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Marty Feldman on Young Frankenstein and Working With Mel Brooks | Carson Tonight Show

May 31, 2024
Tonight we have Nancy Wilson with us, Pat Henry Bruce Jenner, the decathlon champion, and this gentleman who is very funny and a talented guy, writer, actor, director, his first feature film. If he saw Mel Brooks' picture of


Frankenstein, he played the crazy role of Eeyore, not Eeyore. Igor, now that he's written, he directed his first movie, uh, when he also starred in it, it's called the latest remake of Bo Gest. Would you welcome Marty Feldman? Thanks, how's he doing, no, I'm not a critic, I don't know what a hump that was. the funniest lines of all in the image of one the hump moved back and forth in Young Frankenstein from side to side crazy madness as always the funniest things are the ones that are in the script yes, but no one did you bojas and I worked with Mel because you have a similar kind of wild stream of consciousness, yes I think we should come to Michigan, well we are both our families and we come from kyiv originally, yes he comes from the east side of New York, I come from the East End of London, which is very similar, yes, we have a lot in common.
marty feldman on young frankenstein and working with mel brooks carson tonight show
Surely when you take the photo and work with melon, when you made yours, there are many things that you put in the photo while you are doing it. It's quite strange that not with Belle it's uh if you suggest something to Mel uh he says no if you do it and laughs uh it's in the photo so with Mill it's better not to ask him because the answer is no, just do it, do it . If it hits him then it's gone in my case since I was directing it um I always asked myself and uh frequently allowed myself to do it but then I slept with the director to get the job and you were the director and I fell in love with you and, well, my wife slept with the director, you've been here how long in the United States, I mean you, Robin grew up in London, yeah I grew up in London, I'm still growing up, but I think about three years. funny when they were kids, most comedians are guys who become funny and discover that they can laugh very easily when they are little at school by acting out or making sounds or falling or doing yes things to interrupt anything else.
marty feldman on young frankenstein and working with mel brooks carson tonight show

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marty feldman on young frankenstein and working with mel brooks carson tonight show...

I think you can laugh when you're very


and you get a little older than you usually are. Oh, really, because most comics aren't. Sometimes, sometimes it works the other way around. You also know that Anita O'Brien said something about them quite often. I understand you, okay? I understand you. in bed sounds terrible I would see Johnny in bed over my shoulder often it's that time


um uh back from commercial I always always find that and I always wanted to play Discord when I played look I only played with your arms right ? fool around with them so I have these things here I know and I play with the cigarette box and the lighter and then you always look like you just got caught yeah so it's a little silly so please have one okay , anytime, which is for sure not I don't want competition, thank you, oh yeah, I want to play with you, not Louisville, okay, I think that's enough.
marty feldman on young frankenstein and working with mel brooks carson tonight show
I had to spoil it now Lou, this is the kind of entertainment you don't normally get at your high class, two adult


. men playing desk this desk is not in tune by the way I think this is an A flat desk Is it normally an B flat desk? What is the first time we were in school plans when you were a child? I was always into them if they had what they had. call sketches or the annual uh none of them no, I didn't become a knight until I was 32. I thought I was told by a very, very good agent um because most agents uh but I had no talent for acting um I tried it was around 17 or 18.
marty feldman on young frankenstein and working with mel brooks carson tonight show
And I didn't try again until I was 32, which was 11 years ago. Yeah, I'm only 43. So I've been writing for five years, 26 years, but I'm only 11 years old. old as an actor yes, I read it, it was early, I had a great article nearby the other day or an interview, I think it was and they talked about your eyes and you explained about my yes, yes, there's not much to explain, I mean, it's something like that. by obvious it's not you know I mean you have you have a wide field of vision I have I have peripheral vision on this side in other words you look very good from I look absolutely very good now but but if I look at it, yes, I had a condition of hypothyroidism brought on by exhaustion, so that explains the Excel, the bells are coming into your living rooms now folks and until then I hadn't known about it until they really bulged.
I didn't notice that one was Belgian, that direction, that direction, what happened? Yes, we writers were going to do something, we put together a little thing, we didn't have time to rehearse it. Today we are going to play two expected parents in a waiting room, but in this program we have to get up. and do things quickly, so Marty and I agreed that we didn't have time to do it the way we wanted, but I want to


you the end. sketch, okay, because we pivot, we don't like to waste anything on this show. This is like you know that when you kill a pig you use everything.
We're waiting and the nurse was going to take the baby out and here's the baby. We thought you'd at least like to see the end of the sketch is the props department when to do this and the end wasn't yours it was my baby the nurse gave it to me not in the photo um they certainly are yeah uh who else but well, who else? Michael York Michael York uh and uh Michael York plays my identical twin now, if you've seen Michael York now, when is when he had the plastic surgery, everything will be fine again, he'll be back to normal I can show these I can show these photos because it's silly this is not Anna Margaret is no that's not that that's um me when I was a child it's an act of playing with me like a child look at this that's true yes a miniature actor, actor, but this is he doesn't know him, I mean , this is normal, uh, if this is what you call normal, yeah, I never know when you're getting on me, get over this, he's 11 years old.
I mean, unless he committed suicide. since he will be around 12 years old. From this moment on we are going to do this, he will be 12 years old. Okay, now I think you can see the initial resemblance in this image as twin brothers between Michael York and Marty Feldman, he looks at the traffic. It would be extremely difficult for the mother to choose him. I think he is a mother being Margaret. Of course, your mother is Anne Margaret. It's time to choose again. Does this child look like you? Aha, look at this, here's this child actor, a real one. the way he looks yeah with the wig um yeah, he didn't know if he wanted to be an actor or not.
I told him: do you want to be an actor? and he said, I'll see if I'm good, yeah, never. he acted before he's an instinctive actor, he's great, Michael McConkey is his name, yeah, give other people to remember him, give them a little premise of the latest Bulls remake. Yes, because people haven't seen the original version for many years, so we will show. You have a little movie clip that we have, well, it's the story of identical twins played by Michael and I who are adopted by Trevor Howard playing their father, he marries Margaret, who comes with our stepmother, Michael, your diamond is stolen. .
I know what Hitchcock calls a McGuffin. Michael joins the Foreign Legion. I follow it. I feel Michael's feelings throughout the process of being a dancer. Yes, they hit him. Leave. You know, don't leave because we. We are playing this in English. I'm not Jewish, but I say, oh or whatever they say, um, we, uh, in the middle of the picture there's a sequence that I think we have right there, there was the obligatory pitched battle between the Arabs and the legionnaires and during that, um , there's a little cameo of a kid that another kid was trying to root for.
I don't know if he will enter show business. I don't know, it depends on what you see, what the public thinks, but you can. Recognize the boy, can we watch the movie? I looked at the monitors in the studio. Here is a small excerpt. That's what you were doing those days. You said you were sick. Yes. If you are going to enter show business. Yes. I'm very excited to do that. By the way, it was Avery Schreiber, yeah, he's funny, he's a funny guy. I'm a commercial that seems like fun to do, yeah, it seems like it was crazy because you can make parodies of the originals like that and find little.
Cliffs and making things up I don't worry too much about anachronisms, you know, cause and effect, anything that makes the audience laugh, you know, a butt like a dog, yeah, forget logic once you start like you know and explain logically a joke or you give it humor. It's not funny if people laugh, it's funny and you might as well go with yourself, something intuitive. I said it when you were someone who told me that you played football, which is English football twice a week, yeah, it never caught on in this country. They're trying, it's winning a little bit, they're starting some football leagues, but I think that's how it will be.
I think when they say that again, little people, you know that if you're five foot four you can be as good as anyone else. um, I was 5 foot 4 inches when I was 11 years old. I never really did. He was very good when he was 11 years old. um, I never improved, so what I have are the skills of an 11 year old and a 43 year old body. with 11 year olds because they are in better shape, but again you can play if you are small, you know, so I think it will catch on because a lot of little American kids who can't play basketball are soccer players, this guy if you don't weigh 200 pounds you They kill and there's only one thing that says: The only professional athlete I've ever seen is my height, so what are you planning now?
Who do you play soccer with here? Oh, mostly actors, waiters, whatever that is. I'll play myself but now I'm getting into baseball which is another game I've never played so I don't know if I can or not because baseball is confusing to English people when they first come here like cricket. is for most Americans when they see it on television. Don't know. I found cricket almost impossible to understand and well, it's actually a kind of chess with legs, while baseball is like cricket with speed, which is another thing I really understand. some baseball theory, but I've never actually played, it's a bit like you already know it, so you understand the sex theory, but until you get there with a bat, you really have to do it, yeah, there's no way know it first.
The time I got a blue single, someone was actually up on those cards, there's a seven, four and a half, six, she was trying to walk. Now I want to learn. Alice Cooper actually asked me to play in a free sports club, but I had to learn how to do it. play first I hope you like the photos. I know it came out a couple of days ago and will be released nationwide. I guess at this time, right? Yes, it will open right now in New York and tomorrow, yes. Yeah, I was very successful, thank you very much, man, let me do this, we'll get it out of the way right after this commercial.

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