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NOOB vs PRO: PRIME House Build Challenge in Minecraft

Jun 02, 2024
Our friends Mikey and JJ are in big trouble now, my brother Milo and I have to




s to keep them safe, but what will happen when this huge tsunami hits us? In 20 minutes, the tsunami will hit and begin destroying nearby villagers before it arrives. US Champion, yes Milo, he will be, which is why we need to start


ing fast if we want to protect our friends Mikey and JJ and their families. I'm going to build my Prime bottle here and I'm going to build the Prime popsicle flavor, it's my favorite, it looks great and I know exactly how I want to build this.
noob vs pro prime house build challenge in minecraft
Well, I'm building the blue one. Good idea. Milo blue is totally your favorite color, so it actually makes a lot of sense. The Prime bottle will have some blue, but it will also have white and red. It's a really cool color set and I think it will look absolutely amazing. I've already built the first level, my Prime bottle is going to be absolutely massive, let's keep building it really high, each section should be around seven blocks I'd say, but this is going to take a while. I'm going to use the world edit to make this go much faster, that way we have even more of a chance to save Mikey and JJ and their families.
noob vs pro prime house build challenge in minecraft

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noob vs pro prime house build challenge in minecraft...

I'll do the positions here and then if I type stack seven boom, it instantly goes up seven more blocks now I need to build the next part, this just means building one block inwards on each level. It's important that we do this because the real Prime bottles actually have grooves that make them much easier to hold and it's a really cool design. Every Prime bottle has them so if my Prime bottle didn't have them it would look ridiculous and silly and It won't be a proper Prime


look it already looks so much better now that I added this and wait a minute Milo are you building a Prime bottle on its side?
noob vs pro prime house build challenge in minecraft
Yeah, obviously, Milo, that's so dumb, why would you do that? I know that the Prime bottle must be raised and what happens if the tsunami takes your Prime bottle. No, because I only drink Prime when it's on the side. What Milo, that's ridiculous, how does it not spill over on you? That's how I drink it. Milo is. That's why you always smell like blue Prime, yes it's exfoliating, oh my gosh Milo you shouldn't drink Prime on the side, that way you'll get soaked and we really want to avoid getting soaked right now, the tsunami is on the way and we want to stay the same. drier as possible if you cover yourself with Prime.
noob vs pro prime house build challenge in minecraft
What happens when all your feathers become very heavy and wet and you start to sink into the well? I'm actually friends with KSI and he told me I can do it. Do this Milo, there's no way this is true, he's my best friend, wow Milo, that's cool, how long have you and KSI been best friends for about 45 years? Milo, you're not even 45 and KSI isn't doing well either, that's how I know you. You're lying to me right now, why would you lie? Oh rat. I really wanted to seem cool Milo, you're already cool to me. That's why we're both trying to help our friends Mikey and JJ.
There is nothing better than making sure that everyone. your friends are really safe from a tsunami yes well KSI is actually my friend but I've known him for 2 years. Oh, that's still great, Milo. I don't know KSI, but I have a feeling I will soon. He probably will be. I'm so impressed by this Prime house I'm building that he'll want to be my friend right away. Look Milo. I'm already in the white section. I already built the two blue ones and once this white section is finished. We will be in the red section and we will be able to draw the Prime logo on the side of the bottle.
It's going to be pretty difficult to get it right, although I have to make sure I do it exactly as written on a real bottle of Prime, otherwise, it'll look silly like some other drink that's not the real Prime, well that's really cool, but actually I think KSI would probably live in my house. No way, Milo, if KSI showed up, he'd be living at my house and Mikey and JJ would probably be. I will also want to live in my house, it will simply be much safer and my house will already be much bigger and much higher up.
Imagine how easily your house will fall into the tsunami. There's no way my house is very safe and Mark is leaving. I love it because this house is especially for him. Wow, that's very nice of you Milo, my house is especially for JJ and his family too, but Mike is always welcome. Let's write stack seven one more time and boom, look, this build is growing faster than I thought. Now we could do the first White Groove oh wow Prime actually has five different sections of the bottle, there are two blue sections, two white and one red at the top, the red section also has the cap so that's probably the most Importantly, it is what stops.
The top inside the bottle will spill everywhere. Look, we're almost done with the first White Groove, then we can copy it and quickly move on to the red one. This house will be built in a short time. Milo, I'm very excited to see you. how quickly we can save JJ's family from the tsunami. I'm also excited because I'm very confident that everything will be okay. I don't know, Milo, that tsunami is coming and it's coming fast, we have to make sure it doesn't. let's let our guard down and work hard to make sure our houses are finished on time.
Look, I already copied the first part of this. If I stay here and copy again, I can paste it all the way here, okay? I really hope this works and boom, we've already made the two white slots on the Prime bottle, now we just have to make the red one and turn it into a cap, oh boy, this will probably be the hardest one to make with them. all Milo, what's up? I just realized something, oh no Milo, you're worrying me. What's happening? My bottle is not symmetrical and I have to start over. Milo, your bottle is not symmetrical.
Oh, I think I understand what you mean, he's nice. flat out this doesn't look like a Prime bottle this looks like a crushed Prime can yeah it looks like someone sat on my Prime bottle and crushed it like it was a b it kind of looks like a blueberry flavored dumpster oh no, this is going to take me so long yeah Milo we don't have much time to spare that tsunami is coming it's all over the news we gotta make sure we build our Prime houses before it comes and we gotta make sure we build. They're very, very good, otherwise Mikey and JJ probably won't even want to go in, they'll try to survive somewhere else, but they have no idea that they won't be able to if they try to survive somewhere other than our Prime houses.
They're not going to do it right, Milo, that's why I'm doing my best because my build needs to have structural integrity. Yeah, basically your build needs to be really really strong and so does mine. Now we just have to stack this. red cape and oh boy, this is about to turn out very, very well. I can feel it Milo, if you need it, you can have a place inside my Prime bottle. I'm not going to need it at all, really, Milo, are you sure? your Prime bottle is looking a little uh not secure at the moment yeah well I fixed it and everything looks great oh okay that's really good to hear Milo.
I am very happy about that, if you have any problem, please let me know because I don't want to lose you in this tsunami. I would be very sad and lonely if that happened. Oh boy, I really hope everything turns out well. My build looks great, although look, I'm already doing the section where the lid is. Curves in I bet this will be the best bottle of Prime ever, even better than the real thing because I could be wrong, but I don't think people can live inside a regular bottle of Prime. My bottle of Prime is going to You have epic places you can live inside the bottle and JJ will be there too and he's a cool guy so if cool guys like my Prime then he must be the best maybe if If I shrank I could live inside a Prime bottle.
Yes, I suppose you could shrink and live inside a regular Prime bottle, but why would you want to shrink when you could live inside this Prime bottle and not shrink at all? I guess it's a really cool Prime bottle, thanks Milo. Really okay, look, we need to curve this part of the roof because tsunamis actually have a lot of rain, and the more rain that falls on this Prime bottle, the more inclined the roof will have to be, it won't do. Very good job getting rid of the rain. If the roof is flat, the rain will simply accumulate on top and then the main bottle will collapse under the weight of all the water.
That would be really bad and I need to make sure that's the case. It doesn't happen, yeah, I have something to say, okay, what is it? Milo, did you know that the blue flavor is blue raspberry? Yes, I knew it's actually a really delicious flavor. I like it so much that it's probably in my top three favorites. I like it a lot too. the ghost flavor and I love this popsicle flavor, this one is definitely the best because it doesn't just have one color, it has three different ones and three great colors, plus red is a great color because it's very close to my favorite. orange color oh, orange is fun, yes, I'm glad you agree.
I don't like orange flavored things, but I love the color. My favorite flavor is probably blue raspberry or watermelon or frozen popsicle ice cream. Yes, they are so long now. As long as I make sure I don't mess up this design, we should all be safe. I just need to build the interior too, oh boy I need to think of crazy things I could add to the inside of this, probably something really cool. I bet I know JJ really loves Prime, so I'm sure whatever I add he'll really like, but I still need to make sure I try really hard to get it right.
I could still choose not to live inside my Prime bottle and that would be I'll be really very sad, I'll miss it completely and I'd be in a lot of danger, okay this is going pretty well right now, in fact, as long as we keep it up and build the roof properly Before the tsunami comes, we should be safe, oh. Boy, I remember the first time I drank Prime, it was probably a couple of months ago. Wow, my life has definitely changed because I drink it every day. Now Prime Time, Prime Time, yes Milo, you're right, it's Prime Time, it's Prime Time to survive.
This Sunami, do you think your house will survive the tsunami? Oh yeah boy, 100% true, Milo, I don't know, Milo, this is a bottle of Prim, not Prime, I put a little e on the rim, I just didn't look closely, Milo, this E. is on the final because you couldn't fit it, oh Milo, if you can't even fit a letter e on the side of your bottle, how are you going to fit Mikey's entire family in there? Because I'm very good at doing the Space looks good, Milo, that's not going to work. Your space may look as good as ever, but if you can't fit people inside, they won't survive the tsunami.
Are you sure this is a good idea? Milo. I can really come and live in my Prime bottle. I don't want to hear your negativity. My Prime bottle has become beautiful and I know that we will survive this tsunami together. It's okay, Milo, as long as you think you'll survive. Oh boy, I'm a little worried about you. I want to make sure you get through this that way. You, me, JJ's family and Mikey's family can survive together and have a lot of fun drinking Prime forever. Prime forever. Yes, not Milo. That sounds cool, it sounds good and that's why I'm building a good bottle, so back off, buddy.
Okay, sorry, Milo. I'll stop questioning your Prime Building skills, but I won't stop talking about how great mine are. I'm almost done. roof I can't wait for them to finish this. I wonder what


flavors they will make next, maybe they will make a watermelon flavor, or a pumpkin flavor, or a beet flavor, beet flavor, that's gross, what not, that would be really delicious. I'm sure it would fit perfectly, it would be a really cool red color, at least if they were beach flavored. I'm probably not going to drink it, to be honest, yeah that's fair, it would probably be a bit weird.
I would try. Although I like to try super crazy flavors of things, remember when I tried that snail soda the other week and that chip was disgusting, you were small, hey, it was pretty weird, I would never have it again and it made me feel really bad if I ever did. you see. that Milo don't drink the snail soda CH what is Milo? I've got the


fish the prime fish oh boy I better go see this what's the prime fish? Well, Milo is the fish that lives in the first bottle. What is Milo? It's nothing, why do you have, oh boy, Milo?
This is a puffer fish. Yes, the main fish. Milo. Puff fish are poisonous. Are you sure it's a good idea to have him around Mikey's family, not to mention Mikey's baby? Yeah, it's okay, it's just on your little one. glass box and he keeps an eye on everything, okay, Milo, shouldn't I let this fish out into the ocean? There's going to be a tsunami anyway, why would you keep him locked up here when an entire ocean is about to hit CU? I'm protecting him. oh, okay Milo, I guess you can keep protecting your fish, um, what's his name Jim?, oh, that's it, his name is Jim, okay, that's cool, I like that name, it really fits very good, reminds me of Jimmy from Mr Beast, yes actually his full name is Jimmy. pop Jimmy pop okay, that's a cool name, I like it, although Milo sounds very similar to ice pop, are you sure you didn't steal my Prime flavor as your name?
No, that's his real name andIt's on his birth certificate. Milo, your fish has a birth certificate, yes, and I'll show it to you in 3 minutes. Okay, I'm excited to see this. I don't think I've ever seen the birth certificate of a fish before, especially one named Jimmy pop. This is going to be pretty interesting, but Milo, you better make sure you don't just print out a fish birth certificate, you also need to make sure that you're building your Prime house really safely, otherwise the family Mikey's could be in serious trouble, safety is my priority Noel, yes, me too, I'm going to make my Prime house look amazing. like a real Prime and then I'm going to make it super safe.
I just need to make sure it looks good first, then security will come and it will be the safest Prime house ever created, probably a little safer than yours. Milo, I don't know how I know, I just have a feeling, yeah, okay, whatever, now I just need to get the lid on this Prime bottle to pop up like this. I'll make these blocks go inward slightly, oh boy, this is the end. Prime bottle layer once you have done this we can start writing the prime on the outside and then we can decorate the inside. I think I have a pretty good idea of ​​what design I'm going to give this thing that's about to look so epic.
JJ's mind is going to be completely blown by the Prime bottles. The lid sticks out a little. We'll make sure to build it with red concrete because that's very important in the Prime Popsicle bottles. The lid is red. and there's actually a small transparent section right below it. Let's make our section transparent with white stained glass that way it acts like a small window. It is important that we keep our window up, otherwise the tsunami could reach it. Let's make sure you add this window all the way around because in a real Prime bottle this clear section actually wraps around the entire cap and also helps people see inside to make sure that the Prime flavor they are getting is exactly what they ordered, that's why always check to make sure mine is ice cream because it's still the best flavor you've ever seen.
Now we can make our lid go up a little bit more like this, we'll build this pattern all the way around. Oh boy, this looks great. This cap is The final step before writing the word Prime on the side of this bottle and turning it from a random bottle of different colors into a real Prime bottle. Without this final step, no one would know what the heck I'm building right now, I probably think it's kind of a big cake, luckily there won't be any confusion soon, let's just put the final block in and boom, the Prime cap is now complete.
Hey Milo, look at my Prime bottle, let me see, let me see, wow, that's a big Prime. bottle, yes, it's quite big and also very thick, so I can build a lot of things inside and wait a minute, Milo, what is this? I'm not sure, oh my God, okay, I'm going to check inside this chest and, oh, it's Jimmy Pop's birth certificate. I totally forgot all right name of birth toate Jimmy species pop Pua date of birth three Milo, did you write this yourself? No, Milo, this is clearly fake, you spelled everything wrong and what is three, that's not a date of birth, it's just a random number, well I got it from the government Milo is this the government inside your own Prime bottle, which means the government is just you, yeah oh Milo that doesn't count why not Milo that's too shameless okay I don't know the time for your silly antics I need to build my Prime Logo now hm , where do I build this?
Well, I think I know the place first. We will need to build the pee. It's okay, the pee can go this way. I think, oh boy, the wind is really starting to blow. This is getting bad, Milo. If the wind gets faster, it's a sure sign that the tsunami is on its way, yes it scares me, yes it does me too, but don't worry Milo, we don't have to be afraid, we just need to make sure that Our Prime bottles look good. perfect and then we won't have to worry at all, instead we can be super confident that we've created the perfect protection for Mikey and JJ's families, that's really true.
Now I need to place black under the letters like this. I'll only place it in certain parts. Hey, this looks pretty good. Now we'll add it here in the middle. Well, this card already has a 3D look. Now I'll make sure to place it on this side as well. I really hope this still looks good. Hey, this looks amazing. Let's continue adding this for all the other letters. We'll also need to grab some snow blocks for this white section. It's going to be quite difficult to build this part against the already white blocks, but. I have a feeling we can totally do it.
Let's do the r section of Prime. This will be the next letter of five that we have to do on this Prime bottle. Okay, this looks pretty good, but I'm going to set this one up. Return to the air and wait a second. I'm building this wrong. We need to push these letters a little further back, like this. Yes, it looks much better. Now it looks like the other letter. Let's keep doing this. I don't have much time and the best part about this Prime bottle is that instead of Prim, this will be actual Prime and it will also say Prime on the side.
I don't know what Prim is, Milo, I still don't. Why did you write that it is called Prime chip? How many times do I have to tell you Milo if it's cold Prime? Why didn't you write Prime instead of Prim? Because I did write Prime. It just didn't fit in my bottle, okay? yes, that's true, now we've written the p and r, but hm, the p is the wrong color, let's change this to snow blocks, that looks a lot easier to see, oh yeah, it looks a lot better. I'm so glad we changed this section from white concrete to snow.
Now let's make sure that the rest of the Prime letters we write are exactly the same color. Then comes the eye of the letter. Let's make the letter eye right here and it can go to the right. through like this oh yeah this is great and look at the inside of my Prime bottles they already look epic. I wonder what super awesome things we can build inside them. Oh boy, I already have some amazing ideas. I'm not going to just say any of them. however, because I want them to be a secret until I build them, but I have a feeling they will be an absolute game changer to ensure JJ's family stays safe.
The next card we need to build is probably the hardest one we have right now. I need to build the biggest letter of all, M, it's also the same size as the letter W, but it wouldn't be easy to build right now either, the m on a premium bottle has an interesting shape, it's actually a bit squashed. but it still has a classic M style H, let's make our M a little bit more pointy like this, okay, this actually looks pretty good. I'm excited to add the black concrete shading to this. I have a feeling it's going to look pretty good right now, we'll build the last two levels of this m, we'll redo them on these sides, uhoh, I should probably put the light blue concrete back there instead of having snow, here we go, now the m looks pretty. cool and symmetrical now let's add the black shading like this wo this already looks so good okay we'll do it on this side too hey this is so epic Milo you're going to really like the design of my Prime bottle yeah.
You might like What do you mean? You might like Milo, you're definitely going to like him. You can count on that. Well, maybe I will and maybe I won't. Mm well, I guess I'll have to write the final letter. of my absolutely perfect Prime the final letter is an e and I think I'm going to have to build it here. The wind is getting even faster. This is Bad Milo. I have a feeling the tsunami is approaching faster than we ever thought. Could you now? I feel nervous, don't be nervous Milo, it's okay, I have a feeling we can survive, but only if we try really hard, let's make sure we give Mikey and JJ the safest Prime houses. have you ever seen it's my mang, see me too Milo, okay, this looks pretty good, let's add the shading to the bottom of the E like this, hey, this looks pretty good, we just need to make sure we do it for this side too and boom, okay Milo, my drawing of the lettuce on the side of my Prime bottle is now complete and they look so good, let me see, let me see, come here and take a look at this, oh my goodness , it looks like the real Something, yes, now it is.
I need to make a cool entrance to my Prime bottle so I can build the inside. Wow, I'm a big fan of this Prime bottle chip. It will definitely survive the tsunami. I guess so. I really hope so, it will only survive if I put every ounce of my effort into making this so perfect, so safe, so secure and so beautiful. Okay, so we're going to do a little entrance section down here and we're also going to need to make sure that it looks really nice. I think if we have a little section of light blue glass over here, it's going to look like the bottle is discoloring and there's a little opening at the bottom that's really hard to see, okay?
Okay, now let's add some light blue concrete underneath like this and, wow, we're going to have to start filling the inside of this Prime bottle with a bunch of birch boards. Oh wow, this could take a long time. Although I'm a little worried that this will take too much time, maybe instead of building it by hand I'll come up with another way to do it. Anyway, my Prime bottle is a perfect circle. Hey, I think I know exactly what to do first. to find the center of the bottle Prime, I think this looks like it, so we need to count exactly how many blocks away it is, let's use these blocks to count because it's much easier to see exactly how many there are, all right, this is 12 13 14 15 okay, the priming bottle has 15 blocks in each direction now, if I write cylindrical birch planks and then add a 15 pen, you will get the perfect amount of birch planks in each direction.
Wow, I'm so glad we thought of that command at the last second, this will make building the inside of the Prime bottle much easier. I think on this main floor here we need to have a huge, very elegant entry hole. Let's make a small circular design in the middle here. H, okay. I'm pretty sure this is the center and then if we do this, we'll find the center on each different side of the Prime bottle. Oh yeah, this is good, although I don't want to just have a big circle in the middle that might seem a bit silly, maybe instead we can have a slightly bigger circle, but then add a staircase that goes all the way around it. .
This will go from a great house to a great mansion. Oh wow, that's so impressive. JJ will definitely want to live here. I'll be running here before the tsunami hits. I know. I think we'll need to grab some smooth quartz slabs for this. Let's make the staircase here. This has to be very grand, otherwise the staircase will look pretty silly. We can have different levels for each different color of the Prime bottle. I think the blue levels will be the blue levels can definitely be the living areas like the living room and kitchen then the white sections can be the bedrooms oh yeah that looks cool and then maybe the red sections can be the maximum security zones, that way we will have very good safe places around the main bottle so that no one has to feel unsafe, what about you Milo, where are you going to put your defenses? your Prime bottle safe from tsunami defense, yes defenses Milo, are you not even thinking about the safety of your Prime bottle?
Oh man, I haven't even thought about that at all. Oh no, Milo, you better think quickly, otherwise your Prime bottle won't. You won't be safe and you could put Mikey's family in a lot of danger, don't worry chip, I think I have some good ideas brewing in my brain, okay I'm really excited to see them, I just hope they work out well Milo, if not You come up with these ideas in time Mikey's family is toast, okay, this staircase is going great, in fact, I'm very happy with it right now. We just have to make sure we keep it symmetrical on both sides, no.
I want to have a ladder that looks weird and silly, that would be very embarrassing. Okay, this looks pretty good so far, but there's more to it. Now we will build more quartz on this side and continue with the staircase. Oh boy, this is it. about to look so good I can't believe the tsunami is coming to us so soon Milo, this tsunami is one of the most destructive ever seen, it's been destroying all of our friends' villages, yes, I think I can even hear it, that's it just my belly. rumbling for the cream treats oh Milo, what's up with you and the cream treats?
You're always eating them, they're my favorite snacks, yeah Milo, you can't give them up, it's actually a little crazy, you like them almost as much as I do. Prime, yes, and I put some of them around my bottle to protect myself from the tsunami. What Milo, you can't protect Mikey's family with cakes, that's not how it works, only the Prime bottles are strong enough to survive those creamy treats they just received. washed are not chipspastries are boiled popsicles oh sorry Milo I didn't mean to be wrong okay but the popsicles still can't protect you that's just sweets how do you know?
Have you ever tried it? No, Milo, but me. I know how tsunamis work. Candy is not strong enough to defeat a tsunami. I don't know who told you that you always talk all scientific to me, chip, but I know that my idea is going to work. Don't know. Milo tsunamis are quite strong. Especially this is the strongest tsunami ever recorded and I don't know if we'll be able to survive if you spend all your time eating boiled cream delights, yeah well I'll lower some other defenses too, that's a really good idea Milo, you could really use that okay a few more defenses against that tsunami, but look, I made my Prime staircase and it looks so cool right now I'm just going to add a little bit more blue concrete to the sides and then I can start building the main room area.
It's about to look so cool inside my Prime house, Milo, that you'll probably want to move in even though I know you're really excited about it. You should see what I have really good, once I make this ladder I'll go and take a look. I'm actually kind of excited to see Milo. I bet you've done something really cool, yeah I got it. two really good ideas cooking here okay, I already finished my ladder so I can go see them now okay what's your wao Milo what is this? This is the wind vein, this is the weather sensor and this is the wind turbine and Everything is very useful, yeah wow Milo, they look really cool.
I guess the more wind blows as the tsunami approaches, the more power you will get and you will also be able to feel it coming. Yeah, and my other idea is a Taser. Milo, you can't cause a tsunami that will simply electrify the water and make it more dangerous. Well I'm going to try anyway when it comes to catching us, oh Milo that's a terrible idea, oh boy I really hope you come up with it. some better ideas besides some wind and a taser. I'm going to start making my actual living room layout on the main bottle.
I think we can have a nice sofa here. This looks really cool. I will do that. Move the table I just put here and I'll put it here. My Prime area will be decorated in some really cool colors. Hey, look, the colors of the flowers may even be the same colors as the real Prime. bottle, yeah, it looks absolutely amazing, let's cut out a little bit of these blocks here. I think I added too many and now that I removed some, it looks much cleaner here. I also want to have a huge TV. Look, this is going to look so good on the sides, we'll have some decorated tables and we can even have some lamps, then we'll add some red sofas to this, hey, look, that's awesome, now we'll do it.
Make sure the sofa wraps around well because this will be quite an elegant area. I still think it's missing something, oh I know, let's add some shelving in the back so, this way, it's not just a TV area, it's also a reading area where people can learn all about how it's made Prime and what's in Prime and all the fun and interesting facts about Prime, like how Logan Paul and KSI make it. I also want to take a few blocks of notes that this TV will have the best sound system ever. It's also huge. Maybe we can even make the TV really tall.
Now it looks like a giant phone and it looks really fun. I say we keep it. I really like that the design of the television is so large. Let's add it. some shelves on the side, though so, hey, these shelves look cool, I really like these. They're definitely missing something, although I need to think of something to put on top of them. I think this needs to be cubes now no. It doesn't look very good, but we're still going to need to survive a tsunami here and buckets are important for cleaning up a lot of water very quickly.
If we don't manage to clean up the tsunami, we could be in serious trouble and wait a while. Second, I had a great idea. I already have white coppin in my inventory, but if I take a light blue coet and a red coet, oh yeah, we can make a premium bottle coet shape on the inside of this build, we'll make blue on the bottom, then we'll make some white and I think we need to make this a little bit bigger, actually, like this, yeah, then at the top, before we get to the center section, we're going to need to add some reds, uh-oh, I broke a piece of the floor, let's go back to put it in quickly before it's too late, okay, now we'll add some white here and we can make the Prime bottle cap.
This looks like Prime, this is cool. Really like that, although we'll make it a little shorter, that way it leaves room for the extra things I want to do in the middle later, although I can't build it yet because we need to build the kitchen area first. This second story will have to be absolutely epic. Let's quickly describe the areas we don't want to build on because we're going to turn a big chunk of this upper area into a really cool balcony. Oh wow, I don't know. I think I've ever heard of a balcony inside a Prime bottle before, that's basically unheard of.
Oh, this is about to look so cool. I can feel it. Let's also make this back g go all the way up like this, this is how it looks. Less cluttered and can look so fresh and clean that it also gives us plenty of room to put some storage space behind it in case we need to store any visual items or in case we need to store any items for any rescue that we need to save from. the tsunami oh yeah, that looks a lot better now we can start filling the second floor with even more birch planks like this, let's keep adding them everywhere and wait a second, our Prime bottle doesn't have windows, right? now we'll have to remember to add some windows that way we can look out and just keep a good eye on the tsunami.
If we can't see outside, the tsunami could occur without any warning, then we will be caught by surprise and we could be totally destroyed. I'm not going to let that happen. I'm going to make sure that no matter when this tsunami hits, we will be prepared; however, it will be arriving very soon, so we will need To start preparing quickly, I am going to grab some white stained glass panels like this, we will make sure to outline this area with a lot of glass that way, there will be no risk of anyone getting caught. fall, especially JJ's baby, oh boy, he is. always falling off things.
I don't know how he became such a clumsy little boy, but I guess he definitely got it from his father. J can also be so clumsy one time when JJ and I were hanging out and JJ fell while he was sitting. He didn't even know how it was possible. He'd never seen anyone do it before, other than maybe you Milo, you're so clumsy too, sometimes not so clumsy. I'm a little sad. That? Milo, you're sad. Because? Don't say anything, what's wrong? Because the tsunami is going to destroy the village and all our friends. Oh, right, Milo, that village has some very good friends of ours, but I'm sure they'll survive.
They're probably building their own bunkers. own, but we just have to make sure our bunker is strong enough to survive the Tsun Armi. We are also saving some of our friends by saving Mikey and JJ. Yes, we have to concentrate and do a very good job, exactly Milo. the spirit is okay, I'm going to build a little more concrete on the bottom here, like this, and we'll make sure to connect it to the other sides, hey, this really looks cool, I really like this part, we just need to add a couple of glass panels here and then the staircase will be finished and then we can move into the kitchen.
It is very important to have a kitchen in a tsunami if things go very bad, oh boy, we are going to need to have it. Lots of cooking skills and I think this is definitely the way to do it right. We'll put some kitchen cabinets in there and we'll also need to grab a refrigerator. Let's take this lightweight cooler. Let's place three on each side. There are so many coolers, but it's important that we add a lot because we're going to need all this space to store our Prime bottles. Now we will also need to grab some sinks, we will grab a red sink and we will also need to grab a light blue sink because those are the colors we have chosen, we will put the light blue sink here and the red sink there and we will also need to grab some buckets of water because there is a lot water in Prime, we have to make sure we add as much water as possible so that the Prime energy hydrates us, that's why it's called Prime hydration, after all, now here we will also need to have our own oven section I think.
The oven section may be right on this side. Ovens can be quite dangerous, so we have to make sure we keep them really safe. I say that we use cut limestone, which is a block that really suits the colors we have chosen. This looks nice, maybe we can even add some smooth quartz stairs on top to make it look like a really cool little bungalow. Hey, this looks amazing. Now we will need to take a slab of smooth quartz and just put it there. Hey, that looks so cool. Let's also add another campfire section here because we're cool and you can't just have Prime energy without having some really cool food.
We are also going to have a small section. Hey, this looks really good. I like this. Very much, let's also take some birch ladders and place them around the campfire that way, they will be sunken and will be a little safer because the boards are much less likely to burn. Hey, this looks great. I am very happy with this area, but we are not finished yet, we will need to grab some more cabinets for the kitchen. We'll add some cabinets to the sides and add some more here. Let's add some slabs to this back section so we have something to rest the cabinets on. oh wow this looks epic, I really like this part.
Now up here we are going to have different colors of shulker boxes, the Sher boxes are going to match the colors of Prime, although wait a second, the actual color of Prime Ice Pop turns blue, white and then red. She had it backwards, that would have been very silly. I'm sure JJ would have noticed that he likes Prime almost as much as I do, so if I built this wrong he would be the first person to meet JJ's wife and his kid also likes Prime but JJ is a main demon? What's up with Mikey Milo? Does Mikey like Prime too?
Yes, but only the blue raspberry. What he only likes is a flavor that is crazy. Mikey is a Kiky guy. I guess so, Mikey and I are best friends and both. like blue raspberry flavor, Milo, I thought we were best friends, yes I guess sir, but you've been a little weird with me lately, what does that mean? Well, he's been saying that his Prime bottle is better than mine, Milo. I didn't say that to be mean to you. I say this because I'm worried about you and I really want you to survive this with me. There is no need to worry.
Milo is fine, he is fine, Milo, if you say so, I totally trust him. I can't wait to see how amazing your pre-bottle looks. I'm almost done with my cooking. I just have to place these slabs in h. This Prime bottle is definitely missing a nice natural area. I think of a here. take some grass and we'll just leave it, the grass looks good here, but I think we need to take some deformed roots, these don't look like the right color, but if we add some rose bushes and maybe a white flower. like lily of the valley we can have a garden area that has the perfect colors to be great hey this looks epic I really like it let's make one here too oh oh wow this already looks so good , now we're going to need to extend this little quartz point a little bit so that we have enough room for it, we have two of these rose bushes, maybe two lily of the valley and then we can have a deformed root over here, hey, this area of ​​the garden looks as cool as it is real.
Prime, I'll just make sure to add a little more quartz slabs on top of them, like this. Wow, I'm really proud of this, although I'm just going to break a couple of these to make this quartz wall go down a bit. Look look. that this kitchen area looks so stylish and cool H I think we should probably get rid of these stairs and just change them slightly so they fit the whole design a little better okay this looks pretty good now we'll make the quartz go down like This, hey, I bet now that we've got these stairs out of the way, we can upgrade this section of the oven a little bit.
We can do it by adding different types of ovens here. Alright, we'll have normal ovens on the left. Also get rid of the walls too, now we'll also grab some smokers and just put the ones on the right, hey this looks great, let's also grab some item frames so we can have some examples of foods that we can completely cook on. Things will get pretty hot here too, so there's a small deep slate bench to work on. One thing no one ever drinks out of a bottle first is milk, but I think it would be really fun to be boiling some milk on the stove, maybe I can turn it into cream or caramel or evenice cream or something, oh yeah, that would be great, okay, this area of ​​the kitchen is pretty good, but I think it needs a little more red.
Let's take a red coet and put it right in the middle. so, okay, once we add this coet in the kitchen area it will be officially complete. This looks amazing, but I'm going to take a few more of these plants and put them in the bottom area right before I do the last thing. Besides the water lift, I'm going to put them aside before I make the last addition to my Prime house. Normally I would do each floor as we go, but I have a feeling that the tsunami is getting pretty close now that we have to make sure we are emergency prepared in case it happens at any time, that's why once we let's add this Garden area, we will need to make an armor room.
The Armory room will have some epic stuff inside like a ton of weapons and a ton of armor also the armor is probably more important because I don't think weapons have much of an effect on a tsunami, yeah tsunamis are pretty powerful no I think that even if you hit it with a thousand swords, it would make a dent in the tsunami, that's why armor is our best option. Armor can protect you from so many different things, so the more armor we have and the better our Armory is, the stronger it will be against the tsunami.
Well, this area below looks great now because the next levels are underway. To be a living room, the Armory should be here at the very top, let me grab some more birch boards and we can start building. The quickest way to build this is to simply build right where we think the middle is. Place a block down and then run our cylinder command again. We will make the cylinder with hand 15 and look at the arm. So now we have a perfect area to start building, let's leave a spot in the middle in case we need to get here pretty quickly, okay, this Armory is about to be epic, let's place the deep slate over here because this is where it goes.
Being the Super Foundry Wall, this will be the biggest foundry ever and it will look really cool. Oh wow, that already looks really scary. Now we can add some fire pits inside that way and we can even add some. deep slate stairs on top, let's grab some here, okay, I'll move my blocks in my inventory, okay, we'll put the deep slate stairs like this, this already looks cool, let's make sure we have a little bit of pipe joining this to the center from the ceiling otherwise the smoke would blow around my Prime house and it would get very smoky in here, okay this should be nice and high enough for the smoke to flow, now let's add a little more. upside down stairs here hey this looks really cool let's also add some upside down stairs inside this super cool foundry this looks epic but it's still not enough after all this is an Armory so here is where we forge the armor and We need to use molten metal for that, so let's add some magma block sections here, this is where we keep the molten metal before making it into the armor.
We will use magma instead of lava because lava is much hotter than metal magma. it shouldn't be liquid to change its armor it should be pretty solid but not completely solid so you can still use it as putty oh wow just look at that now we'll just have two sections where they join together oh this is it . It looks so cool that we're about to make some epic armor here, but we also need to light this place up a little better. Let's add some deep slate slabs crossing like this and we can also add some on the other sides.
We have to make sure we build at least four of these, otherwise some parts of this Prime bottle won't be lit very well and we could make some serious mistakes when making the armor. I don't want that to happen because if we make mistakes. in the armor, oh boy, we probably won't even be able to use it properly and it might not save us from the tsunami. That would be very sad. I need to make sure this armor is strong enough to keep everyone safe from this tsunami. This looks pretty impressive now we need some support beams so we'll add some chains that will go all the way to the ceiling.
These chains will be the ones that will support this structure. She was already standing on her own, but with the chains she is now. extra sure, that's a pretty important step if you want to survive a tsunami. Okay, now the last chain is up, we just need to add a couple more dangling. I think about eight strings we'll need to center them pretty well because they need to be illuminated. In this place, the structures must be symmetrical so that they do not fall when the tsunami hits. The more symmetrical something is, the more stable it is and the less likely it is to fall over, which is why building a symmetrical Prime is a great idea. idea to keep us safe in this crazy tsunami event.
Right now, hanging lanterns look great. We need to add an anvil area. We'll just place some deep vision slabs here to hold the anvils nicely in place and we can have a complete set. Bunch of them, this looks so cool, they're so loud, okay though, I think that's enough anvils for now, let's do the deep slate curve and we can add some extra fire pits here, maybe even add some deep view stairs that point around. the campfires tilting the smoke up hey, that actually looks really cool, speaking of really cool, we should probably have a grindstone area too.
This grinding wheel area will look like a real conveyor belt and can even rotate around the grinding wheels, it looks like they are spinning after all. Okay, perfect, now we're going to make this come up here on this wall. Perfect, now let's add the whetstones like this. This looks amazing. I think the more whetstones we add to this link, the smoother the armor will be. It'll be fine, this looks pretty good, but let's add a couple of flashlights here. I have a feeling this area will get quite dark, as will the other areas around the sides, but these aren't because they have campfires.
Okay, this looks good. Great, but we also need a forging table area, not just a forging table, although we also need to add a pretty scary block. They look really intimidating, but they are actually very useful. This block is the stone cutter, oh boy, let's place them right over here. It is a super precise cutting machine, the more precise it is, the better the cuts will be, so the more precise our cuts in the armor can be. We'll be making the best armor ever created in no time. Let's just add some stairs that go over these fire pits and some small slabs on top, this design doesn't actually do anything, it's just said to look cool and I think it does a very good job.
Now let's just place some barrels to make it look like a real Armory with a bunch. of materials everywhere and then we can add some gold and iron too, after that we can finally start adding our armor, okay, let's take raw iron blocks and gold Roblox, maybe we can have a couple of copper roblox , but those aren't really that powerful, so we'll make sure to use as few of them as possible. Okay, we'll put our iron here and then we can have some gold next to the iron too, oh boy, these look great, I'm so happy we built. the chains to keep this Prime bottle really sturdy because these blocks are going to be very heavy on this bottle now it's time to take out the armor stands and start making the armor H I think the armor can go right here oh yeah, That looks epic, there are four pieces of armor on this side and we will have to make sure to make four pieces of armor on this side as well because we want to have one piece of arm armor for each person in JJ's family and one piece of armor for Me and we can have some netherite armor here, but there is another type of armor that I think would be really useful.
It's called scuba gear and it will be quite useful. There are four different pieces: the helmet, chest plate, leggings, and boots. If each of us has four pieces of this armor, we can survive the tsunami in case this Prime house floods. I really hope that's not the case, because flooding this Prime house would be a disaster. The final part of this armor room is. just some emergency supplies I will put here we will have pickaxes and swords. I think that's all the emergency supplies we'll need from this armor room because we already have cubes downstairs in the living room now that my armor room is complete. can I start with what's in the middle here it's about to be great Milo what's up?
Are you OK? something is really wrong oh no Milo, is it the tsunami? I can see your wind turbines are blowing, that means it's getting closer, is the tsunami coming? to hit us there is no chip Missing Jimmy PO oh Milo, you were crying about your puff fish oh okay um I guess we have to get it back then, yeah, what could it be? This is a totally closed space, so I don't know how I got out, yeah, that's very strange, Milo, you must have left a space somewhere. I don't see any traces of water or puddles.
Maybe we'll build a statue of him so anyone nearby knows he's not missing any bad chips. enough, I need to get Jimmy's puppy back, okay, we'll look for it ourselves, it's a fish, maybe it's near the ocean. I just want to make sure we don't get too close because there will be a tsunami after all. Maybe we should go check there, yeah that's right and wait a minute, Milo, there are waves in the ocean, uh-oh, this is a bad sign, I bet the tsunami is completely approaching, let's find Jimmy pop on time, oh you're right. Milo, okay, where could Jimmy Pop be?
We don't want to fall into the ocean because then we would have to get out and that could take a long time, yeah that would be really scary, but I can't see you in there, neither can I. oh my god, Milo, where could Jimmy Pop have gone? I don't know, okay, I'll check back here and, oh, hey, wait, Milo, it's Jimmy Pop. I found it, oh my god, chip, you really found it. Come on, wait, let me go. a bucket of water so I can pick it up in it, oh my gosh Jimmy pop you'll be safe don't worry it's okay here it is Milo here it is Jimmy pop thanks chip I'm going to put it back where it is.
It belongs but wait a minute Milo before you do it, these waves are giving me a very bad feeling. I say we need to check the news to see what they say about where the tsunami is. Yes, we should definitely check the news. I have a TV. inside my house Prime, come on, we can check this out completely, okay, let's see it, oh my god, Milo, look, this is a nearby town that is being totally destroyed by the waves and oh my god, the tsunami is a Florida block. to destroy that village is huge and Milo the tsunami is moving much faster than I thought it was now if this tsunami continues this fast it will destroy our village too oh man that's scary quickly we have to finish the bottles of slime.
You're right Milo, let's turn off the TV, okay Milo, we have to start building faster than ever, we don't have much time. I'm going to build a bedroom on this level, it's the level right above the kitchen. Now it's going to look amazing because Fest we're about to build a huge bed frame. This will be JJ's bed and I have a feeling he's definitely going to like it. We're going to build a huge bookshelf wall because JJ is a really smart guy, he loves reading books, he never gets tired of them, so I have a feeling he'll really like these.
Next we're going to make sure that this red concrete goes all the way to the ceiling, this room is about to have the best design of any bedroom here, we're just going to add some nice extra walls so we can then put a painting on top of them. We need to decide what paint we want to add, although it is a pretty difficult decision because we could add any paint, but there is no guarantee that it will be good unless we choose a good one, add a little more red concrete over the sides here and then we can add a little more smooth quartz in the middle, this is about to be one of the most modern and attractive rooms ever.
Hey, this is exactly how I wanted it to look. Now let's add more red concrete behind this wall. It won't look this red forever because once we add the concrete, we can put a paint over it h not that paint, although we will have to choose a really good one that can fit very well on this wall hm, I think this looks good , although it doesn't fit, maybe we'll move this one a little to the side and then we can make this red concrete go down a little more, yeah, I think it looks pretty good, we can even do another painting in this fall, this one should have the painting fighting or maybe a different one depending on the painting we get.
I really like this one, in fact let's put this one here. We will add the red concrete as we did before and it isokay this is starting to look really cool, now here in the middle we will need to build the proper bed. H first we'll add some smooth quartz slabs like this and then in the back we'll add more beds facing the other direction, because then we're about to take some red rugs and lay them over the tops. From the bottom of these beds we will also need to grab some Mangrove Ladders. These Mangrove stairs will then wrap around the rest of the bed frame.
This now seems like the perfect bed for JJ. He will love this one and he needs it too. a really cool nightstand area. I think we'll put two on this side and two on this side, plus they fit perfectly. You'll probably also want some chairs so you can sit on the nightstands instead of just having them there and not using them. This looks pretty cool, but we still need to add even more. JJ's wife will also need a bed of her own and she's a little smart too, so she'll also have a giant wall of bookshelf that JJ and his wife will have. really similar bedrooms, but they will actually be a little different.
We'll give JJ's wife these beds like this and even add the same stairs around the edge. JJ's wife will have a huge cabinet area next to the bed that she can basically do. Anything she wants on this table is going to be absolutely huge and I know she's really going to like it. She even she can have more books. She may be super smart, so she will probably appreciate them a lot. She doesn't like the color red. As much as JJ, but she still likes it, that's why the shelves on her side will be quartz, but on top of them we'll add a little more red concrete up to the ceiling, so, hey, this looks super brilliant. the red concrete We'll add even more quartz like this, oh wow, this is cool, I really like this design, let's make sure we don't forget any parts, let's add the final slabs here and boom, that looks so epic now.
Also have the red concrete surround these shelves like this, this bedroom is already fit for kings and queens, but I think we should definitely add even more. We'll add some grass so they can have their own garden sections in the dorm. I'll add one here like this. We can even make it something round, like a top bottle cap. I really hope that adding all this decoration is enough to distract them from the coming tsunami. I don't want them to see their new home for the first time and be very worried about a tsunami, I mean, the tsunami is coming and it's pretty scary, but I want them to be very happy here, so we have to make sure that they really like their new home. home instead of using roses with deformed roots and lies.
In the valleys we are going to use blue orchids, rust daisies and poppies, it will look great and we can even make a super awesome stripe design. Hey, this looks great, let's do the same on the other side. Here we will make blue orchids. then we can do the rust daisies and then we can add the puppies like this, it looks like a real Prime bottle. Oh wow, this looks so epic. I am very happy with this design. Now let's add a couple more red concrete frames around it. more space and um we also have to give JJ and his wife some storage otherwise they wouldn't have room to store their stuff which would be a huge mess and oh my god I almost forgot we have to give JJ and his wife a place for their baby oh my gosh I don't want JJ's baby to be left out in the tsunami that would be terrible okay we'll give the baby his own little section here and we'll even make it really easy for him to get it. above that's why we're adding those slabs, it'll make it a lot easier for a baby to get up hey, this looks great.
I really like this section, let's just add a little more red concrete along the sides like this. and then we can add the quartz slabs that go right up here. Hey, this is about to look really good. Wow, that's really epic, but I think it could look even better. Let's put some planted areas above JJ's baby's sleeping area. Oh, it definitely will. so, we're going to give this the same stripe design like this and we're even going to grab the stairs and put them on the bottom of these blocks. These stairs will be upside down because it looks so cool like this, hey, look at that. looks so epic wow, JJ's baby is going to love this and now we just need to take these stunning boxes of different colors and put them on the walls here, let's add a marked patent to these, oh that looks so cool, I bet because JJ is really going to like these we are also going to give JJ's wife some storage here although this storage will be a little different because it will have a very cool swooping design oh yeah that looks epic let's add a little more white concrete to the back of this wall like this. and we can even add a little bit more here, we'll also add some extra red concrete and then we'll hide the Sher boxes here, maybe we can even make them red too.
Wow, that looks great hidden away, it has really good storage and she can have some extra storage on this wall too. Wow, I have a feeling JJ, his wife, and his little baby will really appreciate this. We just need to add some coets to this room and then this room will be finished. Let's just add the coets. in the form of a Prime bottle like this, yes, that really looks like Prime. Okay, this one looks so good. Hey, these Prime bottles look like popsicles. From this direction it looks like a frozen pole and from this direction it looks like Prime. just add one more here in front of JJ's bed, this one is going to be pretty big because it needs to be symmetrical with the center of the room otherwise I'd probably go crazy, okay this looks amazing, I really like it JJ and His wife and little baby's bedroom is now complete, now it's time to do something really epic in the middle and I'm going to need more glass to do it, we're going to need some white tinted glitter and some blue tinted. glitter and some red tinted glitter, we are going to make a water lift and we will need to use Soul Sand as well as some magma blocks, for that it's okay, this is going to be cool, let's grab some useful algae and we need to grab some signs we'll also take warped signs and some mangrove signs oh wow this is about to be so epic this water elevator will go all the way to the ceiling we'll have to give it a bunch of different colors. in different sections just to make sure we give this the really Prime look, each different color layer will be three blocks high and will go in the order of blue, white and then red, then it will keep cycling over and over again until it reaches to the top here it turns blue white red and then it will turn blue white red oh boy and it totally matches each level every time it goes over a floor like this we'll need to add some concrete.
Hey, this looks really cool because it's a red level. We'll add red concrete, but then if a blue or white level crosses like this, we'll need to add some light blue concrete, although I think it actually looks better with the red concrete, plus it's from JJ and his family. favorite color, so I think they will really appreciate it. We have to make sure they still like the main bottle after all, otherwise they won't be able to get in and it will be a big disaster. Okay, this will be the last top level. this water lift only needs to go this far, then we'll have a nice platform at the top where me, JJ, his wife and his son can watch the coming tsunami and make sure it doesn't hit us.
I'm sure this will be enough to stop the tsunami from coming, um, hey Milo, what are you doing to stop the tsunami? leak Milo that's because you have a pool on the roof oh my god let me see what this looks like on the inside oh Milo your house is totally leaking this is not going to work if aami hits oh man what is the guy going to do uh Milo can you? it blocks the drops look, if you put up a light blue stained glass like this, it will stop the drops from falling, look, they don't even pass the glass, that's great.
I'm going to do that all over my house, okay? Milo, good luck, oh my god, the tsunami is getting closer and closer. You better make sure you stop those RSs real good, otherwise the tsunami will catch you and Mikey's family. You don't have much time. That's really sad. I have to be quick. Yes, you definitely do, Milo, it's taking you so long. In fact, I'm getting a little worried about you if you don't manage to make your Prime house a little safer, soon the tsunami will completely include you in Mikey's entire family. I don't want to see them go so I'll have to drink all of their Prime and I mean I love drinking Prime but I'd rather drink popsicle than blue raspberry flavor, well I'll still be alive so I can drink Prime. forever yeah that's a great idea good idea Milo if you stay alive as long as possible we can survive this together and we can all have all the main flavors we want just think about it Milo if you die now you won .
I won't be able to see any of the new Prime flavors come out, that would be the worst thing ever, maybe one day they will come out with a Milo flavor, that would be crazy. I mean, all you would have to do is draw a little face on the blue bottle and it would look like Milo, yes exactly, my water lift is almost complete too. I added the frame now, it should soon be good enough to add the water inside. I just have to double check. everything first once I finish putting up these signs, otherwise the water could get everywhere and totally ruin my construction, oh my, that would be a disaster, especially with the tsunami coming.
I just know that if the water were to spill everywhere, the tsunami would hit right after, causing all my main bottle to be destroyed, okay, I'm almost done with the water lift, this is going very, very well now that it has reached the top, I'll place these glass blocks and we can start filling it with water, oh boy, really. I hope this works, let's put the water around the top like this and watch it flow down, that's cool and okay, look, yeah, it's not spreading to any of the floors, it stays perfectly inside this water lift, that's amazing. and now that it's gotten to the bottom, we have magma blocks and soul sand blocks to make this totally work.
Wow, that looks amazing. Let's test our way to building the final area of ​​this base. Okay, this is going to be the farming level, let's grab some farmland so we can turn this level into an epic farm. Oh yeah, this is going to look amazing. In fact, I think we may need to place some buckets of water on the edge. We'll put in some farmland. just like a barrier around the edge to block them and then the water buckets can go right in oh yeah, this is about to fit so perfectly. Look at us losing this water, this is so good, these crops are about to grow so well and the growing area is going to be very useful, imagine if the tsunami destroys the entire kitchen area at the bottom of the stairs, then definitely We will be happy to have this farm area to make sure there is enough food to keep me, JJ and JJ's wife and son alive.
We have almost placed all the farmland we need. I'll just place these last ones around the edge and then we just need to fix the sides, any dirt blocks that happened because the water wasn't placed before. Oh yes, this is about to become the perfect growing area, we can grow all the crops here, that's how perfect it is. Let's start by placing these quartz stairs around the edge, this will help keep the entire dirty farm within its own little section and will help ensure that the dirt doesn't spread everywhere in the main bottle, especially not all the way to the water riser. , that would be really bad, imagine trying to swim there to escape the tsunami and then it gets really murky and you can't see, that would be really dangerous.
I need to make sure that we don't let that danger affect anyone in JJ's family, okay, this is really good, now we just need to put some sea lanterns in a ring around the edge like this, because the plants need to grow when There are a lot of light ones and by placing a light sauce right on top of them, we help them grow very quickly and very, very healthy, okay, this looks very good, now let's place the sea lanterns right at the point where we started them and boom, let's take all different types. of seeds we can we will need wheat pumpkin melon beets not to mention carrots and potatoes too let's grab some sweet berries too okay I'm pretty sure that's all now let's start putting these plants in as fast as we can let's add potatoes for here and sweet berries there hey this actually looks pretty good now over here we'll need to add some beet seeds yeah I think this is a perfect look and the light is so bright it's definitely enough to make sure we can fit them all these plants down, let's also put a section of pumpkins here.
The pumpkins will need to grow on the block just to your left, sowhich we will need to make sure they have enough room, but not too much, then have some carrots, these carrots will help prevent the pumpkins from growing where they shouldn't grow, they will help keep this whole farm really nice and tidy, okay, this is go epic and here we can have some melon seeds, melon is used in some main flavors like strawberry and watermelon flavor, it's great and I think we also need another plant, but I don't know what we could add. Oh wait, yes we can add some torch flowers, imagine how useful that would be. have some torch flowers that can grow on their own this way if our Prime bottle runs out of power and the lights go out, these torch flowers will help keep everything very well lit, very good, they are already growing too, this is Very good, I think the growing area is ready.
Ship. Something happened to the water. What is water? um Milo, the wood is fine, it's inside my water lift, no, it was at the bottom of the ocean and the water is gone, oh no. Milo, you're right, the entire ocean is drained, uh-oh, Milo, do you know what that means? It means the tsunami is near. That's the first sign that a tsunami is about to hit. We only have a couple of minutes left. A man we have to get to. Go and if the tsunami is big enough to drain the entire ocean, it's definitely big enough to hit my Prime bottle.
I think I'll have to build mine even better, but it's just not secure enough. Oh, I know I'm coming. having to build a main bunker right next door in case we need to survive harder. CH thanks Milo. I really hope you come up with something good too. Okay, let's do this. I'm going to build my main bunker at the same time. I come back here and I think it's really important that we add a super secure way to get in. I'm going to add a scanner door. This door will only open when I activate it with my eyes and will only close when I look at it again.
It is a very safe system and it cannot be opened in the event of a tsunami, so it will be very safe. This will make it much stronger against a tsunami because water will likely flow over it. This will be very useful for survival. Next we'll add some prismarine brick stairs right on the sides, so, okay, this looks good, now we'll need to make sure we do the same on the other side, this has to be symmetrical for safety purposes. Okay, so we'll add more diamond blocks here on this side and then we'll just add one more layer of prismarine and then we'll have to move on to building the iron layer.
Iron is very strong, especially against water because iron is just so heavy that water can't even move it. It's really useful when you want to be super safe against something like a tsunami or flood, now is the time to add the iron blocks. Okay, so we're going to add the iron here and we're also going to need to add some smooth quartz stairs next to the iron that the stairs are on. A really important part of the design, by having grooves, we let the water flow over them much better and much more efficiently, that way there is less water to push around the main bottle, which could cause it to tip over or worse yet. , comes off completely. the ground and start floating in the tsunami with everyone inside, that would be very bad, okay, now I'm adding another section here where we can see the state of things.
This is what was originally the main bottle cap, but it will become In the new look area, let's grab some smoother quartz slabs and some prismarine block slabs. I think we should stretch them completely this way. It looks like the main bottle is bolted to the floor very securely. Well, this looks good, very good, and now you'll just need to make an extra secure entrance that you can only get through if you get past these iron bars. These are reinforced iron bars, so they are even stronger than normal iron bars. The floor will be made of diamonds. like this and we actually added a little bit of diamonds on the top here this way it looks like a double sided Prime bottle at least now that we've done the bottom we need to extend it outwards like this This way it will look nice and big like it would a real Prime bottle and we give the reinforced iron bar section much more security.
This tsunami is absolutely huge, so we need all the security we can get for our Prime bunker. The bunker also goes a little underground, that is because underground the tsunami is much weaker because it does not destroy the entire ground, but rather flows over it, that is something we can use to our advantage to make sure we are safer . Let's put some more diamond. blocks here and place another scanner door here which is really good for our security, then here we can add some more diamond blocks and not only are we going to add diamond blocks inside and outside, we are also going to add some diamond blocks. sponge.
The sponge blocks are really good at draining water this way, in order to get inside we will have to enter this section, let the water drain away and then go to the main bunker. This makes the main bunker much safer and helps keep everyone safe. the tsunami now we will just have to fix the floor, we will break some of these blocks like this and we will start building the floor right away, the entire floor will be made of sponge blocks, that is because of the sponge. It's really useful for clearing water because it's on the ground and not up high like our main house.
There's a good chance that some water from the tsunami will get inside this thing, so we need to make sure that all this sponge is placed down here so that no water can get in uh-oh, I'll put a little more sponge in there, fine, now we'll need to grab some beds and for this section I'm not going to put up just red and orange beds by any means. I'm also going to put up red, green, orange and blue beds, that's because everyone will have a place in this bunker, not just JJ and his family, this bunker will also be the perfect place for Milo and Mikey's family to stay in case for something to go well. bad, I'm not going to tell Milo, although Milo feels very sad because I didn't think he could build a bunker and if he knows I did this he'll think I don't have faith in him, so I'm not going to go.
To tell you something about this, we will do it secretly and only let you know in case his bunker is destroyed and we need to save him at all costs. Okay, these hatches look great, let's add them. here so there's a little bit of extra protection from water, now we need to flip each of these over like this oh yeah, this is so cool now we also have a security scanner door, this section is also very secure, we should probably also let's take some shulker boxes of each of our colors, we'll take red, lime green, orange and blue as well.
This way, we will each have an emergency survival pack, we will need to place them on top of our beds this way, we can fill each one with really useful materials. I think some food and some buckets will come in handy. We will take golden carrots, golden apples and also some buckets. Yes, that's great. We'll also need to grab a bunch of biscuits and what else can we put in? Here, oh I know we can grab some boats, let's grab some Birch boats. I think that's absolutely perfect. Now we'll also take some water breathing potions in case we need to go out into the tsunami, but it's not just about not being there. to be able to breathe that is dangerous the tsunami is also dangerous because it is very powerful and strong if we go out into the tsunami there is a very high probability that the water will throw us completely and that would be really very bad, we would all be in There is a lot of danger, so although We have potions to breathe water, it is very important that we stay super safe inside this bunker.
Let's add even more Sher boxes. Okay, we're almost done, we just need to fill the red shulka box and the orange one with these materials and then we'll be ready for the tsunami. Okay, Milo JJ's family is now safe inside my Prime house. What's up with Mikey's family and yours? Mikey's family is safe, but he walks with a chip. What's happening? Oh no, Milo, it's the tsunami and it absolutely is. huge, it's heading towards us oh no, it's totally destroying the village, this is a terrible chip, what are we going to do? We need to get into our Prime houses right now.
Milo, otherwise he won't survive. Okay, I'm inside my Prime house, but uh. actually I forgot to make doors what Milo you don't have doors uhoh this is bad oh no Milo the tsunami is coming it's approaching your house W is destroying everything oh no this is really bad Milo don't let it get to you but uh -Oh, well To my house. I need to go get the diving equipment right now. CH. I'm trying to shoot him with my potato cannon. What Milo, a potato cannon is not going to work, it's a terrible idea, oh my god.
I'm looking outside right now and it's totally coming from my house. This is bad. I have to grab the armor right now. Okay, I have the netherite armor, but Milo, you're underwater. I'm going to grab the scuba gear and bring it to you and Mikey's family please help me okay I'm going down right now oh god this is bad this is really bad my water lift is so slow it's Well, Milo, I'm moving forward, but, my God, the water is so high. up and oh no, I'm about to run out of breath. I need to put on scuba gear right now.
Okay, now I can breathe underwater quickly. I'll give you some too. All my defenses were broken, except these creams actually. It saved me, oh yes, they may have saved you, but they didn't save your house. Milo, we need to go in and get Mikey and JJ some scuba gear. And Milo, the pants are floating, you have to grab them by the pants, the pants, okay. work Milo now let's go in and find Mikey and JJ, except wait a minute Milo, where is Mikey's family? Oh man, maybe they swam while I wasn't looking maybe, but I don't know, Milo.
I had a good eye on everything that was happening and I didn't see them running away at all. This is really bad. This is really bad. But don't worry, we just have to look for them, come on, we can find them. I just know, let's swim to the surface maybe we can see them from there wao Milo this tsunami has flooded everything these waves are very strong yes, they totally are oh my God my Prime house is not safe they are about to reach the top floor oh no this is really bad Milo we have to round everyone up and get them to my bunker okay come on we just have to find where someone might be oh no the initial section of my Prime house is completely flooded this is so horrible oh No, I can swim up, but Wow, there's so much water here and Milo, I hate to do this, but we're going to have to get into the water elevator to get higher, oh no, quick, let's get in there, come on, okay, We can do this.
I swim through this section and oh no, JJ and his wife's room are completely flooded too, except for the wife's side, she actually kept this very, very tidy and I think I'm lost in your PR bottle, Where I go? Oh Milo, where did you go? You have to go up to where I am. How did you get down? Oh, there you are. Hi Milo, come back up. Come on, you just have to go out this door. Here I am stuck in a Milo. There are different entrances and exits. Come on. you can do this, it's very easy you just have to come here and swim against the wall, okay, I think I found you, let's do it, okay, you did it, but Milo, I don't think there is anyone in this room, we still need to check a little the room. higher up and hey, the farm is totally fine, but uh-oh, I see no sign of Mikey's family or JJ's family here just watery destruction on the outside oh man, this is really horrible, I thought we were surely going to survive, Milo, we can still survive. we just have to make sure JJ and Mikey's families can too, okay, I don't see them on this level either, this is pretty bad, hey, maybe they're at the top of the observation tower and there's nothing up here, nothing up here except a great view of the evil horrible tsunami that is terrible it is destroying everything oh Milo this is bad we lost Mikey and JJ's families in the tsunami I don't know chip I'm very sad I don't know what to do wait a minute Lo I know Milo, there is a place we haven't checked yet and we have to check my bunker.
Come on, we have to go down quickly and get to the bunker right now. I don't know if they can survive on their own, but we have to check, oh man, if they in the bunker are going to cry, yeah, me too, okay, Milo, come on, we have to swim to the side to see this, hey, walk, it's my Prime bottle. It's all under water, yes, it's completely sunk. and that wind turbine isn't blowing anymore, okay, come on Milo, we can do this. We need to check the bunker to see if they are there and wait a minute.
I think the front section is flooding, but I actually have a very good feeling. this next part A look manip yeah they're all here JJ his wife his baby Mikey's baby his wife and Mikey himself are all inside oh no Mikey come back here uh-oh come on we gotta get the sponge and save Mikey oh man Mikey, why are you going to dothis? Oh Milo we did it we saved Mikey and his family as well as JJ and his family our Prime bottle house is up and running and you even gave me a bad chip this is awesome yeah I totally did it hooray hooray !

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