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Candy store ! Elsa & Anna toddlers shop for colorful candies

Apr 04, 2024





yes girls, you know why you are here because you behaved well and got advantages in your exams, we ate classes and we all behaved, but thank you very much, um Amani, for taking us here. I am very glad that you are welcome. Girls, you deserve it, delicious, bright,


, I want to eat popsicles, cookies, wow, I can't wait to pick one, well, what are we waiting for? The candy


is one of my favorite places, let's go shopping, yes, but wait girls, remember that we have to listen to the amount of candy that mom said to buy no more no less okay, okay, let's get cards, it was worth it studying for our test because now we can go to the candy


, oh and look, I see the carts have some bags in them, what are they doing?
candy store elsa anna toddlers shop for colorful candies
Do you think it's for, oh, I think it's for putting the candy in, you know, when we pick it up, oh, yeah, that's right, okay, I'll take the purple one and do you think you can reach your cart? Snowflake, yeah, I can push it here. Yeah, well, isn't it too heavy for you? Not well. Well, actually you want pink and here you have blue. Okay, buy candy. It's all Brighton, the sweet shop. I'll start at the end of the store to look at each of the sweets. Yes, yes, the same jelly bean. bears with this with the shiny jelly sign and so are the gummy bears, they are jelly hmm, super sweet.
candy store elsa anna toddlers shop for colorful candies

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candy store elsa anna toddlers shop for colorful candies...

I think I'll grab some gummy bears, let me get my goodie bag ready, ready for the gummies, I think I like this blue one better. It's so icy and clear, oh it's a party hat and it actually matches my blue streak in my hair for my ice powers. Anyway, I'm learning to control them more. My first plot and I'll take two more colors, one will be red because the red is just amazing and it tastes like cherry and then my other color will be yellow and plop, okay, now we're good. Anya look, look jelly beans, they're not beans, they're jelly beans, they're sweet, yes, I know, I just want to.
candy store elsa anna toddlers shop for colorful candies
Get the purple one in pink and this yellow one and this black one, but don't get carried away. I know, I know they are so distracting. This should be a grape color and we'll have a little bit of pink and lime and that's okay. maybe just two more, I mean, they're small, orange, and they ended up at the end, this one is pink, it's


, okay, I have my Jelly Bean, I mean, why do you guys just take the little bears? Look at the big one and there's only one that's for me I want to see it I have it snowflake snowflake that's on a real gummy bear yeah it's just a cute little decoration next to them no we're trying to make me put it back so you can get it oh no, smell, just smell Does it smell like sweet candy?
candy store elsa anna toddlers shop for colorful candies
Plastic, look, it's not real and yeah, we don't want you to break it and then have to pay for it, so you should probably put it back. Okay, I'll help you here, but I know. It's exciting, but we have to be careful. I still want to get a real one, oh okay, go ahead, this one is shiny, but maybe not much because you're not as big as a snowflake yet. I have two and you still want jelly beans. and this one and maybe one Jelly Bean this pink one here we go so colorful and cool oh yeah they look so good yeah they look like popcorn colorful popcorn snowflakes why were you breaking them?
I wanted to see if they are popcorn snowflakes. These are all sweets. and I could see why you were curious, look what's inside, it looks like it has some gelatin in it, but still look, you made a mess and now we can't eat it, obviously, and now, of course, mom will have to pay for it, Snowflake. You should ask us first, oh man, well I guess you didn't know. I guess you were little and just wanted to see what was inside, don't worry I will help you clean it and it will look like new. so let's collect all the crumbs oh Anya, can you give me a bag?
Yes, so we can put the part that fell on the ground into this bag. They look so good. I'll try them well of course, not the ones on the floor, but I still want some, can we get them? Oh yeah, of course, you just know don't take this one, but you know next time you should ask us and not just take a piece of candy and just open it, okay, I'll go throw it in the trash. I'll be right back, this is a giant cotton candy tree talking, a snowflake, oh yeah this must be real, oh it's not, but it's still cool. 50 I think it should be the main attraction of the store, the most beautiful decoration, but of course it's not real.
Look, Elsa, look how great these chocolates are. Remember that when we were little we ate chocolates all the time. Yes, that is a great selection of chocolates. You should get some and one, two, three, four, and I think that's enough, and you forgot something. How about these gummies? oh yeah, you can have some, oh one, two, three, I think they're fun, we should go see the kids now oh yeah, come on, hey girls, are you okay? We were having the best time just picking out those colorful


, oh look. and look, did you see this tree here oh oh that looks like a cotton candy tree yes, it's beautiful yes, like you could eat it but just kidding, you can't eat it very good and I hope you didn't overdo it? with the sweets like we said um well this is what we have we did well so far um yeah not too much that's good we don't want to get sick right oh no no and in the end when we're done you just get it all the sweets, you will check our bags, yes, we will be fine for sure.
Well, let's continue this way, okay, come on sister, come on guys, let's go there. I see something really cool, oh, I see something shiny too. Come on, come on Anya. come oh oh yeah yeah I'm coming um my friend said these


are so good it makes me want to try one but then I have to pay a lot if I only have one oh this one says it's funny it tastes like a green apple oh my friends are right , this tastes amazing, another one wouldn't hurt like a red tea and if I eat it, no one has to know, it's okay, it's so good, what else?
Yes, I want those brilliant ones once, look Delicioso, we will also have one, the pearly blue one, which one do you want? Pinky pink Matches my bun Okay, let's talk about matching. I'll get the color that matches the blue. Come on, yeah, what's taking you so long? coming from the moon or what oh what what oh yes yes yes I'm coming just wait just wait oops oops oops I have to pick this up I'm so clumsy I thought she almost caught me that I was eating those sweets okay, okay, okay maybe I should go now no no no no no no no marshmallows the cupcakes that are all sugary in these colorful oh no I don't have to try one but it's okay, I'll take two home yes, one two, so if I have more Mommy won't approve so I can just eat one, yeah, problem solved, oh no, I keep knocking things over, please don't fall, it's okay, oh, it's okay, I don't think anyone has seen it, come on, Elsia, she'll come, she's a big girl, come.
Now I saw some other cool candies, come on, okay, snowflake, but come on, come on, come on, okay, come on, I guess you can catch up, come on. I should go now, but before I go, why don't you try these little Pebble candies, yeah and. These are very small, so no, no, just no, just all these sweets are so good and some for my bag, okay, now I can go, I hope I don't get distracted anymore. I'm coming, I'm coming girls, wait a minute. I went through these and they didn't really want to try them, but now I ate more sweets.
Okay, well, I know I'm going to take this one out of the package, but okay, yeah, okay, I'll just hide the. packaged somewhere amazing pineapple flavor so good this is so good oops but it will take too long to eat it it's a hard candy so put it in my bag okay, okay, but don't feel guilty no, no, okay like now I'm leaving now I'm leaving I'm here I'm here finally what took you so long uh nothing nothing just a bunch of candy I got distracted and got carried away yeah okay let me show you something follow me oh snowflake where?
Hey? You can not see me? I'm hiding here inside the gummies, what kind of camouflage and whoa Anya, take a look at these gummies, they are so clear, wait, it was this real fruit, it must be a real straw, ah, it's not. a real strawberry that's amazing oh and let me see the orange this was the orange oh and snowflakes since you're up there I hope you didn't eat any candy you know that's not nice we're not supposed to do that no I didn't eat anything , but I really like staying here next to hundreds of sweets, oh snowflake.
I know you like it there, but we have to go. Mom is waiting. I bet we have to leave soon. Look at this bush with sweets. Yes. I agree, it is a very good idea. Candy Bush can't believe it, she just looks at this bright, clear, grape-colored thing, and I hear they even have juice in it. Oh, orange is so cute, no, no, no, I just can't resist. I need to take a bite Anya, did you see the Candy Bush? Oh, wait, um, what Bush, wait, what, oh, you're swallowing the candy, golden candy, that's good, that doesn't make sense?
I just did it to make it look, oh well, that's not a mouthful. way, this is just something, it's just something I don't know, it just broke, yeah, I was just looking at it, so what do you mean ah, you're not supposed to be this, we're supposed to pay for it? it's good to eat it in the store and that's disgusting and look you even threw them on the floor um I thought it would be a bit wait wait did you take even more let me see our cart um oh please don't tell anyone mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy snowflake what happened mommy mommy at your age guess what she did she ate like two gummies without asking and she didn't even pay for them and now she ate like two and now she's going to get in trouble now shh, no, snowflake, I don't feel so good, I think my stomach hurts, okay, okay, yeah, um, yeah, I ate a lot of candy and not just these gummies, I took one out of its wrapper and hit it. and they were so good and I had to do it.
I'm sorry, I feel bad, oh Anya Anya, what did I tell you? There aren't many sweets and we definitely don't eat sweets in the store, that's rude and we have to pay for it first we don't do that but you don't understand that they all look so delicious and I don't think you went to the store because then you would have wanted to eat a little too, you just understand how my stomach feels. It hurts, I don't feel good oh Anya Anya, what did I tell you? Now you know what can happen if you don't listen to your parents.
Yes, next time I won't know many because now you learned your lesson. Your mom, I'm sure you're Anya. Well, I'm sure that next time you won't do that again. I don't want to do it again. Let's quickly pay for everything and once we get home I'll give you something for your upset tummy. It's okay. Thank you, mom. You're. the best mom, oh I don't want to look at my candy, oh it makes my stomach hurt more, I just wanted a nice soda, a glass of water, come on, let's go home and show dad what we do.
I hope you feel better Anya, thank you Celsia for more videos go to our channel and subscribe

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