what is total understanding, so at a very young age I decided that to be the shaman What I'm Going to Be I'm not going to be just a shaman who understands the African lineage which is where my roots in shamanism come from. I'm going to go deeper into the way of understanding other people's things so that you can understand them that way.
I can understand them, you know what you did, shaman, which is what and this is my challenge to everyone listening to this right now. What you did is what very few people have the courage to do: accept, accept versus reject and do something. wrong, yes, because that's what people do: they make their beliefs, their religion, their way, their system, right and everything else must be wrong, not only must it be wrong, if you ever investigate anything else, you'll go to hell or you're going to be punished or whatever because that's the construct that you live in, you live in this construct that you've created and the only thing that could be right is what you believe is right and to defend that construct and protect that construction that you created you have to make everything else wrong because if you potentially allowed it then this would have to be absolute and for me, when I was young, I realized that I can't just walk into it while keeping my foot in the other.
Instead I had to literally take a mental part of myself and say: I'm going to completely become a Christian. I'm going to go to a Christian school. I'm going to Bible studies. I'm going to go to the pastor every day I'm going to do evangelism I'm going to open a Christian center I mean, I did it all then, when I lived in Israel I thought: I'm not going to just go live in Israel. I'm going to go live with a religious family and become super religious I'm going to cover my skin I'm going to do everything they asked me to be and understand the Torah the Talmud to understand the language speak Hebrew to be able to understand it and the same with the Muslims.
I think I'm going to go live in a Muslim country. I'm going to go to the mosque. I am going to bow before Mecca. I'm going to learn your language. I will understand the Quran. I'm going to read the Koran. I'm going to have someone sit with me and interpret the Quran. I'm going to deny everything else and just be honest and what he did for me. It wasn't like I was fooling myself because one of my friends once said to me: How can you study witchcraft with full knowledge of magic and then turn away from it and become a Christian? move away from Christianity and become Muslim. get away from this and become this and live in these different countries.
I said it because if I had my foot in it while doing it, I wouldn't be authentically experiencing it. I can understand that because when I left religion myself and I went and you know for me my my vehicle or my medicine was iasa you know and I went, I did everything and it's really interesting that you just mentioned what you mentioned because I think you helped me figure something out. about me is that then I did everything like mushrooms, right? so now I completely agree with the medicine of life and it's like I feel like people ask me but aren't you going to sit down with the medicine again?
You're going? I get so much medicine from her and from me to Me from just living, yeah, with someone who's showing me all the things I was afraid to unravel and feel and see about myself and witness all of that like it's enough medicine to handle , You know? um and it's true and I think I think what you're saying is very profound because I want to explain why it's profound because most people don't understand what a relationship is, a relationship doesn't hold anything back, it doesn't limit anything in it stops you from being seen. , experienced and recognized through the other person because they are your eyes, they are your ears, they see the other side of the coin, so when my fiance tells me something and I don't agree, instead of going, let me fight her and she tries to play a power game and she tries to be right, everyone please listen to what she is about to say, this is it here, I'm going to wait a second, she is my fiancée and I brought her, which means that she is my other half. and she's looking at the other side of the sphere where I'm looking at this side of the sphere, so let me combine our knowledge of what she gets and what I get and now let's look at it together, that's right, so that it becomes a understanding where I don't understand when she says something and it bothers me.
I don't blame her for bothering me. I appreciate her acknowledging setting my trigger so I can see why I'm being shot and it's not really about her, it's actually something. from my childhood or something that I'm experiencing and that I haven't brought love within me, that's absolutely true, you see, and that's why a lot of people get into very dysfunctional relationships because they're actually dysfunctional themselves and they're dysfunctional on the inside and not They want to see that part of that dysfunction, like if a woman told me I have a very abusive husband and he's always putting me down, I said, she said, but I'm not abusive.
So how is that? How is it possible? Shaman, she was trying to challenge me. I said, I am, I said, I will accept your challenge, my dear, that's how it is every time you say you're not good enough or feel like you're good enough. It's not good enough, that's called abuse, then you're abusing yourself, you just don't realize what abuse looks like in the spirit world because you're so used to it that you think it's life, yeah, so you you have manifested in another body to show. you, what does that look like from the outside, that's true, that's called karma, that's right, that's right, but you know what and that and it takes me back to it's like and I want to mention this, it takes me back to when I was trapped in that religious world, by the way, I'm not making religion bad, I just love the beautiful things about religion, I still love going to church, but for me it was like I was defending my religion and everything else.
I had to be wrong, but guess what I did. I assumed that since I lived in that world in that aspect of my life I did the same in my relationship. My partner had to be wrong. You know, only now could I have a relationship where I could. completely like allowing my partner not only not to make mistakes but maybe she is my teacher yes, no matter how much it hurts me and no matter how much it makes me uncomfortable and that is the beauty of what happens to your life when you allow when you allow the possibility of other truths just when you can start doing that in the cases of spirituality when you start doing that in the cases of food when you start doing that in the case of money you can start doing that in your relationship and let's eliminate the word teacher because even that is a Matrix programming created from how we perceive the information given to us how about you remember we teach you to remember because you are a Divine being in your right or you would not be created correctly? creating creation only creates Divinity, so if you are already a Divine being and you enter this dimension, because in heaven we have access to all these different energies because each, like each aspect of Consciousness exists, so we are.
We do not judge things that we are not, we are not in heaviness or pain or any of those things because we do, that is not necessary, right, but in this Dimension this is the realm of matter, this is the realm of density, and so when you come to this kingdom you are not here to be perfect you are here to remember yourself because you have to erase your memory of heaven and all the things you knew because you will never be able to help your brothers and sisters out of their sleep if you don't know what she did that made them go to sleep is like that, so all she is doing is reminding you of your Divinity.
I love that you see, yeah, so when I do workshops or I'm doing any of these things people will say oh, they're trying to put me in guru status or they're trying to put me in teacher status. I say no, no, no, dear ones, I am not here as your teacher or your Guru. I am here as your equal. Here, as you, a leader of Legacy, I am here to remind you of your Divinity. I prepare a buffet for everyone to eat, you can eat from it or not, it's your choice. I'm here for a certain amount of time, you can share in what I have to give and if you don't, that's okay and I'm not upset.
I'm not here to change the world because I can't do it. What I can offer is information, wisdom and knowledge, and it is your choice to decide to change. I am not here to fix you because I cannot do that. I am here to offer you things to nourish you and give you the space to see the greatness of your being and if you choose to see it. so wonderful that's it because the moment you start coming in I have this mission and I have to do this and I have to change the world that's the moment you start putting expectations on yourself that's the moment you start punishing yourself or compare yourself to someone else who is doing something that is the moment when you leave the service and activate the idea of ​​I have to do better or else and I don't live my life like that, I live my life for the good of the service because I choose I choose to leave the buffet outside I choose to create this space for you to do these things, not because I am on a mission to fix you, I am just giving you things to play with and if you feel the need to play with them and you want me to show you how it works, I will and You will gain great power and fantastic knowledge and that's it, so when my fiancée talks to me, I don't go, she's teaching me, I go, thanks for reminding me, baby, and I her. says the same thing she says thank you for reminding me of my Divinity I love that beautiful beautiful how can people hear more about you learn more about you you know I do a lot of webinars uh workshops you can go to shamad um I have an amazing meditation app that will be out in the new year and that will be the next level in books.
I have things that are on audiobooks. I have a podcast, you know. I do everything I can to create a space for people to see it. How powerful they are so that there is no excuse for codependency MH and that is why I live, I live to remind people to dream to be bigger dreamers than the world wants to project on you, I love that, well, thank you for being here . thank you for inviting me thank you for being part of my journey absolutely it is a pleasure it gives me great joy thank you very much H watch this 10 more times I think I will watch it myself a couple of times, I hope I feel that many of you will start to understand it .
I feel like a lot of codes are going to start unlocking. I feel like a lot of you are going to remember that and that's what this podcast is about. see you next week in another higher self episode thank you for watching this week's higher self episode if you heard something in this week's episode that made you think that maybe just maybe there was greater potential for your life, maybe Maybe there was a potential to gain and receive financial freedom to attract the relationship of your dreams or to improve your health, that's what we specialize in, we help wonderful human beings like you unravel all the limiting thoughts, feelings and emotions you've been living for.
May you finally take advantage of the relationship of your dreams. real potential, if you want to talk more about that, we invite you to join us on Instagram or Facebook and send us an email with the word discover more and when my team sees that they will contact you, we will send you the details of how we could help you. you on your path to a life of fulfillment and fulfillment and creating the absolute life of your dreams, send us a message right now, the words discover more nowon Instagram or Facebook and see you soon.

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