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10 English Words You're Probably Mispronouncing!

Apr 26, 2024
Hello dear students and welcome back to English with Lucy, today we are going to talk about pronunciation because there are quite a few


that you could be pronouncing wrong, don't worry, it is very common, these are very common


, they are mispronounced very often. I'll go over them all today and teach you how to pronounce them correctly based on my accent. British English Received Pronunciation. This is the pronunciation you will find in most dictionaries. As always, there is a free PDF and accompanying questionnaire. This lesson is free to download if you would like a copy sent to you, simply click the link in the description box, enter your name and email address, sign up for my mailing list and then the PDF will arrive directly to you. in your inbox after that you will be in the club every week you will receive the PDFs of my free lessons.
10 english words you re probably mispronouncing
It is a free service and you can cancel the subscription at any time. Let's start with the video. We'll start with the first word, or should I say. words and I may have given you a little clue, actually, we're going to talk about a trio of words, three words that English learners commonly mispronounce, they're these words here, the problem with these words is the sound of the words. vowels, many people struggle with the vowel sound in these words should be ER a word world work with this vowel sound ER I want you to imagine that you dislike something er er a word world work I'm enjoying these trios let's move on to another one a number two these words How would you pronounce these three words again?
10 english words you re probably mispronouncing

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10 english words you re probably mispronouncing...

It's the vowel sound that really confuses students. It is very difficult for them to produce it. you should say would should and could wood is actually the word that confuses students the most because that worse sound before. emergency words are quite difficult to make, you have to go would, the vowel sound is uh Uh Wood, it's the same as good wood, you should focus on making that round lip shape, a word should, we could move on to the Number Three. I actually had this. for dinner tonight it should be pronounced salmon salmon but some people say salmon salmon they pronounce the L you will even hear native speakers do this officially it should be salmon and there are many words like this with a silent L and an L that are included in the spelling but not included in the pronunciation another big one is this word almond almond you will hear people say almond or almond officially it should be almond almond this word also falls into that category half not half or half half talk and walk also follow this same trend you could even even say the same about wood, should and could, the L in those words is silent.
10 english words you re probably mispronouncing
Now let's move on to a group of words that are commonly mispronounced mainly because people give them an extra syllable in British English. We love to cut. syllables without words look at this first one some people say vegetable it should be vegetable vegetable vegetable non-vegetable number five is very similar look at this word I hear people say chocolate or chocolate it should be chocolate two syllables we drop that middle syllable um no chocolate or chocolate is chocolate chocolate another very common this word number six again we drop that syllable I hear a lot of people say comfortable or comfortable it should be comfortable comfortable three syllables comfortable the number seven may also surprise you, you may have been accidentally mispronounce this is this a place fabulous if you haven't explored your local then why pay it seems like you should pronounce it library or library but it's just Library Library two syllables it's actually easier Library which is a horrible horrible pair of sounds to say Library lie Brie library number eight this this really confuses a lot of my students is this is something lovely lovely just a really horrible word when you read it you want to say jewelery but it should be jewelery so look at the word Jewel Jewel Ry, jewellery, you'll hear the British say jewellery, jewellery, like that, that takes us to the number nine, we return to a confusing vowel sound or a diphthong, in this case, one that is difficult to produce, appears in this word here.
10 english words you re probably mispronouncing
I wonder if you've ever had trouble with that before hearing people say parents or parents, it should be parents, parents, you might be thinking that the sound of air is not difficult at all, it's


because your language is used to pronounce this sound in certain languages. In certain native languages ​​you never encounter a sound like that and it can be very difficult to produce. I'm thinking in Spanish, for example, when you say, parents, it should be e uh eh appearance, now we can make this easier for you, just take the e sound and extend it I'm slightly lowering the pitch e parents this sound appears in many words hair share care Subject I know that many of you follow me because you have the goal of speaking like a native, many of you just want to have a clear accent, you want to be understood without losing your accent.
I would advise everyone to really work on this sound practice in front of the mirror. repeat after me, it will really help you be understood and, for those who want to speak like a native, you have to do it. master this sound to make that last word is this word people always like to add an extra syllable it's two syllables Biz with schwa business I hear people say business business and that brings us to the end of our pronunciation video. I have a fantastic PDF with lots of additional information and a quiz. I know you love quizzes.
You can test your pronunciation there if you want to download it. Simply click the link in the description box, enter your name and email address, and sign. Get on my mailing list and it will arrive directly in your inbox. Don't forget to connect with me on all my social networks. I have my Instagram English with Lucy. I also have my personal Instagram Lucy and this could be interesting. For you I also have my vlog channel where I document our lives here in the English countryside, but the most important thing is that each Vlog is fully subtitled so you can use it to acquire new vocabulary and improve your pronunciation and listening skills.
It's a pretty good resource. See you soon for another lesson, thank you.

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