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Roblox Barry's Prison Run! Escape the Fat Guard (FGTeeV Gets Out of Jail)

Jun 05, 2024


s they have minimum security and maximum security. He's going to kill me. This is going to kill me. Oh my God, friend, how did you die? Brad is inside suffering from allergies and a strange hat. Barry's


sneezed again. He's fine, welcome to the most evil prison. Perry is the prison


and I'm in


. I don't know what I actually did. What I do know is that he definitely has the coolest code star. There has to be nothing else that makes sense. Wait, you're very good at this, no. I'm not good at this, yeah, it's obvious, dude, orange suits me, how come you don't have an orange that's violent?
roblox barry s prison run escape the fat guard fgteev gets out of jail
My backpack can turn into a back, peace, fool, okay, that's cool, I'm a fire feeder, okay? feet are on fire what does this button do? I did that? Okay, wow, no, now in prisons they have minimum security and maximum security. What is this? There is no way for this to be maximum. Oh, one in every ten eggs found. I wonder if I can find why. You're so happy we're in prison, well I wonder if I find all 10 eggs, will the


be nice to me and leave, hey buddy, I'm fighting with your ex, wait, wait, wait, wait, one, two, I forgot to ask Q, what does telekinesis do? haha silly don't worry guys I'll keep you busy look at this wait this is like that game I played wait what game was it?
roblox barry s prison run escape the fat guard fgteev gets out of jail

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roblox barry s prison run escape the fat guard fgteev gets out of jail...

It was like a game of Huggy Wuggy, a rec room, I think, or an egg, oh, Barry is trying to hatch an egg. I'm not going to touch that one now I've got it I've got it I've got it oh my god she's zooming go go bye Barry we're in the bathroom what do I do what am I doing oh oh oh egg is this milk in the toilet and then chocolate milk oh, I have to dig well, I will do all the work until I come out Diablo, I think I just buried El Diablo, rest in peace El Diablo, oh my God, oh my God, this is the greatest hobby, oh my God, I'm not going to do this. wave breaking right wow, I love that no no oh yeah egg egg egg egg boom four out of ten I'm going to get all ten no, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what's that?
roblox barry s prison run escape the fat guard fgteev gets out of jail
Well, you just went through it, hey, it's okay. Now, what is that? How did you die? Robin, God, he showed me half of being a bald spot. We have this boom. We need to find out where the ball is coming from. Oh, look at that over there, oh Jerry, there are no players here. Oh, no moral today. the story is never questioned the almighty ball why don't I jump I'm a ghost wait can I come in here I's this like a secret passage for people who bought a jet pack oh I love cheese oh my god this is where the ball goes fast oh my god, that was close oh my god oh my god oh my god I this is definitely a feeling Ah, that's a dumb belly button, that's a dumb belly button, wait, how do I get this egg?
roblox barry s prison run escape the fat guard fgteev gets out of jail
Can? catch him, no, oh, only I can get caught and what the hell, I don't think I made it, I work fast, he doesn't even come for me, he's, he, that's weird, why do I do that? Come back here, goodbye, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what is this? I have to press this, press it. I'll never make it. How are things with you? Are you telling me I need glue? Fine, I'll catch your stinky friend. I went to


and Barry took all my lying wrong lying liar, okay Barry you've never seen dad get caught without what, what wait, what do you mean zero out of three, wait what how do you do, oh I gotta turn it three times, okay, here I go, the last ones?
Right here you'll never catch me oh baby what's wrong with you? Barry, you want to punch my nose, don't you jump? Oh, and Mary always wins. I'm such good guys. I got this far without cheating, where's the ball? Spawn. From God, goodbye ball, okay, okay, wow, I didn't realize your name, you look very good for an old person, click, I got it, Pablo, can you get down on the floor, please, oh my god, Pablo, balance better, friend, have you been eating? too much butter cafeteria how is the cafeteria going? Well, we do safety training. I don't care, I'll secure all the training I want, oh oh, speed boost, no wait, what did he just shoot me?
I didn't want to do that. Foreign friend, I've been slacking, I definitely missed an egg, oh, seven out of ten, oh, this is where you go and meet your loved ones, hmm, no one loves me, I guess excuse me, excuse me, Riley, Riley, move. I got out of jail first before you. That means I'll go out first, okay, stop, wait, why is it slippery? No, oh, it's too fast. We move, man, oh my God, I knew it because the old person, no one bought me, we did it, guys, I cheated, okay, Pablo, show us. Where to go?
Are you kidding me as soon as I get to the end? I just want to get a good Spike once every time I fall on this bike I can barely understand what I mean everyone close your eyes yeah I did it without using jetpack Fuji you are great thanks guys shut the bile. I'll close this to Balvis. Oh, there's another valve. I got it. I live dangerously on the edge. I know seriously. I don't know why I'm just not using the entire seat. It's really I should put my butt on this real seat instead of just on the edge, okay, that's good, I'm going to stick it good, okay, I've got it good.
God is playing Fortnite, gravity, cold war, quackle gun jet pack. I want to fight fight one day keeps a doctor away I want to buy a God bless you I'm great and Barry next time I see this fool oh God I'm sorry no I'm sorry everyone stay away from me I don't know how control I feel so bad about what I've done, just kidding, guys, I got this ready, okay, ready, let's try to grab the gun over there, ready, come on, come on, oh, fight, yeah, I'm like Spider-Man, Dude, I'm a good Spider. Man, oh, would you look at that pretty red wheel?
Why am I looking like that? Yes, this game is very fun. Well, I don't know if you can see my eyes are watering, but like her, I'm crying because this game is so much fun right now. This is what you call allergies Vamos Riley Peach and Jack 12 we have this and then I would go here I would make a great jump oh oh egg I have eight of ten eggs left me speechless I do not expect wait wait wait wait wait, wait, this is to do the reverse challenge, okay, wait, no, I have this ready, jump, jump, jump, no, no, again, pretzels, this is so much fun, this makes me want to go to prison.
I have to get out of here, no, no, I can do this, no, right? snowing in prison or are these dust molecules okay just cheat a little no one is looking at you you're about to die and the last thing you want to do is take a sip of a cola yeah yeah they've been waiting for me all this time time everyone y'all like the godfather yeah oh my god oh my god oh my god I'm doing it no way no this is like Willy wonks oh I have to press jump oh I have to try I have this I have this staple gun no no again no again again again hey I made it oh yeah guys I'm guys I've been waiting for you guys you guys have been taking a long time oh no oh my god God Blaster I'm sorry. this for you Barry but you have to wait fujuka I want fujuka I want food Yuka wait for why am I broken Who who hit my back like that?
Maybe if I drink a speed boost I can go, go, go, go, go, see what happens. when I jump, wait, my grappling weapon is still there the key oh, I can go around my grappling weapon. I can't walk w-a-s-d and Milwaukee stops. Well, we know it's working. I can dodge my grappling weapon, although this is not a way to live, take out the cameras, get it, yay, nine out of ten, why am I one? Kill me, press Escape and then R Escape r no, that's not fun, I don't know if you can see this, it looks like Vekna has me because we definitely do?
Oh wait. jet pack right now I'm not doing anything right reset okay we're good yeah we did good oh my gosh look I told you this isn't good because I missed the last egg I only have nine eggs come back. I'm not going to die again no I don't need one more egg I'll see you guys on the other side oh wait oh oh oh this isn't the real way out yeah I might still have a chance I have to look up I have to let go I have to look up up focusing wow so close there has to be a certain path yeah we're doing this you see I'm too good oh my god we did it we did it guys this is it no this is going to kill me this is going to kill me Yeah.
What's happening? I thought that was it. I can get another egg. There has to be another egg around here. Wait. What are metal crossing boards for? I press this button. Bring your boards here. I have it. Yeah, sorry guys, I'm too good. See you later guys, bye, I don't know, it doesn't work. I'm stuck. I'm dead. Did I do it? Stop it, friend. I'm stuck in the boss battle again. Reboot, yeah, shucker, wait, no, sorry guys, I didn't mean. to catch you, yeah, yeah, you stumbled upon it, okay buddy, it was your fault, where's the egg?
There has to be one more egg here no, no, I don't want to, I don't want to drive this, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I need an egg, come on, now it's an egg, no, I just left all my fans, my friends behind, no, I feel so bad, that's all, thanks for the ride. The sweat is there like an egg on a mountain. I quit, I won the tough prize batch. I didn't think I could win on hard mode this game was good I failed I only got nine eggs Oh I care I can beat it try it I want to be invited wait what happened it doesn't matter grumpy granny is all me teleported. to the bathroom what's going on finally get buried go to the desert why is that happening maybe I can be a guard next time what the hell well guys it was a pleasure playing with you all completion time 2 940 hours well guys I'm that good, but thanks guys, thank you very much for watching the Pacer test.
It has multi-stage capability, but that's it for this video. Now listen guys, see these right here. They are magnificent. This one, the newest one, you might want to go look for them. because they're great and Barry's not there, clean it up, clean it up good, clean it up, sleep, see you later, peace.

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