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Noah's Good, Daniel Sucks | 1v1 Stroke Play @ Santa Barbara Golf Club - Part 2 | Goophie Golf

Mar 23, 2024
ER foreigner like an idiot, no, he's one, he's


ing pretty well, no, he's


ing pretty well, just a double mistake, which is fine, that happens. I had a terrible two in the loop, but now we have a par five here, we have a par five that is uh, it's a fundamental hole here on the front nine, there are two of these, one every now and then, one on number nine , so you know, it's still


play, we have a lot, a lot of


to play and Noah kisses the noticed cousin, no, uh, Nacho just said. no nacho Noah just no Noah just said his favorite movie of all time is naturally brilliant one of them if it's nacho then nacho said his favorite movie of all time is Noah Free very


here goes Noah with his Drive


five alone I want to get down the middle or something that goes right into the trees on the right side, it'll still be fine, you'll just have to do it, it's hard.
noah s good daniel sucks 1v1 stroke play santa barbara golf club   part 2 goophie golf
It's right behind a log alright buddy I'm hitting it


just a little bit to the right or left right now yeah foreigner right down right down Broadway oh yeah I love my driver today I love it I love it well he says he has I've practiced this shot a million times because I've been in this situation a million times that's what I know Kobe Bryant says he has confidence in the preparation. I think I'll be right. I said that. Okay, Kobe, so let's see what he's doing here. How nice it is under the tree. Look what he has there.
noah s good daniel sucks 1v1 stroke play santa barbara golf club   part 2 goophie golf

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noah s good daniel sucks 1v1 stroke play santa barbara golf club part 2 goophie golf...

Overseas, he just got stuck on the hill. it didn't go anywhere it didn't go anywhere no somewhere it all landed okay maybe like 150 left that's okay 150. I'm there like a tank probably came in like 200 yards probably probably something like that somewhere huh how far am I? you've got 240. 240. I'm going to use a four iron just to get in front because there's bunkers and stuff there so I'm going to lie down like an idiot, okay that's a smart move what am I kidding? That's bad, oh my god, uh, oh, why am I so dumb? Why is he so stupid?
noah s good daniel sucks 1v1 stroke play santa barbara golf club   part 2 goophie golf
Please respond to the comments. We have like 160 because I'm an idiot. Come on, yeah, I lost it right away, man, I tried, I tried to follow it with the camera, we're good 152, I have a seven iron because I don't have an eight to be a little seven here, yeah, but do some magic, oh, that is. Oh, never mind, he just left, uh, oh, like a pin. High left, I was going right and I started cutting, yeah, okay, decent shots from two terrible shots, so this is


, this is golf, baby, come on, baby, hat, okay, well, I couldn't see mine. a second and I thought, oh my God, my ball went in the hole, but bam, I'm there.
noah s good daniel sucks 1v1 stroke play santa barbara golf club   part 2 goophie golf
Noah is there, yes. I'm going to have Noah film my chip and then I'm going to film this tube. Yeah, here we go, so this. It's for bird I practice this shot all the time so I hope this comes close thanks not bad not bad very unsure that's not bad but it could do something good let's film Noah maybe see what he has he's not ready for par yet, that's not a dirty


, good part, thanks, yeah, they're out of the way, I don't know what this is going to do, I'm terrible at reading putts, but let's see, I told you I'm terrible at reading plots, so there's a bogey on a par five.
Like an idiot and I just emptied it without even looking at it, let's do it right, it's in front of us, so Noah has honors because I suck, that was one more, I have five more, I'm so glad we're playing shark because he could explode and it could fall two down maybe that's probably not going to happen, but what is that up here? Apparently this is the hardest hole on the course, it's very undulating, the green


and let's see what happens here, okay, okay. part four here we go, oh my god, great. Drive wow, on the right side too, that's where you want to be because on the left side it falls, good driving Noah, but I hate you.
I'm still going against you. I'm upset, how come? Drake song, come on, I'm upset, no, we're here to drive down the middle, that was stupid, could you cut that, leave it at, let's leave that at 50,000 in my head it's disrespectful, where JoJo is there when you need him, big Drake fan? It's not Jojo ciao JoJo big Drake fan oh oh I want to see uh Tracer be cool Tracer okay cam wow that was a little weird car cam cam card cam yeah that's me oh I'm on the other street I was sick, what? OK? You didn't know I'm sucking golf and I'm on the other street.
I'm going to hit him over the trees. I'm going to try to hit the fairway because hopefully I'm going to hit it for birdie so that's the plan here we go over the trees which is a very good shot Daniel that's a beautiful shot oh lovely exactly where I wanted it as you can see he leans a lot so now he's kind of downhill or under his feet because he's uh loser lefty 54 but I want to take more because I know he's under my feet and I'm probably not going to hit the best shot. I know let's see what he has, although no, he is a confident golfer.
I think he has won. Right now, I have like a million too many, so let's see what, let's see what Connor couldn't do. Connor, wow, buddy. I just called him Connor. Connor, if you're watching this, I appreciate that he's about 120 pounds on the owner he has that maybe he's got more than that a lot more than that Connor is a big guy here we go he's skinny sit down oh he's ready I hate those lies Me too I hate them but just a little lamb slow turn yeah that's not okay okay next shot winter golf rules so the dirty lifts are cleaned and replaced because it's muddy and technically this is the fairway check this out yeah, yeah, here we go, it's time to get closer and get in, we're just getting in. like 30 yards to the hole here oh just a little long come back down that's okay okay here it is Noah he's going to lie I'm ready it looks pretty good wow now good job thanks I hate you buddy thanks buddy I appreciate that dude, I appreciate that, I appreciate it, see, that's good in my books, he said it, I said, okay, okay, we'll take a Pokémon poke, okay, no one has two and a half feet for the pair and I have a pokedot, I hope just do it. a boogie, come on, we gotta keep this match somewhat even, clean your balls and not with par, whatever


, I suck, we all suck at golf, we're just in a bad mood, I slept for like four hours, it's early , it's cold.
You got your ass kicked, you got my ass kicked, he's one more, I've got six more, okay, you might as well turn off the video at this point because there's no point in watching it, scroll through it to see if I can get it to come back up. even okay whatever, now I'm just watching Noah play and me sucking the title of this will be the good thing about Noah. Daniel stinks, all right, next hole, part three downhill, come on, this is about 195 playing 185. No, you have four irons because I'm weak because I'm weak too I'm going to use a four and two Don't make fun of us If you make fun of us, you, one of us, will come out here and beat us, you're going to play golf.
Yeah, exactly, come play with us if you think so, if you want to make fun of us, okay, wow, wrong way, Noah, is it time for Daniel to come back? I got a draw guys look he had a draw well for him it's not good good for him I hit it really well from the side of the


faces uh I broke my Whatchamallalit my last four irons I hit but I got trust in this, it's a foreign left, you did this, you are, you are. in turns I'm against the hill, you went so far to the left Good shot Ryan just had to throw one of those in there the cops did it oh that's a curse that's a curse I'm going to get over it another TC song okay, there's the green right there, thank you, it was your friends, it was your wedge, yeah, okay, thank you sir, let's see, we knew the wedge would be good luck, okay, since we returned the wedge, you'll get a good chance here, oh Oh my god, look at that, oh out of that lie look at that lie look at that line look at Good Deeds go Good Deeds see everything that happens says the Buddha Oh my god, it's okay, I hate the Mig Banger, the worst item on the McDonald's menu , it has a slight slope, if you can say so.
Right there he has to hit it to the left of the pin, let him funnel, let's see if he can do it here it's a little long, yeah, oh, it's on, this is how you rake the bunkers right there, this is for Daniel's par Daniel you I have to yeah did it, if you hit it, let's try to do this here. I hope he makes it. I don't know what to say, the camera is not your friend, I hate the camera, man, okay, let's see Noah's stupid putts. It's for the audience, I swear to God, we have the closest matches and he beats me like I normally do all the time.
I swear, here it goes, nose, I pushed, it takes me to two over two, bummer, I'm eight. This is going to be legendary, check this out, can I get two breakfast burritos with bacon, just hash browns with bacon, eggs and cheese, please do you have anything else? Yes, that will be fine. I'll have it ready for you, thank you. here's how it's made right there and we're about to drip Santa Barbara Muni has the best breakfast burritos. I would say you are trying fresh burritos everywhere. Well, I'd say it's a close competitor to the Glenn Annie reference in the video.
I'm scrutinizing that now because they put, they put fries in there, they put fries in there, all right, all night, we have a fifth, I already have eight, well, that was two, hopefully some dramatic comeback can happen right now, stay pay attention, no. I'm going to go up first, uh, Noah has orange but he's peeing, so let's get a good drive here, beautiful. I'll take the middle of the fairway which was soft, maybe could have been a little straight, but the fade played well, so let's go see Noah. let's see what Dynamite could do, okay we'll pick it up, we have people in front of us too, but we'll do it buddy, what the hell happens when someone rushes you?
Damn yeah, no one got to that point. I don't think I died, so no, it was like 100 yards and hey, we gotta blame that guy, let's play, that guy was pressuring us and it just made it worse, so let's see what Noah could do here. Take it out, oh my God, see, it's just that a top was that a top maybe it wasn't like no, that was just on the face that was on top, so no, there's no song, There's no song, there's no song yet , song still doesn't feel like low. in the rhythm, yeah, Daniel's just gonna go 'cause they're rushing us, here we go, uh, three woods up the hill, part five, I don't know where left went, but down, and I think we're good on the worst lie in the world world. three of them off the worst line in the world, okay, I'll take him down any day, that's where I went, I went, he went there, third shot, guys, okay, that was his third shot, okay, well, just we missed the interaction, the car is there. a car right here, the nose hit the car, shot back here, so it should have been the bunker, but yeah, anyway, let's do it right, it's pretty good, it's pretty good, let's see if we could get up and down , that was really good.
Did they give us one? Put it right, there's a little left, this is his Eagle chip, that was my chip for birdie, good job Daniel, excellent job by the young man. Way to capitalize on Daniel for the birdie, that's a lot of work, let's look at the young man's putt here. I hate the golf swing, please. nine over nine nine over no way you just saw a night over I didn't think it was that good I'm recording no, if you see why I hit a sucker, I can't double drive those holes because it was right after a The guy told me to hurry up, it's never good, okay, hurry up, I hope I make the putt now just to show that guy what's up.
This is for Noah to win the match. I mean, he already won, he won like five falls ago, but thanks for tuning in. In no case has he been regardless of resistance, whether or not, he is a winner. I'm Wanda, wow, and you went up and down two on two, good job buddy, you're a tank. Well, that concludes the match, no, it was an honor, it was strange, left hand. Shake lefty but that's what was amazing thanks for tuning in until the next game until the next game we'll film it we'll film another game and another time but for now we're going to eat your burrito.
We're going to eat our burritos, we're going to do a little burrito analysis thanks for tuning in, stay silly everyone, that's why I'm here until next time, where should we play next? Oh no, let's do math at four so far sounds good. I know it's okay, we should go.

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